Young Toppo X Female Childhood Friend Reader

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-Hello everyone and a good holidays to you all. Now, this fanfic request is an interesting one. This is requested by CharlesSmith090. To my surprise by this request, this could be an interesting topic of creating Toppo's past and how he was treated before he joined the Pride Troopers. I hope this is accurate and enjoyable if any professionals are reading this. Please enjoy.

Toppo is the leader of the Pride Troopers; he had always saved innocent people from danger and served justice against all his foes mercifully. He and his huge hands worked as one as he saved his universe from evil. To be honest, Toppo wasn't always strong when he faced discrimination and negative comments back then. Well, it all started when he was a young boy.

Toppo was only six years old; he was born from a strange pair of parents: a normal woman and a giant. His father is from a line of giants whose once threatens the village of Toppo's home planet. His mother lived on planet (insert name) for her entire life. As they meet, it was love at first sight. Until the village discovered their secret and saw them raising their son. For their punishments: his mother was sent away and never come back. His father was stoned to death for his punishment is the creation of Toppo which is known to them as an abomination.

            For three years, a close relative of his mother's raised him; she would feed him, care for him, and protect him from the society that they live in. But at age four, his relative died of an internal disease, leaving him alone in this world. Without a home, food, or any care, Toppo always hide to a safe small place where no one can harm him. Once in a while, he would receive a small amount of food when performing tasks for some people; but he would only eat a small bite or drink a sip as he was bullied by older kids and took his things. They would beat his face, a bruise on his arm and back, and he would force himself to scare them using his huge hands. Everyone in the village calls him a monster, a freak of nature whenever he walks around. Gossip like this hurt his feelings, but nonetheless, he continues living his life while he ignores them, hoping that someone else helps him.

            One day, he went back to his place again, bruised up from his usual beating from the older boys. Toppo wears his usual dirty tanned robes, worn out by his beatings. His white hair is short yet scruffy. His yellow cat eyes stared at the ground, catching his breath. He received a loaf of bread for performing tasks. Sadly, they took it out of his hands and beat him up. Toppo's tears roll down his cheeks, feeling heartbroken and sadness from all the hate that the village give him. Suddenly, his pointy ears heard a small noise from his left; scared at first, he was prepared to hide. Until a young girl at a year younger than him appeared before him. Toppo blinks, wiping the tears that hoping she did not see him crying. The young girl is an inch taller than him, skinny yet healthy. Her hair is (color), her fair skin is (color), and her ears are (which style). Her shiny (color) eyes stares at him, feeling sorry for him. She wears her brown hoody cape while wearing a (color) robe, (color) sash, and (color) shoes. She walks closer, and stops in front of him. Toppo back up to a corner behind him, trying to escape. The girl examines his bruises. "Hey, you're hurt!", she said softly, then took out her aid kit, "Don't worry, I'll fix you up in no time!" With that, she took out her medical spray; she held up his arm and sprayed the bruised area. Toppo winced by the pain, yet he took it like a man as he allows her to heal him. It was now done as she placed bandages on his arms. The girl notices how huge his hands are; cannot believe someone like him would exist. Toppo looks at her and waits for her response, thinking she would make fun of him like the others did. Unexpectantly, she held his right hand in her hands, caressing the back of his hand. She looks at him and smiled, giving him a warm friendly smile that he never seen before.

            Toppo stares at her in awe; "Wwwwho are you?", he asked. The girl held his hand tightly yet gently, "I'm (Y/n)-Chan. I was worried how the bullies treated you when they hurt you. I cannot allow you to let them treat you like this. You must tell them to stop it." "Then what?", he said, "become friends with me? A monster with huge hands, no family and no friends? I don't think so!" (Y/n)-Chan gasp by his exclamation; she cannot believe such as gentle boy could give up hope on good things. She sat next to him, reaching into her pocket and took out a half of loaf of bread. She gives it to Toppo which his eyes went wide open as he looks at her, shocked  by her offer. "At least let me give you something to eat", she replied.  Toppo nods, receives the bread and ate it; he hums as he saviors it. Toppo cannot imagine someone like her would be caring for some creature like him. If only he could repay that act of kindness, people will realize how kind and great he can be. But how? (Y/n)-Chan stand up, dusting the dirt of her robes. She looks at Toppo, "You're not the only one who's lonely; my parents died three years ago, and I was given the tasks to heal injured people. Anyway, what's your name?", she asked. "Toppo", he responds by giving her a hand shake. She returns the shake and they chuckle. "You know what Toppo", she said smiling, "I heard there are heroes who are recruiting members to join the Pride Troopers." Toppo's ears perk up, curious. "Who?", he asked. "Pride Troopers are heroes who believe in saving people with their own abilities and throw bad guys in jail without killing anyone." She sighs, looking at the sky, "Maybe one day we'll join them and help everyone. Wouldn't that be great Toppo?", (Y/n)-Chan asked, looking at him with a smile. Toppo stares at her in awe, then smiles back to her, "Yeah, we'll be heroes, and everyone will be nicer to us." Both Toppo and (Y/n)-Chan nods, which they vow to join the Pride Troopers someday, no matter what.

Eleven Years Later

            For eleven years, both Toppo and (Y/n)-Chan kept their vow as they work and grow stronger to reach their goal to join the Pride Troopers; (Y/n)-Chan have been busy healing injured people from fights, accidents, and she continues to make them smile to encourage children to be brave. She worked hard every day and hopes for something good to happen. She closed her eyes, taking a deep breath. She opens her eyes and look out the window. At age 16, she is now a young woman, wearing her pretty (color) robe that she receives as a gift last year. Her hair is now (length), shiny and always smells good with mint and berries. (Y/n)-Chan sighs as she stares at the cloudy sky. "I hope Toppo's doing well?", she asked herself mentally. Her eyes sparkled as she caught sight of a big familiar figure who's heading towards the place she works. She ran through the door and ran outside, waving at him. "Toppo! I'm glad you made it!", she yelled happily. Toppo changed for the past eleven years; he is now two feet taller than her height, has a slim and masculine body frame. He used new robes even though it only covers his torso while exposing his muscular chest and pecs. He looks at (Y/n)-Chan and smiles at her, "Well I have too, otherwise we'll miss them", he replied. (Y/n)-Chan chuckles, "Don't worry, they should be arriving any moment now."

            Once she said that, a huge ship arrived, landing gently on the planet's ground. Both Toppo and (Y/n)-Chan gasp as they saw the ship; "Hurry Toppo, we must get there now!", exclaim (Y/n)-Chan, yanking his big hand. "Right, let's go!", he replied, then both of them ran like no tomorrow. After ten minutes of running nonstop, they finally arrived at the area to meet them. Both of them blends within the crowd, manage to see what's happening. Appeared before them, a tall man with (color) skin, hair (color) hair, and has a fine-looking short mustache-beard combo on his face. He wears a spandex of red and black, symbolizing as heroes. "Hello everyone of this planet", bellowed the man in a happy tone, "The Pride Troopers has arrived!" Everyone clapped as they cheered. Along with them are Toppo and (Y/n)-Chan clapping. "I came here to see if any one wants to be recruited to be part of the Pride Trooper family", he explained, "I traveled far and wide to find talented individuals who has abilities to help the people of Universe eleven and save them from evil!" Everyone cheered again as they clapped for the hero. "Now please start forming a line and we'll begin", said the man pointing in front of him. People walk ahead as they formed a line; Toppo and (Y/n)-Chan are the last ones to end the line. It went on for an hour and thirty minutes standing in line for the young teens. But it's (Y/n)-Chan's turn.

            (Y/n)-Chan hugged Toppo which makes him blush and he returned the hug. "Wish me luck Toppo!", she whispered and then went on to meet them. Toppo waved back, "Good luck (Y/n)-Chan." He was going to see what's happening between the meeting, but the crowd of people blocked his view. What he does noticed is that he sees (Y/n)-Chan smiling, he's relieved to see his friend accepted to the Pride Troopers. "Alright people, last person come here please", bellowed the man. Toppo took a deep breath and start moving; as he walks by people, his ears pick up whispers of people, still judge him as an outcast to the community. Words like, "It's that abomination again", "Him as a Pride Trooper? No way!", and some of them hurt him like "He's going to harm everyone that he should have save with those monstrous hands!" No matter how much hatred, bullying, and mean words that they throw at him, he won't back down and move onward. Finally, he stops in front of the man; from the appearance including the strong and brave face, Toppo figured that this man must the leader of the organization.

            The man did not talk to him, only stare at him especially his hands. Finally, the man smiled, look straight at Toppo's face. "Young man, those are strong pair of hands you got there", he said. Toppo is not surprised by his words, "Yeah, so?", he asked the man. The leader extends his hand out, "I'm (Name), if you can tell, I'm the one leading the Pride Troopers." Toppo extends his hand out and shake hands. "Toppo, sir.", he replied, not blink for a minute. The man can see right through him; (Name) can see all the sadness and cruel treatment that Toppo been throughout his entire life. He understood why they would misjudge him for being born of half-giant. But that did not bother him though because Toppo is strong and dealt any pain that he went through. (Name) knows exactly that he needs strong warriors like him. He placed his hand on Toppo's left shoulder and faced the people. "Everyone, this young man that you see before you is a special and talented individual! You treated him with disrespect, bullied him, and you even dare yourselves to call him a monster because he's not normal?", (Name) shouted at the people, pointing fingers at them while posing. The crowd of people including Toppo's bullies are all embarrassed, ashamed that they were called out because of them hurting Toppo for so long. "However, what I see him is hope; a new kind of hope who can save our universe and us from evil and perilous missions. One day, I will make him my successor to the Pride Troopers. Right now, he's officially the newest member of the Pride Troopers: Toppo, the warrior of freedom!", exclaim (Name) as he and his members clap hands for Toppo's enrollment. Toppo looks behind him and see (Y/n)-Chan clapping, smiling at him. Toppo blushed to see her happy for him. Toppo smiled back to her and both him and (Name) went inside the ship. As the ship launched into space, both Toppo and (Y/n)-Chan chuckled as they're getting prepared for what will happen next as Pride Troopers.

Sixteen Years Later

            It's been sixteen long years later; ever since being accepted into the Pride Troopers organization, both Toppo and (Y/n)-Chan worked hard to save people. For the first six years, they were forced to get through physical, mental, and hard combat training. Each member would make mistakes for it's their first experience; but Toppo and (Y/n)-Chan are the first rookies who passed all tests with determination, one shoot, and formed new friends during training. Both of them grow each passing year and are now grown adults. Toppo is still the same except wearing the Pride Troopers red and black spandex uniform and he grew a white mustache (it was a normal size before it grew longer). (Y/n)-Chan on the other hand is beautiful; Toppo can tell how beautiful and gorgeous she looks. Her face became more feminine and her breasts grew bigger. Toppo has been friends with her since childhood, but he started to developed feelings for her romantically. He would try to find time to express his love for her, but every time he meet up with her, he forgets to tell her or she's too busy with her job to heal her teammates and injured people. (Name) noticed Toppo's strange behavior and is surprised to founds out his love for her. (Name) dealt with this situation before when he was his age; sadly, his lover died from action during the war against terrorists. (Name) blamed himself that he wasn't strong enough to save; to protect the two lovers, he must separate them.

            Next week later, Toppo was summoned to (Name)'s office. After fifteen minutes, Toppo went inside and faces his leader. "Sir?", he asked confused. "Toppo", said (Name) sternly, "There's something that I need to tell you." "Oh? What is it?", Toppo asked again. (Name) walk over to him and smiled, "Congrats Toppo! Because as of tomorrow morning, I will make you the new leader of the Pride Troopers!" Toppo's eyes grew wide and so does his smile. He raised his fists in the air, and then sighs. "That's...great (Name)! I cannot believe this is actually happening! But why me?", Toppo asked. "I believe that you are indeed, without a doubt, that you have the power to save our people, universe, and make our organization stronger. Which is why I'll give up my position to you. I'm very proud of you and your effort to be strong and brave", said (Name). Toppo has always look up to (Name) because he's the only man who understood his past and his miserable life. Both he and (Y/n)-Chan are the only people that he trusts. "I...I'm going to be a leader!", said Toppo happily, "I must tell (Y/n)-Chan about this, she's going to be so proud!" "I know she will Toppo", said (Name). Toppo heard his sad tone and turns to face him. He can tell that there's something else that (Name)'s not telling him. "Which is why I'm afraid that you two cannot be together", he said in serious tone. Toppo's ears dropped down, his eyes get angry yet sad. "What?", Toppo said, "But why?" (Name) took a deep breath and sighs, "I once fell in love with my teammate. She is everything to me and I lost her during battle. All these years, I blamed myself that I wasn't strong enough to save her. When I noticed you two hanging put a lot and you're blushing when she's around, I knew that you're in love with (Y/n)-Chan." Toppo cannot believe what he said and demands a reason for this; "But I am strong (Name)! I saved so many people and they treat me like a real hero! I bonded with many teammates who I trusted including (Y/n)-Chan that I loved. Tell me why we cannot be together?", he shouted. Angry by (Name)'s explanation, clenched his fists and groaned, feeling helpless. (Name) doesn't want to be hard on him, but he must make Toppo understand for their own good. "I'm sorry Toppo, I'm really am", said (Name), "But I'm doing this to save both of you from death. I already preparing her and her team a ship for their departure tomorrow after your promotion ceremony. I will allow you two only ten-minute farewells, but that's it. Trust me Toppo, I would let her be alive on her own path than die when falling for each other." Toppo was thinking about decline this idea, but it's no use. (Name) made it final and Toppo rushed out of his office, slamming the door shut. "Toppo", said (Name) with a sad face.

            Five hours later, Toppo is sitting on the ledge of the cliff, alone. His current memories of what happened in the office happened so quickly. (Y/n)-Chan; his first friend and only love interest is being send away tomorrow. Only because he's distracted by her grace and beauty. Toppo groaned and sighs, cannot think what to do anymore. "Toppo", said the feminine voice. His ears perk up and turns around, he sees (Y/n)-Chan, all worried for him. She walks over to him, placing a gentle hand on his right cheek. "Toppo, I heard everything from (Name), and he decided to send me and my teammates to planet (insert scary name) in the next twenty minutes", she said, caressing his cheek. Toppo went quiet as he stood there, staring at her. "And he confess to me that you love me, is that true Toppo?", she asked. Toppo blinks and blushes as he realized that (Name) told her everything. "Damn it (Name)!", Toppo said mentally. He nods, "Yes (Y/n)-Chan, it's all true." He immensely roared at the top of his lungs, roaring out all his frustrations which cause (Y/n)-Chan gasp in shock. She can tell how he's sad and upset about all this. Toppo stop roaring and stood there. Toppo almost regretted about joining the Pride Troopers, wanted to be with (Y/n)-Chan forever, raise a family while living in their best years until they grow old together, buried next to each other forever. But now, he will not be able to see her ever again.

            (Y/n)-Chan understood his pain and hugged him tightly. Toppo blushed again while he return the hug. "Oh Toppo", cooed (Y/n)-Chan, "I'm sorry if it has to be this way. But (Name) did it to help us grow stronger when we're on our own paths. I was upset about his decision too, but I have to agree with him. "Why (Y/n)-Chan?", Toppo asked. "Because there's an isolated planet where many people are injured and need my help them and save them from wars", she said, staring at his face. "But", he said and trailed off as (Y/n)-Chan pressed her lips against his; she kissed him as she caught him off guard. She closed her eyes while doing this. Toppo is shocked, staring at her while blushing red. He hums and returns the kiss, standing there in silence. After they break the kiss, they hug each other again. "Toppo", said (Y/n)-Chan, smiling, I will miss you so much while being apart, but may be one day, we'll be back together again. I promise." Toppo sighs, finally gives up and accepts his changed path. "I promise to find you again once (Name) retires", said Toppo and then kissed her lips. She giggles as she kissed him back, "If only, the farthest corner of the universe is very dangerous. Promise me that you'll get stronger to visit me, please", she pleaded while holding his large hands. Toppo smiled, "I promise", then they kissed one last time. "Well, this is where I'll take my leave, goodbye Toppo", she said as she slowly walk away. Toppo waved at her, "I promise I'll get strong every day! And I will never love anyone except you! Love you (Y/n)-Chan!", he shouted, blushing while smiling. She waved back and smiled until she's now gone to the departure ship to her new mission. Toppo has no idea what comes next for himself, but he will continue to save people and defeat evil with justice.

Present Time

            For many years, Toppo is the best leader of the Pride Troopers; he went through hardship and helped many teammates to to understand the true meaning of strength and teamwork. Right now, he's resting in his office. During his years as leader of the Pride Troopers, he protects the innocent, defeated evil, and recruited new generation of heroes. Toppo just finished his paperwork on the new project to shelter the homeless. He was staring at his desk for no reason until his eyes spots a photograph of (Y/n)-Chan and himself as rookies. He picked it up with one hand and inspects it closer. He can still remember that day where he fell for her and kissed her for the first time. He truly missed her and tried possible ways to travel to the planet that she resides. "You're thinking about (Y/n)-San, right Toppo?", said the deep voice from the doorway of the office. Toppo got startled, blushing red as he stares at his worthy teammate: Jiren the Grey. Toppo placed the photo back on his desk, "Yes Jiren, I am", he replied while stood up from his chair. Jiren noticed that Toppo is always stares at her in the photo whenever Toppo's free from tasks. He curious to know; "If you love her so much, why can't you visit her?", Jiren suggests as he gave Toppo the same stoic face as usual. Toppo sighed, "That's what I was thinking of planning to, but not right now", Toppo said honestly. Jiren is surprised by Toppo's decision. "Well, if you say so. Come now my friend, the others are waiting for us at the training room. Toppo smiled, "Let me stay her for a minute, I'll catch up to you soon", is all he said as Jiren shrugs his shoulders and left the office. Toppo pick it up again, kissed (Y/n)-Chan's lips on the photo. He lay it back on the desk and then exit out his office. He locks the door and began walking into the corridor. He sighs in content, "(Y/n)-Chan, I love you. I'll see you soon", he whispered, then continued his day.

            Meanwhile in the farthest corner of the universe lies an unknown planet with dangerous conflicts; these days, it is now peaceful thanks to (Y/n)-Chan and her teammates who ended the war. It may be the end for now, but she knew that there will be a new one coming soon. Lately, she has been thinking of Toppo, he only friend and lover. She took out a photo of him and herself as rookies. She smiled as she kissed his lips on the photograph and looks at the sunset skies. "Toppo", she whispered, smiling, "I know you love me, and I love you more." She hugged the photo, excited as she sensed that he'll come see her real soon. Then, she and Toppo will be back together again.

The End

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