Kahseral X Human Female Reader

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-I done Top and Belmod fanfics, yet I would like to start making fanfics of the other Pride Troopers such as Dyspo and Kahseral (yeah, Jiren was put into too much other fics in others works, so I only focus on other troopers). Anyway, I'll mainly focus on my own fanfics and continuous additional parts into my other fanfics. Please Enjoy.

I don't own the music and character idea, belongs to the creator of Id@l master 2.

Kahseral, the general of the famous heroes of the Pride Troopers, was waiting for his beloved woman. He wore his usual burgundy colored suit, a tanned sweater with a necktie (sorry, I cannot tell what colors they are when it's shadowed from dark areas), his khaki dress pants, his black shoes, and his burgundy general cap. He stood behind a wall, looking up at the sunny sky as he waits for her. His right cybernetic eye scans the beauty of Earth's nature. 

He sensed this familiar ki, turns to his left, and he smiled: he spots his woman, all dressed lovely with her vibrant basic color (main color or colors) dress, hanged below her knees. Her skin is (skin toned), shone by the sunlight. She has a perfect body: not too fat and not too skinny, a slim yet curvy body. Besides her dress, she also wears his (colored) pantyhose, and her (color) boots. Kahseral looks up, stares at her pretty hair: a long (color) hair, hung below her shoulders, and spots a (color) headband on top of her head. She wears her lucky (color) (gemstone) earrings whenever she goes out. She also wears her (color) choker, not too tight, that also has a pedant attached to it. Finally, he stares at her face: her (color) eyes glimmered as she stares back at him, smiling, showing off her bright smile. Pink blush on her cheeks makes her look natural. Her lips are shaded in (color), always make him feel excited to embrace her and kiss her sweet lips. 

Sometimes, she would dodge his sudden attack and she would tie him up while she kissed his cheek quickly. Always teasing him. Kahseral gave her a handsome smile, happy to see her stand by his side. Kahseral gave her a hug, "(Y/n)! Glad you're here! Are you ready for our date?", he asked. "Yep! Let's go!", she replied, yanking his hand to make him move. Kahseral and (Y/n) holds hands as they walked into town.

He could not believe that he's in love with her, how did he meet her? It started a week ago when he was busy at Planet Netfiss.

A Week Ago, at Planet Netfiss

Kahseral just finished his training with Dyspo to improve the team's strength and their cooperation with all his teammates including Jiren the Grey. Ever since the Tournament of Power ended and realized that Universe 7 revived all the defeated universes, Jiren realized that he needs to work on teamwork with his teammates. For weeks, they made their effort to help Jiren; he felt grateful for his teammates. Until now, he was ordered by Top to meet him at the front lobby. But he wasn't the only one: Top also asked Dyspo and Kahseral to meet up with them too. Getting there after fifteen minutes, all of the four heroes meet up at the lobby room, sitting on their chairs. 

Top clear his throat, "I got a recent message from Lord Belmod: he said that some of us are invited to Goku's friend Bulma's Halloween party this weekend." The three Pride Troopers are surprised yet confused by this invitation. "Halloween?", Jiren said confused. "Hm", Dyspo hummed, "Sounds like a scary party." Kahseral looks at Top, "What is this Halloween party leader?", he asked. "I really don't know", Top replied with a sigh, "But I really need to respond to our lord soon. He seems very excited to be invited to Lord Beerus's planet Earth for some reason." The men in their red and black uniforms look at each other, sharing their opinions. Until they look at Top. "Fine", said Jiren. "If he's going, then count us in!", Dyspo exclaim. Kahseral nodded in agreement. "Then it's settled", said Top smiling through his awesome mustache, "I'll let Lord Belmod know and we'll be there!" Now that's done, the Troopers continue their own training daily routine.

Two days later, it's Saturday early evening. The Pride Troopers met up with Khai, Lord Belmod, and Marcarita. Standing close to Khai, he instantly teleported them all to Bulma's backyard. They stood there, amazed by Bulma's landscape of the yard. "Damn!", Belmod exclaim, "This lady got some major magic to make this!" Out of nowhere, walking out the back door of the house, Bulma appears. She giggles, "Thank you, but it takes some money to make this." She bowed to them, "I'm Bulma: Lord Beerus's and Whis's friend." 

Top bowed to her back, "And I'm Top: leader of the Pride Troopers. Pleasure to be here." After they introduced themselves, Lord Beerus, Shin, and Whis appear. "Greetings fellow deities and Pride Troopers!", Shin greeted them calmly. Khai looks down at him, "Yes, thank you Shin", Khai replied. "Hello Belmod", Beerus greeted him unfriendly. Belmod smirk, "Great to see you too Beerus, thank you for the invite!" "Only because I invited the other universes, just to be clear to forget about the results of the Tournament of Power. Agree?", Beerus said stern. Belmod chuckled, "Fear not Beerus, I'll forgive you and your universe.", he replied again. Whis and Marcarita greeted each other and make their way to the back of the yard, joining the other universes.

For three hours, everyone's having a great time of their lives: fun games to play, a great feast (except they need to get some while they can before the Saiyans and Buu would eat all of them), Halloween treats, and fun festivities to participate including a fun karaoke and dance competition. Some people like Vegeta, Jiren, and even Hit refused to join. But a lot of them like the Witch warriors are excited to do it. Each person or a group sang the lyrics from the screen (behind the audience and in front of the singers) while they follow the dance moves. Rebrianne, Rozie, and Kakunsa (friggen web gave her different pronounced names weird) performed a popular song for a popular superhero magical girl anime (insert favorite magical girl anime). Everyone's amazed by their performance even Lady Helles cheers them on. "Yes, my beautiful warriors!", Helles shouts, "Show these universes who's the best and beautiful ever!" Beerus is irritated by her exclamation, saying Universe 2 is better than his universe. But he smirked as what they don't know is he has a secret weapon to the party.

While everyone finished cheering, Bulma speaks through the microphone. "And now here comes our final contestant: (Y/n)!" Everyone claps their hands, yet they're confused because they never seen or heard of her before. "(Y/n)", everyone mutters, exchanging confused tones. Kahseral hums, "(Y/n)?", he said in question. But once the woman appeared before them, she faces them and bowed to them. Everyone gasps as they saw a very lovely looking woman ever. Helles and the witch warriors scoffed, avoiding her looks. But everyone's too busy admiring her costume including Kahseral who's too busy admiring her beauty and appearance. (Y/n) wears her costume: an outfit from Id@l Master 2 game. Actually, she's cosplaying as Takane Shijou. The woman wears a long silver wig, covering her forehead, wearing her bat headband. The only thing she wears for makeup is a (color) lipstick.

Bulma handed her the microphone and smiles at the audience. Her expression sends Kahseral a warm feeling in his heart, felt that she might try to steal his heart. Rebrianne huffed, "There's no way she'll win. Our performance is better than hers!" but once the music started, Rebrianne is wrong! (Y/n) started to dance so differently, almost like a limbed zombie; but eventually her dancing became very exciting to everyone's view. Helles and her universe dropped their jaws as they're beyond their expectations of her dancing and singing. Kahseral, on the other hand, is very impressed. While dancing and singing, (Y/n)'s (color) eyes saw him standing there in awe and she flashed him a sexy vampire smile while posing for him.

Kahseral's eye grew wide while his optic eye just zooms in to get a closer view of her, gasps as she suggests that she flirts at him! But he really is falling for her, his heart beating as he stood there, smiling as he sees her performing her final pose.

As the song ends, everyone stood up; clapping hands while wooing at her. Universe 2 girls are not happy about it. Kahseral blushed, really love her pose. (Y/n) smiled and bowed to the audience. Bulma appears next to her and announced; "Thank you everyone for joining the fun activity. You all did really great, but we only have one winner of tonight's party." Rebrianne and her warriors are praying to be the winners. But that was for naught as Bulma revealed; "Our winner of tonight's Halloween party is...(Y/n)!!!" Everyone cheered for (Y/n); except for the witch warriors who frowned and lower their heads in shame. (Y/n) walk up to Bulma and Bulma handed her a small golden trophy. Once again, (Y/n) bowed to the audience and she gets another cheer in response.

After the karaoke dance competition's over, everyone's back their own business. Universe 11 are hanging out at their own table. While Lord Belmod and Marcarita eat and the three Pride Troopers chill out, Kahseral can only sit in his chair. Ever since she appears before his eyes, Kahseral can't help except always thinking of her. Dyspo notice his behavior and decides to tease his friend. "So", said Dyspo, "What do you think of (Y/n)'s performance? She's super great!" Kahseral sigh, "She's...more than super great. She's..." Due to not think of anything to say, Kahseral's face is blushing. This cause Dyspo to laugh; the others notice what's happening and decides to join in except Jiren's meditating. 

Belmod gave Kahseral a whistle, "Oh ho! Sounds like someone got a crush on (Y/n)!", he chimed. Kahseral gave Dyspo angry glare but failed as he continued to blush. He covers his face with his hands. "Don't worry about it general", said Top while patting his back, "Almost everyone got their favorite crushes." "Almost?", Kahseral asked. Top could only point at Jiren, everyone stares at the gray man. Jiren notice them eyeing him and huffed, "I have no interests in women", he replied and went back to his training. Everyone laughed as Kahseral felt better from the embarrassment. "I wish I could get to know her more", said Kahseral. Top stood up and grabs Kahseral using his big ass hand, "Then let us find her and ask her out!", Top exclaimed. "No Top! I'm not", Kahseral exclaimed but he's trailed off as they found (Y/n) sitting alone on a bench.

Top put Kahseral back on the ground; "Kahseral", Top whispered, "Now's your chance! It's either now or never!" With that, Top left; now it's up to Kahseral if he'll ask her out or chicken out. He took a breath and starts walking towards her. For his entire life, Kahseral was once a normal man, with both eyes. But during his mission, a criminal managed to injured him badly, destroyed his right eye. Using their technology, they manage to give him a robotic eye which can zoom in and out vision. But Kahseral thinks that not every woman wants to fell for him consider his eye...weird. 

Kahseral felt nervous once he's sitting next to her. (Y/n) who was busy staring at her trophy sadly; then, she noticed his presence. He waves at her, "Hello (Y/n), mind if I talk to you?", he asked. She gave him a smile, "Sure!", and then the two engaged in a friendly conversation. They both laugh, enjoying each other's company. (Y/n) looks at Kahseral's eye, curious. She places her hand on his cheek, caressing his cheek and his right eye. Kahseral's surprised by her sudden touch and he blushed, feeling her smooth and cold hand. She giggled as she gave him a smile of her shiny white teeth. Kahseral is serenade by her personality, touched that she's not judging his appearance. "Top's right", he thought to himself, "I must ask her out." 

Kahseral clear his throat, "(Y/n), I...", he stutters. "Yes?", she asked while waiting. He closed his eyes and blurt out, "YOU'RE THE MOST BEAUTIFUL WOMAN I EVER MET AND MAY I ASK YOU OUT ON A DATE NEXT WEEKEND?" (Y/n) blushed, feel flattered by his question. He opens his eyes and saw her smile big. She holds his hand while blushing, looking at his handsome face. "Sure! I love to date you! So, around three afternoon?", she asked. Kahseral replies, "Yes: Next Saturday. 3pm. On Earth." "Sounds great!", she replied and kissed his cheek, "I'll wear something special. I'll look forward to next week."

Kahseral blushed again, now red from her kiss. His hand touches his cheek where she kissed him and smiles. Never in his life that a woman is capable of showing affection towards him. And he just met her. "Wait!", he exclaims as he noticed her walking away, "Allow me to escort you home." She turns and look at him, smile again as she and him went to her house. Once he comes back, he walks back to Universe 11 who's ready to go home. Once Kahseral announced the good news, his teammates and the deities congratulated him. "That's fantastic general!", Dyspo said, patting his back hard. "We're all proud of you!", Top replied, "We can help you out before your date." Kahseral felt happy that his friends cared for him and they all teleported back home.

Back to Present Time

Once (Y/n) met up with Kahseral, they both walk to a large environment: the park. Kahseral looked amazed. "Woah! That's a huge landscape. A lot bigger than Bulma's yard!", Kahseral commented. "Sure is!", (Y/n) said, "This is a public place for everyone; including going to dates here." They both smiled and continue to walk, walking throughout the park. They stop by a public restaurant for dinner, having (favorite food). While eating, they also chatted about their daily routines and their lives. While he listens, he admires her lovely face. From what he learned is she's an idol in training. Her dream is to become a popular idol in any type of tasks to do. But then, he noticed a sad tone in her voice. "Unfortunately, people won't hired me", she said in sad whisper. Kahseral sensed something's wrong; "what happened?", he asked. 

Her eyes lower to the table and cried a little. "A man in charge of a porn production wanted to hire me. But I told him that I'm not interested in that. He was very disappointed that he somehow managed to contact all productions and they all refused to interview me for proper jobs. I....I felt that I'll never be an idol!" she sobbed into her hands, trying to keep herself quiet from the people in the restaurant. Kahseral looked angry, cannot believe that a filthy man who try to turn her into a sex toy. He scooted over to her side and embrace her, rubbing her back to calm her down. (Y/n) smiled at him as she returns the hug. "Thank you Kahseral", she whispered near his ear, "I'm glad to meet you." Kahseral smiled back at her and they hugged.

After dinner and drama, they walk out of the restaurant. As they stop at a small pond area, both sat on a bench. Kahseral had a great time with her, felt that they made a strong bond between her. He felt sad that they had to leave to their lives, but he hoped to stay connected to her. (Y/n) chuckled, happy to go on this fun date with him. Suddenly, a strong hand gripped her shoulder; she gasps and turns around, again gasp. Kahseral notice her sudden behavior and turn, now saw a man touch her shoulder. He has no idea who he is, but he noticed a creepy face on the man's face when he's touching her shoulder inappropriately.

 (Y/n) tried to jerk herself away from him, but his hand is strong. "Why hello my sweet (Y/n)!", he cooed at her, "I'm glad you're here~ Daddy needs you to blow~" Kahseral got angry and immediately removed her away from that man. The man glared at Kahseral, "And who the hell are you?" Kahseral glared him back, "Her date! Now leave her alone!" The man scoffed and snorted, "Her date!? Don't make me laugh! Your way too ugly for her to love you. I mean look at your right eye, you're like a cyborg!" The man laughed at Kahseral, insulting him. But (Y/n) slapped the man's face, "Don't you dare laugh at him! He's a better man than you!" the man felt his cheek sting in pain and lash out, "Now you done it little bitch!" Hearing the man called her a bitch got Kahseral angrier.

Kahseral walk over to the man, and he instantly punched his face. The man fell on the ground, rubbing his face which has a broken bleeding nose. The man growled at them, "You know what!? I'm going to sue you and make her my", but he got interrupted a cop who's behind the man and cuffed his wrists behind his back. "Mr. Dickhead", he said to the man. "IT'S DECKHEED!!!", he shouted. Another cop walks up to Deckheed and punch him in the gut. "Mr. Deckheed, you're under arrest for illegal pornography and the assault of five women." 

Trying to escape but fail, the man is now placed in a cop car, carried away to prison. The cop explain to them that Deckheed has been illegally making pornography and forcing women in sexual assaults. Since the directors of the business production found out about it, they decided to consider interview her starting next week as an apology. (Y/n) grinned, happy to hear the good news and hugs Kahseral. "Oh Kahseral! Thank you so much for saving me! You're the best date ever!", she exclaimed and kissed his lips. Kahseral jumped a bit, felt her smooth and soft lips touching his. He smiled and wraps his arms around her waist, pulling her in for another kiss. Without any second thoughts, both him and (Y/n) kissed passionately.

Their tongues danced in each other's mouths as they embraced. After a minute, they pull away for air. (Y/n) admires his face; Kahseral confronts her. "(Y/n); the way that man insulted me earlier. Do you...even like me like this?", he asked and pointed to his right eye. (Y/n) shook her head, "No Kahseral, I really don't care for perfection. I love you just the way you are, my handsome Pride Trooper!", she swooned as she gave him another quick kiss. Kahseral, for the first time in his life, is now happy.

 "So, does this mean we're lovers?", he asked again. "You silly! Of course we are! I love you Kahseral!", she exclaimed, now laying her head on his chest. He felt his heart beat faster, blushing yet smiling at the same time. Kahseral kissed her back and he escorted her back home. They kissed once more before she went inside her house. "Kahseral, is it ok to plan another date?", she asked him. Kahseral nods, "Sure! Um...next weekend? At 3pm?" "On Earth?", she answered his question, "Sure!" They gave each other love from their eyes. She waves at him, "Goodnight Kahseral~", she coos, then closed her door. Kahseral stood there, rewinding to the part where they became lovers. He walks out of her front yard; he stood there while looking at her window. He saluted her and teleported his way to HQ (with a device Marcarita made for him).

Once he announces to his teammates, "Everyone, (Y/n) is officially my girlfriend!" All the Pride Troopers cheered for him; Dyspo slapped his back hard while congratulating him. Jiren smiled, "Congrats general", to Kahseral. Then, everyone else gather around while clapping their hands. Top appeared, "I knew you can do it Kahseral! We're all proud of you!", and hugged everyone in his big arms. Everyone laughed as they get squished by Top's strength while everyone else still cheering for Kahseral. He smiled as he stares at the moon, outside of their HQ. He sighs; "One day (Y/n)", Kahseral said in his thought, "I'll make your life better and make you my wife." He would let her live on Earth for now, but maybe one day, she'll join him, living together as man and wife in Universe 11, forever.

The End

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