Freiza X Female Neko Reader (Bit of lemon)

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Requested by AmethystTiger. 

The Freiza Force army are invading a weak planet, habitant of a dying race that survived for many years. Despite having their age stopped after they cannot reproduce offspring, they are weak and they'll die from anything especially by freak accidents. Or a strong army. It's a horrible day: many cat-like beasts died inaction, their corpses tossed aside, and capturing the rest, old and young, to the black market. As the last two soldiers finished tossing the bodies, one of their scouters is acting up weird. "Hm?", he hums, "What's this!? A power level at 5000?!?" His other friend looked shocked, "What?! Impossible!" Their scouters indicates that it's coming from the forest. They gulped, heard that it has scary creatures living there. They walked into he forest, bracing for themselves as they find this their very last.

Walking around for an hour, their scouters received their commanders call to report to Freiza's ship. They are nervous, realized that their lost. Turning on the flashlights, they continued scouting the area. Leaves rustled, startled the soldiers. They look around, seen nothing. Their ears heard another rustling, getting closer. They look around them, almost spinning around. Until the third rustle coming from behind them. Just as they turned behind them, a dark figure jumped. "AHHHHH!!!", they both screamed in unison. It landed on both of them, pinned them on the ground. They shudder in fear, bracing to be devoured.

But as one of their flashlights shines at the figure, they both gasp in awe: the dark scary figure is a happy and cute looking neko girl. "Mew!", she cooed at them, nudging her head on one of their faces. They smiled, find her very cute creature. This creature is a neko girl, mostly her skin is covered in fluffy fur, has cat ears and tail. She also seem to have a human like (color) iris with her cat like pupil. Her fingers and toes has sharp claws above them, but is tucked away. She has black human hair on her head. 

They note themselves that her fur resembles to Earthling's Tiger pattern with a (color) color. But she also has human like mouth and nose. As well as her palms are also like human. They push her off lightly and stand up, she scoots over them and nudge on his hand. He looked at her surprised, petting her head. "What the? What is she doing here?", the first soldier said. "Yeah", replied the other soldier, "She almost looks like the cat beast race except...she looks more like a cat." They look at her, seeing her giving them her cute cat eyes, begging for attention. They nod, guide her to walk on her two back legs and brought her to the ship.

Meanwhile, Freiza is at his chamber, sitting in his chair. He tapped his fingers in boredom, awaiting any good news from his army. But all he received are meetings and collecting planets for profit. He sigh, bored as hell. He groaned in frustration, "I swear to Kami if I don't get any better new, I will...", he muttered in irritation; until he received a new call, coming from a soldier's scouter. He pressed the button and open the call, "What is it? This better be good!", he said in a scary tone. The voice cleared up, "Lord Freiza, while we annihilate the cat beasts, we also found a cat like female in the forest. We are heading towards the ship and we'll show her to you." Freiza hums in curiosity, he thought for a moment and shrug his shoulders. "Berryblue, escort the two soldiers and their prisoner to me." "Yes Lord Freiza", Berryblue replied.

Waiting for five minutes, his patience is paid off as he heard the door opened. Four footsteps entered the room. "I brought the men in question my lord", said Berryblue. Freiza turn his head behind and looked dumbfounded. Instead of looking at the men, he's staring directly at her. His red eyes glimmered, felt his heart beat hard. He never encountered something so special and rare before, not since his early childhood; where he seen many rare species which he destroyed. But he felt no need to destroy this one. This creature did resembles like a Tiger except with (color) color on her fur, human like (color) iris, mouth, and palms. Her cat ears perk up as she noticed him looking at her. He turned around and walks towards her. His mind wondered: "Those lovely eyes. Those ears and tail. And look all that fluffy fur on her~" He stops in front of her, looking at her closely. He blushed a little as he noticed she also has breasts covered in her fur, making her chest stand out. He snapped out his mind, looked shocked that she's a foot taller than his height.

Freiza's two soldiers looked scared, "My apologies Lord Freiza, we did not know she's that tall. We can dispose of her...", they both try talk while covering in fear. Freiza hushed them, make them silent. He hums as he extend his hand out, tilting her face down at him. He smiled wickedly, truly finds her...very special to him. "My my~", he said in a smile, "What a majestic creature you have. And you two find her there?" He asked the men which they nod to him. Freiza looked at her body: sexy, curvy, slim, and all fluffy. He cackle, both hands behind his back, "This is such a worthy treasure." He turns and look at Berryblue, "Berryblue, please award those two who find this creature and brought her here." Berryblue bowed in respond; both soldier looked all excited, eyes sparkled as they're handed each seven silver cylinders (almost look like a skinny version of metal toothbrush or cigar container). They bowed to him, "Thank you Lord Freiza", they said in unison. They both left her in the room and immediately left the room. For good.

Berryblue looked at her, looked closer to the heart-shaped tag on the creature. "Kitten", she read out loud. Freiza heard her say the name, "That's it? No, that won't do", he said and thought for a moment. Until he grinned, walked towards the creature and pet her head, "(Y/n)-Chan. That's your new name", he said and removed her collar. (Y/n)-Chan gasp in awe and smiled, she happily meowed and nudge her face on his hand. He cupped her face with his hand and smiled at her softly. Berryblue never seen him like this before in her entire years working for him. "Berryblue", said Freiza getting her attention, "You may leave. I got some work to do." She bowed to him and left the room. Freiza guided her towards his personal room where she can sleep on the bed and occupy.

Five weeks later, (Y/n)-Chan is happy to live by Freiza's side. She received many attention when he's free, feed her, bath her, and even let her sit on his lap. Many days when he's in other meetings, she would nap on the bed. It went well as Freiza continued this as he loves his little kitten. Until his hormones emerges. Yep, he's suffering that the fact he has been lusting for her and her fluffy body. No matter how much he holds back his urges, her soft fur, her innocent smile, and her fur covered breasts sends him into a moaning mess. He would try to masturbate and dispose it into the toilet, he eventually get tired. "This must stop", he said, grinning malicious as he planned out his scheme. For his playmate.

The next afternoon, Freiza is busy working on his financial paperwork of taxes and next months payment. As he worked, he eyed at (Y/n)-Chan who's napping on the bed. He finished the final signature and place it with the piled-up paper. He sigh, finally free from work. He never knew that taxes and paying the soldiers are hard. He stretched his neck, cracking his bones. He felt his manhood within his exo-skeleton throbbing, reminding him what he needs to do. And he knows. He turn to see (Y/n)-Chan stretching her body after a good nap. 

She yawned, licking her fur on her arm. "(Y/n)-Chan~", he called out. She stops licking and turn to see Freiza smiling at her, patting his hand on his lap. "Come here and sit on daddy's lap~", he ordered politely. She mew, happily ran over to him. She stood up on her back legs and climb on top of him. She sat on his lap, straddling him. He never get tired of his favorite kitten, always obey her master. (Y/n)-Chan may be taller, but he likes it since her furry boobs are squishing against his face.

His face is enjoying this: laying her head on top of his head and gem plate, arms wrap around him, her boobs touching his face, her groin bumping against his crotch area, and he felt her warm fluffy fur. His mind is snapped, cannot hide this insanity anymore. He grinned as he's about to do. "(Y/n)-Chan~", he calls out to her softly. She removed her head off his head, and looks down at him. "Mew?", she meowed in question. 

He slip his fingers in her black hair, light let it fell of his hand as he playfully admires her fur. He smiled softly at her, gestures her with his finger to lean down. She leans down, now at the same face level. She wondered what's happening. Her face is an inch next his; Freiza coos at her, "Closer~" She listens and leaned closer, her lips about to touch his. "Good girl~", he purred at her, "Now kiss daddy~" Nodding, she leans towards his cheek and licked it. He chuckles, "No silly~", he corrected her and points his finger at his black lips, "Kiss me there~" Tilting her head confused, she has no idea how to kiss him.

Freiza realized that she never kiss anyone like a civilized person. He cup his hands on each side of her cheeks, making her lean in. Leaning closer, her lips are about to touch his. "This is how we kiss~", he said lustfully and he kissed her lips. She gasp, mewed as she never felt this feeling before. Her memory went back to the day she was abandoned by her mother and saw her father chase her off the planet. He accepted her, his daughter, and raised her after all these years (basically 11 months like the cats in Nekopara). 

Since she's getting near the age of being in heat, what she'll never know how Freiza's going to show her a new game. He break the kiss, letting the kitty to breathe. But she mews happily and starts kissing him again. As they kissed, Freiza moves his hands down her body: He wrap his tail around her waist from falling off him. He used one of his hands grip onto her left ass cheek and used his other hand caressing her fur, on her furry stomach. Freiza hums, admires how soft and fluffy she is.

She mew in a giggle, enjoys him touching her. He smirked through the kiss as he darted his tongue inside her mouth. She looked surprised by this but followed his lead. They lock their lips, sucking mouths and their tongues danced in each other's mouths. While making out, Freiza seize this opportunity and place his hand on her right furred breast. She squeaked, feel him touch her boob. Freiza hums, assuring her that it's fine. She meowed in coos, place her hand on his and make him squeeze her. Freiza knew she wanted this and he get to start playing with her. As they continue to make out, Freiza playfully squeeze her tit many times, gently and firm. Feel this strange sensation inside her, she instinctively starts grinding her crotch area against his visible bulge through his exo-skeleton.

Freiza gasp in a moan, did not expect her to act like this. But he grinned, happy that she's giving in to him. Freiza break the kiss and looks at her other breast: he noticed that him touching her made her rosy pink nipples harden from arousal. He licked his lips, now interested in her nips. He stops groping her tit and leans in near her chest. "Mew?", she meowed in question confused. Until she moans, feel him lick her pink nip. Freiza finished lick her one nip and starts sucking it. She gasp, feel herself horny as he does it. 

Feeling moist, she grinded hard, exposing her wet vagina rubbing against his now huge bulge. Wanting more, her hands reach and cupped under her breast and lean against his face. Freiza felt the fur touch his face and continued suckling her nips. As this continues, she moans as she mews. Freiza loves those sounds, music in his ears. Finally, he stops suckling her and looks at her. "Wasn't fun my kitten~", he asked. She nods her head, "Mew!", and rapidly grinded onto his bulge. Freiza felt surprised by her sudden outburst of lust and already feel his orgasm building up.

Freiza has no idea she hit puberty this soon, but he actually loves this. He just sat there, his face in between her breasts as he feel her wet pussy rubbing against his bulge. He grinned evilly, has an idea. Without her notice, he quietly opened the hatch of his groin area of the exo-skeleton. His penis pops out and sprang free from its prison. But as it stands up, its already leaned against her cunt tight as she scooted up and continue grinding herself on his manhood. He moved his hands, down to her ass cheeks and starts groping them. (Y/n)-Chan mewed in a heavy breath, feel her orgasm coming too. 

To reach towards it, she grinded and grinded, feel it coming faster. Freiza also felt it reaching towards his urethra. As she made her final thrust, she moans in an orgasmic meow. She stood still as she shakes up, feel waves of pleasure took over her. Freiza groaned, felt it heading to the exit. He wrapped his arms around her and embraced her, both making out as the orgasm hit them both. He felt her cum splashed onto his manhood. As two minutes went by, their pleasure fade away.

(Y/n)-Chan sigh contently, happy to feel herself good, playing with her master. She gasps, looked down and saw his manhood shooting his load onto her fur. Sparkling white semen stained onto her fur. She reach her finger and touch the spot, she reach it towards her mouth and licked it. She drooled, smiling as she tasted his seed; it was delicious to her. She nudged her face against the side of his face, begging him for more. Freiza chuckles, finding her more attractive. 

He points his finger at his penis, "This is my reproductive organ, the penis. If you want more, you must play with me. You just need to suck me until it'll reward you with more white stuff. Do you understand~" He asked the little kitten. (Y/n)-Chan nods, and lower herself down on the floor. Sitting on her knees, she leans her face close to his thick white cock. A huge manhood like his really made her hungry for him. She cupped her hand around his penis gently and slowly push it inside her mouth. Freiza groaned, feel her warm moist mouth on his dick.

"Now go play~", he cooed at her. She began to bob her head, up and down, on his penis. Her tight mouth tightens around his manhood, pumping him faster and faster. Humming in few mews, she felt his pre-cum lubing her mouth. Freiza made a few grunts and groans, "Faster! Suck daddy off~", he commanded. Obeying him, she is now sucking his at inhuman speed, now he felt his second orgasm coming. He placed his off her right buttock and makes its way down towards the top of her head. As he place it gently on her head, he pushed her down his dong. She can't respond to his roughness and allow him to deep throat him. As three minutes went by, Freiza is now groaning, calling her sweet words to her cat ears. "Ah~ Oh~ (Y/n)-Chan~ You're so good~", and he felt it heading towards his dick. As he felt it releasing, he pushed her deep down, and stopped. She meowed in a muffled moan, felt his load shoot inside her mouth, coating it white.

He moaned, feel pleasure took over him which lasted for two minutes. After he feel it fade away, he released her head. (Y/n)-Chan slowly removed his cock out of her mouth and her eyes shines in hunger, sees all that seed all over his manhood. She happily mewed and licked around his penis. She insert it inside her mouth, sucked it all off his dick and pulled it out. She turn to see him smiling at her. She show him his seed on her tongue and swallows hem eagerly. She moans, feel a flow squirted out of her. Freiza's red eyes spots her wet cum onto the floor. He'll have to remind himself to get someone to clean his room later.

He picked her off the floor and stood up; he walks towards the bed and lie her back on the bed, her head on the soft pillow. She mewed, feel lust and pure joy in herself. Freiza enjoyed having her tasting him and he's now dying to taste her. He lowers his head down and his face is close to her pussy. His breath hit her clit, making her moan. Then, Freiza starts licking her clit and vulva. Arching her back, threw her head back as she felt him licking her with such attention. Like he did, she place her hand on top of his head and pushed his face into her wet cunt. He chuckled as he now darted his tongue inside her vagina. Now thrusting with force, Freiza already tasted her warm cum. (Y/n)-Chan make short breaths, almost moaning as she looked daze from the oral. She clenched her other hand on the bed, almost rip the blanket to shreds. "D...", she started to speak, sounding a d word, "Daddy~"

His ears perk up, so happy that she speaks her first word. As he hits her g-spot, she moans as she orgasmed. He looks down and she squirted in the face. "Wow, that was quick", he thought mentally. She experienced another waves of pleasure as Freiza lap up the rest of her cum and swallow it. He leans out of her pussy and climbs over her body. She turn and look at him, innocently confused, "Daddy?", she said confused. 

Freiza pressed his body against her body, both bodies pressing against each other. He lock lips with hers and began making out again. While distracting her, he leaned his manhood against her clit. She mewed in a screaming moan, feel Freiza humping his dick against her clit. Thrusting at inhuman speed, Freiza kissed her as he humps onto her. After he break the kiss, he nestled his face into her furred neck. As the two feel pleasure throughout their bodies, both orgasmed. "Daddy~", she mewed in a screaming moan, again squirted onto his groin area. Freiza immediately sit up, lean his cock off her and shoots his load onto her face. She felt her pussy oozing more cum and get the bed wet.

They breathe heavy, catching their breaths. Freiza look at her, admired his work on her. Watching her eating his semen made him realize that she could help him bare offspring in case he failed his fight against Goku and the Saiyans. He lie down and roll over to her side, her lying on her bad tired. He felt sad that she fell asleep because he wanted to mate with her. "Oh well, next time~", he mutters and wraps his arms around her. "Let's play again some time and we can have a real great time~", he whispered near her ear. 

She moans in response as she heads towards her dream. He chuckles, "My (Y/n)-Chan~", he cooed and drifted to sleep. After a successful day, Freiza has officially convinced his pet to be his own plaything. What kind of game is this? Why would he make her believe it's a game? Well, no one will ever know: one the two knows. And they will do it for a long time. Until she produced babies.

The End

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