Naruto's incoming danger

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Disclaimer: I do not own the characters or the main story. All things belong to the creator Masashi Kishimoto.

Naruto was heading home not knowing about the danger he was walking into.

He was too exhausted from his many battles and his brush with death, if it wasn't for sakura, his father and the six paths Naruto would be dead. Instead he was walking amongst the dead. As he walked he began to have flashbacks from the war, past battles and all the people he has lost.

Zabuza and Haku, Lady Chiyo, Jiriya sensei, Asuma sensei, Nagato and Neji are all dead.

Almost all their causes of death are similar they were all speared through their bodies or sacrifice.
Zabuza, Haku, Jiriya sensei, Neji and Asuma sensei were all speared.

Nagato died by sacrificing his life to bring back those he killed and lady Chiyo sacrificed her life to save gaara because he had his biju extracted from him by the akatsuki and was dead by the time naruto got to him.

Coming out of the flashbacks he went at a jogging speed to his house and unconsciously past the hidden villagers in the bushes waiting to light his home on fire.

When naruto got to his apartment he had to climb up a ladder to get in and as soon as he did get inside of his house, the death of Neji goes into his head out of nowhere.

What he sees makes him feel sick. Neji was staring at him, blood running down his mouth and blood bloomed over the wooden spears that were meant for naruto going through Neji's lower chest and stomach.

With Neji's last breaths he said to protect hinata and to keep her safe along with some other things. Saying I was the one that saved him from his dark outlook on life.

When I asked why he protected me? he responded "because you are my freind" and with that Neji was dead. His eyes half open and I stared in pure terror as I looked around and actually saw how many were dead but, just as I was about to panic I feel a slap on my cheek. When I looked up Hinata was right there and said brother Neji's sacrifice should not be in vain and with that, I put Neji's lifeless body on the ground and took Hinata's hand into mine and knew to pay attention now and if we live grieve later.

that's exactly what I did when I came out of my flashback I turned on the shower to cold, climbed in and right then I began to sob, The pure magnitude of what happened during the war was simply too much.

Going past the thousands of dead, missing or injured bodies was sickening. Shinobi, men, women and children alike are amongst them.

The cries of the remaining people are heart wrenching.

Over half of the population is gone and hundreds of whole familes are dead under rubble, blown to bits by mines, impaled by wooden spears. Kunai and shurikins are sticking out from bodies and the remainder were killed by enemies.

When the past six jinjuriki and the many white zetsu were controlled by the real madara even more people were killed.

As Naruto came out of the shower he instantly ran over to his toilet and threw up what little food he had, got dressed into a clean shirt and went back over to his toilet with the lid down, sat on it and broke into even more sobbing and yelling saying "Why did this have to happen!!", "why are we alway the main battlezone!!", "why did so many have to die?" and "it's all my fault, if I would of just came out and allowed myself to be killed this would never have happened".

With all that said Naruto went to his room and fell asleep with tears going down his whiskered cheeks oblivious to his incoming doom.

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