Lord Beerus X Female Neko Reader Lemon

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Requested by TeamFree_Will

Far away, in a miserable planet of slavery. Everyone stands in line in single order, chained, whipped, and some managed to be sold to owners of making them their own slaves. Females are especially scared of their own hell: some are raped before sold, some died from illness, severe injuries, and suicide to release their souls before they were corrupt by the hellish events. 

But some refused to kill themselves, give in and endure their new lives before they die. Some of them hoped for escape or a miracle to aid them, but some already lost hope as the boss of the slave trade is making the security and policy more tedious.

A worker of the slave trade pulled a single line of females onto the platform, all facing down while in frontal view. Before they're sold off, inspectors would examine them: checking their health, conditions, and even managing to touch them in a gross and cruel way. 

Among the females is a younger female named (Y/n)-Chan. A humanoid female with cat ears and cat tail. She's a mix of a humanoid alien (almost human) and part Neko. Her skin is (color), small cat ears, (color) eyes with almond shaped pupils, (long or short) (color) hair, (sized) nose, small lips, only (height) and (weight) with (sized) breasts and (sized) rump. 

She was only young at age eighteen and already sold off by her relatives since their home planet is a third world: nothing to eat, drink, or any money. So she was scared how her life would be hellish like the others.

Five inspectors came to her, she was shaking in fear as she braced herself for the touching. A tall brutish man held his hand and about to touch her vagina. But a sudden purple clawed hand stopped him. The man turned and gasped in shock. "Oh Lord Beerus!", exclaimed the boss, "You're here!?" 

She opened her eyes and turned to the purple cat deity who pushed the inspector's hand away. Beside him is his guide angel Whis. The Boss gained his mind and bowed to him, "What do we owe the pleasure to you today?" But Lord Beerus is busy looking at her. (Y/n)-Chan turned away, he placed his hand under her chin and forced her to look up at him. She looked at him, with scared (color) eyes at him.

Beerus is mesmerized by her looks: find her beautiful and he couldn't be surprised since his race is now going interspecies these days. "I'll take her", Beerus said and threw the pouch of coins at him. The boss scrambled to pick them up and look at the worker, "Don't stand there! Give her to him!", and the worker placed her in her own chain around her neck and gave the chain leash to Beerus. "Whis, let's go", Beerus ordered. "Right", Whis said, using his staff, Beerus held her while placing one hand on Whis's back, and they left in a flash.

An hour later, they arrived at Beerus's temple on his planet. (Y/n)-Chan stared in awe, looking around the place. "Cozy right?", he said to her. She nods. "Don't be scared, I'm not going to destroy you", Beerus assured her as he pets her head. She is still shaking since she realized he's a god of destruction, but accepts his praise. 

He aims his finger at her chain, and blasts the chain into dust. She gasps, finally free. "This is your new home", Beerus said and guided her to Whis, "Whis will make sure you're all clean and taken care of." Whis bowed to her, "Please do come with me, you need to start wearing clothes", he replied with a chuckle. She blushed, nodding in agreement.

Ever since that day, (Y/n)-Chan is almost happy. Now, she wears a nice outfit: a (color) blouse, with (color) short skirts, (color) stockings, and (color) shoes. She was safe and able to explore the planet. But the only thing that she's having a problem with is Beerus. 

He always wanted to get close to her, but she always avoided him. And always stayed close to Whis's side. Beerus gets jealous and frustrated, really wanting to get close to her. But he knew that forcing her will make things worse for the both of them. So, he'll be patient and see how things went.

Months went by and all three including Seer are hanging out in the living room. Since it's a rainy day, they will think of some fun in the temple. But to make things difficult for (Y/n)-Chan, Whis got an call from his father, urged Whis to go visit him for annual announcement of their kind. She rushed to Whis, "Please don't go!", she begged with ehr sad cat eyes at him. 

He made a cute sweet face and petted her head, "Don't be scared, Lord Beerus is here and he'll accompany you." She was hesitant, scared of being near him. But Whis gave her a reassuring smile, "it'll be alright, you did hurt his feelings for being scared of him. I'm sure he's happy to spend some time with you."

(Y/n)-Chan is puzzled by what he meant. But she gives it a try and lets Whis off. Since Seer is off to his home, it's just her and the cat deity. Whis went outside; he actually lied to her. For months, Whis noticed her staying away from Lord Beerus and the deity of destruction felt jealous and hurt by her reaction to him. So Whis decided to owe his lord a favor and flew off the planet to visit Vados for the night.

Hours later, both her and Beerus are eating the heat up meal Whis prepared for them. It was a quiet and awkward silence between them. Beerus stared at her softly as she resumed eating her meal. She can sense him staring at her. Once she's finished, (Y/n)-Chan took her and Beerus' plates, and washed the dishes. Once she's done, both of them decide to hang out in the living room.

Another nour of awkward silence, cannot speak to each other. Beerus can tell she's still not comfortable with him. He wanted to say something but cannot do it, only because he thinks she hates him for being the deity of destruction. He looked at her ears, slightly standing and tilting, he found them cute. He looks at her tail, swayed a bit. And he stared at her breasts, he finds them very appealing. 

But he stared back at her face. "Please don't stare at me like that", she said, not looking at him. Beerus cleared his voice, "Sorry dear, but I just...find you lovely", he confessed. But she doesn't want to believe it. She finally had it and stood up from the couch, about to leave, but his hand grabbed her wrist. She tried to push his hand away, but he's too strong.

She let out a frustrated grunt, "Please, let me...go!", and dragged herself backwards. But his grip is too strong and he wrapped his arm around her. She gasps, scared for her life. He pulled her in, gave her an embrace. She shivered, now terrified for what he'll do to her.

 For three minutes, he only hugged her. She slowly stopped shivering and let out a questionable hum. She finds his aura...warm and friendly. She sighed, inhaled his scent, and felt her cheeks blushing. "So nice", she murmured. But he let her go and about to leave. "I understand you're scared of me (Y/n)-Chan, I just wanted to let you know that I actually fell for you", he confessed while his back turned. She looked surprised. "I'll see you around", he said and about to head to the door.

"Wait!", she exclaimed and ran in front of him, "Please don't leave. I'm sorry! I really didn't know what to expect except violation and abuse. But you confessed you love me, is it true?" He nods, "Ever since I purchased you, I thought of you as my pet: some scared pet who needed attention. But even then, after watching you feel happy around Whis, I find you more than a pet, I find you as a being and I love you just the way you are." She shed tears of joy and ran up to him, embraced him, "I love you Lord Beerus!", she cooed. He hums, "Call me Beerus, (Y/n)-Chan. I love you back~"

Once they hugged, they are now getting along fine. Until Beerus can tell that she has been holding something in between her legs. She flustered, blushing redder as she can feel her core tingling, her vagina started to moisten up. He placed his hand on her shoulder and she flinched. He knew what that meant. "(Y/n)-Chan, are you...in heat?", he asked. 

She turned to him in shock, "h...How do you know that?" He pointed his nose, "Because looking at your behavior, my nose can detect a female acting horny." She smiled awkwardly, and feel embarrassed, "Beerus, I know we just accepted each other as lovers, and I tried not to ask for sex because I thought we should so slow in our new relationship", she explained. He nods, his hand reaching down and grabbing her ass. She let out a gasp and purred. He chuckled, "It's alright (Y/n)-Chan, if you're alright doing it with me, then we shall go for it."

Minutes later, they arrived at her room: a nice big room that has her big sized bed, a night stand, a vanity mirror with a dresser, a closet door, and a door to the bathroom. Both of them already removed their clothes. (Y/n)-Chan is naked, her breasts and vagina exposed to his view. She looked at him: admired his muscled body and handsome face. 

But what got her surprised is staring at his (any girth size) and (insert number) inches long penis. Beerus rubbed the back of his head, "I know it's big to you, are you sure you want to do this?", he asked. She nods and smiles at him, walking up to him, "I'll be fine. Let's us...start", and they pull each other into an embrace and kiss.

They kissed again, now french kissing each other. Their tongues met, flicked, and explored each others' mouths. Beerus rubs his hands all over her body, touching her bare skin. (Y/n)-Chan's hands are placed on his pecs, caressing them. Beerus hums and one of his hands grabbed her ass while the other hand grabbed onto her left tit. 

She moans, "Beerus~", she whines. He breaks the kiss, "There there (Y/n)-Chan", he coos at her, "Let me take care of you~", and Beerus suckles her tit; then he sucks onto her nipple. She moans repeatedly, feeling his tongue and mouth sucking both her breasts.

Beerus can feel her warm wet pussy coating her juices onto his schlong. He smiled, "You're so horny my dear~", and let go of her. He placed her back onto the bed, then got in between her legs and spread them apart. She can feel his breath hitching, it hits against her clit. "Beerus", she pants, "Eat me~" 

Beerus gave her cunt a long lick from her entrance to her clit, causing her to arch her back, her ears twitched as well as her tail. (Y/n)-Chan resumes moaning as he gives her entrance a few licks. Once he's done, he inserted his finger inside her. "My tongue's too short, so you should enjoy me fingering you~", he said and moved up to her clit. He started to suck her clit, making her squirm and whine. "Oh...Kami!...Ah~", and she continues moaning for a minute.

She is near her orgasma as she pushed his face deeper as he sucked her clit and thrust his finger inside her. She moans, "Beerus~", and arches her back, gasping as she orgasms. Beerus stops as he feels her cum coating up his finger. He pulled it out and sucked the juices. She was experiencing her first pleasure and her high ended. 

Beerus leans down to her, "You like it?", he asked. She smiles and nodded, "Beerus, let me have you~", and he scooted over to her side. He laid his back on her bed and rested his arms behind his head.

(Y/n)-Chan turned backwards and climbed over him, herself being on top of him. Beerus is facing close to her wet vag as her lips are next to his throbbing manhood. She sighed and began sucking him. Beerus groans, "Damn it...that felt good~", and he began to lick up her cum.

Four minutes went by and Beerus can feel his orgasm coming quick. After he already licked up her cum, he groaned deeply and orgasmed. He felt his load shooting inside her mouth, making her moan in surprise. His high is blissful and he sighed in relief once it's over. He sucked all of her cum inside his mouth. 

(Y/n)-Chan sucked up all of his semen and swallowed them. He lifts her body up and lays her back onto the bed. She sighed, admiring his manly chest. He leans his face near her cunt and spat his cum mixed saliva back into her pussy hole.

Beerus climbs over and gets in between her legs again, spreading her legs wider. He holds his cock in one hand while placing the other with her right hip; he rubs the tip around her entrance. She shudders in pleasure. "Just relax and I'll go slow", Beerus assured her with a kiss. 

She kisses him back and he slowly sheaths himself inside her, not stopping until his balls are touching her entrance. She groans in pain, ears drooped, feeling a trickle of blood oozing out of her entrance. Beerus broke the kiss and kisses on her neck, leaving love bites. Completely inside her, (Y/n)-Chan wrapped her arms around him, "I'm ready Beerus", and he slowly began to thrust.

She moans, feeling him inside her, hitting her g-spots. Sliding in and out of her, she already felt relief at how gentle he was. And she wanted him to go faster. "Faster", she moans. Beerus nods and at each time, he thrusted faster and faster. 

Over time, he thrusts more fast and harder, making her feel great with moans and whines. But after five minutes, they are heading towards their climaxes. Beerus grunted, "I'm cumming (Y/n)-Chan~", he said huskily and let out a deep growl. "AH!", she cried out in joy and climaxed with him.

Waves of pleasure vibrate all their bodies, their minds are high. She felt his jizz shooting inside her, mixing it with her fresh warm cum. She pants and falls backwards, resting in her bed. Beerus thought it was enough for the night and climbed off her, laying down next to her side. 

He pulled her in, embraced her and they kissed. He leaned his face onto her forehead and kissed it, "I truly love you my goddess~", he coos. She sighed and nestled onto her pillow, her face touching his cheek, "And I love you my god~" Both drifted into sleep, now happily as lovers.

Nine months later, they welcomed their twins: a boy and a girl. Beerus invited Champa and Vados over. Champa is shocked that Beerus got a lover and kids. "What!? No fair! Why can't I get a lover like her!?", Champa complained. Beerus smirked at him by the time his brother came over, "Because you're acting like a child. And fat.", he replied with a chuckle. Champa grew mad and thought of strangling his twin. But both are greeted by (Y/n)-Chan and brought her babies out.

Their son is named (B/n): Looked more like his mother except has purple short hair, yellow eyes with black pupils, purple cat tail and cat ears, and wears his blue jammies.

Their daughter is named (G/n): Also looked more like her mother. She has her father's appetite for food and is a sweet baby. While her brother likes to get fussy when not having his parents' attention. But Whis already handling it and always helped them out when needed.

Champa looked in awe as he was holding the twins. "My, such cute babies~ Thank Kami it's only one boy and one girl", he said to them. (Y/n)-Chan smiled, "Thank you Champa", she thanked him. Suddenly, (B/n) started to yank Champa's ear, causing his uncle to wince in pain, while holding them both. (G/n) cries suddenly as she hates her brother's acting mean. "Um", Champa said worriedly, "Vados, help me!"

Both Beerus and (Y/n)-Chan smiled and laughed, watching Vados help her lord cradle the twins. Beerus and his lover stared into each other's eyes, happily hugged each other. "You're a wonderful woman, I cannot believe you brought me children!", Beerus said and kissed her lips. She laughs, "Thanks, but it's you that you should be thankful. I cannot be more happier than spending my entire life with you~" 

Beerus petted her head, "Then I guess I thanked myself for later~", he said seductively to her. She blushed, "Oh stop it Beerus, let's wait till they're gone", she said. "Right", Beerus said and they turned back to Champa and Vados, cradling their babies.

They are now a happy family and Beerus is more happier now that he and (Y/n)-Chan are going to spend the rest of their lives together. Hoping that both their kids will remain mortals and find their true love one day, to make their own family, and look forward to their future.

The End

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