Kahseral X Female Pride Trooper Reader Lemon

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This idea is from Apbishhhh. I hope you Kahseral fans enjoy this juicy story. And Happy Valentine's Day.

On Planet Netfiss, the Pride Troopers are heading over to their base for an important announcement. Troopers such as the experienced veterans are heading inside the building. Dyspo and a female Pride Trooper are heading there now. This woman is named (Y/n)-Chan, only worked for the team for five years.

She is a (height) young woman with a (weight) body with (slim or well built muscle) abdomen, slender yet strong arms and legs, (size) breasts and (size) and (shaped) butt; all covered in her Pride Troopers red and black spandex suit, wearing her white gloves and white boots. Her hair is (length) and (color) shining from the sun, her (color) eyebrows are thin, has (size) nose, (size) (type of race) ears, long (style) eyelashes, (color) tone skin, and has a lovely set of (color) eyes.

(Y/n)-Chan came from the Northern side of Universe 11: a much colder climate planets, but she and her race managed to adapt to the cold thanks to their survival and a method to avoid the freeze: when it's time for their winter months and preparing for the worse freezing below temperatures, they eat at least (15-20 meals within a week plus ten more dishes for extra snack/treat, then they go into pre-hibernation for at least a month until they wake up to hunt the last remaining winter (they use their fat in their bodies in order to stay warm for that long). Until spring comes, the temperature goes back to 33 degrees at best. She used to do that fine and does not get sick, however her own body felt icy as hell.

Five years ago, she was founded by Toppo and Dyspo when they're searching for new recruits for the organization. Her folks did not want to leave their homes, however she was curious about the heroes. Spending a few minutes talking to them, she can see why they need more heroes; she was interested when she heard about enduring hot and cold temperatures during missions and they find her an ideal team member who can help out during the coldest expeditions. She agreed to join their organization and they gave her the job on the serious coldest missions. Once they traveled to HQ, she was in awe and excited to start working as the new hero. But things get more wild for her as she eventually meets the hottest man she ever seen: Kahseral.

When she was moving into her own apartment, she was greeted by Kahseral and Dyspo. Dyspo handed her the Pride Trooper's uniform with the gloves and boots, a map of their planet, and as well as information of their universe guide book. But when Kahseral approaches her, says, "Hello (Y/n), I'm Kahseral: the warrior of strength", he greeted her, extended his hand to her. She felt her face blushing with a warm touch. Dyspo noticed her odd behavior and realized what it meant. Kahseral did not notice the blush and he watched her shake his hand. 

She smiles, "Hello general, nice to meet you", she greeted him without stuttering. He smiles back at her, "For a young woman who lived in the cold, you sure are lovely", he commented. She blushes again. Once he excused himself and went back to HQ, Dyspo gave her a smirk and patted her shoulder, "So...what do you think of the general?", he asked, winking at her.

She turned to him, nodding, "He's....", she says but was unable to think of a word to describe him. Dyspo gave her a wider smirk, "I know you have a crush on him, I mean who could blame him. But never in my life has a young woman have a crush on an older guy", he said. She frowned and raised a brow at him, "Don't judge me rabbit", she warned him. 

Dyspo chuckled, "Don't be embarrassed (Y/n)-Chan. If you need help, just let me know and I'll make sure that the general will be in your reach", he said. She was shocked how her teammate isn't shocked how she's attracted to him; yet she is glad that he's her first friend. Ever since that day, she and Dyspo became best friends while she keeps falling more in love with Kahseral.

After five years being in the Pride Troopers, she eventually became a professional veteran of the heroes. Once they realized how amazing she sent criminals in bars and saved many lives from the freezing temperatures, they decided to place her into the veterans group alongside Dypso and Kahseral. A day later, she and Dyspo are dressed up to the black tie party as the annual year for all the Pride Troopers. Dyspo wore his usual yellow suit with a black tie. 

Next to him, (Y/n)-Chan wore her black suit with white shirt, black shoes, and black tie. She stared at him with a frown, "You know a black tie goes best with a black suit instead of this one Dyspo", she said. "I know", he said, blushing, "But this is my lucky suit. I mean all girls would be crazy for looking at this handsome guy and his yellow suit." She smiled and playfully punched his shoulder, "Come on Dyspo, we got to be there", she said.

After they left the tailor shop, they flew from the area down to HQ. Once they arrived, they entered through the lobby: a huge crowd of Pride Trooper members are there having the time of their lives. Dyspo held her hand and guided her through the crowd, eventually made it into a more spacious area; once they got space, both her and Dyspo chatted. Dyspo smiled as he completely noticed how beautiful she looked with her suit and tie. He had a crush on her since the day they met back on her home planet. He does not mind her cold hugs whenever she hugs him; he can tell how much he loves her from staring at her warm smile that makes his heart melt.

But he's not the only one who has eyes for her. Kahseral has been staring at her lately for the past year. When he and (Y/n)-Chan were sent to the coldest planet where women and children were held hostage for ransom, his heart fell for her. Once they arrived at the planet, Kahseral was indeed freezing from the cold. However, despite that she is very flustered when she gets close to him, she embraces him into a huddle, able to warm each other. 

Kahseral was indeed shocked by her action, yet he finds her very kind and caring. Once they made it through the tundra, they arrested the criminal within a quick five minutes, placed him into prison and released the hostages back to their families. Kahseral thanked her for saving his life and asked if he made things awkward for them to speak about that time huddling together.

She was surprised herself that she did it, but she felt no remorse since she needed him to get passed through the frozen tundra. She says it's no trouble at all, even though she was clearly blushing again. Kahseral noticed her blush and he blushed himself. Since that day, he always stares at her every time he's close to her or walks past by each other. 

What made him a little jealous is how close she is to Dyspo. He tries not to let the others know why he's staring at her; the reason is because he finds her very beautiful. He stares back at (Y/n)-Chan, staring at her smile and warm gaze while she chats with Dyspo. His heart thumped, beating faster as he thought of having her by his side. He wanted to avoid a huge crowd, but he had no choice.

Back with the two friends, they laughed as they shared a memory of how Dyspo accidentally made a huge mess at the dining hall and ended up cleaning up for three hours. Dyspo and (Y/n)-Chan laughed; Dyspo smiled, staring at her. He finds her eyes very unique and feels the need to release his feelings to her. (Y/n)-Chan noticed his gaze, "Something wrong Dyspo?", she asked. He blushed and shook his head, "What? No. Um...actually (Y/n)-Chan...I was wondering if....", he stuttered and tried to spill it out. But he was too late as both he and (Y/n)-Chan are interrupted by Kahseral. Once he's behind her, Kahseral clears his voice, "Excuse (Y/n)-Chan, can I speak with you?", he asked.

She spun around and met Kahseral's gaze. She felt her heart thumped and blushing. She nods and smiles, "Sure, what's up?", she said. She was confused about what he wanted. Dyspo is also confused about what his friend wanted to talk about. But his puzzle is solved as he noticed Kahseral's hand held her hand and planted a kiss on it. (Y/n)-Chan gasps lightly and blushes, feeling her heartbeat with a warm feeling. Kahseral looked seriously into her eyes and spoke, "(Y/n)-Chan, ever since last year on our mission on the tundra planet, you saved my life with your warmth. But what made me more attracted to you is your kindness and beauty. I know we haven't met too much but I felt so close to you and I wanted to let you know that I have completely fallen in love with you. Will you...be my girlfriend?"

The Pride Troopers cheered and wooed as they encouraged their friends. (Y/n)-Chan was so touched by his confession. Dyspo stared in confusion and shock; until she replied, "Kahseral, yes I will be yours", and watched them hug and kiss. That made his mind full of heartbreak and rage. Dyspo frowned with an angry face and walked over in front of Kahseral, "What the hell do you think you're doing general!? How dare you take her away from me!? She's supposed to be mine!", he yelled at him. Kahseral was shocked by his behavior and asked him to come calmly and talk about it. However, Dyspo had enough and landed a fist on the general's face. Kahseral winced in short pain and felt a bruise on his left cheek.

Dyspo was about to kick his ass until (Y/n)-Chan breaks up the fight. "Dyspo! Stop it!", she urged him to stop. Dyspo turned to her with a sad look on his face, "Why (Y/n)-Chan? Why him?", he mutters. (Y/n)-Chan suddenly realizes why he acted so heartbroken; she was shocked how Dyspo had a crush on her for so long. She cannot express her reason to him, afraid that rejecting him will hurt him even more. But all she could respond to Dyspo is, "I'm sorry, but...I", she paused. She looked at Dyspo who clenched his fists, staring down at the floor. "Dyspo! Kahseral! (Y/n)-Chan! In my office, immediately!", shouted the familiar voice. They all know what they caused.

Minutes later, all three ended in the office with Toppo. Toppo and Jiren heard a commotion earlier caused by Dyspo and Kahseral's fight. Because of their little fight, they have to report them to the office. Dyspo and Kahseral did not look at each other or speak at all while looking at Toppo. Toppo scolded them not to cause such a scene in front of their comrades. 

Toppo took a deep breath, listening to (Y/n)-Chan's story, and shook his head. He stared at Dyspo, "Dyspo, why do you have to fight your friend over a girl?", he asked. Dyspo stared at the floor and groaned, "I wanted to confess my love to her, but Kahseral got to her first and I'm...so mad...I...I don't know how to feel anymore", he said, feeling depressed. Kahseral and (Y/n)-Chan stared at him, feeling bad for him.

Toppo nodded, "Dyspo, I do show empathy for that loss; however it's not about who to get her first. It's about a woman's decision who to be with. (Y/n)-Chan did make it clear to us that she choses Kahseral. And I don't want to see another fight like that again, are we clear?", he asked. Dyspo and Kahseral nodded. However, Dyspo ran out of the office with fast speed. (Y/n)-Chan and Kahseral looked sad for him. Once Kahseral escorted her to her apartment, she decided to ask him to stay over. Once they spend the night together, they spend the next few months dating. (Y/n)-Chan and Kahseral both felt lucky to have each other; he always showed her the best area for date nights.

However, when they walked past Dyspo he didn't bother talking to them and ran off again. On those occasions, they are worried for him. Toppo noticed that Dyspo refused to talk to them and make the decision. Toppo reports them and Dyspo to the office. He told them that there are five criminals working for the one in prison, hiding in the frozen planet where no one bothers to come searching for them. They provide enough heaters to survive the travel. 

Dyspo refused at first, however thanks to Toppo's death stare (out of character, I'm not sorry), Dyspo agreed to come. However, he will not be happy when he stares sadly at his crush with his friend. While traveling for two days, Dyspo kept staring at the floor. For months after they dated, Dyspo felt depressed. He completely lost her to his friend. He tried to move on, but his heart won't listen. He wanted to understand that she is with Kahseral, but he does not want to. But what's worse for him is he felt like an idiot for starting the fight that night.

He felt ashamed for punching his friend. Dyspo thinks that he does not deserve happiness for how reckless he is. Kahseral noticed his friend's depression and needed to help him. Once they arrived at the planet, (Y/n)-Chan decided to scan the area before they moved out. While she's outside, it's the general's move to talk to him. 

Kahseral walked in front of Dyspo, saw his friend staring at the floor. He cleared his voice, "Dyspo, I'm sorry that I took her from you. But you must understand that I loved her as much as I do. But it's her decision who she chooses. What I'm getting at is I hate to see you depressed like this. You are always hiding and running away from us. I can understand the pain you bore and I wanted to make it clear that I want us to be friends again."

Dyspo's ears perked and slowly sat straight; he looked at Kahseral. Dyspo felt his tears running down his cheeks, then he stood up. Dyspo extended his hand out to him, "Kahseral...I'm sorry. I was slowly trying to avoid you guys so I can try to understand life without her. But you and Toppo are right. I'm sorry....", he apologized. Kahseral smiled and shook his hand, "Dyspo, you are our friend. We wish you that you'll find your special someone one day. Plus I need the best guy on my team", he smiled. Dyspo's eyes widened in surprise and smiled, "You can count on me", he said. 

Once they reconcile once more, (Y/n)-Chan smiled, happy to see them reunited. As time went by, they finally found the five criminals. The criminals did try to shoot them, however Dyspo knocked them down with full speed while Kahseral landed his maximum cannon at them. They brought their shrinking transporter watches and arrested them. Once they traveled back to HQ, Dyspo hugged both (Y/n)-Chan and Kahseral. Both of them smiled and became friends again.

Once Dyspo leaves them alone while bringing the criminals to HQ, Kahseral and (Y/n)-Chan are alone. Kahseral loved (Y/n)-Chan in every way that he wants them to be official. (Y/n)-Chan was staring at the flower trees, enjoying the weather. Until she heard him clear his voice. Right in front of the HQ, in front of their Pride Trooper comrades, (Y/n)-Chan gasps in surprise to see Kahseral kneel on one knee before her, holding a small box containing an engagement ring in one hand. He right hand holds her left hand and smiles at her.

(Y/n)-Chan stood there in excitement and joy as she felt tears running down her cheeks. Kahseral looked into her eyes and spoke, "(Y/n)-Chan, for many months dating you I realized just how beautiful and a caring woman I ever met. I am happy that you chose me as the man you loved. For so long, I decided to make us official. (Y/n)-Chan, will you be my wife?" She nods fast and glomps onto him, hugging him tightly. "Oh yes I do Kahseral!", she exclaimed. All the Pride Troopers cheered for the engaged couple. Toppo, Jiren, and Dyspo are all happy for them. Dyspo can fully leave his sadness behind him as he is happy for his friends to get to be happy.

Three years later, the married couple spend their lives at their new house in a safe and nice neighborhood. Back then, they shared their wedding with their comrades at HQ as the wedding venue. Dyspo was happy for them and he eventually started dating a year ago when the new girl started working as the new lobby receptionist. She was like (Y/n)-Chan except has a cute facial expression with a naughty attitude and a (height) and (weight) girl that makes Dyspo feel flustered when he's near her. Both (Y/n)-Chan and Kahseral are happy that Dyspo finally found a girlfriend. Kahseral used his life savings from work to finally buy their first dream home. After their wedding, they spend many days at their new home and the rest of the years they resume their careers as the Pride Troopers.

One day, both of them arrived home after a long day at work. They felt exhausted and spent the remaining short hours having a nice made dinner, sharing wine, and enjoying quality time gazing at the stars. Once dusk arrives, they decide to head back into their house. They walked up the stairs and entered their master bedroom.

 Kahseral pulled out his shirt and threw it across the room. He looks behind and watches his wife remove her clothes, see her only in her (color) panties. He smirked, knowing that their night is not done yet. Once she removed her clothes and only in her panties, she was thinking of seducing her man until she gets what she wants from him. But little does she know that her husband got something else in mind.

She yelps and chuckled as she felt Kahseral pick her up in his arms and laid her back onto their king size bed. She lay her arms above her head, legs sprawled out, and her face looking at her husband; Kahseral climbs on top of her and leans his face close to her. Their lips met and instantly made out. Their tongues explored each other's mouths, then Kahseral's hands moved down and groped onto her breasts. He squeezed them and made her moan. 

His lips move out and plant hickies on her neck's skin. She moans again, embracing her while he's teasing her. Once he moves his head down, he stares at her breasts; his eye (and his optic eye) stares lustfully at her erect nipples. Once he felt himself aroused, he leaned down and sucked onto them. Her hands placed onto his head, pushing his face further in between her boobs. While sucking her breasts, he moved one hand down and removed his clothes except his admiral cap.

Once he's naked, his hand moves back onto her boob, resuming groping them. (Y/n)-Chan felt her womanhood moisten and felt the urge to take his cock in her. "Oh...Kahseral~", she moans out loud. He finished sucking her tits and looked into her horny face. He smirked, "I see you enjoyed my work?", he asked. 

Her eyes glared at him with a grin, "Come on babe, you can do better than this!", she teased. His eyes looked down further and noticed her vagina was oozing in her pussy juice. He felt his own manhood erect and felt horny. Once he moves down, his face is next to her clit. Once he began to suck her clit, he inserted two fingers inside her entrance. She gasps, "Oh babe~...AH~", she moans again.

For minutes, Kahseral's fingers penetrate her pussy hole while sucking her clit. Her body squirmed as she felt a knot in her body. Kahseral smiled while sucking her as he heard his wife's high pitched squeal. He stops sucking her clit and feels her vagina coating his fingers with her cum. He looks up to watch his wife experiencing her first high on orgasm. 

He chuckled in delight and pulled his fingers out of her; he sucked the juices off them and hums. He definitely feels hungry for more of her cum. While she catches her breath, he leans back down and laps up all of her cum off her pussy. Once he's finished, he looks back up and looks surprised to see his wife already snapped out of her high.

She sits up and kisses him. She leans back and her hand gently strokes his penis. It's a ten inch penis with six size girth. She felt excited to be able to use this chance to suck his dick, her husband's dick looked very hot to her pleasing sight. Kahseral knew what his wife wanted and sat on the bed. 

His back is supported by the bedframe and sit there while watching his wife crawl over until her face is above his cock. He kissed her lips and sighed, watching her leaning down until her tongue licked it. He groaned and leaned his head back. He groans again as she pushes it inside her mouth. Once she begins to suck his penis, Kahseral begins to feel great.

A few minutes passed as Kahseral experienced his first blow job. Her mouth felt amazing while her mouth was squeezing his cock. He grunted, feeling a knot in his body. He huffs, then grunts, "Ah....(Y/N)-CHAN~", he groans out loud. He came as he felt the high invading his mind and body. (Y/n)-Chan stops sucking and her body shakes as her mouth feels his penis shooting jizz. After a quick ejaculation, she hums while sucking all his semen in. 

Once she pulls it out, she swallows them. Kahseral sighs, watching her acting seductive and making him horny again. However, he was surprised to see her climbing on top of his lap and aiming her pussy high above his penis. He used one hand to lift her up while his other hand supported her back. Once the tip was in, he pushed her slowly down his cock. She felt slight pain as she felt her walls stretched.

Once she stood there for a minute, the pain faded away and moaned. Her breasts are pressed against Kahseral's face. He groaned as he felt her vagina squeezing his cock. Once she's in position, (Y/n)-Chan began to ride him. His hands are on her hips, helping her ride him better. Kahseral felt amazed by his wife, being inside of her. 

He threw his head back and grunt, helping her by thrusting inside her. For five minutes, he groaned out loud as he ejaculated inside her. (Y/n)-Chan felt shocked that he came too early. But she yelps in surprise as she felt her husband quickly pin her onto the bed and quickly pushed his penis inside her. This time he's the one in charge and began to thrust at fast speed.

She wrapped her arms around his neck while moaning loud. Her legs wrapped behind his butt as she savored his dick penetrating her wet hole. Her breasts pressed against his pecs, touching his chin. Kahseral's thrusts went faster than his own pace, hitting her g-spots. (Y/n)-Chan and Kahseral both groan and moan, feeling their climaxes coming quickly.

 (Y/n)-Chan moans, lean next to his ear and whispers, "Oh Kahseral, I love you~", and lick his ear. Kahseral blushed, grunted, and groaned, "Ah...yes...I love you babe~", and suddenly roared out his climax. He savagely rammed his cock inside her a few times until he made a final slam inside her. Once he stops, (Y/n)-Chan yells out in ecstasy. Both headed to their highs, their climaxes feel great. She moans again as she felt his seed filling her womb.

A small ooze of his semen drips from her entrance. Once Kahseral emptied his balls and was exhausted; he smiled as he stared into her eyes filled with love. Once she felt tired, he carried her into the shower, all clean and dressed, they went to bed. Both dreamed of having their lives changed from a married couple to become expected parents.

A year later, Kahseral and (Y/n)-Chan welcomed their twin babies: a boy and a girl. None of them shared any cybernetics, which is good because they're both healthy. Their son has Kahseral's skin tone and his eyes, while he also has his mother's hair. Their daughter mostly took after her mother's appearance except for Kahseral's skin tone. 

Both twins are happy go-lucky and love being around their father. After their birth, they named their son (boy name) and their daughter (girl name). Kahseral is very proud of his wife for not just being his wife but also being the mother of his children. She did spend three months on maternity leave, however she went back to HQ for work. Thankfully, they hired one of their friends to babysit them.

Both brought the twins to work, heading to their new daycare area. Turns out last year that Dyspo and his girlfriend got married and already welcomed their child (a boy or a girl) who mostly took after Dyspo with his wife's eye color. Dyspo and his wife (name) welcomed them. Once the twins and Dyspo's child are placed into daycare, Dyspo, Kahseral, and (Y/n)-Chan head out to their next mission. Dyspo felt old again as this moment with his friends reminds him of the old days. "So guys, what do you think about having another kid?", he asked them.

Kahseral and (Y/n)-Chan blushed in shock. "Wait...we just have the twins for a year and you guys just have your kid for six months. How come you want more?", (Y/n)-Chan asked. Dyspo blushed, "Well, because my wife wants more", he chuckled in embarrassment. Kahseral looked at his wife and smiled; she knew what that looked on his face. (Y/n)-Chan leans next to Kahseral's ear, "Let's think about it after this~", and the three heroes walk through HQ as they prepare for what their future has in store for them.

The End

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