(HS) Krillin X (HS) Female Reader (AU)

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Requested by BuzzinB33. In case you don't know, I originally made the first attempt and I got them wrong. So, this is my second attempt. Anyway, HS means High School and AU means Alternative Universe. Consider this a fic related to the idea of DragonBall787's DBZ high School saga. Please enjoy. Disclaimer: I don't own DBZ High School Saga.

At West City, there's a special school for special high school students. This is Dragon Ball Z High School, a big high school where students of different races (not racist, just saying in general) attend for education. Among the regular high school students are the Z Fighters: Goku, Vegeta, Piccolo, Krillin, 18, 17, Maron (17's girlfriend), Tien, Yamcha, Chiaotzu, Launch, Chichi, Bulma, Cell, Freiza, and all other friends/rivals. The friends attend the high school just like the previous grades of their lives since Kindergarten (except some are together since pre-school). And they will get through the high school: pass all grades, get into and out of trouble, and many adventures waiting for them.

However, some regular students are only average student. Like this high school girl (Y/n)-Chan. Since she's a second-year student, the school 's clothes code ordered them to wear uniforms with their color choice. (Y/n)-Chan is a short girl (5'1) with a slim body with (skinny or thick) arms and legs. She has (length) (color) hair hang (above or below) her shoulders, (color) shiny eyes, small nose, and a (color) shaded lips. Her (size) boobs poking through her school uniform: a (favorite color) shirt with a (color) necktie with (color) stripe, a (color) (long or short) skirt with three (color) stripes on the bottom, (color) stockings, and her (color) leather school shoes. School just ended for the day and went to her shoe locker; replacing her school shoes with regular (color) house shoes. After she placed the school shoes inside, she locked it and proceed, exit the school's doors.

Her friend (F/n) has to stay behind to clean the classroom, so she decides to walk home alone. (Y/n)-Chan was humming a tune while walking; until her (color) eyes spots two figures talking near behind the school's gym doors. She quietly hid behind the bush and listens to the couple: it was Krillin and his ex-girlfriend 18.

Recently, 18 has been avoiding Krillin for unknown reason. She refused to talk to him, hold his hand, or even kiss him. Whenever she's close to him, 18 would feel her heart tear apart, feeling something's telling her to stop their relationship. Her creator, Dr. Gero officially sold his bunker and about to move the androids to a new home in a far-away city. The androids can still attend high school and see their friends (and lovers), but Android 18 felt that Krillin will likely be heart broken to see his lover far away from him. 

But the real reason why is because...she found out at the doctors and Dr. Gero that they told her she's unable to fertilize sperm to create a child. She felt devastated, cannot imagine Krillin reject her because of this discovery. 17 noticed his twin sister's stress and talked; he told her she must tell Krillin.

So she did; last week, she told Krillin she's moving and her bad news of their future together. Krillin was shocked, but plead her to be together with him. "No Krillin", she said calmly yet shed a tear, "I...I cannot make you happy if we can't have children! I must end our relationship for you to find someone!" Krillin shed tears down his cheek, helplessly watch her fly away to her new house. "Oh 18!", he moaned and continue to cry. Hs friends supports him, trying to cheer him up. But even he knows that he'll never find someone like 18.

Right now, (Y/n)-Chan listens to Krillin and 18 talking. 18 was checking up on Krillin to see how he's doing without her around. But Krillin is mad at her and begs her to come back. "Please 18!", he exclaimed, "I don't care if you can't have any kids, I want you with me forever!" 18 knew this would happen and turn her back at her ex. She sigh, "Try to forget me Krillin", she said calmly, "Find someone new. I'm sure you'll be happy with her." With that, she flew to a different direction to her house. Krillin stood there, watching her disappear.

(Y/n)-Chan heard rumors of 18 and Krillin's break up. She felt pity for the poor boy, watching him in grief. His sad black eyes stares at the ground, not wanting to do anything. Just as she stares at him, her mind tells her how handsome he looked. She shook those thoughts away. For a year, she has a crush on him. But until she found out his relationship with 18, she felt sad how the android girl won his heart. Suddenly, she snapped out of her mind, yelps as someone strong pulled her out of the bush. She spin around and look: It was a school bully who keeps harassing her since freshman year.

Every time she hangs out with (F/n) or alone at the hallway, he would try to pull up her skirt and see her (color) panties. She would report his ass to the assistant principle's office and he would repeatedly harass her. Now, he's standing in front of her; giving her a grin as he grab her arm with his hand. "So (Y/n)-Chan", said the bully, "How are you today?" She rolled her eyes and turn her head away, "Fine. But let me go!", she demand in protest. He refused to listen and lift her skirt up, revealing her (color) panties again. She gasp and blushed, using her other hand to push him away. "Oi! Stop that!", she exclaimed while he used his other hand to make her face him.

The bully leans in closer, "You know what, you owe me a kiss~", he said in a nasty smile. She cried, yelling for help, but no use. As his lips were about to touch hers, a strong force pushed him far away from the girl. (Y/n)-Chan gasp, saw the bully now fell onto the ground. Looking down, she gasps: it was Krillin who saved her. Thankfully, Krillin heard her in distress and pushed the bully away. She felt relief as she watch the bully growled at Krillin. "Why you shorty!", he exclaimed and about to ram his fist at Krillin. But Krillin's smarter than him. Krillin flint fast behind the bully and knocked him out by landing a blow on his neck. The bully feel numb and fell on the ground, out cold.

Krillin dusted his hands and walks towards (Y/n)-Chan. He smile at her, "You alright miss?", he asked in friendly tone. "What the?", she said in confusion, "Krillin's sad one moment ago and now he's all happy?" She smiled at him, "Thank you Krillin! I thought that bully never stops harassing me!" Krillin looks at her, "Really? You know my name?", he asked in awe. She giggled, "Everyone in high school knows about you and the Z Fighters", she replied with a chuckle. Krillin nods, smile as he watch her smile on her face. He cannot help but stare at her pretty face. "Boy", he said in awe, "She sure is pretty!" He shook his head, snap out of his mind, "Anyway what's your name?", he asked politely. "(Y/n)-Chan", she answered. They shook hands and Krillin decides to walk her home.

After carrying her in the air, they arrived at her apartment. Krillin looked shocked, "Wait...You live alone!?", he exclaimed, impressed. (Y/n)-Chan nods, "Yep, since my parents' divorce, I live alone since junior high", she explained. She unlocked her door and open it, "So, do you want to come inside and stay for dinner?", she asked. Krillin felt his heart jumped, "Dinner? With a pretty girl?", he said mentally. He never been invited to dinner besides his friends, and he kindly nods. They walk inside and closed the door.

A few hours later, Krillin sigh in satisfaction. They had Mongolian beef with rice (if you're vegan or vegetarian, insert favorite food) for dinner; and Krillin is stuffed to the gills. While he sit there and relax, (Y/n)-Chan took all the dishes and washed them. After her quick chores around the apartment, she joined him and watch a movie together. It was a romance-comedy movie where a boy is in love with his best friend who was planning to ask her crush to be her lover. While listening and watching, Krillin turn and stares at (Y/n)-Chan. He can see her staring at the screen intently. He looks down and noticed her boobs poking through her shirt. He blushed and turn back to her face. He cannot resist and admired her pretty face. "Kami!", he said mentally and smile at her, "I really enjoy her company!"

He accidently lay his hand down and touched her hand. (Y/n)-Chan looks down and noticed Krillin's hand touching hers. They both blushed and took their hands back. They look down, embarrassed yet they smiled. After the movie's over, Krillin's prepared to leave. "Thank you for the great meal and time (Y/n)-Chan!", he said as he was about to wear his shoes at the genkan. "Wait! Where do you live?", she asked. Krillin usually sleeps at Roshi's place while other times sleeps with 18. But now, he cannot choose one of them since he doesn't a place to call his own. (Y/n)-Chan sigh, sad and realized that he doesn't have a home either. She locked her front door and gestures him to walk with her.

"You can sleep here for tonight", she suggest, "I promise you'll figure out after your break up." Krillin flinched, realized that the rumors spread. He was impressed how she invited him to sleep here. He smiled, and hold her hand. "Thank you (Y/n)-Chan", he said and he went inside the bathroom as she prepares the couch for him.

In the morning, both Krillin and (Y/n)-Chan walked out of her apartment and she locked the doors. After they descend from the stairs, Krillin picked her up bridal style. Flying over the land, (Y/n)-Chan chuckled in joy, excited to be flying in the sky. Krillin chuckles by her adorableness. (Y/n)-Chan turn to look up at Krillin; she blushed as she admires his handsome face with those black eyes and wonder how his lips feels. After ten minutes, they arrived at the school gates. Krillin help her stand up and they nod. 

"Thank you for the ride Krillin", she thanked him with a hug. Krillin bushed and return the hug. After the hug, Krillin is bothered while mumbling. (Y/n)-Chan noticed something's bothering him. "Something wrong Krillin?", she asked. Krillin sigh and looks at her seriously, "I...I know I just broke up with 18. But...I was wondering if you like to go on a date with me tomorrow?"

Her eyes lit up, smiled and jumping up and down. Krillin smiled and chuckled, "So, that's a yes?", he asked. "YES!", she replied and giggled, "I...What time and where?" "How about at 1pm. In Satan City's café?", he asked. "YES!", she answered, "I love to see that place! I heard there's great desserts!" Krillin nods, "Well, see you later then!", he waved her and joined his friends. (Y/n)-Chan stood there and waved back at him, "Later", and entered the school building.

The next day, (Y/n)-Chan decides to wear her (length) (color) dress, her (color) purse, her (color) stockings, and her (color) flat dress shoes. She exit the sub train and finally arrived in Satan City. Walking through the street, she arrived and stands next to the café that she craved for so long. She was humming a tune to wait for Krillin's arrival. "Hi (Y/n)-Chan!", Krillin call out to her, "What's up?" She stops humming, turn to look at Krillin. He was wearing his usual Kame school style gi uniform. It wasn't casual but it's fine by her. "Great!", she answered and hold his hand, "Let's go!" Krillin blushed in awe, saw her hand guiding him inside. He smiled and nodded, knew this date will cheer him up.

For a few hours, they are having fun together. They enjoy having desserts together. Krillin only has a root beer float with a scoop of vanilla ice cream. He sips his dessert as he watches (Y/n)-chan happily eating her big parfait. He tilted his head to the side, staring at her pretty face. "What a lovely girl!", he thought to himself, "I'm so lucky to ask her out." She finished her dessert and look at him, smiling at him. Krillin noticed a spot on her nose and he chuckled. "Hm? What's wrong?", she asked. Krillin lift his finger near her nose and wipe it off her. She blushed red as she watch him lick it off his finger. "You got some parfait on your nose silly girl", he teased her and they laughed. After the café, they played games at the arcade; then they went to watch a movie.

They walk out of the cinemas, both laughing together. "Oh man! What a funny movie!", exclaimed Krillin while trying to hold his laughter. "I know!", she replied, "I can't believe this chick would ask him out to get to closer to his brother and get water dumped on him!" They continue to laugh as they walk their way to the train station. Krillin likes her, seeing her happy makes him happy. But his heart felt sad, feel like he doesn't want her apart from him. His mind rewind to where 18 told him, "Find someone new", and blinks. Krillin thought maybe (Y/n)-Chan considers him a friend. But his heart tells him he has true feelings for her. Oh what irony! What should he do?

They finally reached to the train station. (Y/n)-Chan spin around and smiled at him, "That's the best date ever! Thank you!" She noticed him being serious and holds his hand. "Krillin?", she call out to his attention, "Krillin?" Instead of a answer, Krillin quickly embraced her. She gasp, blushing red as she felt him pull her in close. Her body against his body, and her boobs touching his face, (Y/n)-Chan looks down and still see his face looking serious. "Krillin?", she asked in confusion. He tiptoed on his feet and kissed her lips.

(Y/n)-Chan moans, blushing redder as she felt his soft lips touching hers. Krillin kissed her gently as he wraps his arms around her waist. For the first time in a year, she finally have Krillin as her lover. Sure, she felt guilty of 18 seeing her with Krillin; but her conscious tells her it's alright since his ex wants him to be happy with someone new and be happy with for the rest of their lives. (Y/n)-Chan gives into the kiss, deepens the kiss by locking their mouths. 

Pinning her back against the pole, both teens make out as they runs their hands onto each other. Tongues danced in each other's mouths, sucking and kissing. They could feel and see people passing by them and snickered. They break the kiss and gasp for air. Both faces red from people's snickering and making out in public. But that doesn't matter to them because they can start a relationship together.

(Y/n)-Chan walks up to Krillin and hugs him, her boobs pressing against his face. She looks down at the short teen, "So, do you want to live with me?", she asked. He lit up, "Forever?", he asked. She giggles, "Together forever~", she answered. Krillin picked her up bridal style and flew into the sky. "YEAH!", he shouts in the sky, "I'M THE LUCKIEST BOY OF THE WHOLE WORLD!" (Y/n)-Chan wraps her arms around his neck, giggled as they head home.


Two days later, they walked together inside the school building. Krillin introduced her to his friends and they all welcomed her to the group. 18 finally meets her: at first (Y/n) felt awkward meeting his ex-girlfriend. But 18 smiled and shake her hand. "Thank you (Y/n)-Chan, I knew I can trust him to you", 18 thanked her with a hug. (Y/n)-Chan hugged her back, officially welcomed to the group.

Few hours later, Krillin and (Y/n)-Chan waved at (F/n) before leaving her to her cleaning duty. They walk off the school's ground and began to walk to their direction. "OI! YOU!", exclaimed the voice form behind. They turn around and saw the bully again: all mad while steam blowing out of his ears. "HOW DARE YOU STEAL MY GIRL!!!", he yelled at Krillin.

 Krillin frowned at him, "She's never yours to begin with asshole! Because (Y/n)-Chan's mine and I won't let you bother her!" Hearing Krillin's exclamation, the bully gritted his teeth and took out a metal pipe. He gave them a smirk, "Oh yeah? Who's gonna stop me? A pipsqueak?", he laughed. The bully suddenly stops laughing until all the Z Fighters, the girls, Cell and Freiza surrounding the bully. Krillin smirked at him, "You might want to start running pal", he suggest. The bully backs up slowly, until he ran far away like a bitch.

Everyone laughs as they watch the bully run in fear and see him getting beat up by Broly (non-cannon). Krillin hugs (Y/n)-Chan as they smiled contently. Everyone waved each other goodbyes and the two lovers are walking to their home together.

The End

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