Hit X Gohan's Daughter Reader

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Requested by godzamasu5432. Hope you enjoy this.

A family of three is walking down the streets of Satan City. Gohan decides to take wife Videl and baby girl Pan for a walk in the city. Sure, some parts of the city is dangerous; but luckily, they're on the safe areas. Sight seeing stores, shopping, and even eating at bakeries, restaurant for lunch and an ice cream shop. They all looked happy as they were about to head back to Satan's big mansion. Until Gohan heard someone yelling. "Hey, come back here brat!", a fat shop owner in his bakery is yelling at an older girl running away from the man. Gohan and Videl noted that she did steal a loaf of bread. But the girl's expression shows shame and honesty. So Gohan told Videl to head to her father's house and he run off after them.

Running as fast as he can, he manage to catch up with them. The fat man got her up against a corner, about to strike her with his rolling pin. But Gohan's strong grip prevent the man from going AWOL. The fat man stared at Gohan angrily, "Whadda doing pal? That kid stole my bread!", he exclaimed while pointing his finger at her. She looked scared and hides her face in her arm. Gohan look back at the owner, "Sir, she must be homeless. She really has no choice." "Oh really?", the fat man said not convinced, "Fine, I'll drop it. But if she..." But he was cut off by Gohan who gave the right amount for the bread she stole. "Here, payment for the bread. Please leave her to me", he asked the man. The man nodded, took the money and starts walking back to his shop. Gohan looks at the girl, seeing fear and shame in her eyes.

Gohan walks slowly towards her; this cause her to flinch, afraid what he will do to her. But as she brace herself while hiding her face, she felt Gohan's hand petting her gently. This cause her to looked confused and puzzled, looking at him with eye contact. "Huh?", she asked puzzled, "But why are you nice to me?" Gohan smiled at her, a soft friendly smile, "Because I know you never want to steal." He stand up and extend his hand to her, "Do you like to live with me and my family?", he asked politely. 

Tears rolls down her cheeks, never in her life that she was asked to be part of a family who's not related to her. But now, she doesn't care if related or not; she accepts his hand and pull her up on her feet. "Do you have a name?", Gohan asked. The girl shook her head, explained that she has been an orphan for her entire life with no family, no friends, no food. Just water and herself. Gohan carry her to his father-in-law's house. Waiting for them is Videl, Satan, and baby Pan. They all looked awe at the girl and felt bad for her for being alone and filthy. After explaining the situation, they all knew that she needs a family. Videl has an idea, "Your name will be (Y/n)-Chan."

Hercule and Gohan agreed. "Yeah, I get to have another granddaughter!", he exclaimed, hugging his new grandkid. (Y/n)-Chan stood there dumbfounded, cannot believe what's happening to her. But she smile for the first time of her years and hugged him back. Gohan and Videl, even Pan hugged her, welcoming her to the family.

Four years went by and she transformed from an ugly duckling (expression) to a beautiful swan (not literally a swan). Meaning, she's no longer a dirty looking orphan; now is a beautiful young girl. Only at eighteen years old, she's now taller: taller than Goten and Trunks. Her weight is (weight) showing some slimness on her body with a pair of (size) boobs. Her face is clean: clean (color) skin, showing her (color) eyes, perfect arched (color) eyebrows, (size) nose, and a (color) shaded lips. Her hair is glossy with the color of (color). (length) and pretty. 

She does took pride of get trained by Piccolo and sometimes Goku, there are days where she wears her Kame-school style uniform, with a short skirt with her capri, made by Piccolo. But there are days when she wears regular clothes: a (color) blouse, a long (color) capri with a skirt, and a pair of (color) (fashion shoes or sneakers). Living with the family is seemed short, but she loves them. She really doesn't mind being friends with their friends especially with Lord Beerus which he appreciate a good petting from her. There's nothing else that can make her feel loved. Until one day at the tournament.

Apparently, Lord Champa challenged Lord Beerus into another universe tournament between them. The winning universe gets the super dragon balls. Beerus only agreed if he does not use the test challenge again like last time. Champa promised and Beerus announced this to Goku and his friends for the upcoming tournament. (Y/n)-Chan felt excited, asking Goku if she can get to participate. Unfortunately, Goku already agreed to let Buu to join since the test challenge is not using this time. (Y/n)-Chan groaned, feeling disappointed.

 Lord Beerus noticed her sad behavior and decides to cheer her spirits up. "(Y/n)-Chan, I got good news for you! You're our final fifth fighter", he said trying to sound excited. (Y/n)-Chan lighten up and cheered. Goku looked surprised, "Wait, does that mean Monaka won't join us this time?", he asked the cat deity. "Unfortunately yes Goku. Now no more compromise and deal what we have for the next three days. I want all of you to train, got it?", Beerus asked sternly. Goku groaned in disappointed, wanting to see Monaka fight again while (Y/n)-Chan smiled and cheered herself.

Wasting no time, she spend her remaining day training with Piccolo, to stay in shape. When she hear Goku training with Vegeta, she joins them, training with Whis for the remaining days. The next day is the tournament of universes 6 and 7. Feeling excited and energized, she sits on her chair ,waiting for the Universe 6. This time, Beerus proposed to have it on his planet, on a battle arena. Finally arrived comes Lord Champa with Vados, Fuwa, and the five contenders of the tournament: Frost, Cabba, Kale, Caulifla, and Hit. 

Standing for Universe 7 are Piccolo, Buu, Vegeta, Goku, and (Y/n)-Chan. She hears her parents cheering her on from the audience. She gave them a thumbs up and prepares for battle. Lord Champa noticed that she's an Earthling and looks at Beerus. "Oi Beerus", Champa called out to his twin, "Is (Y/n)-Chan an Earthling? Why?" "She's the one who asked to join and I allow it", said Beerus. Champa laughed, "Seriously brother, there's no way she'll win. Just a weak Earthling." His words insulted her face and clenched her fists, "Oh I'll show them who's weak", she mutters silently. Now, her universe is against Universe 6.

Time Skip -Is brought to you by Hit being shirtless

Goku lost to Hit again, but by accident. The others did well and lost but never lose faith on Goku. Goku was winning until Trunks' toy got in the way and Hit managed to throw him out of the ring. Now it's up to (Y/n)-Chan, finally ready to fight an experienced fighter. Goku pat her shoulder, "Good luck sweetie", and sat down with the others who looked at him with disappointment. Just as Hit thought that he'll win, he stops on his tracks: His red eyes stares at (Y/n)-Chan, now feeling uneasy and is his heart beating? He looks at her as she arrived on the spot. 

He wanted to quickly get this over with, but he's immobilized by her grace and beauty. He's lost in his own thoughts as he continued to stare at her and her face. "How?", he asked himself in thought, "How come I'm feeling like this? Is this...love?" He never met her personally and just met her, but he felt like he missed her for centuries. He sighed, knew what he need to do. (Y/n)-Chan took her battle stance and prepared to pounce. Hit stood there like always and raise his fists up like a boxer.

Hit quickly used time skip, but as soon as he's behind her, (Y/n)-Chan sends her punches and landed on Hit's face and abdomen. Hit gasp as he felt pain yet surprised by her strong force of attack. Champa looked very shocked by this which cause Beerus to laugh at him. (Y/n)-Chan swiftly runs up to Hit and landed ten punches on his face, upper body, and finally use over-shoulder toss, tossed Hit quickly out of the ring. Everyone stood there surprised from universe 6 while her universe cheered and looked excited. "And Hit's out of the ring!", announced the alien announcer, "And the winner is miss (Y/n)-Chan. Universe 7's the victor!" (Y/n)-Chan smiled, walked out of the arena and get congratulated by her peers and family.

Champa lowered his head in embarrassment, "What the hell? I lost again!?" Beerus walk up to Champa, "Consider yourself lucky that we're not switching planets, otherwise I would've trade my destroyed planet (name) for your lovely planet (name). Champa groaned, about to walk away. "By the way Champa, I also invited your universe to have a party with us. Just to make it up from rubbing it in your face", Beerus added. Champa looked surprised and walks towards the buffet table excited with the three Saiyans.

Time Skip again (brought to you by Pudding)

It's now evening; the party is now serving dinner to both universes. All the Saiyans eat a lot and commented how great the food is. Others just enjoy their meal and appreciate the moment and discovery of planet Earth. However, Hit is standing against a tree. He's not much of a party animal and hangs out alone. Until he sensed the same Ki from before. He opened his red eyes and sees (Y/n)-Chan before him. Feeling the same feeling before, he accidently blushed red. (Y/n)-Chan noticed his blush and giggles, "Hi Hit. Why are you by yourself?", she asked.

Hit avoid his gaze at her and reply, "I...I don't want to hang out with people." "Why?", she asked again. Hit grunted in frustration, "Because...I don't want to be involved with them." "Why?", she asked the third time, looking confused. No matter how many times he answered, she'll always ask again unless he tells her the truth. Hit sighs and look at her, admired her face. "Because I don't want people to get hurt because of my job", he answered honestly. "Huh?", she asked in surprise. 

Hit nods, "I...I used to have a special someone in my life years ago. She was once like you: smart, strong, and beautiful young girl. We always stay by each other's side and laugh together. I always miss her smile and her sweet kiss." (Y/n)-Chan blushed, cannot believe that Hit would open up to her like this. "But what happened to her?", she asked curiously. Hit lowered his face, look sad, "One day, my most dangerous job cost me the life of my lover. I delivered what they asked and paid me. But because she was with me, they cannot trust anyone beside me. So they kill her as an example to never let anyone involve in assassin's job."

Looking back to her, Hit looked surprised that (Y/n)-Chan is crying, tears rolling down her face. She look down and thought that was the most heart-breaking thing she ever seen. "Hit", she sobbed and look at him, "I'm so sorry." Hit walk over and wipes the tears off her face. She look up puzzled and saw him smile at her? Yes, Hit, for the first time in ages, smiles; not for himself, not for anyone except for (Y/n)-Chan. Just before she could ask, Hit quickly embraced her into a hug, holding her close to him. (Y/n)-Chan blushed, felt his warm body against hers. She even flinched as she sees his sexy frame of his muscled chest through his clothes.

Hit leans out a bit and looks at (Y/n)-Chan who is flustered by his sudden embrace. She looks at him and she admired how handsome he looked. Blushing, she smiles, "Hit", she whispered, "I..." Before she could continue, Hit kissed her lips; he feels her warm soft lips against his cold lips. Their hearts beating, feeling warm and fuzzy. Kissing for two minutes, they break the kiss, gasping for air. Hit smirked, chuckled as he watch her breathing for air.

 (Y/n)-Chan look back at him and smiled, then hugged him. Hit nods and hug her back, finally found a lover that he can protect and love. "Don't worry about me Hit", she said assuring the assassin, "I'm way stronger than those morons. I have family who'll protect me and I know you do too." After the hug, (Y/n)-Chan kissed his cheek and lean out. Hit felt her lips touch his cold cheek and touch the spot. He stares at her in awe and happiness, smiled at her, "Thank you (Y/n)-Chan", he thanked her, holding her hand, "So, since we're lovers when do we meet next time?" (Y/n)-Chan grinned, "On my planet. We can watch a movie and maybe make out at the park?", she suggested with a wink. Hit smiled, feeling lucky, until he notice something, "Does Goku and your family knows we're dating?", he asked. "Oh they know already", she said looking embarrassed. Hit can't see what but shrugs his shoulders and the two couple hold hands walking around Bulma's yard.

At few feet further behind them are Goku, Gohan, Hercule, and the two destroyers actually watch them the whole time. "Oh god no! My baby girl", Hercule moaned in angst until he felt dizzy and faint on the ground. Goku and Gohan looked not sure how they feel about their family member dating Hit but Gohan and Goku don't care as long as she's happy with him. "Well Dad, she's growing up so fast", said Gohan as a tear roll down his cheek. Goku nod and chuckled, "I wonder when they'll get married?" 

That send shock to Gohan and he fainted on the ground with Hercule. Piccolo who saw that happened can only shook his head and is dragging them to the wives for help. Champa and Beerus stares at each other and both glared. "That assassin is dating my fighter, he better not do anything fishy while we're gone?", he warned Champa. "No way, he knows better not to, but I bet he will marry her and she'll say yes to living in my universe!", exclaimed Champa. "No way! She stays here and that's that!", Beerus protested. "YES!" "NO!" Both deities entered into a glaring competition while their angels shake their heads. "No matter where they live, they'll always be together", said Whis to his sister. "Forever", she added as the angels watches Hit and (Y/n)-Chan laugh as they star gaze, enjoy their moment as the new odd people.

The End

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