Grand Priest X Powerful Female Saiyan Reader

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Requested by otaku_love_anime. Again I apologized, I cannot find images for him.

-This female Saiyan reader is probably stronger than Kale and Broly combined. Yet, she's lost about not knowing the history and philosophy of the multiverse and the origin of the first gods of creations (not the Supreme Kais in this case). The writing for this fanfic is part of my theories of the back story of the Grand Zeno, the culture and society of the angels, and anything that I made up. No need to argue if you proven me wrong or point out what's logical or not. Anyway, please enjoy.

(Y/n), the most mysterious yet out righteous female Saiyan who ever lived. She performed many heroic deeds: protect the innocence, and their planets, and defeat evil. While she does these tasks, she travels throughout the universe, with her space pod, searching...for knowledge. Saiyans are a powerful race, known for insane strength and their transformation in their Oozaru form (Great Ape). They rely on brawns and their transformation; they never need to learn from books and other subjects of knowledge: except the royalty of the race. However, there are secrets that are kept hidden and forgotten by the next generation of Saiyans. What she can remember is when she was three years old, she was aware that she's orphaned, her parents died from the planet's destruction. She survived by her parents' safety precautions (who saw Bardock and Gine send Goku to Earth and decides to send their daughter away); thanks to them, she gets to live. (Y/n)'s space pod landed on unhabitat planet where there's only water sources and vegetation. She has no problem with this and survived for eighteen years. Once she's old enough to venture out of the planet, she went inside the pod and traveled the universe.

At age 23, she is a beautiful Saiyan. She is tall (taller than Kale but an inch shorter than Goku), slim yet built up muscled body from her years of training and fighting for the good. Her black (length) and (type of hairstyle) hair shines from the sun, her black eyes sparkled as she gazes at the sky, her lips are not shaded, yet structure form is a perfect shape. And her breasts are large, big as two coconuts. In case she outgrown her infant Saiyan armor or sick of the design, her mother packed her an old handmade and sewn outfit: a (color) shirt, a u-neck with short sleeves, a (color) gi pants that is comfy to wear and tight enough to stay around her waist, and her (color) shoes which protected her feet from sharp objects. Additionally, she also wears her family's heirloom, a shiny headband with a precious stone on the left side (insert any type of stone).

Besides the outfit, her father also provided her the map of the entire universe (places we see in the show and unknown territory that we never see) and an out dated surveillance scouter; lucky her dad manages to rework the circuits and Frieza's devices can't pick up its' communication frequency. Using the scouter, she was able to travel far and wide, and safe from the Frieza Force. One by one, one step at a time, (Y/n) landed on each planet which is already has living creatures and beings settling in their land. But as challenges and foes try to disrupt harmony, (Y/n) answers the call and defeats them. One time, she faced a strong opponent, far from planet (insert name); a male thug noticed her arrival and challenge her to a one on one fight. During the fight, he insulted her, saying she is nothing and the reason why she has no body because of her years of training and being lonely. She was furious! So angry that she charged up her full power and instantly transforms into a Super Saiyan. She was surprised by this outcome and smirked, finally put that man in his place. But he did apologize to her and they became comrades, promised her to protect the innocent people and his world. With that said, she took her leave and continues fighting evil and bring peace to the universe, well the first half of it. Overtime, she manages to transformer beyond her Super Saiyan form: SSJ2, SSJ3, SSJ4 (don't worry, her bra didn't get destroyed or stretched out), SSJ Red, SSJ Blue, and her ultimate transformation that not even Goku manage to get: Super Saiyan Rainbow!

One hot day, in a desert area of the planet, she was busy, distracted by her mind. She has made many travels in her universe, but she heard rumors that there are more universes besides her own. After searching and asking questions, she couldn't find anything useful. Her mind is confused, trying to think logic and theories how this multiverse was created. She has no idea, yet she must figure it out. Until now. When she stands up, from her sitting rock, she looks straight and stood in surprise. What's standing in front of her is a short light blueish skinned man, with white combed back hair, violet (correct color name) eyes, staring at her with a stoic smile. He wears his green grey outfit, with an orange triangle on his shirt, red sash around his waist, and black and white shoes. She looks at him, curious; she flinched as he instantly appeared close to her. He looks up at her, smiled, and bows to her. "Greetings young Saiyan", he said, "I'm the Grand Priest." She backs up and bowed to him, "Hello, I'm (Y/n). Pleasure to meet you", she greeted him with her smile. His eyes glowed with interest. "Yes, of course I know who you are my dear", he replied, holding her hand and kissed it. She stares at him, blushed red. "Oh? Really? But I never met you before", said (Y/n). "Everyone in the first half of this universe talks about you. A young heroine, saves millions of lives, gained allies and enemies. And this is where I come here, I heard you mumbled from my staff that you want to gain knowledge of the entire multiverse. I can show you where to obtain them", said the Grand Priest.

(Y/n)'s intrigued; she has no idea who he really is, but she does want to learn from him. Whatever the reason he's telling her this is the sign that he trusts her with the secrets of the entire multiverse's history. She smiled at him, extends her hand, "Ok! We'll might as well get this over with", she said, showing her stoic happy face. The Grand Priest nods, "Very well", then grabs her hand, "This will take a second, stand by." Then, they disappeared from the planet.

For only a half of second, they arrived at a strange looking planet that resembles as a shape of a jellyfish, except with vegetated plants growing out of the ground and hung below the place. It was blue and a small place to live. (Y/n) stares in awe, interested in this new place. "Is this where you live here Grand Priest?", she asks. He looks at her with a calm face, happy to reply, "Yes, but this is where my superiors live here as well." Her face looked confused, giving him a narrowed eyebrows at him, "Your...superiors?", she asks him again. He nods, "Yes, they're the Omni Kings of the entire Cosmos, rulers of every universes, including yours." She knew what she's in for is going to be bizarre, yet very exciting for once. She gazes at the starry night sky, her black eyes glimmered as shooting stars passed by. The Grand Priest stares at her eyes, her beautiful smile; he finds her very attractive and cannot stop staring at her. He felt that he must steal those lips of hers and kiss them, making her his own woman. He snapped out of his thoughts, realized what he was thinking of is unprecedented. His own kind wouldn't allow this interspecies relationship mixed in their society. For now, he must try his best to avoid the consequences. He cleared his throat, getting her attention. She turns her face to him. "We should get going to Grand Zeno's Palace. They should be expecting me back to their throne room", he said, gesturing her to follow him. (Y/n) nodded and they proceed to walk along the trail, until an hour later, they arrived at the front door of the Palace.

"Wow!", she said amused, "The palace is so huge, even the doors are up high!" The Grand Priest chuckles, "Just you wait till we get the library, it's ten times the space of the room." He levitates off the ground, grabs his staff out of the ether and used it's magic to unlock the front doors. They opened slowly, making a loud noise until they stop moving. He landed on the edge of the door way and turns back to her. "Come now (Y/n)", he said; she levitates off the ground and joins his side, then he closed the doors as they entered the palace. While walking the corridor, he looks at her, "By the way, whatever you do, please don't upset them", he warns her in his calm face. She was puzzled by this, "Why's that?", she asked. He smiled at her, his eyelids half closed, "If they get slightly irritated, they will erase you permanently", he replied. Her eyes grew wide, cannot believe what he said about the Grand Zenos are true. No longer than a minute, they instantly disappeared.

In the throne room, two guards, stand beside their superiors, the Grand Zenos. Appeared out of nowhere, both the Grand Priest and (Y/n) arrived. (Y/n) sighs in awe, seeing the room huge and spacious with all those columns in here. She turns her attention to the Grand Priest, saw walking near them, kneel down on one knee, and bowed before them. "I have arrived my sires", he said, "Along with a Saiyan that I met today." They hummed, "uh huh", and looks at her, curious. She realized she was being rude, and she kneel down and bowed, "Pleasure to meet you your greatness, I'm (Y/n)", said (Y/n), blushing in embarrassment that she's not in her best attire. They lean closer to her and get a better look at her; they smiled. "Welcome (Y/n)", said Grand Zeno. "Yes, very welcome young Saiyan!", replied Future Grand Zeno. They giggled as they smiled at each other and at her. She smiles in return, happy to not upset them. "So, what business do you have with us (Y/n)?", Grand Zeno asked. Future Grand Zeno hummed in agreement. The Grand Priest stood beside her, "My sires, this young lady is interested in the history of this multiverse and asks permission to seek knowledge and truth", he said, waiting for their approval. They thought for a moment, "Very well", they said in unison, "We'll allow her to stay here for as long as she likes." (Y/n) smiled, happy for them to let her search for answers. She bowed to them, "I'm very honored and like thank you to allow me to be here", she said. "Uh huh", they hummed in response. "Then I shall lead her to her bedroom, she'll need her rest before her research", the Grand Priest said, gesturing her to follow them. "Ok!", replied the Grand Zenos, "Good luck (Y/n)!", then waved at them. She waved back at him and follows him to the end of the corridor.

He opened the door and lead her inside a huge bedroom: a spacious room with king size bed, soft blankets and comfy pillows, a big desk with paper and writing utensils, a bathroom with a toilet, a sink with a mirror, a linen closet, a huge shower and a tub. A big closet with drawers for clothes, and then, she turns to her right and gasps; big double doors are opened which leads her to the main library room. She ran inside, run into the middle of the library: What he said is true, it's ten times the space and size of the room, plenty of books to read and a comfy armchair to read near the high coffee table. (Y/n) gave a big bright smile, happy to be in this holy room of knowledge and entertainment. The Grand Priest hummed, delighted to see her excited over a library. "She'll be here for a long time", he mutters to himself. He walks over and stood beside her, "Do you like it?", he asked. "Like it? I love it here!", she exclaimed, "I really am happy to let me here, thank you! She leans down and kissed his cheek, making him blush on his cheeks. He smiled while closed his eyes, nodding, then opens them again. "Very well, I'll let you rest. Take care, I'll come here other times when you're hungry", he said, then left the room. (Y/n) nods, can't wait to get started, she didn't bother need to rest and starts picking up all history texts form the shelves, reading them while writing notes on paper.

Twenty-four hours went by and the Grand priest knows that she'll need to eat. He arrived at her door, "(Y/n)? I'm here with a meal. May I come in?", he asked. No one answered; he shrugged his shoulders and teleports inside her room. He was carrying a tray of fancy slab of meat (any kind of meat) with a side of roasted type of potatoes and a tiny treat of chocolate cake pudding (I had cake pudding before at school and it was an ok dessert). He turns around, trying to find her, then he looks at the desk. His eyes grew wide a bit, but relaxes, smiled while he chuckled; he found her already fallen asleep on her desk, writing down all the knowledge she needs to know and ends up exhausted, resting. He sighs, admiring her pretty face while she sleeps. "Oh well", he said and sealed her tray of food and a canister of water, in a barrier, "She'll eat once she's awake." He picks her body up in bridal style and carries her to the bed, tucking her tired body inside the blanket. 

Placing her head on the pillow while placing the top blanket on her, he leans to her face, and kissed her lips. His mind gets the best of him, daydream of him kissing her lips, hearing her giggle as they embrace each other while they kissed. Out of his control, he leans down and kiss her lips again, pressing them on there. He gently licks her lips, touching her soft lips, mesmerized by her face's beauty. He slips his tongue inside her mouth, trying not to wake her up. For a good minute, he was busy sucking her tongue and mouth, his hand guided itself and gently squeezed her left breast. His mind snapped, quietly took his hand and tongue back to himself, backing away. He breathed heavily, shocked that he would do this to her. He really is confused how he would lose control and kissed her; an angel who dominant the female Saiyan. That's when he gasps softly, realized that he's in love with her. "Uh oh", he said to himself, "I kissed a female from another race and touched her. Why can't I forget her?" he stood there, can't figure out how to get rid of this problem. But that's when he knew that once he's in love, he'll never forget her. He smiled, understood what he's in, and left the room, closed the door quietly. He stood in the corridor, smiled while hugging himself over his chest, "My (Y/n)!", he mutters, "I will make you my woman!"

As two weeks went by, (Y/n) has been recording while searching for texts that shows her the entire historical facts of the universes' origins, species, and the evolution of their adaption. But she cannot stop and continues her search for answers. While she was looking through the shelf, a red book fell behind her, hit onto the floor. She spins around, walk over, and picks it up. After she placed it back on its' shelf, she spots a black small shelf, containing bigger and ancient texture of the books' covers. That's where she needs to see; older books meaning the chance of finding the knowledge she needs. As she scans the shelf, there are five books that seemed reliable and brings them to her desk. As she placed them on the desk and sit down, she picks the red one and starts reading. To her surprise, it shows her the story of the beginning to the multiverse.

As she read through the book for six hours, here's what she remembers. This book takes place when there's no universes; it was not the multiverse back then, only empty space and only one planet: Planet Earth. Earth was created by the growth of a small matter of rock that took it over millions of years to construct, and it was formed into a planet with bodies of water and vegetation. Creatures originated as micro sized organisms that swan in the depths of the oceans for millions of years. Until one day, one of them grew body limbs, eventually grew bigger and swam out of the water. As they survived on land, they adapted to the dry land and then, a meteorite strikes down, crash landed on the planet. What it does is the most fascinated event of all creations; two mystical and celestial beings arrived on Earth, claiming it their new home. 

They noticed the organisms and their adaptions for survival; so, they used their powerful magic, released it throughout the planet, giving the creatures ability to transform into whatever types of animals they wished to be. After living there for over ten thousand years, the creatures are now fully evolved and turned into specific types of animals (wild dogs, deer, tigers, all animals from reptiles, felines, canines, water, land, flyers, and even the smallest of rarest species. The two beings are identified as two different genders: male and female. As they spend their time on Earth, they cast their magic, busy creating a special orbs. For fifty years, they are the first creators of the original Dragon Balls; they used their first wish and make Earth magical. With that, it took three millions years later to create the first two Earthlings: Adam and Eve. At first, the female being was overjoyed, happy to go greet them. But her lover stops her; he explained to her that their creations should not see them. So, while hiding from them, the celestial beings used their magic again, and create their own domain. As they finished, they teleport themselves there; for a while the two lovers watches over the Earthlings, the male being used his telepathy to create the voice of God. Over the history of time, they noticed another evil celestial being was in the garden of Eden. This one's an evil being who wished to destroy everything and anything especially the two beings of his kind. The male and female are worried for this will be the end of their first humanity. With their only attempt to exile it, they fired their spiritual soul beam and aimed it at the evil one. As it disappeared, they thought it's gone; but their wrong. As the female saw a serpent on the tree of knowledge.

Both beings are sad to see their Earthlings being deceived by the evil one's task. They planted the tree of knowledge to educate them what they should not do to it as Adam and Eve live in the forest, minding their own business. But since it's too late for their Earthlings, the male being decides to exile them out of Eden and created them a home. A house in an open field; for thirty years, Adam and Eve both spend their time growing crops while raising their two sons: Cain and Able. Over course of history, everything went its' way: Cain murdered his brother, became history's first murderer. From the book of genesis to the day Jesus was born, everything was fine until one day. It all started in Jerusalem, back when Jesus was only thirteen years old. As the young boy walks in the market, he encountered a group of old men, giving him their experiences to him. But at this time, the evil appeared again, except in a form of a demon (DBZ version, not the biblical one). He has plans for Earth and everyone in it; so, he opens the gates of Hell, bringing forth demons to capture humans. That's when the two celestial beings noticed this disaster and went to Earth. Jesus hides underneath the cart, saw the demon and the two beings fight against each other, astonished how their powers existed. Eventually, the two beings finally enough of this and took out the dragon balls. They knew that the magic within Earth is too risky and dangerous for the people living her, for their safety, the two beings wished to take away Earth's magic and used it on the demon, exiled him and his minions to Hell, permanently closed Hell's gates forever.

As the job was done and see that everyone's back from Hell and on their home planet, the two beings decided to never come back. Jesus went up to them, looking at them in curiosity. "Will we remember this day?", he asked them. The female spokes, "Unfortunately, we must forget this day and the magic within Earth including us. However, to protect the truth, someone must create a book to recreate the history of the beginning." Jesus smiles, nods as he waved them as they left Earth. The two lovers watched over them, eventually one person first created the first edition of the Bible. For eons, they lived happily in their home. (Y/n) sighed, amazed how two beings from another world are capable of magic and to create important pieces of humanity and history. Eventually in three weeks, (Y/n) read three other books: The second book is about how the first two beings became the Creators of Everything and their accomplishments in creating the seven multiverses and created their child. The third book shows about how their son was lonely and they used their magic to create a female (who looks like human). The Creators then held a coronation for their son and daughter in-law, making them the Great Grand Omni King and Queen. 

The forth book is about how their son and his wife created their six children; While each offspring watches over each multiverse, the Creators used their magic to create the race of angels and their home planet. To make sure their bloodlines are pure, they won't let other species near them, trying not to create a hybrid of half angel and other half. When the Great Grand Omni Queen gave birth to Grand Zeno, he was known as the destructive child, childless and selfish as he whined and forced servants to play. But they refused when working, he erased them, sparing only two dozen servants. When the Creators of Everything noticed their grandson went over a bad temper tantrum, they asked their son to make him the last Omni King of the seven multiverse, exiling him with his angel. Over eons of being isolated from his family, all alone with his two guards and his angel advisor, the Grand Zeno knows what he did was bad and will make sure that his universes won't do the same for being selfish and ungrateful. As she grabs the last fifth book, (Y/n) noticed how the texts are all hand written. That's when she realized that it was someone else's diary. She skimmed through the pages, then stops at a page of a family album photo. The wife is beautiful as a pearl, smiling at the photo. The husband looks exactly like Camparri expect he has a stern look, make him scarier than the Grand Priest's sinister face. In front of them are their four children: A boy, a girl, another boy, and last another boy. As she was inspecting the picture, her eyes caught something that makes her shocked. "No way!?!", she exclaimed, "The second boy is the Grand Priest!?"

(Y/n) could not believe that this is his diary; but she continued reading until another family photo appeared. This time, the Grand Priest is grown up, still young and handsome looking. He smiled beside a woman who's an angel and is happened to be his wife. She smiled, flashing a pretty look at the camera. In front of them are their children especially Cus, Korn, Vados, Whis, Marcarita, and Sour. They were all big happy family; the next picture shows the grown-up version of the sister who has a husband and her child Camparri. The oldest boy is grown up, married, and has children of Martinu and Awamo as twins. Then, the youngest boy is also grown-up, married, and his children are Cognac and Cuckatail. 

(Y/n) flipped the next pages and eventually found a group photo of the Grand Priest with his children, niece and nephews, and Mojito who was his student from their home planet. All the twelve angels were all guide angels to their first destroyers as their students and lords & lady(s). (Y/n) has never seen the Grand Priest this happy or at least involved with his family. "I wonder what happen to them?", she asks herself. "My wife passed away", said the familiar voice. (Y/n) spins around and felt her heart beating fast; it was the Grand Priest, standing next to her. "Oh!?", she yelped, "When did you get in here?" "I went inside while you're reading", he replied, smiled, "I see you found my diary. How was it?" She gave him a sad smile, "You were so happy with them. Until you said your wife died. How?", she asked. He looks at the page with his family photo, looking at his wife, "She died form birth complications. She bared so many children that she was too weak to live. We gave her the proper funeral and I promised that I'll never fell for anyone ever again." He looks at her face, smiled, "Until I met you on that desert planet. That's when my eyes laid on you. I cannot stop thinking about you", he walked closer to her, his hand touching her chin, making her look at him. "I don't know why I ever fell for you, but", then he kissed her. She shook, feeling her face burned with red blush. Her eyes grew in surprised, cannot believe that he kissed her. Then, she gives into the kiss, kissing him back.

They pulled apart, breathing heavy. They stared in each other's eyes, filled with love. (Y/n) cleared her throat, "But what about your race, your father and children? Do they actually accept interspecies relationships?", she asked him. "The society and my father can go to Hell. As for my children and relatives, they don't mind you being their new member of the family", he answered her honestly. (Y/n) smiled, her eyes sparkled while she wraps her arms around his neck. He stared at her with admiration and love, happy to be closer to her. "(Y/n), would you like to live with me and be my lover?", he asked. (Y/n) grinned, "Yes, I love that!", and then they French kissed, happy that they can get to be together forever.

The End

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