Monna X Cabba's Twin Brother Reader

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Suggested by Jkhola. The previous suggestion was informed wrong, so hopefully this one's now in accurate information of the suggestion's details. Enjoy.

All warriors from all eight different universes are fighting against each other while participating in the Tournament of Power. Because of the Omni Kings who declared this tournament, they had no choice but to protect their universe by participating in the tournament. 

Monna, the member of Universe 4, proved herself as one of the best fighters of her universe. Using her ability to expand her body mass, she would be able to roll over her opponents and hopefully bring victory to her team.

She cackles, "Soon, my universe team will win this tournament! Nothing will stop me now!", she exclaimed. But as soon as she's rolling her way into Universe 6 team, she abruptly stops. She gasps and hides behind a huge boulder. Her body reverted back to her size and peeked from behind her. "Oh my!", she whispers excitedly as she spots one of universe 6 members who is helping the Saiyan Cabba fight off other opponents.

Beside Cabba is another Saiyan. Cabba managed to land a hard blow to one of the universe teams and knocked him/her off the ring. "This is getting insane (Y/n)-San!", Cabba said. Cabba turned and saw one of Universe 10's members who was about to kick him out; however, (Y/n)-San transformed into a Super Saiyan and landed a big wave of ki blast at the member and was completely knocked out of the ring. (Y/n)-San sighed, "You need to be more careful little brother, after all we're both twins", he said.

Monna blushes and sighs, hearing his name repeated in her mind. "Man, what a real man~ I can't believe he's a Saiyan~", she cooed. She watches (Y/n)-San beating the fighters from a different universes.

Cabba is the youngest twin while (Y/n)-San is the older twin. Only born ten minutes apart, (Y/n)-San is a foot taller than his twin while his body is more muscled and has a great shaped form of abs and a manly chest. (Y/n)-San also wore the same Saiyan uniform like Cabba, except the pecs are peeking through the top of his shirt.

Unlike his twin who is more outgoing and not careful when it comes to danger, (Y/n)-San can sense danger and manage to stay out of it; however, he is not great with greeting new people such as females who have more busty kinds of people. Because of their bodies that shows more erotic and reveals more skin, that make him blush in embarrassment. Every time he encounters females including female Saiyans like Caulifla, he would be flustered.

Monna wanted to make him hers, but that made Lord Quitela mad; made her look like a traitor. But she's very desperate to be close to him, she has to make this quick before taking him out. She noticed during the battle that some of the female warriors make him flustered when their sexy slim bodies with big boobs get too close to him.

 That gives Monna an idea. She inflates her body mass again; this time, she shaped her body into a slim body with curvy waist, her boobs enlarged, making her look taller. After she inflates her body and reforms her body's figure, she's ready to take her man.

(Y/n)-San landed a blow to an opponent's forehead and threw him off the ring, now that universe has only one member left. He and Cabba high fived; "We're surviving Cabba, we can do it!", (Y/n)-San exclaimed. Before Cabba could reply, a sudden ball sped up next to Cabba and bounced him off, sending him away from his twin. "Hey! What the?", (Y/n)-Chan exclaimed. 

She quickly revealed herself and out came the tall, slim, sexy looking Monna. "Hey there Saiyan~", Monna cooed at him. (Y/n)-San is shocked; he had never seen this woman before and felt his face blushing after caught a glance at her boobs when they bounced. "Who are you?", he asked.

She giggles, "I'm Monna from Universe 4. I have been watching you fight out there. I'm actually impressed how strong you are", she explained. He finds her compliment very genuine and nice. "However", Monna said while pointing at him, "I must take you out to bring my team's victory and I will tell you that I'm stronger than you!"

(Y/n)-San took his stance, yet he's still flustered about her form. Monna knows he likes to get close to her. She smirked at him, "You know what (Y/n)-San? How about a deal?", she suggested with a wink. "Huh? A deal?", he asked, confused. "Yes, a deal, If I lose to you, then I'll take myself out of the ring", she said. 

Lord Quitela from the benches heard that was confused. "What!? What is she doing!?"", he exclaimed. Cognac nods, "Looks like she wants something from him, yet if she does win, then she will advance for the team", he said to his lord. Lord Quitela sighed in frustration, "Then she better damn well win this fight!", and sat back into his seat.

Back to them, Monna resumes talking, "But...if I win, I want give me a kiss~" His face turns bright red, flustered by what she said. "W..Wait. If I lose you want me to kiss you?", he asked. "Yes, a real genuine kiss from you", she said. "But what If I fell out of the ring by you? How can I kiss you?", he asked again.

The Grand Zenos heard them talking about the kiss deal and found it cute. "Wow, what a cute deal for Monna", the Present Grand Zeno said. "Yes, such a cute deal indeed", Future Grand Zeno agreed. "Then it's settled, if he loses and he falls out of the ring, we'll allow (Y/n)-San to walk back on the ring and give Monna her deal", the Grand Priest said. Both Grand Zenos agreed and resumed watching the tournament.

Back to the scene, (Y/n)-San finds this deal really weird. Yet, she wants that deal really bad. And to his fear, he has no time to think it over. He sighed, "Alright Monna, if I lose, I'll...kiss you. But keep your promise when you said you'll take yourself out when you lose", he said to her. 

"Don't worry (Y/n)-San, I'll keep my promises well. You just need to keep yours", she said while doing a cute pose and making kissy faces at him. He flinched a little. Lord Champa from the stand was outraged yet he is shocked how the Omni Kings like to see this deal happen. So he laid back in the seats while watching the fight.

While everyone's focused on their battles, Monna and (Y/n)-San took their stances. Monna quickly turns into a ball and instantly runs towards him. (Y/n)-San quickly transformed into a Super Saiyan and dodged her. He keeps up her pace while gathering ki to make a huge ki ball. But he must keep it hidden while dodging her. Monna feels something's off about what he's doing and resumes running into him with more speed.

It was tough to dodge her since she almost hit his balance, but he managed to make his biggest ki ball. After five minutes, he was about to throw his ki ball at her; but Monna was no fool. Once he throws it quickly at her, she deflects the ball and it aimed at him.

 (Y/n)-San's face is shocked and is unable to dodge in time as the ball hits him. Blast him hard, after the debris, he falls onto the ground. Cabba saw him falling while fighting off six of the Pride Troopers alongside Kale and Caulifla. "No (Y/n)-San", he said and got back into fighting.

(Y/n)-San fell onto the ground. He is still awake and survived the hit. However, he's weak and staggered to stand up. He was too weak to resume the fight. Monna unballed her form and still in her slim skinny thin figure. She smirks, "You're too weak my (Y/n)-San, give up or I'll force you to give up", she said, "You know that once you lose, that kiss will be mine~", and makes a kissy face at him. 

He tried not to feel embarrassed but his face is blushing red even when he's injured. He hates to lose but he doesn't have that stamina anymore. Monna has to end this fight right now. So for once last time, she balled up and rammed at him. At last, using his remaining strength, he got knocked down on the ground, knocked out.

Lord Champa cursed out loud while arguing at Lord Quitela. Lord Quitela felt relieved that Monna took the Saiyan out. Monna once again turned back into her skinny figure; she smiled, "I win~", she said. After a minute, he regained consciousness and slowly stood up. (Y/n)-San turns to see Monna in front of him. "Oh (Y/n)-San~ I believed that you owe me a kiss~", she teased while making kissy lips at him.

(Y/n)-San makes an almost pouty face, trying to refuse the deal. But he swore that he would make that deal happen if he lost. He looked at her; her large boobs bounced as she waited for him to kiss her. Looking cute and happy. He blushed again and sighed, "Oh fine. I guess you're my winner girl, come here", he said, his arms reaching out. Monna squeals and rushes over to him. She embraced him into a huge hug. He blushed and flinched as his face was pushed in between her boobs. His eyes caught her cleavage poking through the top of her shirt as her clothes clung to her body tighter.

He blushes red like a tomato; Monna squeals as she hugs him. She cannot believe that she wins and now she wants his kiss. She looks down and leans down for his kiss. (Y/n)-San groans as he knows that he needs to keep his promise. He puckered his lips and leaned up.

Suddenly, something hit Monna from behind. She groaned as she felt her back in pain. She let go of (Y/n)-San and fell onto the ground. She groaned from the pain as she felt helpless. (Y/n)-San stared in shock as her body deflated back to her round usual body. He turned to see Cabba come to him. "Cabba?", (Y/n)-San said in confusion. 

"Don't worry (Y/n)-San, I'm here to help you!", he said. But they both saw Monna starting to sob. Cabba looked confused, "Why is she crying?", he asked. (Y/n)-San sighed, "I agreed if I lose, I would kiss her", he explained. Cabba looked shocked, "But you're into slim skinny girls, yet I'm surprised that she's not", he said.

That comment made her mad; she roared out and punched Cabba in the face. "How dare you hurt me like this!!!!", and balled up, running at Cabba. (Y/n)-San was worried how this would go bad. He was about to go stop them until he felt a powerful punch from behind. He slowly turned and his eyes widened in fear as he saw Jiren mercilessly punched him in the abdomen. Monna and Cabba stopped and stared in shock as they witnessed Jiren throw (Y/n)-San out of the ring.

Lord Champa stared in disbelief while hearing Lord Belmont scoffed. The Omni Kings felt sad that they didn't get to see them kiss. "(Y/n)-San from the sixth universe is eliminated", Grand Priest announced. (Y/n)-San woke up in the seating area on the benches. He took a deep breath as he looked around. He looked over and saw Cabba took Monna out of the ring after turning into a Super Saiyan 2.

Monna was about to win until Cabba turned stronger and managed to push her off the ring. Lord Quitela was disappointed and called her a nobody who is desperate for a kiss. Monna has disgraced her team, yet she is sad she didn't get her kiss. She sighed as she sat there while watching the fight.

Minutes pass until Universe 7 wins the tournament. It's true that the seven universes including Universe 4 and Universe 6 lose and got erased. But 17 used his wish to revive the losing universes. Once every being and universes are revived, everyone including Universe 7 resume their lives.

It has now been a month since the Tournament of Power started; Monna was in her room, feeling sad. She still didn't get a kiss from (Y/n)-San and never be able to have him. She cried into her pillow. "Oh (Y/n)-San! I wish I could see you again!", she sobbed. Someone entered her room; he walked over and sat down on her bed. He looked over: he's (Y/n)-San. He felt bad that the reason why she wanted his kiss that badly was because she's fallen for him.

It's true he doesn't like the busty and naughty kind of flirty girls because he prefers a nice and sweet kind of girl, no matter the shape and sizes they are. He sighed, knowing what he needed to do. Once she sat up and threw her pillow away, she felt a hand on her shoulder. Despite that her face is in tears, (Y/n)-San pulls her into him as he kisses her. She moans in quick gasps as she feels his lips touching her lips.

He pulled out and climbed out of her bed. She blushed and placed her hand on her lips, "(Y/n)-San!?", she said in shock, " kissed me~" He blushed and smiled, "If I didn't keep my promise, I would feel bad. So, I kept my promise", he said. 

Monna giggles; "Monna, you know you can confess to me while being yourself", he said to her. Monna is confused and surprised by his comment, "Really? You mean you like me", she asked.

(Y/n)-San nods, "Of course I do! I know you fight me to save your universe, but you really love me, you could've confessed to me while being yourself instead of pretending to be skinny", he explained. "And you prefer me like this?", Monna asked. 

He nodded, "Monna, I...I love you too", and he reached his arms out to her, "And I guess you're my big girl now, come here~", he cooed to her shyly. Monna squeals and rushes over, embraces him and they kiss.

Monna is truly happy as she now claims him as her new lover. And here comes the moral of this story: No matter the shape, form, and size you are, always remember that the only thing a man loves is women who are being themselves will always get the man's love.

The End

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