Clank's care

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(AN: light spoilers for crack in time and meantion of bodily injuries)

Clank's P.O.V

I was surprised at first by Rivet's hand on my back but, surprisingly found comfort in it as it reminded me of when Ratchet saved me from the Valkeryis.

Clank's thoughts

Ratchet had put his hand on my back and gently rubbed it reassuring me he was ok and that I was ok. Even when I was out at the time I could tell he had done some risky moves as I was able to detect the speed we were going as he used various things around us to get to the bit of land we crashed on.

When I woke fully I could sense he had sprained his ankle but with the adrenaline running through his system he didn't feel it till about twenty minutes later. Ratchet suddenly started clawing his seat and his ears went down in pain as he had to use the sprained foot on the gas pedal. I had told him to set auto pilot and like a concerned parent I had gotten a instant ice pack, some nanotech ointment and a ankle wrap to put around his injured ankle.

I had been as gentle as possible however Ratchet was still in pain. His ankle had become bruised from the ordeal which led me to doing a small lecture about being more careful but, knew in that particular instance he wasn't really able to be and hugged him as close as I could despite how small in stature I was compared to him.

I hate that he gets injured so often but, knew its just part of being a universe protector. There are others though Ratchet seems to have gotten the short end of the straw as he was the main one that did all the bigger work.

Now that Rivet and the alternate universe heros from Rivet's dimension know about our dimension that should make it easier on Ratchet and he deserves it. Ratchet was supposed to be able to retire from the risky hero work a while ago but, I guess something had different ideas and forced him out of it.

I was brought out of my thoughts as Rivet's voice could be heard saying "Hey you ok Bolts? You spaced out there for a while" After I relized she was looking at me with genuine concern and that she may of been trying to get my attention for a while now It made sense why she asked if I was ok. "I'm ok Miss Rivet was just going through my memory banks and am grateful that you're here. Ratchet has had the short end of the straw for years and these recent events made me relize that.

I've been with Ratchet for nearly twenty years and have seen him go through so much. He was supposed to be able to retire and leave the risky hero business behind and then our nefarious had to go and ruin that. I'm just glad Ratchet now has another person he can feel safe around. With him being sent away by his father as a kit during Empourer Tachyon's take over Ratchet never actually got to create family bonds. His main quest has been to find the other lombaxes sense he found out about there being survivers spread among multiple dimensions about fifteen years ago before Tachyon could kill them all. Your likely a descendent of one of the many lombax families out there.

*Kit walks in/ her P.O.V*

Ratchet had informed me while we were getting the dimensional map that he was nervous about finding the lombaxes and was doubting himself. He would of gone into a full blown anxiety attack if I hadn't of reminded him that they would likely be proud of him and I'm sure they would be proud of you too Rivet.

I'm sure the lombaxes would be proud of you both and may actually be revered at your amazing accomplishments. You've both dealt with powerful people and that should mean a lot to the lombaxes. From what I've gathered they were renowned engineers and very technologically advanced. The idea of Rivet and Ratchet finally finding their species made me happy but, that makes me wonder how things will be afterwards. I just hope me and Clank will be able to stay with Ratchet and Rivet when they find them.

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