Father and Daughter

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Rivet's P.O.V.

As me and my dad hugged I could feel his tears on my head as he purred loudly as our tails swayed gently in a metronome like pattern. The idea of being able to see one of my parents despite years of thinking I had been abandoned had disappeared years ago and now that my dad is actually here due to the leader of the ethereal zoni that Ratchet had meantioned had given Alister a second chance at not only being there for Ratchet but, also me had made me more then relieved and due to it I was no longer alone.

The desire to see the remaining lombaxes that escaped years prior was still there but, nowhere near as much as it had been not even a few months ago. There were two here now and one of which I had gained a crush on and I know he has a crush on me. I don't know who will make the first move though I'm not going to rush it. Me and Ratchet both need time to recover Ratchet more so then myself as he still occasionally winced if he practices too long on his foot work or with his heavier gear though I don't know why he does so. At this point I'm assuming it's to stay in shape just in case of some new threat which is highly unlikely.

As me and Alister let go of each other I could see so much relief go through his body. He was no longer stiff as a board as if waiting for a blow of some kind and actually looked relaxed and happy. As I glaced back to him his tail was lion like just like Ratchet's own and his stripes were a ruby red color while mine were bluish gray. Our ears were slightly different as well as his looked a bit more defined then mine though Ratchet's also were a bit more defined as well so I'm assuming it was a male trait for all the above while the fluffy fox like Tail, the hair tuft and slightly lemon shaped ears were a female trait.

I don't know what my mom looked like as she had left me with the morts which had hurt when I was old enough to understand though they had informed me that she had been hit with a stray plasma blast likely as she ran through the portal which the morts had witnessed open and had only just made it to their home before she had passed.

Despite her tragic passing my mom had been a really lucky woman to find Alister. Despite him being my dad I could understand why he had been chosen. He was good looking and muscular and had likely protected my mom as best he could but, because of his mistakes it had costed him getting left behind, unable to follow his family and forcing him to deal with the guilt and the blood of so many on his hands.

I don't know who this council was but, they had been far too harsh though there must of been some menevolent members that had convinced the head honcho to spare him as far as I gathered what Alister did would of had the death penalty most likely and that was a scary thought that I quickly got out of my head. Ratchet had lost both his parents that much was truth so Alister had been the closest thing to a parent of his own species for the brief time they had known each other.

Alister's P.O.V

As I had collected myself I had asked my daughter if we should join up with the others and she had nodded before helping me out of the room and into the living room area. The ones in the room were talwyn and clank as Ratchet was in the kitchen attempting to make grilled chicken though judging by the smell it will likely be a bit charred though I likely wouldn't care as I was hungry. A little char never hurt anyone and I actually preferred chicken with a slight char as it added a bit of extra flavor.

As I sat in one of the couch spots I had been joined with rivet and clank who had seemingly just gotten back from outside from something as his metal body had a slight chill to it. Seeing clank had made that feeling of regret come up though clank had greeted me as he would any of the others which confused me but, I wasn't going to say anything about it. If he was willing to be sociable I wasn't going to complain. I owed him so many apologies and didn't know where to start. For now however Ratchet had come out with lightly charred chicken in a sort of meat sauce while Talwyn who I assumed didn't like meat had come out with a small bowl of salad for herself covered in French dressing. As we ate I could hear Ratchet and Rivet talking amoung themselves animatedly and could see the love they had for each other as they were both blushing while they're tails had slowly gotten tangled up. Without them even saying the words "I love you" to each other their tails had said different and I knew they were perfect for each other. If only they knew it themselves.

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