Android 17 X Moon OC Part 2

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Requested by Chespin101. By the title, yes this is part two to the part one of the fanfic. Like the timeline is starting off from the beginning of part one where they met except it's the present time and both grew up in their teens. But there will be time traveling. And this part two is a normal pairing this time. Enjoy.

On planet Earth, in the area where a house lies two beings playing tag. A young boy with short black hair is chasing a younger girl with long white hair and is running away from him, laughing. "I'm going to get you Moon~", he exclaimed and chuckled. "Come get me!", Moon called back and resumed running around the backyard. 

This is the story of Lapis and Moon. Moon's only twelve while Lapis is only sixteen. They were having a fun time while Lapis's parents went to pick up Lazuli from her friend's house.

After twenty minutes, he finally got her. "Got'cha!", he exclaimed and grabbed her arm. She chuckled, "That was fun!", she panted. Lapis doesn't always play games like this but he wanted to do it with Moon. He yawned, "Well how about we take a nap at that tree?", he pointed to the nearby tree. Moon nodded and they sat underneath the tree. Yawning, they drifted into sleep.

Lapis's P.O.V

I woke up, yawned and stretched my arms. I turned to look at Moon, sleeping peacefully. I smiled, admiring her cute sweet face. She was my only friend I ever had. But I felt more of loving her than just like her as a friend. I leaned down and kissed her forehead, inhaling her sweet scent. Moon woke up and yawned. She turned to me and smiled, "How's your sleep Lapis?", she asked. I nod, "Good. You?", he asked back. "Great", she replied.

We both heard a loud buzzing sound, something abnormal. We both gasped as we turned to see a swirling portal appear before us. "What is that?", Moon asked me. "I...don't know", I said and walked closer to it. I put my finger inside, feel nothing, but there is something through it. We suddenly hear voices, almost similar to our voices. 

Moon gasps, "Let's go!", she exclaimed. At first, I refused; I'm worried how long we'll be gone and my parents would be worried. But my twin sister will cover for me. "Sure", I said and we held hands. Then we ran inside through the portal.

POV ended

What the portal brought them is to their future timeline. However, it's the present timeline where both Moon is older at age 22 while Lapis is referred to as Android 17, grown, and left their cabin house. They just hired a sitter to watch the twin babies while they work.

Today is Moon's day back to work, although she didn't work for 17's job, but she does help him out to arrest poachers. Since her three months off is over, she can go with her lover to the island where all rare and endangered creatures lived. They fly off their yard and head to the island.

For a few hours, they all saved the creatures from being captured and arrested all the poachers who threatened to make the animals their prisoners. They were lucky that they have each other, otherwise their hours will be hard when more poachers arrive and they kick their asses.

It's now three in the afternoon and both walked around the island. 17 walks around, peeking through the bushes while Moon licks her lollipop. She sucks onto it, tasting the flavor that she cannot describe. Her eyes are focusing on 17 as he keeps searching for unexpected intruders.

Moon's P.O.V

I hummed, admired my lover's determination to fight off the poachers. 17 turned to me, "What?", he asked. I shrugged my shoulders, "Nothing 17, I just...admired your handsome face...and that cute butt of yours~", she said grinning as I licked my lollipop. 17 blushed and looked surprised. 

But he grinned back at me, "Naughty girl~" I giggled, watching him pick me off the rock I was sitting and embraced me into a hug. I stopped licking as we kissed. I sighed, "I really love having you with me Lapis~", I said. "I told you to call me 17", he said, "But I really do love you Moon."

We were about to leave the island now that poachers are no longer here, a sudden loud noise appears. "Hey, what's that", I said and both of us turned straight. There's a swirling portal that appeared, it was glowing. He put me down and stood our ground, prepared to fight. But to our surprise, two small kids ran out. As they stopped, we both gasped as those kids are actually us! From the past!

Past Lapis and Past Moon opened their eyes and looked at us in shock. "Wow", my past self said in a cute voice. "No..No way! You're...", Lapis stutters. "Your both us", 17 said, "But you're in our present timeline." They walked closer to us: my past self looking at 17 while Past Lapis looked at me. He was almost the same height as my, "You look the same", he said amazed. I gave him a smile, "Because I stopped growing since 22", I said and gave him a wink. Lapis blushes light.

My past self stares in awe at 17. "You're bigger and more handsome looking!", she exclaimed. She hugged onto his arm. "And you're cute as ever~", 17 said. Each of us get to know each other. We all walked together through the island as we talked about our past. 17 and I know about their past because we were once them in the past. 

We talked about our future growing up, finally fell in love, married, and have twin babies. "Aw! Babies!", my past self exclaimed and turned to Lapis who is blushing in embarrassment, "We made babies together!" Lapis nodded, "Yeah, we will be", he said chuckling. We all laughed as we were almost halfway to the exit of the island.

But once we're almost about to leave, we heard an unexpected loud noise. It wasn't the portal this time, it's bigger than we imagined. Out of the blue, we all spot a huge airship flying around the island. We all looked confused, and noticed that they're not friends. My eyes spotted a logo on the ship. "You guys", I said, "This ship says Red Ribbon Army." 

17 is now worried and picks my past self up, "They're the enemies who turn me into an android! We got to go!", h ecall out. But it was too late as we looked up, hearing loud sounds as it hit the ground. It releases a sort of sleep screen; we couched, tried to hold our noses, but it's too late.

"17", I panted, hard to see him. "M..Moon", he said faintly. "Moon...I", Lapis said weakly as he held her hand. "Lapis...La..pis", my past self said and they all passed out. I was the last one and fell onto the ground, "Damn", and I fell into deep sleep.

POV Ended

The ship finally stopped and one Red Ribbon member landed on the ground gracefully. He was one of Dr. Gero's clone android prototypes. He took out his walky talky, "Red over, I caught the android we were looking for. And the other one is a younger version of him." "Affirmative", replied the voice, "Anyone else?" "Um...two look alike girls: older and younger, with white skin, white hair, and white dresses, shall I bring them in?", asked the android.

 "Bring in the older one, the other one is only a harmless girl, she will do nothing to us", said the voice, "Over." Once the clone put the talky away, he picked them up, one by one, into the ship. He only left the Moon sleeping on the ground. "Sorry girly, but we got plans for your friends", he said and flew back to the ship with his rocket boosters.

The ship left the island, now heading to the remote hideout of the Red Ribbon Army lab. While Past Moon rests on the ground, a Minotaurus spotted her with a small scratch on her elbow. It noted that its friends are abducted. It walked over to her and nudged its face onto hers, waking her up.

Past Moon's P.O.V

I finally woke up as I was greeted by an unknown creature. I giggled, "Thanks", I said and petted its head. It bellowed at me, alerted me what happened. I suddenly remembered the ambush and realized that Lapis and the others were abducted. I must find them quick. "Thank you friend", I thanked it, and I flew into the sky, heading west as I followed the ship's ki.

Flying for only two hours, I finally arrived at the mountain. It looked normal, until my eyes spotted two men entering the secret entrance. "They must be in there", I mutter and follow them. Once I snuck inside, I was hiding near the wall; I looked around the area: it was all industrial, old, but always had robotic parts. 

I walked further through the hall and peeked inside the room. I gasped as I saw all clones of robots turned into real life people. I looked at the title "Android Manufacturing Room", and realized that someone is making them. But who?

POV Ended

Meanwhile, Lapis groaned as he woke up. He rubbed the back of his head and looked around, realizing he was abducted. "Moon? You guys?", he called out. But no one responded. He walks up to the door, it's locked. He's definitely locked inside the room. But to his mind, he was abducted along with his future self and future wife, but then he realized that Moon is still out there. He hoped that she could aid him and rescue the others.

Back to Past Moon, the little preteen girl is still searching, now in the highest level of floor ten. "How many floors are there?", she asked herself and ran; searching room after room. She was now near the end of the floor and her eyes got a suspicious door. She rushed over to it and bust the door down.

Lapis yelped as the door was busted down onto the floor across the room. Moon barged inside and rushed over to him. "Moon!", Lapis exclaimed. "Lapis!", Past Moon exclaimed and they hugged. She smiled at him, "I miss you!", and kissed his cheek. Lapis blushed, "Listen Moon, our future selves are in danger and taken into a different room. We need to find them and destroy this hideout", Lapis said. She nodded and both fled the room.

Meanwhile, the present Moon and 17 finally woke up from their slumber. 17 was puzzled how they slept; until his mind rewind back to their past selves and the sleep bomb attacks. 17 is finally awakened and turns to his wife, "Moon! Moon, wake up! We're trapped!", he said. 

Moon yawned but unable to stretch her arms. In fact, they looked down and saw both their wrists and ankles are chained by their chairs. "What? I...I can't move!", Moon grunted as she tried to squirm. "I'm afraid that you both won't be going anywhere anytime soon", said the old male voice.

They turned straight as they both watched the figure emerging from the shadows. "Wait, is he?", Moon asked. 17 growled, "Dr. Gero? I thought my sister and I killed you years ago", he said. "Oh yeah, you both did kill the real me", replied the old android with a smirk on his face, "But I knew that if I was killed, I would build myself a clone into a hidden hideout in another location near South City near the rocky mountains."

 Both thought he was stupid to reveal his location. Dr.Gero clone lifts up the metal screen and shows a glass window. But what they reacted to is deep shock: the window displayed an assembly line of cloned androids, all made.

"Yes, these will be the improved Red Ribbon Army of androids! However, I actually made a new upgrade to them as soon as I fixed it up", Gero clone bragged. Moon raised her brow at him, "You mean...", she said in question. "Yes my dear, I decided to make them immortal!So many years of failure thanks to Goku and my creations. So I finally managed to get this clone working on my new plans for a few years and managed to almost complete. I recently collected the dragon balls and wished for the amount of a jar of immortal serum that will make my army indestructible. It'll be hard for Goku and everyone to defeat us and we'll dominate this world for good!", and he cackled evilly.

Both Moon and 17 gritted their teeth. "No! There's no way in hell that you'll get away with this!", 17 protested. Dr. Gero clone walked back to him and slapped his face. Moon gasps and turns to the clone, growling, "How dare you!!!", and let out a loud roar of rage! The room is suddenly rumbled, causing it to shake.

Back to the past Moon and Lapis, they just entered into the basement of the hideout, they already checked all ten floors and realized they haven't checked the basement. Both stopped as the entire building was shaking with rumbling loud sounds. 

Both hold on each other as the sudden quake ended. "What's that? An earthquake?", Lapis asked. Past Moon shook her head and smiled, "That's only me who can make these rumbles. And I just detected their kis. Let's go!", and both ran through the hallway.

Ahead of them are the extra androids without the upgrade. But the little girl jumped up and gave each of them a spin kick, kicked their heads and made their heads combusted. Lapis sighed in awe, "Awesome moves", and they resumed running to the door that is where they should be. "Hi-Ya!", past Moon exclaimed and kicked the door.

Inside the room, Dr. Gero clone was about to let 17 and Moon prisoned on their chairs. But the door is suddenly knocked down by past Moon, bust it across the room. 17 and Moon smiled, "Great you're here!", and watched past Moon destroy their prison with her ki blasts. "What? No!", exclaimed Gero clone, "How dare you!!" But both present and past Moon both land a punch on the clone and send him through the broken window and into the assembly line.

17 pick up Lapis as Past and Present Moon jumped inside, chasing after him. Dr. Gero clone is running inside, through the assembly line as they follow him in hot pursuit. Once the clone makes his way to the important section, he stops at a dead end wall. They all arrived and surrounded him. He gave them a sinister smile, "You may get me cornered, but you're no match for my ultimate clone!", and pulled the switch next to him. 

They all turned to the wall that opened the doors. A small dark figure emerged from the doors and stood before them. They gasp in shock. "What!?", present Moon exclaimed. "Is that?", past Moon asked worried.

"That's right, I was able to scan your body and create a clone of you. She's easy to control and much stronger than the other clones. She'll be your mighty foe and destroy you all!", he cackled. Past Moon stood in front of Lapis, since he's a human he's too weak to fight. 17 and present Moon both took their battle stances.

The Moon clone stood closer, her eyes were red. Then, she immediately charges at them. Moon and 17 both charged at her and are fighting instantly. Past Moon and Lapis are impressed, watching their every move. 17 blast his ki at the Moon clone while present Moon throws her ultra moon beam attack at him. But she deflected them, not a single scratch on her. Both shocked and worried. "It's no use! She's too strong!", 17 said. 

The Moon clone gave them a sinister smile and used her huge immsensful force, pushing them both across the room. 17 landed on the ground as present Moon stood up on her feet. The clone turns to their past selves and unleashes a huge force that blasts random objects at them. Past Moon used her Moon barrier on themselves, but was faded by the clone's heavy objects that break it. A sharp glass from the broken window is thrown at them and misses them when it passes by.

Past Moon turns to Lapis to make sure he's ok, but she gasps. Her eyes spot a small cut on Lapis' cheek. Lapis placed his fingers on his cut and saw blood. Present Moon hears more doors open, but Moon clone attacks her. Dodging every attack, her eyes can only see 17 getting his ass beaten by the other Red Ribbon clones. 

Present Moon growled, had it with this and punched her clone across the room. The clone landed on her feet, but looked shocked as Past and Present Moon both let out a huge battle cry roar. With their two huge forces, it shaken the room more powerful than the last time.

Gero clone, the clones and Moon clone all grew shocked as both Present and Past Moon are using their full power. Their auras are all white, glowing auras around them. Their eyes are glowing white as they hover above the ground. Their angry glares gazes at them. "Do...not...HURT LAPIS!!!!", Past Moon screamed and rammed at the clone, created a huge crater on the wall and both continued fighting in the other room. 

"You...hurt...MY HUSBAND!!!", Present Moon screamed and without thinking, she gracefully knocked out all of the Red Ribbon clones, all fell onto the floor. 17 stood there in awe, surprised to see his wife like this. "Moon", 17 call out to her, "It's ok. I'm fine." Hearing his voice, she sighed, turned back to herself.

She walked over to 17 and they hugged. She looks up and smiles at him, "I'm glad you're ok. But we need to help her stop our clone", present Moon suggested. 17 nod and kiss her forehead. Then, they rushed over to Lapis. "You alright?", 17 asked him. "It's only a cut, I'm fine", Lapis said and turned to the Moons, "How are we ever going to stop her?" Present Moon noticed that the Gero clone was missing and she felt a sudden punch landing behind her back. 

She grunted, flew to another direction of the room and got hit by an old machine, then onto the floor. She groaned, rubbed her head. But her gaze is turned to the machine that's making noise. She is now shocked that this machine is making the samples of the immortal serum. "No!", present Moon exclaimed. "Oh Yes!", Gero clone exclaimed, "Once I inject it to my clones, there's nothing you can do about it!"

Past Moon notices the commotions and turns to her clone. It may be older than her, but she is stronger than ever. She nodded; Present Moon stood next to her and they both powered up into their Super Moon forms. Gero clone and Moon clone are worried and shocked. 

Moon clone growled at them and she rams at them with her ultimate attack. She blasted her full wave of winter blitz and threw it at them. But they dodged it, then it hit the floor, creating a bigger crater. Moon clone felt anguish as they snuck behind her and aimed their biggest attack at her. They exclaim, "Double Solar Wave!!!", and it hit the clone. The clone let out a scream, now obliterated to dust.

"NOOOOOO!!!", Gero clone exclaimed, "You cannot win!!!" But he was cut off by 17, punched through his abdomen. Lapis stared in awe, "Sick man!", and watched the clone fall onto the floor. Past Moon flies over to him and crushed his head into dust. Present Moon obliterated the clone's body and destroyed the main part of the assembly line, now stopped and in time. 

Since the clones didn't get to the immortal serum, the world is safe. "Whew!", Lapis said and high fived 17. Present and Past Moons high fived each other. And then Present Moon and 17 embraced into a kiss. Past Moon finds it romantic while Lapis blushed.

They turned to the serums that were made. Once they remove the serums, the machine is completely dried and no more inside. Present Moon destroys the machine and looks at the serums in jars. "What should we do with them?", Present Moon asked. 17 walk to her side, "I believe I have an idea, let's go to the island."

They placed the clones in their own corners and shut them all down for good. Since they made sure that there are no more surprises, they destroyed the rest of the Gero clones. Once they're done, they leave the mountain hideout.

Hours later, 17 finished injecting the last serum on the Minotaurs. The Minotarus nudged his muzzle against 17's face. "You're welcome buddy", 17 said and the Minotarus joined its herd, and resumed walking back to their territory. 17 and Moon knew that the poachers could still chase after the last remaining species of this island and were afraid of losing them to extinction. 

The only solution is injecting the immortal serum so they can live longer and the poachers could not kill them due to the indestructible effect of being immortal (not sure if it's true but let's move on).

All the creatures are now all set and the island can be peaceful again. 17, Moon, Lapis, and Past Moon all left the island and joined them for dinner at their house. It was hard for them to explain their past selves to their babysitter. They lied that those two kids are their cousins which the sitter nodded and left. Moon introduced them to their kids. 

All cooing, playing happily as they ate their baby food. Past Moon is thrilled, finds them cute and plays with them. Lapis blushed, "So, those two are our kids?", he asked. Moon nodded, "Don't worry, you two can think of your own paths when you're older", she whispers to his ears.

Lapis blushed redder, not sure if it's helpful or she's teasing him. Dinner cooked and they all ate; once dinner's over an hour later, Moon put their kids to bed as 17 took the two kids outside. 17 just contacted Whis and explained the situation since this morning. Whis was not happy how portals were open and persuaded the Grand Minister to open it again. 

Once Moon walked outside and joined them, a portal opened. "Whis already asked his father to open it again and this will get you guys back home", 17 explained. Past Moon felt sad, "So, this is goodbye?", she asked. Moon laughed, "You don't need to, you'll become us in a few years one day", and petted her past self's hair, "But I do miss being adorable!" Past Moon giggled and hugged her, "Thanks!", and hugged 17, "I'll make sure Lapis is safe!"

Lapis blushed. 17 look at him, "Jealous? Or flustered?", he asked his past self. Lapis stared at the ground with a pout, "Neither. But thanks for everything", and they shake hands. Moon walked over to Lapis and gave him a hug; Lapis blushed as he felt her large boobs pressing against his body. Moon smiled, "Make sure you chose the right path", she said. "T..Thanks", Lapis said and both Lapis and Past Moon held hands; then they entered through the portal. The portal closed itself and vanished.

Moon's P.O.V

Me and 17 waved as we watched our past selves enter the portal and vanished. I turned to 17 and smiled, "I say this is more fun than we ever had!", I said. 17 smiled back, "Funner than tag?", he asked. She grinned and lightly pushed him, "Yes", she chuckled and she started running. 17 chase after her, "Moon! Don't you dare leave me!", he chuckled. They both laughed as they played tag, now bringing them back to their childhood memories, a memory that they both will never forget.

End of Moon's POV

Little Moon and Lapis traveled back to Lapis's parent's house, in their backyard. Once they entered their yard, the portal closed and vanished. Both sighed in relief, noted that it's the same day they left. Both looked at each other and smiled. "Lapis", Moon said to him. He looked flustered and blushed, "Yes Moon?" 

She tiptoed up to him and smiled, "No matter what happens to us, I'll look for you. And we'll be back together." Lapis nodded, "And I promise we'll get married...and have kids", he said. Both smiled as they felt their hearts beating. For once, they lean in and kiss. They embraced each other as they kept kissing, they will make sure that his parents didn't see that.

They break the kiss and both resume chasing each other in tag. They will always be together, even if they're apart they'll find each other and be together for eternity.

In the present, 17 catched Moon in his arms. She laughed, happily let him hug her from behind. She turned around and tiptoed up to his height, both kissed. She moans, "Does that remind you of that?", she asked. He looked surprised and smiled, "I don't until now. I will never forget about that or you my Moon~" She hugged him, "And I love you my android~", and they kissed.

As long as there are no more time travel or portals opening, their world and time are safe once again. The couple will look forward to what they will face tomorrow as their past selves will be facing challenges in their near future.

The End

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