Xeno SSJ4 Gohan X Kidnapped Xeno Vegeta's Daughter Reader

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Requested by YuGiOhfan1999.

To clarify, this takes place in the Xenoverse, so in case I did not typed Xeno Gohan or Xeno Vegeta, it is because they are in the Xenoverse so I don't have to type Xeno all the time. Enjoy.

Vegeta slammed his fists at the dinner table, "What the hell's wrong with you (Y/n)-Chan!? Why did you always miss our training!?", he exclaimed. (Y/n)-Chan frowned, flinched as she was looking down at the table. While crossing her arms across her chest, she just ignored his yell. Bulla (13 years old) lowered her face at the table while listening to her music quietly. 

Trunks (24 years old) shook his head, "Dad, stop yelling at my sister! She's only sixteen, she's old enough to join us!", he said to Vegeta. "No!", he yells at his son, "(Y/n)-Chan is too weak to join us if she keeps skipping our training! She is our next Time Patroller and should focus on training, nothing more!! If she keeps this up, she'll be a nobody!"

(Y/n)-Chan held back her tears as she was stuck in between her father and her brother. (Y/n)-Chan is the second child in the Brief family. At age sixteen, she is (height) tall and (weight) yet has a curvy body. Her body has (skinny, slim, or has abs) stomach with curvy shaped hips, strong legs and arms, (size) chest and (size) butt, all covered in her outfit: a Saiyan armor like Vegeta's except has a mini skirt attached to her leggings, long white boots, and carries (whatever item you carried)(if you don't like this outfit, you can get this or insert favorite outfit from the Xenoverse's shop). 

Her face has her father's nose, her mother's eyes, rosy plump cheeks, (color) shaded lips, (size) ears with (insert kind of earrings), and (length) (either blue hair or black hair with a blue stripe on her left side head).

In the world of Xenoverse, they still live in West City except it resided miles away from ConTon City. Bulma passed away after Bulla's birth, leaving her grieving husband, parents, and son Trunks (8 years old) & daughter (Y/n)-Chan (3 years old at that time). Without a mother, Vegeta, his kids, plus Dr. & Mrs. Briefs supported each other. Since Bulla does not show any sign of power, she lived her life as a normal girl. 

But once (Y/n)-Chan turned ten years old, that's when Vegeta decided to train her with Trunks. She was always on her game: always dodging attacks swiftly as well as honing her own attacks. She spends a good amount of powering up her ki for a week; until she successfully reached her highest level at 3000. But that's not enough for her father since she did not learn to transform into a super saiyan.

Last year, age 15, that's when she skipped out her afternoon training. The reason is because she made plans. She always meets up with Gohan and creates their own training. Unlike her father, Gohan is very kind and gentle, but she does accept him going rough in their sparring matches. She always looks up to him, sees him more than a brother or a father; to make it sound crazy, she's always in love with him. But Gohan doesn't know that because she kept it to herself before someone knows what's going on. For a year, she and Gohan trained, made her stronger and managed to achieve her super Saiyan form.

Earlier today, they finished their training as she graduated from the basic training. Gohan smiled and told her how proud he is for having a beautiful student. She felt her heart thumped when he said that, and made her blush. Gohan chuckled as he pet her head, "You know, if you have a question or need any help, you can come visit me." She nods and heads back home. But as soon as she and her family ate dinner, she was planning to head to her room until Vegeta decided to have an argument with her. He said she's only going to be a Time Patroller and not have a simple normal life like any other teenage girls.

She instantly stands up, lands a big punch on Vegeta's left cheek, and growled, "You can't always make me just a warrior Dad! It's so not fair that everyone else gets to live simple lives which I never get because you always want me to train! I want a different mentor!", she yells at him. Vegeta flinched as he realized what she meant; he found out that the reason why she skipped their training is to be with Gohan. He has his face darkened with jealousy but mutters, "Kakarot's son, I should've known he was training you girl", and he slapped her face. Bulla gasps in fear and cries. Trunks gritted his teeth, "Dad! Stop it!", but Vegeta shoved him away, "Don't intervene boy!"

(Y/n)-Chan staggered and stood up, rubbing her bruised cheek. Vegeta showed his best scary face, "You're grounded", he said. "What?", (Y/n)-Chan said in shock. "In fact, you're forbidden to see Kakarot's son ever again", Vegeta added, "Now go to your fucking room." But she started crying and hit Vegeta with a swinging chair, "No, go to your fucking room for being mean! I hate my life and I hate you, I hate living here!!", and she ran out of the house, away from her father, and away from the house where she only trained in her entire life.

Since she knows how to conceal her ki, she hid in nearby trees to hide. Her brother trunks and Vegeta went out to find her. But unable to sense her ki, they split up and fly in different directions. She sighed in relief as she was free to walk. Since she can see Gohan's house, she flies in the sky and is a minute away. Once she lands on the ground with her feet, she smiles as she's about to go meet her mentor. But before could knock on the door, she muffled in gasp as someone's behind her, silenced her with a blow on the back of her neck, knocked her out. Her vision went from blurry into darkness.

Hours later, Gohan was dressed into his usual Piccolo outfit with his red sash. He was looking forward to starting (Y/n)-Chan's new training to help her achieve more saiyan transformations and improve her ki. But as he finishes his breakfast, there's a loud knock at his front door. "Open up Gohan! OPEN THE GODDAMN DOOR!!!, boomed the familiar voice. 

Gohan opens the door and quickly has a shocked look when he faces a worried Vegeta. Vegeta barges inside and starts throwing all Gohan's possessions onto the floor, "(Y/N)-CHAN!!! WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU GIRL!!?!?", and resume his rampage. Gohan gasp, "Vegeta No! Not my work!", and pick up his stuff back into their place.

He spotted Goku walking inside, "Hey son, sorry for Vegeta's mess but we have bigger problems." Gohan felt a bad feeling in his gut, "What happened? What about (Y/n)-Chan?", he asked his father. "Cell and Frieza got her", Goku said, serious. Gohan's face grew serious and frowned. They turned to Vegeta who rushed down the stairs. 

He made a serious angry look at Gohan, "You...My daughter is abducted and all because of you!!", and instantly rammed at Gohan. Gohan's body is pushed outside his house and gets caught into a fight. Vegeta landed many punches, leaving bruises and scratches on Gohan.

But as Vegeta was about to land a final hard blow, Gohan instantly dodged his attack and landed a hard blow on Vegeta's legs, causing the mad saiyan to fall onto his knees. Vegeta groaned and growled at Gohan, "I blame you for this boy! My daughter refuses to let me train her, she wants you instead. Because of you, she is kept hostage by those bastards. Because...she no longer wants me anymore!", Vegeta slowly finds himself crying his tears out.

 Gohan understands what it takes to be afraid of losing a daughter. Since Videl passed away two years ago, he thought no one's going to care for Pan. But he knows he cannot rely on anyone all the time. So he raised her by himself most of the time for eighteen years.

But now that she's stronger and strong enough to protect herself, he knows that she'll be watched by his friends. But he does feel like if anything happened to Pan, he'll never forgive himself for not being there for her. Gohan placed his hand on Vegeta's shoulder, Vegeta stared at him. "Vegeta, let's go rescue (Y/n)-Chan", Gohan said in a serious tone. Vegeta stood up, wiped his tears away, and all three Saiyans powered up, instantly starting flying in the west direction.

Meanwhile, (Y/n)-Chan finally awoke and found herself in a cell room. She walks to the door and realizes that it's locked, someone imprisoned her. But what caught her sight is two shadowy figures from the corner of the other wall: same shadows of two familiar foes. She frowns and realizes who they were, "Cell and Frieza", she mutters and throws a punch at the door; but she winces in pain and groans. 

"How do I get myself into this situation?", (Y/n)-Chan asked herself. She kicked her foot against the cell door, but it did not work. She groaned in short pain and sat back on the bed. She frowned, crossed her arms over her chest and let out a frustrated sigh, "I can't believe that Cell and Frieza are joining forces and abduct me only to get revenge on Goku and my dad. But why me?", she asked herself.

"Because we need a bait silly girl", said Cell. She turned to see Cell and Frieza standing in front of her cell door. She growls out in fury, ram over to the door and grabbed onto the small bars, "You bastards! Let me out now!!", she warned. But they chuckled and Frieza shot his beam at her right ankle and her left wrist. (Y/n)-Chan winces in pain and shouts, "Ow!", and she kneels on the floor. She can see burnt marks on them and rub them, she glared at them, "Goku and my dad will kick your asses again!!", she said with a frown.

Cell chuckled again, "You still don't get it? This time that won't happen", he said. She blinked and stared at him in confusion. Frieza smiled wickedly, "Because girl, once Goku, Vegeta, and the others find you, we'll force them into an ultimaton'', and then hiding from the shadows are two of Frieza's guards, holding her tightly as the third guard holds the chains. She felt scared; now unable to escape.

Meanwhile, Goku, Vegeta, and Gohan fly through ConTon city to find (Y/n)-Chan. They searched for an hour and still no sign of her presence. Vegeta felt more worried and researched the same area. Goku felt bad for him and tried harder to sense her ki. Gohan is also worried for her; ever since what Vegeta said this morning, Gohan had a feeling what he meant. His conscience thinks it's not possible, but his heart thumps whenever he imagines her sweet smile, her pretty face, and always enjoys her company during training. Gohan couldn't believe that he's fallen for her, but there's no denying that he wanted her too.

Suddenly, Goku shouts, "Guys! I found her ki!", causing the others to come to him. Goku points in the center from the areas that they went through and finally found her ki. "Down there!!", Vegeta exclaimed and instantly flew down fast. "Vegeta No!!", Goku exclaimed and flew after him. Gohan followed them until they rammed through the roof of the unknown warehouse. But as they finally landed on the floor, two evil laughters appeared. Emerging out of the shadows are none other than Cell and Frieza. Vegeta roared out and transformed into his Super Saiyan Blue and instantly charged at Cell. But that android somehow held against his weight and Vegeta gaped in shock.

Cell smirked and landed a hard blow against Vegeta's jaw and pushed him onto the floor. Goku and Gohan gasp as they watch Vegeta turn back to normal and pass out weak. Goku frowned and instantly transformed into Super Saiyan Blue, almost about to turn into his Ultra Instinct. "Uh uh uh", Frieza tsked as both he and Cell moved aside, revealed (Y/n)-Chan struggling to break free from the chains. Goku's eyes spotted a time bomb strapped over her chest and stopped.

 He is in ultimate shock, "You...bastards", and he groaned as Frieza landed many blows to the Saiyan's body. Gohan is in deep trouble as he watches his father land onto the floor, defeated and turned back to normal, also weak. Unable to move, Gohan stood his ground as his eyes were shot up, seeing the time bomb started; only five minutes. He felt his heart break as he realized there's no time to get to her because both Cell and Frieza are ganging up on him, landing many blows. But Gohan holds up while fighting back.

But no matter how much he transforms into, from super saiyan to his recent super saiyan three, it's no use since Cell's sudden strength kept him from saving his pupil. His face is brutally bruised and his body is covered in scratches and bruises. Gohan couched and groaned, fell backwards onto the floor. His vision is a bit blurry and look back at (Y/n)-Chan. 

She is crying hard while gagged; the timer is now set to three and a half minutes. If he does not save her, she will die within the bomb's explosion. Cell and Frieza cackled. "There's no use Gohan", Cell said, "Thanks to the spy drone who absorbs Jiren's ki, I'm able to stop you and your Saiyan comrades."

Frieza nods, "Now that the bomb's going to explode soon, we'll give you our courtesy by one last hard blow", he said, raised a fist. But they suddenly felt a sudden force push them against a wall. They groaned in pain and stared at Gohan in shock. "What!?", both villains exclaimed. Gohan stood up, his face darkened as he felt a sudden rage surging within him. 

For many years, he experienced so many losses and so many failures of becoming a strong Saiyan. Times when Piccolo was killed, when android 16 was killed by Cell, and whenever he tried to reach Goku and Vegeta's level, he was too weak to get there because he held back his rage. Back a few years ago, Videl did not die in an accident; instead she was brutally murdered by Cell and Frieza.

He remembered how Goku and the Supreme Kai of Time told him the sad news of her death. He felt so enraged, yet greif took over him. Because he is consumed by grief, he is unable to use his rage to reach his ki and failed many times to get to transform for a long time. But this time, he is desperate to rescue his beloved (Y/n)-Chan and cannot allow that same tragic fate to take her life. 

Never again; he won't accept it. Gohan's eyes shot up in blue eyes, sparks of lightning surrounded Gohan's body, his aura changed dark red, and suddenly let out an immenseful roar of rage. The ground's shaking, debris front he roof hovered in the air, causing both the villains to feel threatened.

"No! This cannot be!", Cell exclaimed in outrage. But it is; Gohan is raising his ki higher and he is hidden in a huge aura. For a quick minute, he finally did it; he transformed into SSJ4. His fur surrounds his upper body is burgundy wine red, ripped his shirt off, wearing only pants, has a tail that somehow grows back, his hair grew thick, bigger, and his eyes are now yellow green eyes with sharp pupils. Both Goku and awaken Vegeta stared at Gohan in awe and amazed. "W...What!?", Vegeta stuttered. "He did it", Goku smiled, "He finally reached SSJ4." Gohan stared at his hands, clenched them into a ball of fists.

He swiftly turned and glared at Cell and Frieza, causing both to shudder in fear. But out of nowhere, he swiftly landed hard blows and kicked them. Without any time to sense where his ki traveled, both Cell and Frieza are hit by his attacks. Later, Gohan landed a last hard blow, pushed them both onto the floor, weak. Gohan noticed the time was set for thirty seconds. He aimed his beam and broke the chains. He ripped the gag out of her mouth and held her in bridal style. She felt a sigh of relief and looked up at Gohan, "G...Gohan", she said weakly. "Don't worry, this time I won't let you die", he said calmly.

He carried her out of the warehouse. Goku picked up Vegeta and teleported out of the warehouse. Once everyone's evacuated, the bomb explodes, obliterating the building. However, Both Cell and Frieza are burnt and groaned in pain. "Why!?", both groaned until they passed out. Once the other Time Patrollers arrested the foes and drove them to jail, everyone headed back to Capsule Corp.

Bulla rushed over to (Y/n)-chan, "Big sis!!", and hugged her. Trunks walks over and hugs his sister, "(Y/n)-Chan, glad you're safe." (Y/n)-Chan smiled and hugged them both. She turned around to face her dad and she felt bad for what she did back last night. But Vegeta rushed over to her and held her tightly into a big hug. 

He finds himself holding back his tears until he shed a few down his face. (Y/n)-Chan look up, "Dad, I'm sorry for what I said yesterday", she said sincerely. But felt him hugging him tighter, "No (Y/n)-Chan, it's my fault that you left and got yourself captured. I almost lost you. I will never forgive myself if I lost my daughter, I'm...sorry."

She finds it very sweet of his honesty and hugs him back, "I forgive you dad", and they are happy that the past is forgotten. However, she turns to see Gohan, still in SSJ4 form, smiled and rushed over to him. She pulled him into a deep kiss while embracing him. Vegeta, Goku, and Trunks gasp in shock. Bulla smiled, "Aw!", she said happy. 

Vegeta is flabbergasted; he did not expect to see his teenage daughter kissing an older man who is Goku's son. Vegeta frowned, his face turning red as he walked over to them. Gohan breaks the kiss and turns to face Vegeta. Vegeta mutters, "Gohan...I'm gonna...", but he was interrupted by Gohan's sudden ki move behind him and gave Vegeta a hard punch on his face.

Vegeta's eyes shot up and surprisingly stared at Gohan. Gohan shook his head, "I know it's crazy Vegeta, but I love her so much. I never get tired of her and her presence. I may have been a failure in my training in the past, but now that I know how to get stronger", he said and offered his hand to Vegeta, "I know we loved her, but I need her the most. Please give me your blessings." 

(Y/n)-Chan is surprised to hear that confession and tries not to have hopes up because her dad will reject the proposal. But she found herself in shock again as Vegeta offered the hand and stood up. Vegeta gave Gohan the usual stare but he smiled, "You have my blessings Gohan. But don't ever think of letting my daughter die, you hear me?"

Gohan smiled, "I won't, I promise you that I'll never let anything take (Y/n)-Chan away from me", and he walks back to her. Everyone else heads inside Capsule Corp, only Gohan and (Y/n)-Chan are left alone. She stood in front of Gohan, looking at his hairy body, his exotic handsome face, and noticed his tail. "Wow, you now have a tail Gohan", she said and pointed at it. 

"Don't worry, I'll try not to stare at the moon", Gohan said. Both are staring at each other, both smiling as they hold each other in embrace. She smiled sweetly at him, "Gohan, I loved you so much. I never thought that my dad will allow us to be together", she said.

Gohan nods, "But now we're together, no matter what happens, I'll always be with you. I promise my life to protect yours", he promised. Both lean in and kiss. Her arms wrapped around his strong beefy neck as they made out. Tongues danced, exploring each other's mouths, sucking and kissing.

Time skipped to months later when both Gohan (normal self) and (Y/n)-Chan both kissed at their wedding. Gohan wore his white tux, black suit, black shoes, and has a (favorite flower) pinned on his left side jacket. (Y/n)-Chan wore her (Insert favorite wedding dress from any gaming app or online pictures, because I want you guys to love what kind of dresses you want to choose), white (high heels or dress shoes), (insert kind of earrings), (insert kind of jewelry), and the bouquet contains her favorite flower: (insert favorite flowers here).

Once they celebrate their wedding with their friends and families, Pan (yeah eighteen year old) and other Xeno Pan (nine year old, look at wiki about GT Pan's age originally) are happy to see their father happily remarried to their new stepmom. Pan (18) doesn't mind (Y/n)-Chan marrying her father because he does deserve another chance to find love. Pan gave them a hug and watched them head out to their honeymoon. Their honeymoon is at (wherever you want to go).

Months later, Gohan and (Y/n)-Chan are raising their first-born child. It's a baby (boy or girl), already taken after (his mother/her mother) except he/she has Gohan's black eyes. The baby wears his/her (color) jammies that cover the feet and hands. 

Vegeta was pissed off how Gohan got her pregnant already after the honeymoon, but he let it go since he'll let them figure out raising their child together. They don't mind it although they do appreciate their families and friends visit them while meeting their son/daughter. Both Gohan and (Y/n)-Chan are happy with their new lives. Watching Piccolo hold the baby, (Y/n)-Chan named him/her (baby name here).

Gohan leaned in and kissed (Y/n)-Chan's forehead, "I love you (Y/n)-Chan", and he pressed his forehead against hers. (Y/n)-Chan smiled and sighed, "Love you back, Gohan~", and both looked forward to watching their child grow up and hoping to share their own future together, and never be separated, never in their time.

The End

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