Long Awaited Reunions

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Misty reveals that she's in a relationship with Ash Ketchum. She also let's her new friends know how winning the water and ice pokemon competition could positively impact her future. In Kanto, Ash, Serena, and Clemont finally make it to Pallet Town and are leaving for Alola soon.


Serena, Clemont and I went to the port right after lunch as I wanted to get to Alola as soon as possible. Serena and Clemont however wouldn't stop questioning me on Misty. Once it started to irk me, i decided to take a walk around the boat.

The boat itself was quite large as it was taking many people to Alola. I was just thankful I could easily lose Serena and Clemont for the time being, Misty wasn't someone I wanted to talk about now. Talking about her just reminded me of how much I really couldn't wait to see her.

However Misty is going to be participating in one of the competitions held. I won't be in the same one as her because she's participating with her water and ice type pokemon while I'm battling with a variety of types.

"Pikachu pika Pika pi" what are you thinking about

I focused my eyes towards my yellow companion on my shoulder. I was so immersed in my thoughts I nearly forgot he was there.

"Everything, everyone." I said tiredly. "I just wish this stupid boat would hurry up."

I gave a small kick causing some pebbles to move forward slightly and I sighed at the action. It was immature, Serena and Clemont don't normally point out that kind of thing but I knew Misty would if she were here.

Great, here I go thinking of her again.

I yawned and sat down on a empty seat, turning my head to look out at the water. Pallet Town was far off in the distance but I couldn't see Alola at all. It would be at least a half hour until I could see it considering the rate the boat is moving. I'd say the boat would arrive in about forty-five minutes.

Looking at the mass of people surrounding me, I noticed the many adults and lack of trainers. Most trainers already got to Alola early to train or catch pokemon, some probably wanted to collect z crystals. At least that's what Gary told me over the phone an hour ago. He got to Alola three days ago for research but now I think he's also going to be competing.  The jerk just had to laugh at me showing up to Pallet so late. I just told him that I visited Alola before and have all the z crystals along with all the Pokemon I need.

But, I soon found myself dozing off. I yawned, I was much more tired then I thought I was. Maybe a nap might be nice. I mean, hopefully, I could even sleep through this whole ride.

One hour later

"Ash wake up! Ash! Hey Ash!"

I stretched my arms upward and hesitantly opened my tired eyes to find Serena shaking me awake. I looked around and people were starting to leave the boat. "How long did I sleep for?"

"Well the boat just landed in Alola so I guess the whole time you were over here silly. Now let's get-"

She didn't even finish her sentence before I jumped up, startling Pikachu who was previously curled up in my lap. "Pikachu we're here, we're here! Now we can go see everyone! Dawn, May, Brock, Cilan, Iris! They're all here!"

Pikachu's expression immediately changed to an excited one as he ran up on my shoulder. "Pika pika!" lets go!

"Ash, lets not run. You know how much Clemont hates it."

I nodded somewhat impatiently as Serena went off to get Clemont. I ran to the side to see the mass of people getting off along with those waiting for them. A girl with blue hair and a piplup caught my eye. I laughed as I immediately recognized who it was.

"Alright Ash, where do you want to go first? Where do you think your friends will be?"

I turned to Clemont, "just follow me."

It was difficult pushing through the crowd but I finally managed to make it to Dawn.

"Waiting for someone?" I asked with a grin as Dawn turned around and gave me a tight hug. "Ash! What took you so long?" She asked as she let go of her embrace.

"We took one of Ash's shortcuts." Serena said with an eye roll.

Dawn giggled. "I'm not surprised, I'm Dawn by the way. I'm a coordinator from Sinnoh."

"I'm Serena and this is Clemont." Serena said back. "Oh I have so many questions about Sinnoh contests!"

"Pikachupi?" Misty?

I turned to Pikachu. "I know, she's gotta be around here somewhere."

Dawn stopped talking to Serena for a moment. "Everyone else is at the Melemele pokemon center. You remember where that is?"

I nodded my head as Pikachu hopped on to Dawn's shoulder. "Pika pikachupi pika." I'll see Misty after you

"Serena, Clemont? Are you good here?" I asked quickly taking into account that we just arrived. I hated to abandon them so quickly.

"Go Ash, it's fine with us." Serena said with a smile. She looked at me quizzically "Are you going to see the redhead girl, Misty?"

"I'll explain later." I said as I felt my cheeks heat up before I ran off. I waved goodbye but I could still hear Dawn laugh in the behind me. However that's not important to me now, the Pokemon center is so close and I'm finally about to see her.

Or so I thought.

"Hey are you a pokemon trainer?"

I stopped in my tracks and slowly turned around to see a boy around my age. "Yes, but I'm kind of in a hurry."

"Well I challenge you to a battle Mr apparently busy pokemon trainer. Unless, of course, your pokemon are hurt.

"Yea exactly" I lied. "Very hurt, I need to go."

"Don't be a liar with me, I can tell you're lying. The look on your face says it all. What kind of trainer are you?"

"One that has a temperamental girlfriend waiting so I need to-"

"That's no excuse!"

I angrily stared at the ground, contemplating what to do. I really didn't want to battle this jerk but I could possibly battle this guy during the competition. I also didn't need a bad reputation my first day back in Alola.

This, after all, was the  last region I visited. I was sixteen but after I went to Johto to get a few more powerful pokemon. I've been there ever since.

"One pokemon each" I growled.

The guy smiled. "Lets go Brionne!"

The evolved Popplio stood before me as I was about to call Pikachu, until I realised he wasn't here. I still decided to go the type advantage route, hopefully to end this quick and easy.

"Decidueye lets go," I said calmly as the trainer across from me frowned. "Well still, you're no match for Brionne and I."

With that I froze. The kid in front of me looks to be around eleven or twelve. My annoyance fades slightly, maybe it's nostalgia. I remember being this age, desiring to battle anyone with a pokemon.

At his age I was just coming off of a win from the orange league. I was confident I'd become someone great and in time win some leagues.

I feel like for all the knowledge I've gained, I think it's time to get a victory under my belt. After all people only tend to remember those who win

"Brionne use water gun!"

And suddenly I was snapped back to the battle I got myself into. If this guy was anything like me at twelve, It shouldn't be to hard to out skill him.

"Dodge and use razor leaf."

Decidueye dodged with ease before using a swift razor leaf attack that hit straight on, creating significant damage to Brionne

"Brionne use-

"Decidueye low sweep and use energy ball"

Bronie was immediately cut off by the surprise low sweep but it quickly got back on its feet to prepare for energy ball with moonblast that hit directly into Decidueye.

"It was smart but Brionne can handle more" the trainer said confidently. I'm not fazed, I just have to start acting quickly.

I commanded Decidueye to use its brave bird attack after flying up to try and confuse Brionne and it's trainer with that. Combinations will hopefully set my victory.

Brionne was then commanded to use hydro pump but the attack ended up missing. In the end Brionne was knocked out by brave bird.

I'm surprised, I didn't think it would be taken out that easily but still I sigh in relief and return Decidueye. I then go over to shake hands with the surprised trainer.

"Wow! Your pokemon is so strong! I bet you'll even win the whole competition with pokemon like that. He's your starter right?

I can feel my face scrunch up. "No he's not, you really think I can win?"

The trainer nodded but it wasn't as eager as his tone before. "I think so but don't go and doubt your pokemon. You're really an interesting trainer do you know that? Anyways I'll see you at the competition, this place is loaded with other trainers. See ya!"

"Bye," I said quietly to the younger trainer as he ran down the boardwalk with his Brionne in tow. I shook my head to snap out of my trance. This day has honestly been quite awful. I've got to go and finally find-

"That's the first time I think I've ever seen you question your ability to win Ash Ketchum."

To my utter surprise, I spin around to see her just standing there. She probably watched most or all of my battle if she heard me question myself but it doesn't bother me.

"But of course you'd be the one to be late to Alola and you'd get distracted by a pokemon battle of all things you're so predictable I swear you haven't-"

I cut her off right there with the biggest hug I could possibly muster now. Taking account to my new height advantage over her, I lift her up with my arms wrapped around her waist so she's eye level with me. For the first time since I started to make my way toward Alola, I breath a sigh of relief.

"I missed you so much."

She laughed, "I missed you too, but I don't know Ash, you're just acting strange."

My smile lessens slightly. "Well I have things to tell you that can't be said over letter or the pokemon center phone.

She cocks her head slightly as I put her down. "Enough of that," I start to say, "I have friends to introduce you to later. For now I just want to be with you."
I surprised myself with updating this story. I decided I put to much time into creating the plot to cancel it. Plus I still want to work on writing pokemon battles (they're very hard to write).

I also changed some of the plot from the beginning. To give May, Drew, and Dawn more of a role I decided to have all of the grand festivals take place here, partly because of the competition.

The next chapter is almost finished, that should be up quickly.

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