17 X Female Reader Lemon

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Suggested by queenshelle18.

(Y/n)-Chan is a threat to this island and she will try to sell these creatures for profit. She is a (height) and (weight) young woman in her (insert age. And just imagine what kind of character you wished to be, I don't want anyone to get offended). Her hair is (length) and (color) in shiny glossy, her eyes are (color), her facial features are feminine, and her lips are plump with (color) shade lipstick. She wears her (insert outfit here or any fandom clothing you imagine). She tried to leave the island quietly until a ranger known as 17 caught up to her. She refuses to surrender her prizes to so-called heroes, she must fight.

(Y/n)-Chan yells out in frustration as she throws her right fist at Android 17. 17 dodged her punch and instantly landed another blow to her right arm, disabling it. She grunts, now unable to fight. Since he already broke her rifle gun in half, she can only use hand combat. But now that her arm is disabled, she only has her left arm. She knows that he'll defeat her and bring her to the police, but she must give everything she got.

So, she started to run, aiming her left arm into a fist. She dodges 17's attacks, and then lands a punch on his cheek. His face slightly turned, but stopped. (Y/n)-Chan stares in shock as her punch wasn't enough. She gagged, felt his punch hit her abdomen. Now, her vision is blurry and knocked out.

She sits up and gasps, breathing heavily. However, her arms are tied behind her back. While her legs are tied as well. She struggled to squirm her way out of it, but it's tied tightly. "Good, you're awake", said the familiar voice. She turned and saw 17 sitting across from her. She growls, "How dare you tie me up like this?", she hissed. 

17 can't help but smirked, "You're the one who tried to capture the creatures on this island. It's my job to protect them while bringing those who steal to jail. So tell me, why are you doing this?", he asked. She hissed at him, "As if you'll ever understand the hell I endured my whole life!", she said harshly. 17 is more curious, "If you don't tell me what's wrong, I'll gladly hand you over to the police right now", he said, about to carry her.

"No, no!", she exclaims, then she growls, then sighed, "Fine, I'll tell you." 17 sat next to her while making sure she wouldn't escape him. 17 sat there while listening to her story; she had always been an orphan for her entire life at age three. 

Her parents were killed in a car accident while her foster parents treated her like crap and made her steal anything for money. After living with them for two years, they eventually kicked her out. Now that their influence made her steal, she has no other way to protect herself except stealing money and food.

She was sent to juvie at age 11; but after four years, she escaped juvie and lived secretly elsewhere, to avoid police. She spent most of her life as a criminal; always stealing to sell anything for money, to take care of herself.

 Only recently, she found out that the island contains rare beasts that are not found anywhere on Earth and they cost a fortune, so that's her reason to steal the creatures, so she would be rich and won't have to steal anything for a long time. 17 felt bad for her; he honestly thought she was a normal person who is greedy for money. But since what she says is true, he must help her.

"I see", he said, "I understand how it felt." She turned to him with a surprised look of confusion, "Wait...You understood me!?", she asked. 17 explained to her that he himself was once evil, as an android. He and his sister 18 were originally created to destroy everyone on Earth.

 But after what they went through while being absorbed by Cell and after the Cell Games ended, both him and his sister decided to depart from their evil paths and become normal people. His sister is now married to one of the Z Fighters and has a daughter; himself only decided to become a Ranger, the only thing to remember about his colleague Android 16 is by protecting life including the creatures of this island.

(Y/n)-Chan is impressed by his story and felt relieved that she's not the only one who thought being evil is bad. She wished she wouldn't have done that long ago, but she has nowhere to live and nothing to fend for herself. 17 removed the rope and let her wrists and ankles free. "I'll tell you what, if you swear to never steal anything or any creature ever again, I promise that you will be a free woman and I won't tell the police. Deal?", he asked and raised his hand at her.

 She nods and shakes his hand, but sadly for her, she doesn't know what to do now. 17 can feel that and offered to stay with him. (Y/n)-Chan's heart beats, feel her face red and flustered. She accepts his offer and they spend the first few days together.

One week later, (Y/n)-Chan decided to help 17 by patrolling the island and taking care of the creatures. Luckily, the creatures are forgiven beings and allow her to pet the little ones. 17 smiles, he finds her a very caring and kind woman. (Y/n)-Chan can feel him watching her and caught him smiling. 

She finds him to be a very handsome man. She turns back and feels herself blushing. She only spent a little time with him for a week and she's already developing feelings for him. She felt her heart sink with guilt and sadness, feeling afraid if he's going to reject her for the past mistake she made.

She felt like that from then til late night when they finished patrolling the island. 17 found her behavior rather strange and knew that she felt guilty for what she did. 17 watches her sit glumly on the ground, staring at the fire. He sat down next to her, "Tell me what's wrong (Y/n)-Chan? I already know that you changed for good and you're forgiven", 17 asked. "No, it's not about that", she said, yet she's flustering again, "It's...just..." she trailed off as she felt 17's hand rubbing her back hand. She looks at 17, who is now leaning towards her face. She squeaked, "17, wait", but her lips were cut off as he kissed her. 17 hums as he gave her another kiss.

17 lean out and smile, "I know what you're thinking, (Y/n)-Chan. And this is my response", he said. Her heart beat with a warm feeling. She felt loved for the first time in years. And she cannot lie but she does fall for him. "Oh 17, I love you~", she cooed. 17 smiles, "I love you too, (Y/n)-Chan~", then he playfully pins her back onto the ground. 

She and 17 chuckled; he leaned in and kissed her. This time, his tongue slides inside her mouth. Their mouths interlocked and tongues flicked, now sucking each other's mouths. She moans through the French kiss and his lips pull away; she felt 17 removing her (type of clothing). She gasps as she feels the air hit her exposed upper body including her boobs.

"Don't try to hide yourself (Y/n)-Chan, you're very beautiful when naked~", 17 commented. She blushes, trying not to react to his comment. Then she felt his hands without the glove, groping her breasts. She moans, feeling him lean down and sucking her breasts and harden nipples. "Oh..17~", she moaned louder as she felt him kissing down her stomach, down to her where her belly button is. Until he is blocked by the rest of her clothing, he quickly removes it. Now that she's completely naked, he spread her legs away and leaned down to sniff her warm snatch.

"17! I...Ah!", she tries to call out but only moans in response as he starts sucking her vagina. Both of her hands laid onto his head while pushing his face further into her crotch. 17 vibrates to arouse her clit, making (Y/n)-Chan squeal in delight and lust. As minutes went by, (Y/n)-Chan couldn't hold on anymore and came. 

17 stops and felt her pussy sprayed her juices on his face. He licks it off her entrance and wipes the rest off his face. He leans up and starts removing his clothes. Once he's done, she stares at him in awe, finding him sexy. And when she saw his penis, she felt nervous at first. She thought it was too big, but it's only seven inches long and less than 5 inch in girth.

She was intrigued by his penis and her hand gently grabbed it. 17 groaned a little, "Go ahead, touch me", he said huskily. Once she starts wanking him, she leans in and embraces another French kiss. After a short minute, she felt hungry. Once she pulls away from the kiss, she leans down and starts sucking his dick. 17 groans, "(Y/n)-Chan~", then resumes moaning out her name while she sucks him off.

Each minute, his orgasm builds up; enjoying every single suck by her moist warm mouth. But as the fifth minute passed by, 17 groaned deeply and released his sperm into her mouth. (Y/n)-Chan stood there while feel his load entering her mouth. She moans, then sucks it all off his cock, then swallows the entire thing. "17, your sperm is so salty", she said. "But you enjoy that, don't you?", he said. She smiles in embarrassment. 17 lean in and make her lay her back onto the ground. Once he spread her legs away, he used one hand to hold his penis.

(Y/n)-Chan moans while she feels his tip rubbing her clit and entrance. Once he pushed it in, he slowly pushed his entire penis inside her. She cried a little as her walls were in pain. They stood still; minutes went by and the pain fades away. Once she nodded for him to go on, 17 began to thrust. Both of them are moaning as they feel each other hitting pleasurable connections. He thrusted slowly until she demands, "Faster 17!", and he resumes ploughing her at inhuman speed.

Minutes pass, each thrust hits her g-spots. (Y/n)-Chan felt loved for the first time in her entire life and she is happy to have 17 as her first time. 17 grunts at each thrust, feel his climax building up. She resumes moaning out his name as their climaxes are at its limits.

The fifth minute passed and 17 grunts deeply, "(Y/n)-Chan, I'm...", and then he groaned out his bliss. She screams in ecstasy as she also cums; she feels his hot seed filling up her womb and uterus. Both felt waves of pleasure hitting their minds and bodies. But after a short minute, they sighed out for air and 17 laid down next to her. He left his penis inside her; he leaned in and kissed her. Once he pulls his penis out, he whispers, "Sweet dreams~"; she smiles and both drifts to sleep.

Her hand reaches down to her stomach where her womb is and smiles, hoping to raise a family together and be together forever more.

The End

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