Unexpected Visitors

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3rd person P.O.V

A few days have gone by before anything somewhat weird happened. The zoni had somehow found the team and went to Clank primarily and ushered him into a different room from everyone. The Zoni and Clank had communicated in their own echo like sounds and had upgraded Clank to have a health status scanner which would make it easier to keep stats on anyone clank decided to check on as well as a nano tech dispenser in case of emergencies.

The zoni had come to inform Clank that the Clock was still stable as Sigmund was handling any stray anomalies with little issue however Alister's wrench was the main thing keeping it from rupturing again.

Hearing this Clank ended up having mixed emotions. On one hand he was happy the clock was stable but, on the other hand the fact that the only other living lombax besides Ratchet in his and Ratchet's dimension's last act was to cancel the time reset after apologizing seemingly to no one but, also everyone at the same time sense he had said it towards the ground before standing up with a determined look then proceeded to lock his wrench in place and stopping time from breaking permanently.

I know he was just trying to make everything right again and bring back the lombaxes from a massive mistake but, he unfortunately wasn't being rational about it despite warnings and Ratchet himself declining Alister's idea is what sent him over the edge. That denial had been Alister's breaking point. I want to keep the knowledge hidden of Ratchet's death in the altered path despite it eating at me to tell him.

In my personal opinion he doesn't need to know Alister had willingly killed him with no remorse because "he had gotten in the way" in Alister's words. Alister had been the only lombax Ratchet encountered at the time that had physically been around his father and had gotten some well deserved insight after how long it took to even get the knowledge that he wasn't the only one left from Tachyon who bad mouthed the lombaxes with no regrets.

I know Ratchet is afraid but, this has been the entire reason he had gone as long as he had as a hero in the first place. He wants to find them now that he knows they are alive just in a different dimension even from this one though Ratchet said there were audio logs that had meantioned his father trying to find a dimension that's safe but, to avoid suspicion the lombaxes had spread out amoung multiple zones.

When we do start trying to find at least a couple of them we will have to keep the dimensional map safe. It's the only thing keeping the lombax's locations safe and if we lose it then there will be nothing left to help lead us to them.

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