Naruto is saved

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Naruto's dream

I was looking from the top of the hokage monument when all of a sudden I felt heat on my back.

At first I didn't think much about it, it was summer after all but, when the heat intensified I looked behind me towards the forest behind the monument and I saw that it was on fire! When I looked down at the village I was scared to find out it was also burning.

I could hear horrible screaming coming from all around me and heard my name being called. The voices told me it's my fault the village is burning! When I realized I knew the voices I froze.

It was Neji, Madara, Obito and my own dad but, they were dead! Then I realized I had my fox cloak on and for some reason it burned like it did before I tamed Kurama. I didn't get a chance to figure it out because I was stabbed from behind by my own father and burned by madara. I heard another person calling my name but, it was muffled. I couldn't tell who it was and my body continued to burn then everything went black.

Naruto's P.O.V

The first thing I realized after waking up with a start was the smell of smoke and next came the heat. Right then I knew my house was on fire and I was in my room. Whoever started it must still have a grudge against me and I felt like trash. I wanted to die but, a voice I could barely hear but knew was feminine brought me back to reality but, the sound of popping and creaking wood made it hard to hear.

It was coming from my window but, when I tryed to call out to whom ever it was calling my name I ended up inhaling smoke and began to cough resulting in more smoke inhaled.

I was already beginning to feel drowsy considering the war had took a lot out of me and only had about 10 minutes sleep. I went to the ground feeling the effect of the fire was already slowing me down but, I military crawled to the window anyway trying to open it. With fear I relized a force field bounced me back so I tryed again with a kunai and it got launched out of my hand and lodged into the floor, a really loud creak came from above and I dodged just in time to avoid being crushed by a burning wood pillar but my leg got caught anyway and I automatically tried to free it but with the combined power of the heat, smoke and the pain, I starting to see black surround my vision but kept awake long enough to let one last call out in a shout loud enough it echoed through the room.

I did not care about the smoke inhaleation and heard a group of people shout back, though it sounded far away.

3rd person P.O.V
"We can hear you naruto!! try to hang on we are trying to get you out! Just hang in there!" But, naruto didn't respond back.

Kurama's P.O.V
unconsiousness had come to Naruto anyway and everything fell silent while the fire continued to burn his skin I was getting weaker as I tried to guard my host with a fox sheild but Naruto was slowly dieing for the second time within two hours of being brought back.

Anko's P.O.V
I heard naruto's shout from about three feet away from his house and that just made me want to get to him now and save him (secretly, he is like a little brother to me) the group of shinobi behind me shouted out to naruto and said "hang in there!" But no response came back and Anko began to worry while also getting angry at the villagers that did this.

When I called out to the seal specialist ninja five came out, kakashi amoung them and told them to go to naruto's bedroom window. Kakashi was the first to charge forward and told me to bring over water style ninja to douse the fire and at my command six went with him and circled the house two at the window, two at the roof and two at the rear of the building and the four remaining seal specialist went to naruto's front door and window and just like that on my command the seals were cancelled and water started shooting and dousing the fire, hoped she wasn't too late.

Kurama's P.O.V

I was laying down next to the still form of naruto and could see his breathing slowing and registered that he was burning up even with my sheild blocking most of the fire's heat, as I nudged naruto with my cold wet nose he only reacted with a moan and then went back to his prone form sadly the only other thing I could do was drip water from the pond that occupied the mind scape onto him to try to cool him off because he was way above normal human tempuratures.

I was getting weaker myself as Naruto slowly died on my paws and even though I'm the 'fierce' tailed fox I wanted to cry, I used to hate the kid but as I spent more time with him I have grown to see him as my kit as my own were killed. Each one was taken from me for experimenting to see what made them live for so long without growing or ageing but, in order for that to happen they had to put them into adults for about 5 years and then were extracted and placed in testing cages until they were killed.

As I went into my own mind I heard a crash from outside the mind scape and then heard someone speak, "naruto can you hear me" I relised it was naruto's teacher which I sent into Obito's alternate location because he was too low on Chakra to help.

I reluctantly released the sheild so naruto was visible to the human eye and I collapsed my head onto my now empty paws and rested but didn't sleep, Naruto still needed me to survive because he was barely holding on to the life as it was. (Please help my kit survive this, I love him and don't want him to die).

Shizune's P.O.V

As kakashi came out with a very burned and still naruto I ran over to assess naruto's condition and what I found was alarming. He was overheating, barely breathing, severly burned along his back, arms and broken leg, drenching in sweat, swollen eye, apparent smoke inhaleation and when I checked his heart beat I found it was barely there.

I knew I had to get him to lady tsunade quick or naruto would die! When I let everyone know, they all gasped and many came forward volunteering to take naruto to the hokage but they were all pushed out of the way gently by Anko who asked for two water ninja to come forward to help cool down Naruto then she put her hand to naruto's cheek and said she would take him.

To everyone's surprise she said "he is my adopted little brother and this is partly my fault because I let the angry villagers know where he lived but, I didn't know they were planning on actually killing him." with that she cradled naruto and began going towards the hokage tower with the shinobi close behind.

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