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(AN: Ratchet, Rivet and alister will all have cat like behavior ranging from raised fur to dilating eyes depending on mood as well as cat like growls)

Rivet's P.O.V

I could hear a little of what my dad and clank were talking about but, despite it concerning me and Ratchet as well as my dad and the other lombaxes wherever they may be Ratchet himself was trying to keep me from hearing the conversation though he had also gotten this sort of primal look in his eyes as well as anger radiating off him. What the hell is making Ratchet completely switch his behavior? This side of Ratchet was honestly scaring me and that's saying something.

I had to know what was going on. I hate seeing Ratchet angry and if I can help I'm sure as heck going to. Ratchet has dealt with enough on his own with minimal help and it's time he trusted others to aid him instead of being an army of one. Despite everything telling me "don't do it" I approached Ratchet and gently grabbed his hand with my physical one and the reaction was instant. The look of a primal need to attack left his eyes and became circles again.

It was now or never and so I started speaking while also rubbing the top of the hand I had grabbed. "Ratchet please tell me what is wrong. I don't know all the advisaries you've dealt with but, this particular one seems to have really put you on edge. I think I remember you talking about them but, the way you're reacting is making me think there is a lot more that hasn't been said."

Ratchet's ears twitched before he drew me into a hug which seemed a little strange but, he soon let go and looked like he was planning on walking away though despite this obviously bugging him I wasn't going to allow it this time. I nuzzled him causing a slight shiver and a small amount of purring from him as he began speaking.

"Who Alister and Clank are talking about is a craigmite Empourer named Tachyon and he's the reason almost all lombaxes are either dead or in the other dimension. He killed countless of our species including my parents before I was even a week old. My mother and little me were in the house when Tachyon attacked. He had bombed my parents house as well as several others."

"My mom protected me from our home collapsing and it had cost her life. From what Alister has told me he said my dad had tried saving us both but, by the time my dad was able to get to her and me, my mom was already at death's door. She managed to stay alive long enough to say some last words and asked my dad Kaden to get me to safety. I had ended up on veldin as it was the furthest away from the blood bath that was fastoon and Tachyon."

"Forward about 17 years and I was met with the one that killed so many again and that's when I found out my father had been killed too and had actually been the original keeper for the dimensonator. That's why I'm scared because Tachyon won't hesitate to kill us however its primarily me he's after as I'm technically the rightful keeper next in line but, it's far to risky to use it for extended use again if the near collapse of the universe has anything as proof. There are some good things that came from it though considering you and I are here now and by a miracle of the zoni alister survived. We can't change the past but, we do need to prepare for the future battle or battles and our wills if things go south.."

Hearing Ratchet basically admitting he is preparing for the worst made me want to sock him upside the head though unfortunately he did have a point. I however don't plan on backing down especially now that I have another to protect and a person I love. Ratchet is my light and I don't plan on letting it go out anytime soon. Instead of doing what my mind was telling me I decided I would instead keep him close and pulled him into a hug and gave a gentle kiss which he returned without hesitating.

I could tell Ratchet was still on edge but, he did hug me back and though it was seemingly hard he did relax against me looking exhausted already. It seemed like Ratchet's energy is easily sapped away with emotional outbursts but, it made sense. I would likely be the same way if I have personally dealt with this Tachyon person that has caused our species so much grief that they would move literal dimensions to get away from this tyrant.

As I kept Ratchet close I could feel him start to doze off in my arms though unfortunately my dad decided to rush in through the door startling Ratchet fully awake and who was clearly pissed before saying "if its about the traitor that the lombaxes took in I already heard."

My dad's ears instantly went down at Ratchet's snapping however it didn't last long before his ears were up again. For Ratchet's part his tail thumped irritated before taking a calming breath and trying again with a gentler tone.

*Ratchet speaking*

" I'm sorry about snapping Alister. Its just that 'thing's' name is honestly scaring me. I know his first target is no doubt me and then you and Rivet. I don't want to lose you both. In your case Alister I just got you back and for Rivet I just met her not that long ago and love her."

"I know I don't stand a chance and before you get upset its because of my hero work and the events at the clock. My body is greatly weakened even though I've had a little bit of time to recover. You can ask anyone and they will give the same answer. I was unable to be on the front lines for too long even during the rift incident. Kit actually helped me when it became too much granted she was protecting something of lombax origins. They were the lorbs which meantioned a guy named Mags who knew my dad and the archives which held what the other version of our Nefarious wanted."

"I know you just got back but, please try to help me cover Rivet when the time comes Alister I will do what I can but, I'm going to need long distance weaponry if we want to stand a chance against Tachyon and whoever he is sending our way"

*Back to Rivet*

"Ratchet if this guy is as powerful as you say we need to try drumming up an army of our own quickly. We have plenty of people willing to risk their lives for a better future. Maybe we could contact the pirates sense we're back on good terms or even some allies here in this dimension. To me it sounds like we don't stand a chance with just the six of us if we include Kit, Clank and Talwyn. There has got to be something we can do right?"

The look I got from my dad and Ratchet were ones of uncertainty which definitely wasn't normal and made me even more nervous. In the background Clank had the same somber look though Kit simply looked confused. Just as I was about to ask again we all heard a really loud beeping sound that kit quickly relized was coming from the half buried interdimentional communicator that has layed silent for months though the text on the screen made no logical sense to me however when alister looked it seemed something long forgotten was back full force as he nearly fell over his own feet before gripping the communicator with shaking hands. All he said was "it's the other lombaxes" and the room went silent.

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