Past Battles

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Ratchet's P.O.V

When we got to the living room the smell of a breakfast casserole was filling the room and Clank could be heard talking to Kit. From what I could hear it sounded like he was teaching Kit how to cook and I smiled. Kit and Clank have been getting along well and so have Talywn and Alister as they talk about various scenarios of different battle strategies.

Seeing everyone getting along was nice and now that Alister has found his daughter he seems to have gotten less angry. I'm happy for Rivet and I'm happy I found her despite the situation that lead up to it. I'm unsure how much Alister knew about the dimension portals nearly destroying everything but, if he does know he's not hinting at it though I hope he doesn't hate me as I had been unaware of what clank was doing. I had unintentionally let Nefarious get a hold of it and let him use it despite not knowing he had gotten into the parade without anyone suspecting anything which still confused me. How did he sneak past the guards watching the proceedings of the floats?

I was taken out of my thoughts when Rivet nudged my side with her elbow to get my attention. When I looked to her my ears instantly fell seeing the concern on her face and relized she had guided me away from everyone and onto the porch.

Rivet's P.O.V

When Ratchet's walking speed had dropped to a snail's pace I knew something was bugging him and the fact his smile slowly fell and was replaced with concern then confusion. I was aware he still blamed himself for the portals nearly causing the collapse of all dimensions and the item used to do so had been something he needed to keep out of the wrong hands.

The dimensonator was obviously very important to our species but, why it was so important I assumed involved something that was out of his hands due to him being a baby at the time and we knew that our species was hiding away in a seemingly unmarked dimension to keep the survivers and the new generation away from danger.

In my opinion they were being cowards for not returning though I also understood why they haven't as there was likely no other dimensonators and the fact the new generation had grown up in the lombax dimension and its all they knew. It hurt knowing me and Ratchet were left behind as babies by our parents and unlike me who still had my dad, Ratchet had nobody left.

Both his parents were killed by this Tachyon guy which Ratchet had beat and sent away to a unknown location but, not before basically plowing through an entire army of craigmites with minimal help besides two old war bots and Talwyn.

It didn't take long to figure out Ratchet had been fighting several that had tried controlling his universe and had prevented Tachyon from finding the lombaxes and finishing what he started while I was dealing with Empourer Nefarious who nearly succeeded to take over all of the dimensions I had grown up in with help from his own troopers.

We both have fought our teen thru adult life and it had left us both scarred and with massive weights on our shoulders until recently. Now that both versions of Nefarious were dealt with maybe we could try having a more normal life though trouble seems to always find us. For the time being I needed to try getting Ratchet to think positively as the biggest threat we have faced had been defeated and with Clank's help the other portals to dimensions have been closed and were stable once again.

Speaking of clank he had made two different versions of the casserole. For Talwyn he made a small personal veggie one which was made with organic pasta and soy cheese with chopped tomato and basil due to her not being a fan of meat and for us he had made a normal pasta and was filled with sausage, egg, diced tomato and shredded cheddar cheese.

To say I wasn't impressed was a understatement. Clank had to of been up early to do this and in my opinion deserved a well needed recharge which is exactly what he did after explaining which was which. Kit had stayed up to keep watch on things which I thought was unnecessary but I appreciated it. I had let talwyn go first and Alister though he had insisted we grabbed ours first. I had reassured him it was ok he went first and he grabbed his own serving and then me and Ratchet got ours.

When we went to the table Ratchet was smiling though it didn't reach his eyes. For the time being I wasn't going to bug him about it but will make sure to ask later. He probably had his own inner demons to deal with and unfortunately sometimes the best way to defeat them is to fight them yourself.

Truthfully he's been acting off sense Alister had arrived despite him being nothing but kind towards Ratchet though from what clank told me about Ratchet's and Alister's history of knowing each other it didn't surprise me that Ratchet wouldn't be comfortable around my dad. It hurt knowing that my own dad who had been in a very similar situation to Ratchet's dad when it came to finding us a safe place to go so we could grow up away from the invasion that slaughtered our species save for a couple thousand that got away.

That's one thing I wanted to know more about was what compelled my father to not listen to anyone when they said that this Tachyon was bad news? Was it pride or was it stupidity that ultimately cost the near worse price save for the complete eradication of our home planet which Ratchet had seen a couple times the first time during the morning sun and then the evening of the same day where he had to fight off hordes of craigmites with the help of talwyn and two bots named Cronk and Zephyr who have met their end years prior before Nefarious causes the rift cataclysm.

Ratchet, Clank and Talwyn have accepted it but, it was clear Talwyn was still affected despite it being years. I've heard clank comforting her a few times at night when she had nightmares of them while kit watched over me and Ratchet when she was done charging. It was disturbing to think about having her eyes on us but it was induring too. She was trying to make up for the accident and had started being my wellbeing checker and alerted me of various things such as fever and breathing patterns. Clank did the same thing for primarily Ratchet and Talwyn though he keeps tabs on me as well.

It was a bit strange but because of them several panic and anxiety attacks had been canceled though that was another thing that made me and Ratchet similar though his panic attacks seemed ten times worse. Were male lombaxes more subseptable to mental health issues or was it a case that Ratchet and Alister have gone through multiple hells and never got themselves checked and diagnosed for anxiety because they didn't have a doctor with the knowledge needed on lombaxes?

The feeling of a warm gloved hand on my back made me jump despite knowing who it belonged to and upon looking around realizing that everyone was done with their food except me. How long was I just sitting here that it prompted Ratchet to get my attention. I relized it was just me, Alister and Ratchet in the room while clank, kit and Talwyn had moved to the outside patio. Three lombaxes in the same room with drastically different backstories but, all could feel they were willing to help each other through their inner demons and memories.

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