Piccolo X Female Reader X Vegeta

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Requested by once again BuzzinB33. I thought over the plot and I will say I put two different endings to see each of the DBS characters happy ending with the reader. Please enjoy.

(Y/n)-San sigh, sitting on the bench in the middle of the park. She cannot believe what she gone herself into this situation as she watched in horror as both Vegeta and Piccolo are engaging in a serious fight. How did it happened? Well, it happened a month ago, back where she first met them.

Flash Back to Last Month

(Y/n)-San is Bulma's youngest yet older friend of her families, except in reality (Y/n)-San is Bulma's older cousin. Yes, she's older than Bulma but way more younger than Tights; so basically, (Y/n)-San's three years older than Bulma. Anyway, (Y/n)-San was invited to Bulma's party to celebrate (Y/n)-San's return. Originally, (Y/n)-San and her parents used to lived next door to Bulma and her family; the girls are always excited to play games, having girly chats as they discuss about boys and go shopping with their huge allowances. 

Her father was supposed to be taking over Capsule Corp. because of birthright; but it was Bulma's father who took over because of his unique ability of engineering in mechanics. (Y/n)-San's father was outraged by the decision and had it with Bulma's father; instead of filing court form, he forced himself, along with her and her mother, to move out to another big city far away from the extended family to create his own company. Bulma and (Y/n)-San both were sad to leave each other, but promised to meet again. 

Over the years, (Y/n)-San refused to study engineering mechanics and stayed focused in fashion design artist. She studied hard and exceed in great A grades. After graduating from Graduate's Art School, she invested her money and created her own empire: her own clothing design business. For three years, she successfully created the best clothes, won many awards for her best designs, and made over five hundred trillion zeni. Thanks to her success, she already build her first mansion only thirty minutes from Capsule Corp. After moving in, she finally is reunited with Bulma and stayed over for dinner which is when Bulma invited her to the party. (Y/n)-San missed so much parties that she yes in response.

Next week, she arrived Capsule Corp, the first one to arrive. She's only (height) and (weight), looking slim and curvy to make her look like a supermodel. (Y/n)-San has (length) (color) hair, looks shiny from the sun and hair product she always wear. Her (color) eyes are sparkling every time she stares at the blue sky. Her face is pretty with a tan and little blush from her makeup. For this occasion, She decides to wear her (length) (color) silky dress, hanging (below or above) her knees; she also wears her (color) (high or short) high heels with studded diamonds on them, an thick choker around her neck with a golden pendant, also studded with diamonds, and wears her (color) sunglasses hanged on top of her hairline. 

After thirty minutes, Bulma introduces her to all her friends; Goku and his family, Gohan and his family, Yamcha, Krillin and his family, etc. Finally, her eyes caught someone handsome and green. Bulma introduces her to her friends. "(Y/n)-San, meet my other friends: Piccolo and Dende", she said happily. (Y/n)-San bowed, "Hello, nice to meet you. I'm (Y/n)-San", she greeted them with a smile. Dende, the short Namekian, extended his hand and shake her hand. "I'm Dende, nice to meet you!", he greeted her back. 

She looks at Piccolo, standing there with his arms crossed; he nodded his head and turn away. "Oh?", she said in question, "Nice to meet you." "Yeah, you too", he replied. After greeting them, (Y/n)-San decides to get a drink. After grabbing some water, someone bumped right into her; she was startled as she felt someone's arm brushed against her boob. "Woah! Hey there!", she exclaims. "Hey yourself woman! Watch where you're", said the rough voice until they turn around and stare at each other. It was Vegeta who bumped into her; Vegeta didn't realize who she is and blushed by what he did.

He walk closer and extend his hand to her, "Vegeta, what's yours?", he greeted her unexpectedly. "(Y/n)-San", she replied, "Bulma's cousin." Vegeta gasp lightly and mutters, "Shit, your related to her." She nods, "Why so surprised, I thought you already know me since the wedding." "Well last year, we got into a bloody fight and filed divorce; but I have nowhere else to go, so I stayed here, helping out with our children", Vegeta explained as they take their drinks and hang out at the gazebo. They engage in not boring conversation of the years she missed after he settled on Earth: his training to be the strongest warrior than Goku, somehow got Bulma pregnant with Trunks which Vegeta refused to be part of until seven years later, and he was always honest of his marriage was nice until the divorce.

 (Y/n)-San swear that she saw loneliness in his eyes, trying to hide them by being tough guy. She felt sorry for what he's going through and wanted to be close to him; she knew it sounded wrong to be interested in her cousin's ex-husband, but she can't help it when she stares at his perfect masculine body especially his chest. She spots his hand next to his side and she placed her hand onto his, caressing it with her thumb. Vegeta look what she's doing and sigh, "Thank you for comfort (Y/n)-San." This was the first time for him to be softer towards someone else besides Bulma and his children. She gave him a smile, reflecting her beauty which made him smile back to her. After a few minutes, Vegeta cleared his throat, "So, do you want to hang out again?", he asked. "Sure!", she said, "How about every Saturday? At one pm?" "Deal", he replied and shake hands.

After that, he left and went back to his training while (Y/n)-San starts walking her way from the gazebo. But after a few minutes of walking, she was startled by Piccolo who walked up to her, standing face to face. "Hi Piccolo! What's up?", she asked as she noticed an irritated mark on his side forehead. Piccolo was calm and cool when she first meet him, but now he's giving her a stern look to her. "Stay away from him", he said, crossing his arms over his chest. "Eh?", she exclaimed confused, "But why? He seems like a nice guy." "Well that nice guy is Bulma's ex and I don't want you to get involved with him. Do you understand?", he demanded. 

She huffed and pushed him away lightly, "Don't tell me what not to do! I can do whatever I want and she doesn't care what he does either. Now, if you don't mind; I need to find her." Being frustrated, she left him alone while searching for Bulma. Piccolo can only watch her leave as he stares at her face, admiring her beauty. Piccolo sigh, "If only you listen to me (Y/n)-San. I would've treat you better", he mutters to himself and proceed to depart in his own ways.

Ever since the party, (Y/n)-San and Vegeta hang out every Saturday at one; they would chat, having great conversations while eating lunch. They laughed, having great time and went back to their own homes when it's close to dinner time. Whenever she's with Vegeta, she can felt her heart beating, something she hid inside her body: she's in love with him. Every time they're closer, they hold hands, fingers intertwined. They blushed here and there, smiling as a happy couple. She cannot find any heaven than being with this sexy Saiyan. What she doesn't know is that she's being spied by a familiar person: Piccolo.

For weeks, every Saturday, he spots them hanging out at any location. He hides himself within the environment (tree, bushes, people) and watch them engage into activity. He frowned, teeth grinded as he watch them laugh, holding hands. But this Saturday, he was beyond pissed off as he saw her give Vegeta a kiss on his left cheek before they went home. He never felt jealousy before in his entire life and never was, but the sight of his first love interest with Vegeta made him sick to his stomach. Yes, Piccolo is in love for her, only her. Ever since their first encounter, he hides his calm composure as his mind is admiring her looks, her hair, and his mind is always thinking about her smile; wanting to be closer to her. But since she's into Vegeta, this will be his hard challenge. But next week, he'll get to her first.

Next Saturday, Vegeta couldn't meet her that day because he and Bulma are heading to their divorce counseling. So, (Y/n)-San decides to go solo; she went shopping for jewelry and pedicure for hours. Right at one, she was strolling through the park until a familiar green Namekian walk up to her instantly. She looks at him a slightly frown, "What do you want now Piccolo? I'm enjoying my me time." Piccolo extend his hand to her, "I'm sorry for being rude (Y/n)-San", he apologized. She looks surprised by his manners, "Eh? Really mean it?", she asked. He nods, "Yes I mean it. I was only trying to protect you and I overreacted. Will you forgive me?" She sigh and smiles, shaking his hand, "Sure I forgive you. Anyway, do you want to hang out with me?" He gave her a soft smile, "Sure", and they stroll towards the picnic table.

For a short three hours, they also talk about their lives, their past and their mistakes in life. They smiled while laughing, relax as they stare at each other. Until her mind felt something strange to her; at first, it was because she was alone with Piccolo and enjoy each other's company. Until he hold her hand, caressing her back hand with his thumb. That's when she noticed his strange behavior. When he moves close to her, hands touching while he wrap his arm around her waist; that's when she realized that her heart is beating, meaning she's also in love for him. 

"But why?", she thought to herself, "I'm in love for Vegeta first and now in love for Piccolo. I'm so confused! Who should I be with for the rest of my life?" Piccolo noticed her spacing out and unexpectedly kissed her cheek, cause her to gasp in surprise who felt his soft lips on her skin. She cannot believe that two men are falling for her and this will be bad if Vegeta caught them like this. If it does, he'll have another broken heart. Or she might broke Piccolo's heart for making a mistake. But who to choose? She honestly don't know and needs to think this over until next week. 

By five pm, Piccolo escorted her to her mansion; she open the door and look at him, blushing. "Piccolo", she said being serious. "Yes?", he said in question. "It was nice today, very fun day with you", she commented to him. He smiles softly, "Maybe we can do it again next week", he replied, make her feel uneasy until she cleared her throat. "Sorry Piccolo, but I will be hanging out with Vegeta next week. Maybe next Sunday, ok?", she apologized and said politely. Piccolo felt a ping of pain in his heart, very sad that she said that. But he hides it and says, "Oh, right. Well, see you later. Bye", he said as fly off towards the sky. She waved back to him and went inside.

In her bedroom, she finished brushing her hair and sat up, sighed in conflicted and sad tone. "Oh my god", she mutters, "Why does things get complicated when in love for two different men! I mean my eyes first caught Vegeta and I truly want him to be mine forever. But now, my heart is falling for Piccolo who I only met him twice. So, why is it hard to choose one?"

Her mind is rushed into confusion and concentrate to think everything through till Friday. That's when she finally decides to test them first, to see who loves her the most.

The following day, she decides to wear her cute (color) dress with thrills on them, wearing her favorite (color) shoes, (color) stockings, a (color) design purse, and her multi-color bracelets on each wrist. Vegeta texted her in the morning that he's going to surprise her when they meet at the park later in afternoon. She text back, "Ok, I'll see you soon!", and then prepares to head out. Once she finally arrived at their casual spot, she sit on the bench, waiting for him. After an hour, she spots Vegeta walk towards her; she runs towards him and hug each other. She giggles as she kissed his cheek, "Glad you make it, I miss you Veggie!", she cooed. 

When Bulma calls him that name, he would throw a fit because it annoys him. But since he has been seeing her, he doesn't mind her calling him nicknames. "I miss you too", he replied and kissed her cheek, "Now, I can give you a surprise gift." She blinks as she heard him right; "A gift for me?", she asked. He nod: once he kneels on his one knee and the other's standing, Vegeta took a black book out. Unknown to them, Piccolo is watching this scene and is worried how it's going to happen. When he saw them exchange kisses on their cheeks, Piccolo can only growl, angry at Vegeta who stole his girl. But once he saw Vegeta took a box out, it signals him that Vegeta's going to ask her for marriage and he will never get to confess to her.

He moaned in frustration; he has no choice. Back to them, Vegeta was about to speak, "(Y/n)-San, I", until he was thrown onto the ground by Piccolo's feet and they wrestled. She gasps as she saw Piccolo barging in and attack Vegeta. Everyone was shocked by this and decides to leave the scene without any disturbances. Both men stood up on their feet, facing each other with growls. "What the hell's wrong with you Namekian? I was going to surprise my woman!", Vegeta exclaimed. "Your woman? Hah!", Piccolo yelled at him retorted, "She's never yours to begin with! She's mine and mine alone! I cannot trust a brute like you to make her happy when you did is cause suffering!" "That's bullshit!", Vegeta yelled at Piccolo, "I would never do that to her! Never! And she's not even yours either! Give up and get lost!" "Make me Saiyan!" Piccolo yelled back at him. While they prepare their battle stance, (Y/n)-San stood there in horror and worried that they'll be more than hurt in this situation. She wasn't certain who to choose, but now she must choose. Just about to move and prepare their attacks, (Y/n)-San intervened.

"STOP!", she exclaimed, standing in between them. Stopping them from killing each other with her hands. They try to move around, but she refused to move. Vegeta looks at her, "(Y/n)-San, please take cover. I want you to be safe." Piccolo looks at them, "Don't talk to her! Please (Y/n)-San, listen to me and stay safe from that bastard." As the men argued at each other, (Y/n)-San had enough; "WILL YOU TWO STOP!?!", she screams at the top of her lungs. Both men stood there, silent as they hear her scream in anger, confused. "I WANT BOTH OF YOU TO STOP AND LISTEN TO ME FOR FUCKING ONCE!", she yelled, making herself red from the stress. 

Vegeta and Piccolo nodded and walk over to her, facing her. Vegeta finds her angry look rather sexy to him. "Alright, we're listening", said Vegeta. "What is it?", Piccolo asked. She stood there with her head hang low, take a deep breath, and sigh. "You guys, I don't know why or how I feel this emotion, but I felt love and confusion when I'm with you two. I mean, I already decided to love Vegeta because he's a nice guy who treated me like a woman and truly enjoys my company. But my heart is always feel warm and fuzzy when Piccolo's around; unexpectedly touching my hand and kissed my cheek. I don't know how to feel because I'm torn apart by you two. I need to be honest with you, but I'm ready to choose who to be with!" Piccolo and Vegeta blushed, both are flattered by her honesty and are anxious to hear her decision. But who does she choose?


(Y/n)-San look up and stares at Vegeta; she walk over to him and kissed his lips. Vegeta smiled and kissed her back. After the kiss, Vegeta grinned and hugs her by the waist. "(Y/n)-San", Vegeta cooed softly, "I'm really happy to have you as my lover." He once again kneels before her and opened the black box: she gasps as he took out a beautiful golden necklace, engraved with the words, "(Y/n)-San & Vegeta". He stood up, walk behind her, and attached it around her neck. She's very happy and looks at him and hugged him again. "Yes, Vegeta", she said in happy tone, "I will be yours forever!" Vegeta smiled, "Bulma knew you're in love with me and she doesn't care what I do with you because she wants you to be happy", he said. (Y/n)-San and Vegeta hold hands, staring at each other with love. Piccolo stood there, heartbroken; he tried to have her to himself and away from the Saiyan, yet she choose this Saiyan over him. "Well damn", he said mentally, "I...I guess I lose you." (Y/n)-San and Vegeta noticed Piccolo leaving the park. Vegeta look at her, "Go talk to him (Y/n)-San. I'll wait for you here", he said to her. She nods and kissed his cheek.

She ran out of the park and saw Piccolo about to fly fast. "PICCOLO! WAIT!", she yelled while running. Piccolo stops in midair, looks down and saw her running after him. Piccolo is confused and landed on the ground on his feet. He stood there, looking sad. She runs up to him and catches her breath. Piccolo sigh in sad tone, "What's wrong", he asked, "You choose Vegeta. What do you want?" (Y/n)-San can't help except slap his left cheek hard, leaving a mark. 

Piccolo rubs the spot on his cheek and look at her in awe confusion. "Piccolo! I'm sorry if I break your heart, I really am! It's just...I thought you only thought of me as a friend and I never imagine that you love me this much", she said honesty, "But I want you to know that I love Vegeta and I want you to be my friend." Piccolo blinks and looks at her, "Me as a friend?", he asked. She nods, "Yes, Piccolo. I know I hurt your feelings, but I want you to accept my decision and be our friend again." Piccolo thought for a moment, can't really think if she's serious or just saying that because she hurt him. But his conscious get the best of him and he understood that (Y/n)-San truly loves Vegeta as much as Vegeta loves her back. 

 Piccolo extended his hand out to her, "You're right", he said, "I need to forget about Vegeta's mistakes and focus on what's best for you two and me. I will accept you as my friend." (Y/n)-San smiled and hugged him; Piccolo blushed as he hugged her back, smiling awkwardly. After the hug, she kissed his cheek where she slapped him and he gasp lightly, placing his hand on the spot where her soft smooth lips touch his cheek. Piccolo shook his head and smiled. "I'm glad it's over", she said, relieved. "Yea", Piccolo replied, "I might as well get going to Gohan's house. I need to train him if he wants to protect our planet." She nods, "Ok! Well, see you around?", she asked waving at him. "Yeah, see you around (Y/n)-San", he said and waved back, then fly fast into the sky. She watch his disappear and went back to Vegeta at the park. Vegeta embraced her and they kissed; after they kissed, they both walk to her house.

Six months went by and both Vegeta and (Y/n)-San are still together. They went to visit Bulma and their children. (Y/n)-San played with Trunks and Bulla, making them giggle and having fun. Bulma sat next to Vegeta, "I'm so glad you two are happy together", Bulma commented. Vegeta shrugged, "Yeah, we are.", and looks at Bulma, knowing how sad she is about their divorce and seeing them together. Vegeta clear his throat, "I know you're sad and jealous of her Bulma. I can tell that look in your eyes", he said. Bulma look at him, nod, "I am envy of you two, but I cannot stay mad at you and her. She's my cousin and you deserve a better wife than me. I do pray both of you longer happiness." Bulma's words touched his cold heart and he left his sit and walk up to (Y/n)-San.

 After the kids went back to Bulma, (Y/n)-San stood up and faces Vegeta. "What's up love?", she asked. Vegeta and (Y/n)-San only dated for six months, but to him, he already knows her well and ready for their next level of relationship. He kneels down before her, present her a smaller black box, a revealed a golden engagement ring with a diamond embedded on top. (Y/n)-San gasps and smiled. "(Y/n)-San", said Vegeta all nervous, "I don't want to make corny words, but here it is: I love you no matter what and will you marry me?" She chuckled as tears flow out the corner of her eyes. "YES! I will! I love you Vegeta!" She hugs him in embrace and he hug her back; "I know", he replied, "I love you too." Bulma and her kids watch them hugging and are happy for them. The kids knows that their parents won't be together and accept their decision as they welcomed their new step mom.

The End


(Y/n)-San look up and stares at Vegeta; she looks inside the box and gasps as she sees a golden necklace which the words, "(Y/n)-San & Vegeta" engraved on it. She let tears roll down her cheeks, cannot believe he got her this and yet, her decision will hurt him. Piccolo already about to feel defeated as Vegeta smirk that he'll win this. But they saw her closed the box and hands it back to him. Vegeta looked confused, "What? (Y/n)-San?", he said in confusion. She hugs him and quickly hold his hand, "I'm very sorry Vegeta", she said apologetic, "But I'm afraid that I can't choose you." Vegeta's face formed into a sad look, his heart broken as he lost her to Piccolo. Vegeta was about to run away and cry out his frustration, but (Y/n)-San grab hold on his wrist. She slapped his left cheek; Vegeta looked surprised and touch his cheek where he felt the slight pain.

He look at her and gave her a questionable face. "So?", he said as he's holding back his tears, "You choose him. What now?" Piccolo watch them, letting her settle the conflict. (Y/n)-San looked angry and sad, but she let out a sigh. "Vegeta", she said, "I'm sorry. I never want to break your heart! I really don't want to! But my heart tells me that Piccolo is a loving man who deserves a woman in his life; someone who he trusted, loves, and he does loves me more than anyone." Vegeta nodded, understood what she says and almost regret being close to her. 

She walks up to him and kissed his injured cheek. Vegeta place his hand over the spot and looks at Piccolo. Piccolo wasn't angry since (Y/n)-San already choose him and allows her to kiss his cheek one last time. Vegeta looks back at (Y/n)-San and listens. "I know we can't be together Vegeta", she said, "But I want you to know if you want to be friends with us." Vegeta thought she would forget about him, but instead she wants him as a friend. Vegeta took his hand out, and sigh, "Very well, I've accepted your decision and...be your friend for now on." 

Instead of shaking his hand, (Y/n)-San hugs him; Vegeta blushed as she does this and hug her back. After the hug, Vegeta walk up to Piccolo. "You better take care of her and love her if the world's about to end", Vegeta advised to Piccolo. Piccolo nods, "I will Vegeta, don't worry. She will be in good hands"; he replied and shake their hands. With that, Vegeta hovers into the air and fly back to Capsule Corp.

(Y/n)-San waved at Vegeta until she can no longer see him. Piccolo walk up to her and they stare at each other's eyes. Filled with love, Piccolo holds her bridal style; "(Y/n)-San", he said to get her attention. "Yes?", she said in question. Piccolo blushes because he never does these things in public, but he closed his eyes and smack his lips against her lips. Once he kissed her, (Y/n)-San blushes and felt her heart beating faster than ever. She kissed him back and they passionately kiss each other, feeling their tongues dancing in each other's mouths. After they break the kiss, they hug each other. Piccolo admires her lovely face and whispers next to her ear, "Will you be mine woman forever?" She smiled wide and kissed him again, "Yes Piccolo, I'll always be yours. Forever", she replied. Then, Piccolo started walking, while carry her, to their home.

One year went by and everything went well; after dating for six months, Piccolo and (Y/n) get married and four months later, received a happy Namekian boy as they first born child (from an egg by Piccolo). They went to visit Bulma and her family for a reunion. Bulma and (Y/n)-San relax on the patio table as they laugh, watching Piccolo playing with Bulla in one arm while playing with their son in other arm. "Wow (Y/n)-San", Bulma commented, "I can't believe you two made it this far. I'm so proud of you!" 

(Y/n)-San smiled and nods, "Yep, in fact, we're planning to adopt a girl for our family!", she replied. (Y/n)-San noticed Vegeta at the corner of the patio, watching him standing there doing nothing. Vegeta sometimes felt awkward when seeing her and Piccolo together, but he did promised to accept their decision and moves on. Trunks came running from the living room, to the patio, and sat on (Y/n)-San's lap. (Y/n)-San' giggles as she pets his lavender hair. "So cousin (Y/n)-San", said Trunks, "Can I ask you why you like my dad before you choose Piccolo?"

She thought for a minutes and looks at him, "Your dad...is a lonely man. He truly loves me because he never met anyone like me and never been softer. But I decide to choose Piccolo because he deserves love more than anyone else. I'm very sure that Vegeta and your mom will be together again." After what she says, Bulma blinks; she cannot believe her cousin would say that and looks at Vegeta. What she say is true though, even though he enjoys (Y/n)-San's company, but he still miss his wife. 

His first lover who accept him and shower him with love and children. Bulma also agrees because she reconsiders restarting their relationship again, remove their divorce files, and plans on remarrying each other next month. "Oh ok!", Trunks says and leap off her lap, running back to Piccolo to play with them. Vegeta walk up to the women which they look at him. Vegeta looks at (Y/n)-San and smiles, "Welcome back (Y/n)-San. I guess someone told you about our remarriage. Right Bulma?" He ask and Bulma blushed, nodding. "Yep that's true", Bulma said in embarrassment, "And this time, I won't ever let you go just like those two lovers." Hinting at (Y/n)-San, she nods and left her seat, walks over to Piccolo and the kids.

Vegeta sat beside Bulma, staring at each other. "So?", said Bulma in question, "Are you still ok about us being back together whenever she's around?" Vegeta grunted, "(Y/n)-San already made her decision a year ago and I have to respect that. As for you..." Vegeta paused, leans in and kissed Bulma's cheek. He took out a black box and revealed an expensive golden engagement ring with three small diamonds on top. "I know our first marriage was alright until the divorce. I know how terrible for you to go through because of my mistake. But I want us to be together again and nothing else will get between us. So, will you marry this fool for a second chance?", Vegeta proposed in question to his first lover. 

Bulma doesn't need to say anything except whispers, "I will marry you my idiot lover", and they smiled. After placing the ring on her finger, Vegeta and Bulma hold hands as they look at their friends playing with the children. No matter how hard the challenges are when facing hard times in near future, but they are certain that Piccolo and (Y/n)-San will face them all together.

The End

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