DBS Gogeta X Chubby Female Reader

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Requested by KatiraLovely

"(Y/n)-Chan is acting strange than her usual self", Gogeta said to himself, "What changed her into this kind of behavior?" He was hiding behind a wall at Bulma's house while watching his wife (Y/n)-Chan chatting with Bulma while holding Pan in her arms. Gogeta groaned, feeling jealous.

Years ago, Gogeta was once Goku and Vegeta's fusion. It was impossible to wish him as an existing whole being in their world, but it succeeded as Gogeta is a whole person. But since Goku and Vegeta's fusion dance is no longer linked anymore, that means they cannot fuse into Gogeta's former identity since he's starting his own life as a real man. Anyway, Gogeta is interested in having a life on Earth. Bulma helped her get a stable job as her companies mover, find him a house in a safe suburban neighborhood, and always give him any raises for his services during holiday seasons.

Gogeta found his life new and fun; but it went dull after a few months. Bulma can tell that the man is quite lonely since he is jealous of his friends having a special lady in their lives. So, Bulma set up a date for him. He was sent to a fine dining restaurant, meet many women with different sizes, in different status, and always complain how stupid he looked. He denied them all in return for being rejected. His heart cannot take it anymore; but Bulma begged me to meet one more woman. Gogeta agreed and Bulma promised that this woman is his ideal woman.

The next evening, he was going to meet up with her at the usual restaurant. He ordered his food, while waiting for this woman. He was actually nervous, afraid to be rejected in a worse possible emotion. But as his back is turned, a gentle voice speaks, "Hello, are you Gogeta?", she asked. He turned towards her and his heart beat in a warm feeling. His eyelids half closed as he saw the most beautiful woman he had ever seen.

This woman is (height) and chubby: only having one lower flab on her stomach, small flab under her arms, chunky (not fat) thighs, big breasts and big butt. She wore her (color) blouse with her (color) skirt, (color) stockings, and (color) dress shoes. She also carries her (color) (brand) purse, and wears her necklace (insert what kind). As he looks at her face, he finds her very attractive. Her face is plump yet not too face, her hair id (length) and (color), in a (stylized) for the date, thin eyebrows, (color) eyes, her nose is at (size) size, rosy cheeks, (color) lips, and was wearing her (insert color scheme) make up.

Gogeta is dumbfounded, cannot describe how beautiful she is and felt like an idiot for acting stupid. She giggled, "You alright?", she asked. He clears his voice and smiles, "Yes, I am. May I ask for your name?", he asked. "It's (Y/n)-Chan", she answered. His ears loved the sound of her name. He stood up, pulled up a chair and offered her a seat, "My lady~", he said sexy. She blushed and sat down. He pushed her chair to the table and he sat back down. They engaged into conversation, about their lives, what they like, and what they do for a living.

(Y/n)-Chan works as a (insert job here), a decent job to pay her bills, rent, and enough to buy things for herself. But she does confess that she may be running low on money and she will be evicted if she cannot afford her rent and bills by the end of this month. Gogeta felt bad for her and offered her to come live with him. She felt very surprised and happy, her heart beat when he said it. She kindly accepted it and since then, they've been together as a couple.

After she quit her job, she moved into Gogeta's house. Both of them are happy to be together. Yet, she still felt like she needed a job still. Gogeta happily offered a job which came from Bulma, who needs a babysitter. (Y/n) calls Bulma for the job and after a few days of interview, she finally got the job. Whenever Gogeta is on a break from his job, he would swing by Capsule Corp's day care center and watch his woman taking care of Bulla and Pan. He is happy that his wife is having fun taking care of children. He almost has a tough thought about raising a family, he thinks he's not cut out to be a father. That means more money and having a more stressful life. He prayed nothing like this would happen to him.

Being together for the next two years, both Gogeta and (Y/n)-Chan get married. Their friends and her relatives cheered for the newlyweds. They take their honeymoon trip to (insert favorite place to go) for the next two weeks. Two weeks later, they went home and resumed their lives. Every day is the same routine: wake up, have breakfast together, they go to work, see each other during lunch on most days, resume work till the end of the day, go home, eat dinner, workout in the training room until they go to bed. Everyday is their own lives and still love having each other in bed, kissing each other until they fall asleep.

Slowly, after three months, things started to change for Gogeta. When he was at home, waiting for his wife, he noticed she was rather late to get home. Back home from work, his wife arrives at 7pm. Gogeta walks over and welcomes her home with a kiss, "Hey honey, i noticed you worked later than usual", he said. (Y/n) blushed, "Yeah, Bulma couldn't finish work till later and her parents are out, so I have to watch their daughter." Gogeta hums, finds this suspicious, "Ok, let's have dinner", and they resume their evening.

But another week later, Gogeta is eating dinner alone and working out in the training room alone. He felt very lonely yet very upset. "I don't understand," Gogeta complained, "Why is she running late?" He also notices that she is rather close to Pan and Bulla, thinking she would rather be with them than him. But they're babies, they can't be the reason why. He has some suspicious thoughts, what if she's cheating on him with another richer man. 

Thinking about that thought causes his heart to break. He finished his training and used a towel to wipe the sweat off. Once he's in the kitchen and drinks water, he hears the door opened. He saw (Y/n)-Chan humming happily and entered the kitchen. "Hey hubby~", she greeted him. But she noticed how tensed and upset he looked. She realizes what is wrong and gasps, "Oh no, I did it again", she said. Gogeta looked confused, "Did what?", he asked. She bows to him, "Oh Gogeta, I'm so sorry! I know I'm supposed to go home, but Bulma needs me to watch Bulla and Pan.

But Gogeta frowned at her, "I know that, but can you tell Bulma to let you go home at usual time?", he asked. His wife blushed, "Sorry, but I thought you enjoyed some time alone when I was at work. Does it sound nice for some peace and quiet hubby?", she asked, worried how he would react. Gogeta wanted to believe her but he was not sure if he wanted to trust her. He came up with a lie, "I do, but I wish we can spend some time together. I got a tight busy schedule for the remaining week. I gotta go to bed, see you later honey", and he left to his bedroom.

(Y/n)-Chan felt bad for keeping him lonely, but she does have a reason for being held back: since she found out that he does not want any kids, her playing and caring Bulla and Pan is the only thing to satisfy her needs of mothering babies. But for many weeks of doing her job left her husband very lonely. He never sees her home, never has dinner or works out with her. He was very heartbroken that she did not get home till during the late evenings.

 He felt like a stranger to her since she did not greet him or kiss him goodnight. He always slumped onto the couch while watching romance movies that did not help him at all. He has been thinking a lot lately, and realizes that she's hiding a secret from him. He thought to himself, "What could be hiding from me? Wait...is she cheating on me with a better guy!?", he asked himself, all worried. He gritted his teeth, "I must find out tomorrow", he mutters. Once he knows what to do, he resumes training until he goes to bed on the couch.

The next day, he was given a day off since today is a holiday. However, his wife is still needed since Bulma will be busy on her inventions. Once he ate lunch, he flew over to Capsule Corp. The receptionist let him inside and Gogeta headed into the main floor of the house. Tiptoeing, he passed rooms, kitchen, and eventually heading near the entryway to the living room. He stopped, he heard two feminine giggles; he stood there, his face peering next to the doorway, but not seen. 

He sees Bulma talking to (Y/n)-Chan while each holding a child. Gogeta realizes that she is holding Goku's granddaughter Pan. Pan laughed loudly while (Y/n)-Chan tickled her tummy. He felt a sudden jealousy towards her, felt heartbroken that this child took away his wife. But he doesn't blame the child, he blames himself for not taking time with his wife. Always training to be strong, he believed his neglect of his wife took her away from him and she probably won't want him anymore.

(Y/n)-Chan made a sad face and sighed. Bulma noticed, "Something matters (Y/n)-Chan?", she asked. (Y/n)-Chan hates to answer her, but cannot hide it, "Bulma, how come I can't have children?" Bulma looked surprised by her question, "What!? That's ridiculous! Of course you're allowed to make children! Why are you asking this?", she exclaimed. (Y/n)-Chan felt sadder, felt her tears down her cheeks. Pan noticed her sad look and leaned onto her chest as if to give her a hug. (Y/n)-Chan sniffed, "I truly wished to create my own family, but I heard from my husband that he hates kids. I was so worried how he doesn't allow any idea of having children that made me want to stay here longer just to dote on Bulla and Pan. I'm afraid that he will no longer love me anymore", she whimpered.

Gogeta is shocked, yet he feels bad now he knows his wife's reasons for being missing from his life. It was true from what she said, he was worried how he'd react to his own offspring if he did have children with her. He thought from his pals at work that children are horrible such as crying so loud, never getting enough sleep when they cry all the time, always changing their diapers, and the worst part is they cost a lot. He never wants to have any because of those reasons. But he never thought that his wife doesn't care about those reasons, but what made her think that having kids is a great idea.

Gogeta felt a strong yank on his arm and walked away. Once Gogeta is yanked into the gravity chambers, he quickly turns to see Vegeta, all sweaty from his training. Gogeta is confused, "What are you doing Vegeta? Why bring me here?", he asked. Vegeta hmphed, "I heard our wives conversation while you're spying them. I understand that you don't want any children. But try to remember to ask yourself what your wife wants. It was like that with me before I was married to Bulma. I got her pregnant and left her alone with our child while searching for a way to become a Super Saiyan and a way to defeat Kakarott. But after so many years after defeating Cell, many years with my son and Bulma, I suddenly appreciate them all as my family. Gogeta stood there in awe.

Vegeta landed a hard pat on his shoulder, "Besides, if you have a son, you can train him as the next new fighter. If a daughter...well it was hard for me because I'm always overprotective of Bulla. It was true that hearing her cries are loud and never get sleep, but it's not half true because whenever she cries I thought she was going to be hurt or scared. So as a father, I have to do everything in my own power to raise my children", he said. Gogeta never thought of that, and yet he understood everything. Vegeta yanks Gogeta down and frown at him, "And don't tell that to anyone I mention this to you. Understand?", he said roughly. Gogeta nods and leaves Capsule Corp, heading back home.

Three hours later, (Y/n)-Chan left work and headed back home. She felt sad still after a talk with Bulma. Bulma mentioned earlier when they talked, "(Y/n)-Chan, I'm sure he'll have a change of heart to finally make a family with you. If he can learn the positive things of raising children, he won't be scared and always help you." (Y/n)-Chan nodded and handed Pan to Videl after Videl finally came to them after her errands. (Y/n)-Chan is still unsure how this will turn when she faces her husband. Videl placed a reassuring pat on her back, "You'll be fine, just remember to be with your husband and talk to him", she suggested. (Y/n)-Chan nods, still hoping that will happen.

Once she entered her house, she took her shoes off and entered the kitchen. Yet, she didn't know that the lights were off. She turned the light switch on, but nothing happened. She rolled her eyes, "Great, power is off", and she searched blindly through the house. (Y/n)-Chan kept remembering to talk about it, felt a hole in her heart, afraid of telling her husband how she felt about having children. As she entered the living room, a sudden strong hands pinned her against the wall. 

She gasps, "Ah! S..Stop!", she pleaded. She gasps again as a sudden blue aura appears. She has seen this before and only a few people could do this, but this aura is a lot bigger than Goku and Vegeta. She realized who has that aura. Her hand reached over to a flash light and aimed at the figure's face.

Flashlight shines and reveals Gogeta's face in his Super Saiyan Blue form. "Gogeta!?", she said surprised, "What's wrong with you? I almost thought we're being robbed!", she exclaimed. Gogeta stared at her in a serious look; (Y/n)-Chan made a sad face and sighed, "Honey, I know why you're doing this. If you listen...", she said. Until Gogeta kissed her lips. She moans through the kiss and kisses him back. 

He pulled back and sighed, "I'm so sorry (Y/n)-Chan. I eavesdropped on you and Bulma earlier at her house, listening to your conversation. It's true I hate kids only because of what I heard from my friends at work. But after listening to your reasons, I felt like a terrible husband. Please forgive me", he apologized. She felt her heart fix itself again and feel herself happy again. She hugged him and he hugged her back.

Gogeta turned back to normal and carried her to their room. He laid her back on the bed and climb on top of her. (Y/n)-Chan blushes as she finds him seductive when he's dominating her. His one hand rubs her belly, then he plant a kiss on it. His other hand grab onto her ass while his other hand, laying his finger through her hair behind her ear, "(Y/n)-Chan, I wished to make your life better. If having a family is all you wanted, then I will make it happen", he promised. She smiled, "Oh Gogeta! You're saying you're ok having children?", she asked. He nods, "And now we're going to make some now~", he said seductively, removing his shirt. She blushed as she was going to enjoy their night together.

Five years later, Gogeta and (Y/n)-Chan raise their two kids. Their oldest child is their son Horenso (pun for Spinach), who is identical to his father. And their second child is their daughter (Girl name by choice), looked like her mother except has Gogeta's nose and black eyes. Their son wears his kids (color) t-shirt with (color) pants and (color) shoes. And their daughter wore her (insert favorite outfit for your daughter). Both their kids are running through the backyard, playing tag. Gogeta and (Y/n)-Chan stood there, smiling as they enjoyed watching their kids playing.

During the five years, they do share moments where they need some peace and quiet when they're children are sleeping. But they do share most of their precious moments as important memories to them. Gogeta is glad that he did this for his wife, he was able to have both a son and a daughter. His extra savings were able to pay off the hospital bills after their children's birth last week. He completely loves his kids, never wanting them to be away from him. 

(Y/n)-Chan placed her hand over her huge belly, waiting for her third child to be born soon. "So honey, are you sure you wanted one more child?", (Y/n)-Chan asked. He smiles, "Of course, these two definitely deserve one more sibling", he said happily.

He and his wife kissed as they hugged. They cannot wait to welcome their next child. But what he doesn't know is that there will always be surprises after birth. And whatever the outcome is, he will accept what it is and make sure that his family is healthy and happy. Their kids run towards them and each parent holds each of them. Their family will be looking forward to their next new member and will be together for a long time.

The End

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