Drew's Not So Crazy Little Antics

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Drew's eyes slowly opened at the distasteful sound of his beeping alarm clock. He reached aimlessly for it and shut it off. He lazily sat up like an old geezer. He blinked twice before getting off of bed. He yawned loudly as he took a towel from his drawer and dragged himself towards the bathroom for his daily precious hair treatment.

By the next day, Drew's eyes flew open just a few minutes before his alarm clock would start beeping. Unlike yesterday, he gracefully jumped off of bed and grinned widely. And unlike yesterday, he sashayed out of his room and took a pair of pruning shears and a garden hose. By the time he arrived at his garden brimming with roses, he smiled and skidded.

He whistled happily with his bed hair as he gave his roses an early morning shower.

Because where would he be without his roses after all.

Unclear Instructions

"Hey Paul." Drew caught up with his brusque classmate along the hallway of their school building. Paul, if it was possible, grimaced even more that he wasn't able to lose him back at class since he was trying to get away from him since morning. "Guess what happened when I called May 'January'?" He asked, grinning like a complete dimwit. "See what I did there? May? January? Pffffttt..." He then laughed like a pack of poochyena on ecstasy.

"Goddamit Mosshead!" Paul abruptly stopped walking and glared him. "All you did this morning is talk about that stupid crush of yours to me! May here, May there. Can't you go bother someone else?!"

Drew only stared at him before continuing. "So. I assume you know what happened then?"

Paul facepalmed so hard that he could imagine his huge hand making a large permanent red imprint on his face. He placed his hands on Drew's shoulders and glared at him like he never glared at anyone before. "May. May. May. May. And May. All you talk about is May. The next time I'll hear that name coming out from your mouth and I will freaking kill you and I'll decorate our goddamn room with your insides!" He warned. "GOT IT?!" Then he turned to his heels and walked away.

Not a minute had passed and Drew caught up on him. Paul carelessly thought that Drew would apologize for bugging him deep to the bones and even deep to his cellular organelles, but instead Drew said something even Paul's most sane mind didn't and would never have expected.

"So Paul, uh, there's this beautiful brunette next to our class. The one with the doggy-style hair? Yeah it's her. I called her 'January' yesterday because you see her name is Ma- I mean also one of the months of the year..." And Drew kept on yapping that Paul was no longer able to follow him and started questioning himself about Drew's kind of logic.

"Paul, the girl with the red bandana, the one next to our class..."

"Paul! Guess who I just saw at the canteen? It's the girl with the exact height of four feet and four inches and weighs exactly forty point sixteen kilograms!"

"Paul! I just saw that girl again, you know the one with the younger brother who wears glasses!"

It looked like the instruction he gave was unclear.

A Perfect Role Model

"Call her by her name." Drew flicked his hair. "Girls love it and they see it as a sign of respect from the guys."

"Uh, okay.." Ash replied slowly, taking note of it mentally as they walked along the hallway of the school. "What else could you advise?"

"Girls like it when guys are very romantic! Give her a compliment." He added. "Tell her she's beautiful, that she has wondrous eyes. That her shampoo attracted you even more or her perfume captivated your soul in every beautiful way imaginable."

Ash nodded. "Wow Drew. You really are a romantic guy. No wonder a lot of girls fall for you."

"Why of course." Drew smirked. "And lastly, be confident. Confidence is always the key. Always remember that."

And when he was about to flick his hair for the hundredth time that day he bumped to a certain someone he wasn't expecting.

"Drew?" May called out. "And Ash! Hello!" She grinned at the two behind her.

Ash then recalled his lessons earlier from Drew and thought that maybe Drew could teach him better by actually showing it to him personally since he knew that Drew had a crush on May.

"S-SEP-SEPTEMBER!" He stuttered, shocked as if he saw the murderer that was on the news last night. But he was just clearly unprepared to seeing her right now. "Wh-what are you doing here April?! I didn't know you were this blind July?! Seriously June?!" He added, words coming out of his mouth uncontrollably.


"Ha! I knew it. You're so low that even 'names' would easily upset you. What are you, ten?" He cut her off and crossed his arms arrogantly. "Your eyes might be beautiful but they sure are not as beautiful as mine! Haha! And are you using the same shampoo yesterday? And also the same perfume as well?" He then laughed. "Can't you afford another one?"

"YOU ARE SUCH A JERK GREENHEAD! I SO HATE YOU!" She screamed at him before walking away angrily.

Drew's laugh slowly turned to a childish sob.

"I'd say.." Ash patted his shoulders. "That wasn't supposed to happen?"

"Why does this always have to happen?!" He sat on the floor and wailed like a toddler. "I wasn't prepared!"

Confidence, something Drew didn't know.

It was Because of the Cookie

Drew smirked as he scanned over his aced test results. He was then quickly crowded by a lot of girls in the room.

"WOW! A ninety-five over a hundred! You're so smart and cool Drew!" One girl chimed.

"Please teach me math!" Another one called out.

"Science for me please Drew!" Two voices rang behind.

"Now ladies, please come down." He coolly stated and stood up. "I'm quite the busy guy here but sure I'll find time for each and every one of you." He then winked and flicked his hair. "The handsome and charmingly intelligent Drew here is for everyone."

Then the room was filled with shrills and squeals that the windows almost shattered.

"So that means you'll teach me too Drew?" May inquired, smiling. "I'm not so good at Literature."

As if on instinct, Drew's arrogant-teasing-highly-reserved-for-May-only attitude kicked in.

"What?" He smirked and flicked his hair. "Why would I be teaching you? You said you didn't need any of my help this semester. And with everyone asking me for help, I don't know if I could still find time for you." He feigned feeling sorry.

"Okay, I understand." May answered, feeling a little bit disheartened. "I was planning to have a study time together tonight, you know, in my room since my parents are away and because I couldn't focus studying here at school. But yeah I totally understand that you're a really busy guy." May chuckled as she stood up and started picking up her things.

She was about to leave the classroom when Drew held her hand.

"I-I think, I think I could spare, uh, some time with you after all." He darted his eyes from her.

"Really?!" May's eyes brightened up. "Why the sudden change of mind?"

"It's, uhm, it's because, uh.." Drew thought really hard to come up with something, but in the end he came up with a lame one as usual. "It's because you said that there'll be cookies."

"I said tha-?"

"Yes!" Drew dragged her as they ran down the stairs. "Your house right? As in just the two of us alone?"

"Uh yes?" May answered slowly.

"Good! Now let's hurry up and eat those cookies!"

"I never said that! And you don't even like sweets!"

"Yes I do April!" He lied, trying so hard to contain his excitement of visiting her house for the very first time.

Multilingual Hayden

"There is something I need to tell you." Drew looked at her nervously as he hovered his hands on her shoulders. Once he had set them on her shoulders, he prayed deeply that his anxiety wouldn't make his hands tremble.

"Yes Drew?" She looked up and met his emerald eyes.

It was now or never. Years had already passed and Drew decided that giving May roses just wasn't enough. That if he wanted her to know how he really felt, he needed to step up his game.

But confessing that he like or love her was never in his plans and it would never be because he feared that the crushing pressure would make him pass out, so he devised something else. He sure was going to confess, but in a slightly different way so that he might bear the pressure hopefully.

He breathed in deeply and stared back into her dazzling sapphire eyes.

"Te amo." He said, almost whispering. His lips quivered in anxiety.

"Te amo?" May's eyes widened in surprise. "Isn't that the Spanish of-"

"NO! NO! NO! NO!" Drew cut her off immediately, his whole plan falling to pieces. He didn't really think May would get it straightaway. He was just planning on leaving it for her to find out but the worst expected outcome happened instead – she understood it. "I mean, I-I mean to say 'je t'aime."

"Ahh!" May pointed a finger. "The french for-"

"I mean ich liebe dich!" He panicked.

"Oh! The german of-"

"No! I mean ai shite imasu!"

"Isn't that supposed to be the Japanese version?"

"No! No!" He cried out and clung at her. "What I really mean to say all this time is mahal kita!" Drew exasperated.

"Wow Drew, I never knew you also knew the Filipino version of it." May raised an eyebrow at him and cocked a smile.

"Wh-what?" Drew, flustered as hell, replied as he shifted his weight on her as his legs buckled under his weight. His face redder than a shiny Gyarados. "Y-you knew a-all of it?"

"Of course! Why wouldn't I know?"

His face heated up by a hundred degrees, his heart went racing like a crazed formula one racer and he quivered like a newly born chick. And of course since May knew all along about everything he said, it was as if he actually confessed and because of that everything he felt became worse than they actually were.

He could have exploded to bits but instead fainted, an expected result.

"Drew?" May caught him by the arms and lightly tapped his cheeks. "Are you okay?"

"I wonder what he was so flustered about saying 'noodles' in five different languages." She scratched her head. "Or was it bread? Or maybe chicken soup? Maybe I'll go ask Mom."

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