Camparri X Reader (half-angel, half-earthling) Lemonish

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Camparri is sitting in the kitchen chair, alone, in the middle of the night. Lord Mosco/Mule is tucked into bed and the Supreme Kai Ea is probably staying up late on his work on the updates of  Universe 3's mortals and planets; and also, his scheme on new inventions to evolve Universe 3's technology. Camparri is bored as usual, waiting for dawn to come to reveal a new day to aid his lord. Suddenly, his staff is glowing on and off, making a quiet noise; Camparri's glad that his alarm isn't too loud, otherwise Lord Mosco will be cranky from lack of sleep. A hologram of the Grand Priest appears before Camparri. "Hello Camparri. How are you doing lately?", he asks while smiling. Camparri found it suspicious, yet something's up with his father. "Fine as usual Father", he said returning him with a smile, "Is there any news that I should know about?" The Grand Priest nods, "Yes, you along with the other eleven angels must report to Grand Zeno's Palace immediately." Camparri's eyes are wide open! But what does it mean?

            Camparri left Planet Mosco, left a note for his lord while he's away. He was teleported instantly by the Grand Priest, standing in front of his father, and escorted Camparri into the royal throne room. Camparri is seated between his brothers Sour and Cognac; Camparri's thoughts get the best of him with questions, "What's the real reason for coming here?" Suddenly he remembers important  memory from long ago before he started working as Universe 3's guide angel. His father would watch over all twelve universes and tests their abilities on their teachings to their Gods of Destruction. If this is the real reason to be summoned to the palace, then that means the Grand Priest is going to declare the two candidates for the position of the new Grand Priest! Camparri has dreaded to get the position for a long time; if he's chosen as the first or second candidate, then his life will be saved. Then, the Grand Priest stands in front of them on top of the podium. "Welcome back my children", he said, "I know it's late before the gods wake up, but this will be a quick meeting. First off, I have been watching each of you angels completed your tasks as the guide angel. I am proud to each of you of your teachings, care taking, and most importantly, your knowledge and determination of your own universes. That's why I have finally decided the candidates for the position for the title as Grand Priest/Priestess."

            A sweat drop falls off Camparri's forehead while smiling for his victory. He's not the only one; all angels are excited to hear the news. A few of them knows who the candidates are, while the rest of them dreams that the electives are one of them. Finally, the Grand Priest speaks, "Now I'm going to select two names who will be named candidates for the title of future Grand Priest/Priestess", said the Grand Priest. Everyone gasps in shock! Only two candidates?! Camparri is getting nervous, but he hopes for his name to be revealed, as the candidate for the title. He can only imagine himself, claiming the title as Grand Priest, aiding and advising for the Grand Zeno and the Future Grand Zeno; leaving his position as guide angel, universe 3 along with Lord Mosco and Supreme Kai Ea. Sure, he'll miss his old life; but not really. His knowledge of Universe 3 along with the idea of advance technology is handy, but he finds it boring. He was desperate to find new knowledge of everything besides techno and robots; which is why he's certain to move on to the semi-final election as the candidate for the job means his life will get better. "The two candidates who will be selected for the title is...", the Grand Priest trailed off, leaving the angels in suspension.

            It was done. The two candidates are Whis and Vados! Which means they'll be running against each other for the title. However, the other ten angels are disappointment including poor Camparri who is more disappointed than ever. His head hang low, shadowing his face, covering his face, his tears of sorrow, from his siblings and his father. "I know each of you have done great in your jobs", said the Grand Priest while holding a piece of paper, "But the reason why I chose Whis and Vados is because their moral reasons with their knowledge has meet my expectations that put them into the election."

            Disappointed sighs and moans came from the angels while Camparri sat there, wiping his tears, sighed in disappointment that he didn't get the title. Whis and Vados bows to their father, made their speeches, and sat back to their seats. "Thank you Whis and Vados!", the Grand Priest said, "And now here's the final news, I know the rest of you didn't win..." The angels nods in agreement. "Which is why I come to this conclusion of what you should do while continuing your job as the guide angel..." he said and opens the paper, "I will assign each of you into arranged marriage between royal members of high angels society." Everyone gasps! They would never suspect their own father would give them away to a stranger who will be their future wife/husband. "I know it's too early for marriage", he said calmly, "But I'm doing this for a good reason: I want grandchildren. Very soon, you each will get married; until then, you each go back to your universes as guide angels. However, there's another news that requires your attentions...", he said while pointing to his right.

A feminine figure appears out of nowhere; everyone gasps, admiring her appearance. Camparri was irritated by the whispering until he looks up and gasps. The figure is a young woman who's in her late twenties, her skin is (skin color choice or angel's skin color), half of her hair is pure white (left side) like the angels, but her other half of hair is  (h/c) (right side). She is 5-foot-tall, her eyes are mixed match ; her left eye iris lavender while the right eye is (eye color), her breast are (b/s), a pair of lips are lavender shaded lips or color choice of lips, her nails are lavender as well, and her clothes & shoes are all (f/c). What caught the angels attention that she also has a staff like theirs; but for what reason? Her staff's orb is the normal color like theirs except the rest of her staff is colored (color choice) embedded in her favorite gem stones (chose any birth gem stones).

            "This is (Y/n). For some of you don't know, she's originally an Earthling", said the Grand Priest who cause all the angels in shock. "Excuse us father", Whis spoke up, "But why does she possessed the staff that only higher-level angels can possess?" The Grand Priest nods, knowing they need to learn the truth, "It's easy; I turned her half-human and half-angel. But after I gave her the staff, she is now at the aging processing that decreases the speed of her age like us." Marcarita spokes up, "But why is she part of our race father?" The other angels agreeing with their sister, demanding answers. The Grand Minister held his hands, silencing his children, "Your other sibling back home was exploring her home planet Earth. She saved (his/her) life and get hit by a truck, almost in near death. But I was able to save her by using the recently deceased blood of the higher-level angel and performed blood transfusion. In front of you all is the proof and results of the transfusion and she agreed to never disrupt or betray our race that earn her the privilege to become my student." Everyone was dead silent including Camparri who is more interested in her transformation and her life from Earth. "And now, the reason she's here is because I chose her to be my future daughter-in-law!", he said causing all the male angels to gasps, "That's not all, I already selected one of you boys to be her future husband except for Whis." Camparri shook his head, feeling sorry for one of his brothers who'll be chosen to be her fiancé. The Grand Priest finally speaks, "Anyway one of your brothers is already chosen, it is...", he stops looking at Camparri. Camparri was confused; he is looking around at his siblings who are looking right at him. Sweat rolls down his face, something's wrong; then he realized why they're looking at him. "Oh no!", he groaned quietly into his hands.

            Meanwhile, Lord Mule is dressed for the morning and head out to the kitchen; then he stops as he saw Camparri standing in the kitchen doorway, holding two luggage. Then Lord Mule gasps as he saw a pretty woman standing next to Camparri, who took the luggage off his hands and walk until she disappears into another room. Lord Mule gave Camparri a dirty look, "What the hell's going on here? Who's this woman? And why does she look like part you but also an Earthling?" Camparri sighs, "Lord Mule, that woman is apparently my fiancé." Mule nods, but then let out a gasp, "SAY WHAT!?" Camparri nods and (Y/n) came back into the kitchen, standing next to the guide angel. "Lord Mule, this is Miss (Y/n). She's the Grand Priest's special student and my fiancé", Camparri said while (Y/n) bows to the god. "Pleasure to meet you Lord Mule", she said while smiling. The god imp slowly nods while giving her a half-smile, not sure what just happened. "(Y/n), this is the God of Destruction of Universe 3 Lord Mule. But in his robot suit, he's also known as Lord Mosco", Camparri explain while introducing the god to his fiancé. Mule bows back to (Y/n), "Nice to meet'cha", he said and looks at his angel, "Well Camparri, you better take real care of that one." Camparri frowns, "That's what everyone told me", he mutters. "Well, I'm going out to destroy some planets, I'll see you two later", said Mule and left the kitchen to the workshop. (Y/n) grins at her lover while he gave her a fake smile, returning to a frown, not knowing what's going to happen next.

            Two weeks later, it was awkward for Camparri; not only he has to feed her but also clean her laundry, find some treasure for her to go shopping to her home planet, and she forced him to clean her room. He really gets annoyed how selfish she is; why can't she figure it all out with her own staff? Then, he decides to go into her room. He went to her door, knocked it, and accidently opens the knob. Camparri went inside and see what a mess she left behind; he used his staff to clear all her trash and dust away. An idea pops out of his head, leaving a note on Lord Mule/Mosco's door, and hide inside her closet. After three hours, (Y/n) finally came back from her usual shopping session. As she places her bags down, she fell on top of her back; her skirt sprawls out, having her panties exposed and her ass facing to Camparri's direction.

A Little Sexual Lemon Moment Coming Up!

Either scroll down fast or turn back.

            Camparri blushes hard as he caught sight of (Y/n)'s camel toe forming through her (color choice) panties. It was very wet that create a musky yet feminine scent that caught his nose's attention. "It feels so wrong!", he thought to himself, "Yet, it feels good. What's happening to me?" He looked down and saw a bulge, forming through his robe. He looks back up and covered his mouth; (Y/n) is half naked, her breasts exposed, hardening nipples, her shoes off. She only has her stockings on and slowly taking off her panties, revealing her soaked vagina to Camparri's view. He bit his lower lip, quiet himself from being seen and heard. "What the hell is she up too?", he thought as he continues to watch her strange behavior. She laid down on her back, exposing her naked body in the room, then she took one of the bags and took out a strange object in her hand; it was a blue silicone dildo with a suction cup behind it. Camparri's curious, not knowing what it is, "What is that?", he asked himself; but he soon found out as he watches her covered the dildo with lube and slowly tracing it around her clit.

            She moans and moans while rubbing the dildo around her pussy. Little did he know that she knew he's hiding in her closet and decided to give him a little show. (Y/n) sat up, her pussy faces to his view, spread her legs wide, and continue rubbing her pussy with the dildo. He can see her get wetter, which is giving him a huge erection, trying to pop out of his robe. He tries to contain his urges, but he couldn't take it anymore. Camparri took off his robe, his shirt, and finally reveal his massive penis, throbbing from (Y/n)'s moaning. He was curious how it felt like when touching himself and began to masturbate. His hand moving up and down on his cock while continue to look at the blue dildo rubbing her pussy. Then, (Y/n) laid the suction cup on the wall above her bed, and slowly shove it inside her, making her cry a little, but she continues to thrust. As she's pounding onto the dildo, Camparri gets more turned on by this and wanked faster. A drool rolls down from the left corner of his mouth, moaning softly, while watching her riding the dildo at full speed. Camparri finds it pleasurable, but he wanted more; he suddenly felt the urge to take his penis and shove it into her mouth, nice and moist. "Camparri", she moans his name which get his attention while jerking off. She continues moaning his name many times until one point where Camparri couldn't take it anymore. He opened the door wider while her eyes closed and moaned, "Camparri...come fuck me now!"

            She immediately stops as she felt something shoved into her mouth; she opens her eyes, saw Camparri standing there in front of her, and noticed his dick is inside her mouth. He gave her an embarrassed smile while blushing; she returns with a smile and start sucking his penis. She sucks very hard, making him moan louder. It didn't take long before Camparri reaches his orgasm, "Ha...Ah..Ah...Aaaaaah!", and he shoot his semen into her throat. (Y/n) felt the semen spread onto her tongue and into her throat; she sucked his cum off his penis, showing him his semen, and swallowed. Camparri notices wet substance oozing out of her pussy, dripping down to her thighs; seeing her wet gets him hard again. (Y/n) notices his erection came back and gave him a seductive smile, " you wanna f...", before she could finish her sentence, he picked her up under her thighs, he smacked his lips into hers,  and began snowballing each other. He laid her back onto the bed, straddling on top of her, and rubbing his dick around her wet pussy, "(Y/n)...", he moans. "Camparri...", she moans in return, "Call me (Y/n)-chan."

Lemon Over

            And so, they did it; they had sex. They fucked each other until midnight. (Y/n)-chan is resting onto Camparri's chest while he watches her sleeping in peace. He smiles and kiss her on the lip; he gets out of bed and stops at the bathroom door, naked. He looks at (Y/n)-chan one last time before he takes a shower. "You know what", he whispered, "Maybe there's a reason to stay here. And I find her and her love interesting than I thought." Then he disappeared into the bathroom.

The End

-Hello it's Piccologirl! I wanted to take this time to say thank you so much for many of you reading my one-shot stories and the requests. I do hope to have more people to...

Suddenly Camparri and Grand Priest appeared

Camparri: *Blushing bright red

Grand Priest: *read this story* What the hell's going on here?

Me sweating: Um...It isn't what it looks like? *blushing and slowly laughing

-Anyway, thank you very much and please feel free to make request based on the rules on the intro. See you soon.

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