Episode 61: A Parent's Regrets

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I emerged from a black vortex and found myself in the center of a small room with a colorful silk carpet and a small machine that let out nutmeg-scented vapor. Sitting in the corner of the tiny cell was a long-haired woman in a red-kimono who resembled Rocio.

I took another step closer, wondering when she would notice me, but she just kept on whispering stuff to herself like some mad-woman.

"Seems that son of yours took good care of you despite what you did to him and his brother," I said with a neutral expression on my face. I wasn't sure how to speak to her after having seen Conrad's memories for myself.

The woman lowered her hands from her lips and gasped as soon as she saw me. "P-Papa..."

I sighed. It was all my fault this happened. I had a feeling that Selena was lying to me when we spoke on the phone, but I hadn't acted on it. I should've stepped in and saved her from the toxic relationship she had found herself in. I should've protected my grandsons more too.

"To think that you would be in this state," I said as I sat down next to her.

"Papa. What... what are you doing here? T-this is the first time you visit me in a while," she said, looking down.

I stretched out my hand and ran it through her jet-black hair. Even in this situation, it was still as beautiful as when she was a little girl.

She put her hands on my right arm and hugged me tightly. "Papa! I missed you so much!"

I grimaced upon hearing those words. Perhaps, I should've visited her sooner. "Selena, you aren't a child anymore. Learn to behave like the grown woman you are," I said.


I put my hands on her shoulders and took a deep breath. "Sel, why didn't you tell me the truth?"

"About what?" she asked, averting her gaze.

"There was a time in which you sucked at lying. If anything, that helped you conceal the truth easier."

She continued to keep her head down. "What did I lie about, Papa?"

"About how you were fine. How everything was okay. I now know that things weren't as sudden as you made them out to be." My hands shook. "Azami, he hurt you, didn't he?"

She nodded slowly. "Yeah. I tried to save him, but I couldn't. I accepted the abuse, thinking that I could bring back the man I once knew. But he was too consumed in the pain inflicted on him by others. I thought of leaving him, but the kids and I were the only ones he had left."

I took a deep breath. "What about his brother?"

"I'm not sure. My brother-in-law is a difficult person to read. I think he might've wanted to help him, but wasn't sure how."

I crossed my arms over my chest. "I see. You should've separated and sought help for yourselves. You made the kids suffer."

Selena stared at the bunny plushie in her arms. Tears streamed down her face. "I know, Papa. I hurt them, especially my youngest son." She pressed her head against my shoulder. "I led him to his death. I'm a bad mother! If Mom were here, she would hate me as much as Serrano does!"

I hugged her. "No, she wouldn't. She would be just like me," I said, closing my eyes to keep myself from crying. "We both love you, Sele. I only left you here all these years so that you can get some help."

Taking another deep breath, I took another look around the room. It didn't look like the cell of a mental patient at all. Nor was it a prison.

I bit my lip, "Selena, I would like to tell you something, but before I do, I need to know something."

"What?" she asked, confused.

"It's something that your older brother told me."

"Takeshi did? What did he say?"

"He said that you once had a Universal Seed in your possession."

"Universal Seed?" she asked, giving me a blank look. Perhaps she was out of her mind, at least slightly.

"You know what it is. I taught all of you the legend of the ten aspects used to create the physical worlds. Now, tell me when and where you last had it. As soon as you do, the quicker we can get out of here."

She smiled. "We?"

I nodded. "I'm taking you out. I think you've been here long enough."

"Really? Thanks, Papa!" She put a hand on her chin. "Though..." She reclined her back against the gray wall. "I really don't know... where it is. Nor do I even know what it truly is. All I know is the legend you told us. It's a part of the Universal Tree, that which upholds all existence. To my knowledge, I never came upon such a thing."

"Really? You didn't?"

She shook her head. "Yeah, if I did, I would've told you. I have no idea why Takeshi claims I did."

I sighed. "That boy... he's keeping something hidden from me... No matter, I'll extract the information from him in due time. Sadly that guy is too stubborn to give such details without a fight."

Selena gazed up at me as I stood up. "Wh...where is my brother?"

"Your brother is in a prison too. Sadly for him, it is not as luxurious as this mental ward room."

Her brown eyes widened. "No, what did he do?"

I pushed myself up and made my way toward the portal I had emerged from. "Selena, on second thought, I think it'll be best for you to stay here. If you come with me, then you might not be able to bear the sight."

"The sight? What do you mean? The sight of my brother imprisoned? And what do you mean by extract information from him? Are you the one who did that to him?"

I gritted my teeth. "Yes... but that is not what I mean." I turned around and gave her a thin smile. "My dear eldest daughter, I am truly sorry... I wish that it hadn't come to this. What you feared is about to come true."

She clasped her hands over her mouth and shook her head.

I nodded. "I gathered from Takeshi about why you imprisoned your youngest son. That boy will be one of the keys."

"The key?" she asked. "Whatever do you mean? I do not understand a single thing you're saying! Calamity is dead! He's dead! I...I was the one who led him to his death..."

I shook my head. "He was, but he is reborn. I managed to do with him what I failed to do..."

Selena stepped back. "No... why?"

"Selena. The one you should hate shouldn't be your son, but me. I am the one who will lead to the ruin of this world."

My oldest daughter narrowed her eyes at me as she stood up. "You? Why? Why Papa? Isn't this your home? Why would you destroy it? And on purpose too? Do you know what Mama would think of this?"

I sighed. "I wonder about that. You and your siblings were more precious to her than this world."

"What does this have to do with us?"

I stared right into her large brown eyes. "Sel, Abyssia is dying. Once it does, we abysmals will go down with it too."

She gasped. "What?"

I put a hand on my chest. "Our cores are sustained by the power of that realm. Even hybrids like you are still connected to it. To be honest, I'm not sure if you will die once Abyssia's light dies out. The risk is high, though. I'm certain that your mother wouldn't have risked your deaths."

Selena bit her lip. "What about Serra? Will he die too?"

"The risk is lower than him, but it's still twenty-five percent."

Sel's stumbled back. "No..."

"Aster offered him to join us, but it seems he won't. Though, your younger son has accepted to aid us."

"So, everything I did was for nothing?"Selena said, falling to the floor. Her breading grew erratic. "Calamity, I didn't want you to walk down that path." She closed her eyes. "Please don't hate me, please don't hate me. I only wanted what was best for you and the world."

"Selena!" I yelled, squatting down. "Sel! Snap out of it! Get control of yourself!"

Wisps of darkness encircled her.

"Sel!" I yelled. If she continued like this, she would turn into a mindless beastial abysmal.

I struck the back of her neck, knocking her out.

"I'm sorry, Sel," I said, hugging her tightly. "I'm sorry! It's me who should be begging not to be hated!"

"Reginald," a voice called out from behind me. It was Aster. She gasped as soon as she noticed Selena. "What's wrong with her?"

"I knocked her out as she was starting to lose control over herself. I told her that I revived Conrad and that he would be aiding us. I should've waited for her condition to improve further." I gritted my teeth. "Who knows what will happen when she awakens. I thought that time would heal some of the trauma, but it seems it hasn't."

Aster sighed. "I think she'll be fine. She is your and Tulia's daughter. The same goes for your sons."

I embraced my eldest daughter. "I hope you're right."

My second wife patted me on the shoulders. "If you wish, you can go and see Tulia as you had originally planned. I'll take care of Selena for you."

Damn, my emotions keep getting in my way... I need to do this, I need to destroy this rotten world which killed Tulia. I need to destroy it and remake it to the one she wished.

I shook my head.

"No... not now. Let's go back," I said, pushing aside my feelings.

"Regi..." Aster said, pressing her head against my back. "I know how it feels to lose the one you love dearly. Hiding your emotions now will just make things worse down the road. It's best to get the pain now rather than later."

I walked toward the portal. "Perhaps you're right... I shall pay her a visit before the beginning of the final confrontation, but for now, we must return. Please have them arrange a special room for Selena at the castle."

"You're not coming back to the castle with us?"

"I am, but I won't linger around for long. I need to speak to my eldest son again. I'm going to try to extract from him what else he knows of the Universal Seed he claimed was in his sister's possession."

Aster stared at the unconscious Selena in my arms. "About that. I know what he meant."

"You do?"

She nodded. "Yes. Conrad is like you, your brother, me, and Tulia. He too has a universal seed in his soul. Though, it's only a fragment."

So that was why I struggled to revive him. But, if that's the case, then the seed's defenses are gone. Conrad will be a target for others who desire its power. Notably, the demons. If someone like Margaret were to learn of it...

"Where is Conrad?" I asked.

"He was sleeping in his pod. I'm not sure if he still is, though."

I stared at the portal and jumped into it.

**Solar Note: Hope that you enjoyed the chapter ^_^. Hope to hear your thoughts on it/the overall story thus far**

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