Ea X Reader X Shin Part 2

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Ea spends twenty hours building his greatest masterplan. Ever since he met (Y/n)-Chan, she stolen his heart and he is in love for her. But the downside is that she's getting too close to Shin the Supreme Kai of Universe 7. Last week, both Shin and (Y/n)-Chan invited him to her birthday party which Ea gladly accepts the invite. He smiled at her, happy to be recognized in her eyes; he looked at Shin for a quick moment, giving him a death glare and then looked away. 

Shin's forehead forms sweat drops but ignores the threat as he and (Y/n)-Chan went back home. Ea places cooling rod, attaching them to the small remote, and then attached the transmitter template inside the small empty vessel shaped as a heart. As he finished it, he gave a wicked grin, "Excellent", he mutters, "Soon, (Y/n)-Chan will fell for me and reject Shin!" He laughs sinisterly, now ready to begin his action.

Meanwhile on Universe 7's Earth, at (Y/n)-Chan's backyard, both Shin and (Y/n)-Chan are setting up the tables and food down before the party starts. Shin placed a white cloth on top of the long table. (Y/n)-Chan finished the table by placing cups, plates, and finally her favorite dessert (think of one that you love). Shin wipe the sweat off his brow, "Looks like it's done", he said as he pours himself a cup of (insert beverage here). 

She smiles, "Thanks Shin! I was happy that you're throwing me a party. You're such a big help!", then hugs him tight, her boobs touching his face. Shin blushed as he felt her soft clothing of her blouse while feeling her boobs bouncing as they touch his face.

Ever since he introduced her to Ea, the Supreme Kai of Universe 3 was...threatening him. For weeks, Shin receives many warnings, telling him not to get close to her. Shin is worried and thought any answers why Ea hates him. Until one point, Shin gasps as he remembers that (Y/n)-Chan's hugging suggesting to Ea that maybe they're in a close relationship. Shin does consider her as closes friends, but he cannot see her as his woman. 

Shin is worried that his fellow kai will cause him and himself to not only kill each other to death but will also lose (Y/n)-Chan, fearing that she will no longer want them around her anymore. His mission to talk to Ea, hoping to end their competitive rivalry and become friends again. It was Shin's idea that he asked her to invite Ea to talk to him when the time's right. Little do he know that Ea has plans of his own.

It's been two hours later and the party is getting closer to the end. Shin looked everywhere and sighed in disappointment that Ea is late. No matter where to look or how long he waited, Ea is nowhere in sight. "That jerk!", he frowned, talking mentally, "Why wasn't he here yet. And I can't stand seeing (Y/n)-Chan worry." Shin spots her at the punch bowl and walks towards her. (Y/n)-Chan was happy that the party great and everyone made it, except Ea didn't come. She sighed silently, her eyelids half closed as she made a disappointed face. 

Shin comforts her, hand on her shoulder. She turns behind her and smiled as she sees Shin making her feel better. "(Y/n)-Chan, I know Ea better. He never runs late at meetings or gatherings. I'm sure he'll come", he said.

But that's not the half part of why he felt worried; actually, Shin has developed a crush on (Y/n)-Chan! He knows that she only sees him as her closest friend, but his mind is always on her and her lovely cute and pretty face. He wish he would confess before Ea came along, but his time is almost out if he doesn't do it.

Suddenly, Shin turn around and saw Ea arrive. Ea spot (Y/n)-Chan standing near the tree, hearts in his eyes. "My (Y/n)-Chan~", he whispered. Then, he snapped out by Shin's hard slap on the left cheek. Ea winced in pain after he touch the spot where Shin slapped him. "Ow! What the hell's that for Shin!?", Ea exclaimed in question. "You know why Ea!", Shin said in mad mood, "You're late!" Ea sigh and nod, "I know, I'm sorry. I just got her a gift." Shin calms down, "I'm sorry if I did that but I hate to see (Y/n)-Chan feel sad if you're absent", he explained. 

Out of nowhere, (Y/n)-Chan saw Ea and she ran up to him. "EA! You're here!", she exclaim happily and gave him a big hug. Ea smiled, hug her back. He can feel her breasts press against his chest. Shin noticed Ea blushing red from (Y/n)-Chan's hug and breasts. Shin blushed and feel jealous. But he shrug it off and everyone starts the party.

Three hours later, everyone left home. The only people here are only Shin, Ea, and (Y/n)-Chan. The two kais help her bring her gifts and teleport them all to her apartment. She told them to leave them in the living room and ask them to watch her open her gifts. They nod and watch her open all of her presents. They both love seeing her happy with her cute attitude. After sixteen presents, there are only two left. Thinking which to pick, she took the bigger one. She rip off the ribbon and wrapping paper, she remove the box's lid and gasp: inside is her favorite product a (type of scent) scented body mist spray with scented candle and hand cream. She read the card, "Happy birthday (Y/n)-Chan. Have a great birthday. Shin" She smiles to Shin; he walk over to her and he gave her a hug.

Ea frown, watching Shin and his girl hugging. He almost growled when her boobs are pressing against Shin's face. (Y/n)-Chan blushed, realized what she's doing, and let go. "Oh my, I'm sorry Shin!", she chuckled in embarrassment, "I don't know how to constrain my own body." "That's alright", Shin assured her, "Go open your last gift." 

Shin walk back to his seat and the two watch her open her last present. (Y/n)-Chan squeal in joy: her gift a (color) heart shaped barrette. She walks over to Ea and hugs him tight, "Oh Ea! I love it! Thank you!" Ea adjusted his glasses and return the hug, "No problem", and help her pin it on her left side of her hair. Both look at her new barrette, looking cute. Shin admit that she does look cute and thought Ea is ok if he try to explain the situation later.

But little do they know that the barrette already release the radio soundwave into her ears. Shin noticed (Y/n)-Chan spacing out, looking shocked. He walk over, waving his hand on her face, "(Y/n)-Chan? What's wrong?" The frequency of the mind control is done. Her mind ignored Shin and hearts are shown on her eyes, looking at Ea. She giggled and run towards Ea, hugging on his arm. "Oh Ea~", she coo at him, "You're so cool and handsome~" Shin's ears perk up, shocked what he heard. He watches her nudging her left cheek against Ea's shoulder.

Ea is pleased by his effort and now, he finally got her in his reach. Ea smile at her, "And you are the most beautiful mortal I ever seen." She blushed, continue hugging him while her breasts pressing against his arm. Shin felt sad, thinking he's no longer wanted. "It's getting late. I'm returning home. See you soon (Y/n)-Chan", said Shin before he head the door. She did not respond, instead she's kissing Ea's cheek. Shin's ears droop down, tears roll down his face and left the apartment. Ea smiled evilly, "And now, I finally got my girl."

It was a painful week for Shin: he tried contacting her, telepathy, ring and knock her door, but she's not there. Everywhere he walks alone in the city or at Bulma's backyard, he sees (Y/n)-Chan and Ea walking, hugging, and kissing. His heart break into pieces, very sad. He felt he cannot be the same anymore. He went to his usual work; but Kibito and Elder Kai knew something's wrong with him and his crush. They need to know why. While Elder Kai stayed by Shin's side having tea, Kibito teleport himself inside (Y/n)-Chan's bedroom.

Her room is all (color): the walls, curtains, floor, and even her bed and stuffed teddy bears are in (color). Thankfully, no one's here and starts look around for clues. He searched everywhere: her desk, bookcase, dresser drawers, and even her closet, there's no evidence of this strange behavior. His ears heard feminine voice, realized that she's in the shower. As he made his way to her vanity mirror, he spots two identical (color) heart shaped barrettes. He remember his master told him that Ea gave her two in case one got lost. 

At first, Kibito felt confused and suspicious. "Why would Supreme Kai of Universe 3 gave her a barrette?", he asked himself. "I always heard he makes inventions and gadgets from used parts. I mean he can make computer, a robot, and possibly a small mind control....", Kibito thought through and paused, realized what he needs to know. His ears hear her, "Ea, hi!" "(Y/n)-Chan! I'm so glad we're together again" "Me too~" Kibito is right, this is not good. Turns out she's wearing the third one. He took two of the barrettes and teleport back home.

Kibito explained everything to Shin and Elder Kai; showed them the mind control barrettes. They contacted Whis and asked for examination. He used his staff, disassembled the two barrettes, and revealed transmitters. Whis tested it on Elder Kai and the old kai feel into mind control. They're all shocked. "So this is what Ea gave her?", Whis said amused. "He was controlling her to fall for him", said Shin. Kibito also explain that Ea is taking out tonight and was about to propose her to be his lover. Right now, it's getting close to the time. "I must stop this!", said Shin in determination.

Meanwhile, Ea and (Y/n)-Chan are walking through the park. Ea sigh, enjoy his walk with his lover. It was a peaceful week for him, enjoys her love and her hugs. He was determined that to make her his woman. He already plan out to propose to her romantically at the bench. He and (Y/n)-Chan made it to the bench. She turn to look at Ea with a sweet and soft look. "Ea~", she coo, "I always love you~" Ea blushed, "And I always love you my (Y/n)-Chan~", he coo back. 

He kneel down on one knee and hold her left hand with both of his hands. (Y/n)-Chan look surprised, blushing as she knew (not really) what he's doing. Ea made a sweet and cute smile at her, "(Y/n)-Chan, when I first saw you, you are the most beautiful mortal I ever met. You always made me happy, give me the best hugs, and I wanted to confess that..."

Unfortunately, Shin arrived. "Stop!", he exclaim, "Stop it now Ea!" Ea look shocked and frown, growled. "How did you know!?", Ea asked. Kibito showed him the disassembled barrettes. "Turns out you created the mind control devices on her so she can fall for you", Shin explained. "No shit", Ea replied, "Every time I tried to be close to her, you're the one who's in my way. She always close to you than me!" Shouting, (Y/n)-Chan's mind is still in mind control and says, "Don't be sad Ea, I always love you~" Ea smirk at Shin, "See you only manage to ruin two of these. You'll never destroy this one" "Huh?", Shin said confused. Ea adjusted his glasses, "You see, I knew you would found out and try to disassemble the first two barrettes. But as you can see, this one is hard to break. That means this mind control is permanent!"

Shin, cannot believe this, feel defeated. But he realize that the only way to save their friendship is him. He took a deep breath and shout, "(Y/N)-CHAN!!" His shout got her attention, her head turn to him. He continue shouting, "I know you so long since we first met. You were a homeless young woman who has no home, no family, and no one who you can turn to. I hate to see you feel depressed of your horrible life and I understand what is like to be lonely. We spend so much time together, it means so much to me in every second of our time." 

Ea snarled, "Stop it! No!" Shin shout out, "(Y/n)-Chan! You mean so much to me! I won't let anyone harm you. I said it because...BECAUSE I LOVE YOU!!! "Huh?", she hummed in confusion. She closed her eyes and fight over the transmitter. It may look strong, but she's stronger. After she grunts, letting out a scream, the transmitter combusted and burnt to pieces.

Ea gasp, shocked how strong she is and feel defeated. (Y/n)-Chan, who is free from mind control, wake up and look around herself. "Huh? Where am I?", she asked and turn to Shin. "Shin? What's happening?", she asked. Shin explained what happened since a week ago. After hearing this, (Y/n)-Chan look surprised and turn to Ea who is covering his face. She can tell that he was sad by his failure. She walk over to him. "Ea, look at me", she said calmly. 

Ea wanted to look away, away from her disappointed look. But he knew better not to upset her and look at her serious face. "Is this true Ea? Did you really did this to me?", she asked. Ea lower his head in shame and nod. "Why?", she asked looking sad. "Please don't cry (Y/n)-Chan!", he exclaim, "I'm...I'm really sorry I did this to you! I just want you to be my lover. But Shin is always in my way. I just...I love you (Y/n)-Chan." (Y/n)-Chan felt hurt, not by what he did to her but because two kais are fallen for her. She truly hates things like this get complicated, but she knows what to do.

(Unfortunately for you guys, there are no endings in this one. There's only one ending and well, I hope you guys accept my decision)

She yank his arms up, make Ea stand up. Ea look confused and look straight into her eyes. (Y/n)-Chan sigh, "Ea, I feel sorry for you. I understand what it's like to fell in love for one person you love. But in this case, I cannot accept your feelings." Ea shed tears on his face. "I'm so sorry Ea", (Y/n)-Chan apologized, "But the reason why is because I already fell for a kai. And it's Shin." 

Shin look stunned, blushing by her confession. Ea is sad by her answer, yet he gave up and accept the reality. He was walking away, but she block his way. "Please Ea", she begged, "Don't feel like I don't want you anymore. I only like you as a friend. Please let us be friends!" Ea is also surprised by her words and nods. "Come on Ea, don't be awkward", she said and hug him, "I'm sure you two will get along and be friends."

Ea turn to Shin and gave him a jealous frown. "Ok. Only friends.", he said and smile at her. He return the hug and let go, "I'm sorry I did this to you! Please forgive me and I'll go get you a better gift." She smiled, "Sure I forgive you. Just no more mind control." "I promise", Ea replied. He walk to Shin and bowed to him, "I'm sorry for everything Shin. Forgive me", he apologized. Shin smiled, "I'm glad you understand, let's be great colleagues", he said. "Definitely", Ea said and teleport back home.

Shin runs towards (Y/n)-Chan and they embrace into a hug. Both holding on each other, sending each other warmth of love. They look up at each other, staring with love in their eyes despite her breasts are pressing against his lower face. "Shin, I love you so much~", she coos at him. Shin smiles, "And I love you so much (Y/n)-Chan~ Will you my girlfriend?" She leans in and kissed his lips, "Yes", she whispered. Shin and (Y/n)-Chan began to kiss passionately, embracing each other as they love each other in a kiss. After the kiss, they start walking her home.

Weeks later, Shin and (Y/n)-Chan invited Ea to hang out with them. He kindly accept the invitation. The trio are having conversations, laughing together. Ea replaced his mistake bad gift with a new one: a cute (color) radio. (Y/n)-Chan smiles, happy with her new gift. Ea felt happy for the two lovers, though he did feel envy since he's unloved. 

What they don't tell him that they also invited a new female friend to the hangout. A female earthling who is (height) (weight) (long or short) (color) hair with (color) eyes, (skinny or plump) face, and (small or huge) boobs; wearing a (color) overalls with a (color) long-sleeved shirt and (color) shoes. Ea mind is soon fallen for this new girl, feel his heart beating again. "Ea, this is (friend's name). She was having trouble and sad about not having a boyfriend. And she's also a wiz on mechanics", (Y/n)-Chan explained.

Ea nodded and stares at (friend's name). "You look lovely young lady~", Ea said acting a Casanova. The girl smiled and giggled, "Oh you! You are so cute and handsome looking~ Do you know how to build this?" Ea and their friend are busy talking how to assemble the controller of the new tv. Shin and (Y/n)-Chan smiled, happy to see Ea found new love. They stare at each other while holding their hands together. They knew that everyone's happy and the couple will be together forever.

The End

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