Vampire Vegito X Chubby Female Half Saiyan Reader (little Lemon)

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Requested by CaGiSuDBFan. A little lemon is slightly steamy. Enjoy

It is a dark cloudy night. The wind howls the sounds of the tortured souls of the deceased. Trees swayed and branches knocked against each other, rattling. A young blonde haired woman is walking her way from work. She wished she should've taken a bus. But she needs to go that way to start dinner. 

 The quickest route to her apartment is through the cemetery. Walking around the corner of the neighborhood, she arrived at the gates of the most scary cemetery she had ever seen. Tomb stones: all ancient, covered by dirt and some have spiders reside on them.

She gulped and resumed walking through the pathway straight. She can hear twigs snapped. She turned but nothing's there. She continued walking, repeatedly kept turning to see things: sounds that are caused by animals, crows, and even a snake that slithered next to her feet. She shrieks and suddenly finds herself running. She hates this place, running for her dear life as she's only a mile away from the exit.

She slowly stopped running, thinking she's hallucinating. "Must be the weed I had earlier", she mutters and resumes walking. But her stomach felt an uneasy feeling, telling her it's going to harm her. But she ignored it and almost ten minutes left to get out. However, she heard a weird sound. She turned gasps. Her eyes spot a bat flying above her. She shudders, "I hate bats!", and turns.

But she bumped into someone. She looked up and saw a tall male stranger in her way. He wore his black suit, white shirt, black pants, black leather shoes, and a black cape. His black hair is combed back, slicked perfectly. His eyes are black, a sharp nose, and a handsome smile. 

He backs up, "My apologies young lady", he apologized, "I just admired this beautiful night." She chuckled awkwardly and nodded, "Oh yes, so pretty." He extends his hand to her, "Mind I ask you?", he said. She slowly backs away, "Ask me what?" "If you let me have your blood!"

Suddenly, he grabbed her wrist. She gasps, trying to push his hand away but he's too strong. She looks at him again, scared as her body shakes. Her eyes saw his mouth opened. He laughed evilly as two sharp fangs poke out. She let out a bloodcurdling scream. He pulled her in, leaned his face near her neck, and could hear her pulse. "Delicious~", he mutters and about to raise his fangs up.

But he was suddenly pushed to the ground. He groaned, rubbed his head. His sharp black eyes look up. He saw his arch enemy protecting the woman. This man is tall, handsome, long brown hair with a devilish goatee. The man dressed up in his brown trench coat, black boots, and carried a sharp stake in hand. 

The vampire hissed and tried to fly away, but the man shoots his nail gun at his cape, caught onto the ground. The vampire's face grew to horror as the man straddle him and aim the stake high above his heart. "BEGONE DEMON!!", the man yelled and dug it deep inside the vampire's heart. Blood squirted everywhere. Both the man and the woman flee as they escape the cemetery.

The vampire screamed as he felt his heart destroyed. He staggered as he struggled to breathe. "C..Curse...Youuuu!", he exclaimed weekly until he collapsed, died on the ground. "CUT!", exclaimed the voice. A bell rang. 

Everyone started working on the last scene. The backstage man took out a hammer and helped the actor remove the nails. He stood up and thanked the person. "Well that sucks!", he exclaimed and rubbed his hair rapidly. His hair turned back from slick to shaggy and standing tall. This man is Vegito, Goku and Vegeta's fusion.

Vegito walked to the director. "Hey sir, how was that?", he asked. The director is too busy looking over the script, "Very good Vegito. Um...since you're the villain of the movie, your pay will be cut in half to pay for the hero." Vegito growled. "Oh don't worry man", the director said, "It'll be enough for you...for a month. I'll send it in the mail for next week." 

Vegito frowned, "Right", and left the studios. He is not happy with his work and the way they pay him is less than the other actors get. He needed the money for rent, bills, and to find food. He went to the changing room, removed his costume and changed into his business black and white suit. Once he handed the costume back, he permanently left the building.

Vegito is once a fusion of the two strongest Saiyans. Bulma thought it was a good idea to split Vegito off their fusion, make him a living person. She successfully split Gogeta and he's living the life as a normal middle class married man. But once she split him from the Saiyans, an accident occured. Once she got part of him removed from the Saiyans, a bat flew loose and bumped into Vegito. Bulma is horrified; she watches part of Vegito's DNA change and he becomes a whole new being. He showed everyone that he's alright.

They got him a job as a salesman in West City. But lasted only for a week. Once he comes back to them for another new job, Bulma and Vegeta ask him what happened. To their surprise, he's actually a real vampire. Turns out he was stalking three of his female co-workers and draining their blood. They were killed as he drank all of their blood. Thankfully his prints aren't on their bodies because he was not registered as a citizen yet.

Bulma is concerned and helped him again. But for nine times, he kills more women. Bulma had it with his bullshit and kicked him out of her home. Vegito pleaded with Goku and Vegeta, but they refused, saying he will endanger them all. Vegito blamed himself for his urges and found jobs on his own. He did play as the vampire villain for three months, but their pay is ridiculous.

He lived in a cheap apartment with an old oven and needs to be cleaned. He had to live there to avoid getting in trouble with the police. He only gets a short amount of money for bills, rent, and only raw meat. He cannot go out to dine in since people would stare at him for only sucking up the blood. 

He showered and applied suntan lotion on his skin: it was the only way to go out during the day time so he cannot get burned to death (reference to a cheerleader vampire manga, look it up) He put on his normal clothes: a white long sleeved shirt, blue pants, brown belt, black sneakers, and brushed his teeth.

He left his apartment and locked the door. He headed outside and began walking down the street. He has no money right now and his rent is way behind. He must find some victims to satisfy his hunger for blood. Walking for twelve minutes, he cannot find any woman out. They must be at work, home, or partying. He groaned, his stomach growling. He must find blood. As soon as he was at an intersection, his eyes caught something special.

There was a chubby young woman walking down the intersection of the road. Her busty hips swayed, tits bounced as she walked. She is a (height) and chubby woman with (color) hair hanging (above or below) her shoulders. Her bust is (size), a huge rack of the century. Her black eyes sparkled by the reflect of the traffic lights. Her face is gorgeous: small (color) lips, small nose, and perfectly arched eyebrows. She wore her (color) blouse, (color) long skirt, (color) pantyhoes, and (color) heels.

Vegito can feel his blood boil. He doesn't see her as food, he actually has feelings for her. He lusted for her and her love. She walked past him, he looked at her back, her rear end is big and gasps at her tail. She's actually related to a Saiyan. 

He can tell she's heading to the park and follows her. He walks at a normal pace as he follows her through the street. She can hear his steps and try to ignore him. He walked faster and caught up to her side. She's more pretty in person. "Hey there beautiful~", he cooed at her.

She turned to him, blushed. "Hi", she said and smiled shily, "Nice night isn't it?" He nodded and flew his muscles, "Yes, I just admired this beautiful night", he spoke in romanian accent. She grinned at him, "You're that actor who played that vampire villain!" "Yep", he said, "A villain", and feel down. She can tell he's sad about it, "You ok?", she asked. He sighed, "They don't pay me well since my role is pointless", he said.

She nods, "Don't worry, you'll find a better role than a villain", she assured him. He nods, "Name's Vegito", he introduces her to her. "(Y/n)-Chan", she greeted him, "I just moved to this neighborhood. I just wanted a job that'll pay my tuition and rent, and bills, and so much food." He wrapped his arm around her waist, causing her to gasp light and blush.

 "You must be a Saiyan", he said. "Half Saiyan", she added, but turned to him in shock, "How do you know about it?" She slipped her tail back within her skirt, wrapped around her waist. He chuckled, "Don't worry I won't tell anyone. In fact, I'm a full blooded Saiyan myself", he said.

She looks at him in awe, "Wow, and no one saw your tail?", she asked. "Well I did have one when I was born", he lied, "But before school, my parents have to rip it off." She nods, feeling happy that she's not the only Saiyan around. But she does feel something's off from him. 

She sighed, "I'm heading home from work", she said. He offered his arm to her, "Mind escorting you my lady?", he said like a gentleman. She chuckled, "I would love to but I'm alright. Thank you. I'll see you soon Vegito", and walk off to the pathway of the park.

Vegito can feel the rush in his blood, he cannot let her out of his sight. He followed her. He walked up to her side. She looked puzzled and turned to him. "Um", she tried to say something until she was cut off by his sudden proposal. "I love you (Y/n)-Chan", he confessed, blushing. She looked surprised, "I'm sorry but I can't", she replied and walked faster. But he's still beside her. Repeatedly asked her out. She kept rejecting him. He cannot afford to lose her. 

She finally arrived at her apartment. She quickly walks to her apartment door and looks at Vegito who constantly begs her to go out. "I'm sorry Vegito, but no means no. Goodnight", and shut her door. He can hear her door locked. But his eyes can see her bedroom window opened. He knows it's risky but he must have her.

Minutes later, she returned from the bathroom and entered her room. It was a rather busy and tiresome day from filing paperwork and flipping money. Yes, she works as a banker. She wanted to become one so she could pay off her debt and her parent's food bills. Her parents are full blooded Saiyans and own a beef cattle farm. It was a hard childhood for her; always get bullied for having a tail on her for her entire life. She did hide it before she worked and hopefully no one knows.

But she couldn't believe how Vegito is begging for her to go on a date with him. She had to reject him, she just met the guy and can still feel the chills down her spine. She shrugged off and turned the lights out. Since it's a hot summer, she let her window open and fell asleep on her bed. Little does she know that letting her window open is a grave mistake.

Vegito has been hiding behind her bedroom door while she was showering, not getting caught as he can see her sleeping. She's already in deep sleep and he slowly creeped over, slowly walking across the room. He arrived near her bed, he could see her beautiful sleeping face. 

Her lips plump and smooth looking. He gulped, cannot resist her and cautiously walked over behind her sleeping body. He leans over, leaning closer to her lips. His lips pressed lightly against hers, finally feeling her smooth lips. He groans, feeling himself hard.

(Y/n)-Chan suddenly gasps. She looked around her room but nothing's there. She thought she heard a groan. She walked to her window and peered down. She noticed Vegito walking alone. He looked up at her and gave her a wink, showing her a sexy smile. She pretends to smile and waved at him. He resumes walking his way. She moans, "I think I'll leave it closed", and shuts her window. She hopes there's no more surprises for her. But she's wrong.

For days, Vegito keeps meeting her after work, always walking beside her. Keeps asking her out and she has to keep rejecting him. Once she's home, she locks her door. But since she forgot to close her windows since it's summer, he was always able to sneak into her room, kissed her lips again, and fled before she could see him. But she knew he's the one creeping her out. She needs to see what he really is.

One day, she left the bank. She walked to the intersection and spotted Vegito there. He waved at her, "Hey there beautiful~", he cooed at her, "Care to go out with me?" She sighed, "I told you no Vegito and I will keep saying it", she said annoyed. He looked sad, "But why?", he asked. She felt her tears falling down her face, "I was used to being bullied at school my entire life! They always yanked my tail, call me a freak, and I always get beaten up by guys who keep harassing me!", she cried. Vegito looked more guilty now, he made her feel terrible because of his annoyance of bugging her.

He hugged her and wiped her tears, "I...I understand now. I'm sorry, I won't bother you again", he said. She doesn't believe him and watched him leave her. "At least get rid of that tail if you don't want it", he suggested to her and waved while walking to a different direction. Now he's distracted, she started to follow him. Her father taught her self defense and stealth lessons when he used to be in the Frieza Force. She used her steps silently as she followed behind him.

After ten minutes, she kept following him as Vegito was heading his way towards a dark alleyway. She lost him and silently went inside the dark alley. She stayed close to the walls, unable to find him. Until her ears hear a loud scream coming from behind the wall on the right side. (Y/n)-Chan walks over to the wall, peering her face over. 

Her eyes widened in horror as she saw Vegito sank his sharp fangs inside a young woman's neck. The woman struggled to free herself, but is too weak. (Y/n)-Chan watches in horror as the woman slowly turns thin while her blood is all drained. Vegito sighed, tasting the blood. He groaned, "I wish I can eat real food", he mutters.

(Y/n)-Chan staggers backwards, about to run away. But she bumped into a trash can and fell backwards. She winced in pain. "(Y/n)-Chan?", she heard his voice. She looks up to see Vegito standing before her. She noticed the blood was gone from his lips. He extended his hand out to her, "You alright?", he asked. She took his hand and stood up. 

Vegito wondered, why is she here? He was going to hug her but she stepped back. "No!", she said scared, "Stay away from me!" Vegito grabbed her wrist. She struggled to escape but failed as he pulled her in.

But instead of taking her blood, he stared deeply into her eyes. She stared scaredly at him. He loves her and cannot think of draining her blood. "No! Don't kill me!", she begged. He stared in shock at her, "What? No, I won't kill you", he exclaimed. She growled at him, "Don't play dumb with me! I saw you draining that woman's blood. You're a vampire!", she exclaimed again. Vegeta is now worried how she found out. But he smiles at her, "I'm glad you found out because I need to be serious with you...I truly and really love you deeply", he said.

But she slapped his cheek, "No you don't! You only love me to drain my blood!", she growled at him. He sighed, looked very sad. More like depressed. She stops growling and wonders what's wrong with him. He gave her a sad smile, "(Y/n)-Chan, I love you so much. I never wanted to be created as a creature of the night. I was supposed to be a new person, an average Earthling. I always feel jealous when couples are holding hands and kissing. I always wondered how it's like to fall in love. When I first saw you, you're the most precious woman I had seen. I wanted to be with you, to make you my girl, marry you, and raise a family together. Please believe me!"

His words are very genuine and honest. She does believe him that he wanted a perfect life, not a vampire. But she is unsure why he wants her and tried to escape. She's always insecured him since they first encountered him; thought he wanted her body and realized he wanted her blood. But since she believed his word to really love her, she is confused about it. She sighed, leaning her head on his chest, "I'm so sorry Vegito!", and cried in his chest. He smiled and stroked her hair, "Don't worry (Y/n)-Chan, I forgive you for being suspicious. I promise to never take your blood", he assured her.

She wiped her tears off her face, she stared into his eyes, "Really Vegito?", she whimpered. He leaned in and kissed her. She yelps a little, and then moans through the kiss. He broke the kiss, pressed his forehead against her forehead, "I never meant to kill those women. I just need to feed. I really wished to eat real food, but my vampire instincts only rely on blood. I tried to ask my friends to use the dragon balls to turn me back into a normal Saiyan, but they always used them every year for their own needs", he explained.

She nods, "I feel bad for rejecting you. I...I never felt this way before and I really appreciate your honesty", she said and smiled awkwardly, "And you're not the only one. The reason I transferred here is because I accidentally killed my co-worker who almost tried to rape me from another town and fled, hopefully no one can catch me."

Vegito is wide eyed at her, but he chuckled, "No need to be sorry (Y/n)-Chan, you did the right thing", and embraced her. She yelps as he carries her and flies into the sky. She cackles as she feels the breeze through the air. "Vegito! We're flying!", she exclaimed. Vegito giggled, loving her excited expression. He arrived above her apartment and descended onto the sidewalk. He let her unlock her door and they entered inside.

They're in her bedroom and he placed her on her knees. She was puzzled why she's in this position. "Vegito, are you trying to see my pantiesssssss!!!!!", she said and screamed in pain. He is yanking her tail from behind. "Don't worry my love, just hold on and I'll finally get rid of it", he said. He placed his hand on her hip while the other hand was yanking it extra hard. She held back her voice and cried tears as she endured the pain. 

After a minute, it's finally off her. She sighed in relief and turned around. She saw Vegito smirking as he held her tail, "Happy?", he asked. She rushed over to him and hugged him, "I'm so happy! Thank you!", and kissed him again. He kissed her back and they began to french kiss.

She no longer felt afraid of him anymore; she completely forgot what he had done to her and that woman. She finally gave herself to him. Vegito is happier than ever and wrapped his arms around her waist, kissing her deeply. Their tongues are touching each other, sliding inside each other's mouths. Their lips interlock each other's mouths as they resume kissing. 

She placed her hands on his pecs, caressing them with gentle touch. He groaned through the kiss and removed his arm out. While one arm holds her waist, his other hand slides up to her chest. She looks down to see his hand heading to her left tit. She guides his hand up to her breast and makes him squeeze it. He squeezed it firmly and made her moan.

Her other hand has other plans. They make out passionately as she climbs on top of his lap, straddling him. He groaned in surprise, finding her grinds herself against his sudden big bulge. She moans louder, "Oh Kami! You're big!", and she resumed humping him. He holds her while groping her as she rapidly grinds on him faster and harder.

 Before a minute passed, both of them groaned and orgasmed. He quickly lifts her body up; he peers down to make sure his pants are clean. He sighed in relief as he did not jizzed himself. He placed her back on his lap. She smiled and looked up at him, "Like my work?", she asked. He panted, "So good, but can you please help me with my thing?", he asked. He unzipped his pants and pulled them down with his boxers.

She gave him a puzzled look. But once she looks down, she gasps in awe as she sees his appendage. It was a normal length, but she finds it bigger than she thought. She knew what he meant and gave him a smirk look with wiggled eyebrows. She gets in front of it as Vegito let's her push it inside her mouth. He let out a groan as she began sucking it. "Oh Yes", he panted, "Make me cum~"

Hours passed, it's now morning in the city. Vegito already pulled the blinds down to avoid getting burned. He is relaxed to not be worried about his vampire senses and sees his lover sleeping peacefully next to him in her bed. He smiled softly and kissed her lips. Once he stood up, he showered and put on lotion, looking forward to their new relationship. "Let's just pray for me to find a better job", he noted to himself.

A year later, Vegito and (Y/n)-Chan are married and welcomed their newborn (son or daughter). They named him/her (Saiyan name): a baby (boy or girl) with his/her mother's hair, his/her father's nose and eyes, and is healthy. But only a year old, he/she already grew a fang.

A year ago, Vegito managed to find a job as a mover and has successfully worked longer. He did not get fired and his pay is high enough to pay rent, bills, and support his new family. But he is thankful that (Y/n)-Chan kept her job in case they need extra money. 

He did meet her parents: both surprised and almost scared of him. But they respected him as he told them how much she means to him and asked for their blessings. They did bless them and are happy to come visit them when they're on vacation.

Vegito and (Y/n)-Chan took their child in his/her baby stroller and placed a roof over him/her from getting burned. They applied lotion on him/her, but cannot risk if the sun is extra hot today. It's a sunny day, a perfect day to stroll through the park. Vegito and (Y/n)-Chan walked past the fountain as she pushed the baby stroller.

Out of nowhere, a family of four approached them: it was Gogeta and his family. "Vegito!?", he said while smiling, "Is that you?" "Gogeta!", Vegito exclaimed and they happily hugged. "Man, it's been a while since I last saw you", Vegito said and looked at Gogeta's family, "I see you've got kids now." 

"Yep", Gogeta said, "My youngest is my daughter (G/n) and my oldest son is Vegito." Little Kid Vegito stared at him, "Wow, you're like me!", he exclaimed. Vegito blushed, "You named him after me?" Gogeta felt embarrassed, "Well, we're afraid you might not become a whole person and decided to name him after you."

"No need to worry friend", Vegito said and looked at his wife, "Meet my wife (Y/n)-Chan and our child (Baby's name)." Both Gogeta and his family peered down, and saw the baby sleeping peacefully. They are awed by the child's cute face, but they looked surprised to see a fang poking through the lips and saw his/her teething toy destroyed. Gogeta looked at him with a shocked look. Vegito sighed, "Long story bro", he said.

After the explanation, Gogeta and his family no longer cared if they're vampires and accepted them. But they do know that he doesn't want to live. So a day later, they finally convinced Bulma to give him the dragon balls and wished Vegito and his child back to being a Saiyan and a third quarter Saiyan child. 

(Y/n)-Chan is very happy for them and can finally live peacefully from their past mistakes. (Y/n)-Chan and Vegito kissed, no need to worry about his vampire instincts and he can finally place a hickey on her neck.

Alternative Ending

Vegito explained his story to Gogeta and his family. They don't care if they're vampires and asked him if he wants to convince him to turn him and his child back to normal. At first, he was about to tell them. But (Y/n)-Chan convinced them to let him and their child be. Vegito and everyone is surprised by her action. 

She smiled happily at him, "Vegito, I already accepted you. I love you just the way you are", she said. Vegito felt touched and embraced her, "what about (baby's name)?" "He/she can choose his/her life. If she wants to be normal, we can ask Bulma to wish her to normal", she replied with a chuckled, "But once he/she's older, I'll let you turn me into your vampire queen~"

Gogeta and his family nodded, understanding their decision. They bid their farewells and departed in different directions. Vegito and (Y/n)-Chan are heading their way back home and watches their child coo in his/her stroller with his/her destroyed toy. 

Vegito smiled sweetly at her, lucky to be with her. If she does choose to be a half-Saiyan, he'll spend all their years together until death tear them apart, he will only think of her and never stop loving her.

But since she chose her path, he can never be alone. He can only look forward to their evening living in a normal life as a Saiyan family. And also looks forward to turning her into his only queen. And lived happily ever after.

The End

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