Protection And Fears

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(AN: I have a lombax oc named axel which I will meantion later in the fanfic)

Rivet's P.O.V

Seeing so many come together to think of a plan had reminded me of my time in the resistance and due to my knowledge on stealth missions I was seen as a valuable asset. As we thought of attack strategies a few asked what I've been through. Many were curious about my arm and I had explained as best I could and kit had filled in the blanks. With little regard for her own safety, she had told them she had been the one that did it however, she had explained that she had been taken control of though was free now and several silent clapped as the walls caused a echo that spanned a bit.

Ratchet was keeping between me and Alister as a sort of block despite him obviously taxing himself. Now that Alister was found out he had kept out of hiding though was looking concerned for Ratchet and asked often how he was holding up. Ratchet's response had been a obvious lie to us both as he said he was ok when he clearly wasn't. I was questioning myself if he should keep out of the fight and I could tell my dad was too.

Some of the older lombaxes that didn't seem to blame Alister for what happened came over and just at a glace I could tell that they had gone through major injuries in the past as well and actually offered advanced nanotech to help Ratchet. Ratchet had thankfully accepted one dose of the nanotech and a few of his long standing injuries had actually fully healed leaving behind scars on the deeper cuts with the most recent leg injury being mostly healed and no sign of the smaller cuts were left behind.

I as well as our little team all stared in amazement and Alister had actually showed what the nanotech here looked like. Suddenly the roles were reversed and the older lombaxes were the ones stunned. The shock was so big that some even said that our nanotech was very behind however the nanotech here has saved me and likely Ratchet and Alister so many times that we would still use it. The tech here was obviously behind from what the other lombaxes are used to but, I honestly wasn't too upset about it.

One of the older ones who looked just a little older then ourselves had introduced himself and was named Axel. He had blue eyes and tan fur and had dark blond stripes on each cheek. He towered us by an extra foot though was obviously kind hearted. He had asked Ratchet to sit for a bit though Ratchet had denied as he was focused on the task at hand which was the attack on the way.

After that Ratchet's ears perked up listening intensly to the plan that had been thought up but, soon enough before either of us could stop him he had gone to peek outside and seemed tense. He soon returned and reported that a few scouts had just arrived which got everyone's attention.

Everyone became very quiet and hid away out of sight as two of our people got to work looking for make shift barricades and put them at all possible entrances leaving just enough space for peeking out. My dad had his own wrench in hand as did everyone else while Ratchet had out a combuster and his wrench at the ready. Several minutes went by with baited breath and at one point the scouts got a bit too close for comfort which made everyone go completely still and some of the conversation could be heard.

*The Scouts talking*

"Is the Empourer serious? He's drumming up an entire army just for one measly lombax and a tin can that supposedly lives near here? there is no way some stray lombax would be here."

"Who knows in my opinion he's a lunatic. who would still be willing to go after a lombax that beat him fair and square? Those rifts were a pain but, the Emperor is ten times worse then a couple of rifts. He's killed half of his army already on his own just because they disobeyed. What a fucking idiot, if he keeps this up he is going to lose those that are left. He's off his rocker more so then when he hired us."

"I agree fully but, if we say anything we'll be next. The Empourer is just looking for bait that's all it is. He doesn't even have a complete plan. He's just assuming everything will line up and successfully kill the lombax that sent him away."

"Let's just focus on the task at hand unless we want to become his next arena victim. that place should be condemned it was left to rot and yet he still uses it for entertainment."


Rivet's P.O.V

As the two countinued on there way the sound of something dropping could be heard and the sound of what seems to be tails on the sand were prominent due to the area being so quiet hinting at the scouts being of reptilian origin. I waited nearly twenty minutes before peeking to see what the item was and saw what looked to be a rather late model of the combuster gun which meant this Tachyon though bent on revenge didn't seem to care about his troops enough to give new models or couldn't afford it. Maybe we'd have a chance after all though I definitely am not letting my guard down.

What if the lizard creature purposely dropped their weapon? Did they sense us here and decided not to engage just yet or are they that oblivious? So many questions and no answers but I wasn't sure if I should grab the combuster as it could just be a trap to find our location.

Everyone behind me were debating amoung themselves before coming to a answer and that was to leave it be as several meantioned that it was very badly wired so anyone that used it could potentially have their hand blown off. I hated the wording for obvious reasons and actually growled quietly though I soon heard Ratchet move closer and nuzzle my cheek. He had asked me if I needed space to cool down but, I shook my head before turning around and hugging him.

Despite him being healed I couldn't help getting this feeling that something really bad was about to happen to one of us though I didn't know why. I could tell Ratchet was tense despite his attempts at comforting me which clued me in that even he could sense something was likely going to head south and that scares me. The big, tough lombax I know was afraid. Despite us having back up on our side this attack was going to test everyone's limits and unfortunately death was likely.

I kept Ratchet close for a few minutes and as before, nobody interfered. I'm starting to wonder just how gentle hearted the lombax species is. We seem ready to fight at anytime though have a terrible reputation in some documents as we are called unnecessary killers. The articles that Alister had on hand from a well-known newspaper that still is running today had articles reading that we were a gentle race that happened to be excellent inventors and mechanics.

At least that matches up as me and Ratchet were both able to create our own stuff through trial and error while alister and several others seemed to be excellent ship creators. One of the others in the back made a sound that sounded slightly annoyed as they spoke saying "we really should keep moving along with urgency we're running out of time to get ready though this cute scene is adorable it's not time for romance. It's time for action. After that and everything is said and done then cuddle fests and displays of love are appropriate."

Despite my annoyance of being interuppted the one who I relized that had spoken had been Mags according to his name tag on his uniform. Though soon enough I relized he did have a point. We already saw two scouts. It was only a matter of time before more arrived. Despite my deep yearning to stay close to ratchet, I reluctantly let go after giving a quick kiss on his lips and a nuzzle back before getting myself back on task.

I just hope this terrible feeling doesn't stick around or I'm not going to be able to focus. What pisses me off was that we both had been through so much crap and yet once again we weren't able to have peace for longer then three months it seems and this time the threat has a target on my boyfriend's back. My dad was clearly concerned as I could feel it waft off him and in the background Clank and Kit seemed to be hyper vigilant for all of us.

The atmosphere is so dense with worry and fear everyone was on edge when moments ago it was filled with hope. I hate this and all because of one creature that had tipped the odds in his favor years prior. We were all afraid and it scares me.

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