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*on a different plane*

Two lombaxes were watching over their kit as they have been for years however this time it was slightly different as they were able to see the laviathan battle down on the living world. Kaden and his wife were hoping things weren't as bad as they appeared, they wanted to talk to their only child and meet him in a midway state to check in and communicate with him. They wanted to actually talk to him but, it required Ratchet to be in a deep sleep which right now wouldn't be good. He was injured and in fairly bad shape. Unfortunately for the two they have been gone much longer then Alister and so couldn't return not without dire consequences. They just had to hope the friends Ratchet now had would try their hardest to get him patched up and on his feet eventually. It was not his time to come here yet though the day it is they will be waiting with open arms.

*back in the living world*

Rivet's P.O.V

It has been a long night and yet I refused to leave Ratchet's side or fall fully asleep despite the concern Alister had about staying up. What he didn't realize though is that I'm stubborn and will barely sleep until Ratchet wakes himself because at least that way I know he'll be ok. Concussions and deep wounds were not a subject to be taken lightly. Depending on the level of the concussion it can cause permanent or semi permanent memory loss, terrible nausea and headaches to just name a few side effects.

Tonight was a roller coaster and I would like to request to get off on the good side where my potential boyfriend and maybe further down the road husband will be ok. I was fighting sleep while I watched over Ratchet but, didn't want to give in just in case he woke up and it seemed I was right to stay up as the hand I was holding gripped my metal one which made me look to him as Ratchet hissed in pain before slowly stirring. I quickly woke Clank who was in the room too before going back to Ratchet to help sit him up carefully while Clank came over shortly after with water for Ratchet as he had been out for the whole day.

Ratchet looked around to get his bearings before asking what had happened and so I explained that he had been attacked by leviathans and by the time me and Alister had gotten there he had already been surrounded before we jumped in to help though the leader of the leviathans had managed to send him flying into some rocks from a lightning blast that hit his shoulder. Ratchet for his part seemed to be more concerned for me and Alister then himself as he sat straight up but, quickly regretted it as dizziness and pain hit him as he stumbled before taking a knee.

Clank and I sat him back down before I told him we were uninjured as I rubbed his ear to calm him which worked before he asked what time it was and I responded with " it's about 5am, you've been out all day also Clank got you some water in case your thirsty" Ratchet had nodded before he took the offered water from Clank and sipped it carefully as to not overdue it before humming at the cool water that soothed his dry throat.

Clank's P.O.V

I was relieved to see Ratchet awake and though it seemed he got lucky not getting a concussion I knew it was only a matter of time before his mind registered all the bruising and the burn that he now had. We unfortunately were out of nanotech so Ratchet would have to take liquid medicine for his pain as it was a bit more fast acting then a pill.

I know it's going to be a challenge for that as Ratchet never liked taking medicine and fought tooth and nail about it. I've had to use those lombax treats to get him to take his medication when needed and luckily we get a supply every few weeks.

Those treats are one thing I had to actually hide as one time ratchet had eaten a entire bag within a few hours and had a upset stomach the rest of the day. I wondered if Rivet would like them too or would she just turn away and the same went for Alister though sense it was likely created primarily for males I feared that Alister may get a bit like Ratchet and eat the entire bag. While I contemplated that I didn't fail to hear Rivet request that I head to bed as it was really early and that Ratchet would be ok as she would watch over him.

I knew the real reason she had asked as she had been worried sick all day and was planning on laying with Ratchet just in case his nightmares returned and needed comfort. I had no problem obeyed the request as I had been getting an alert from kit wondering how ratchet was doing anyways and so me and Rivet said good night to each other before getting to designated areas.

*later in the morning*

Alister's P.O.V

I had woken up around 8am and went to check in on Ratchet to see how he was doing and smiled when I saw my daughter and him comfortably sleeping in each other's arms. Rivet's prosthetic arm was on the night stand and her scarred area was hidden against Ratchet's side keeping it out of sight. I still felt bad that she lost her arm but, she seems to have come to terms with it at least around Ratchet though she continued to keep it hidden from everyone else. I couldn't fault her. To most it would appear a weakness to me it proves how strong she is.

The world had given her a liability though she acts like it's another part of her and has one heck of a powerful punch when the prosthetic is used. I know I could never fully understand what all she went through but, I'm here if she is willing to talk with me. While I left the room to let the two be I saw Talwyn was up and had already made coffee so I decided to make Breakfast for her as well as Ratchet and Rivet.

It was around 9:30am when the rest were up. Clank and Kit had oil in hand while the other two had their tails connected and seeming lost in their own world till they both smelled the breakfast I had made and they decided to have a little race to see who got there first.

Ratchet started strong but ultimately let Rivet win which I commended him for. Even when the lombaxes were around the males usually let their partners get their food first as females were like the leader of the relationship though they were just as renowned as males. Males had a soft spot for their partners and often became the omega in the relationship though their time to be alpha came during courting, heat though males will back off if their mate isn't in the mood and in battle.

I could hear Rivet sweet talking Ratchet before giving him a gentle kiss which made Ratchet's tail lash about happily and was purring before the kiss ended. Kit and Clank could be seen smiling at their respective companions before making a bet on who will win the eating competition. About ten minutes later Ratchet was victorious and Rivet and Ratchet fist bumped. Maybe things will make a turn for the better and I'm happy to be a part of it and I somehow knew Ratchet's parents were too where ever they were in the Astral plane now.

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