Special: Happy Birthday, My Pegasus!

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I opened my eyes and found Daiyu with her head against my bare chest.

"Wakey, wakey," I said, tapping her head.

"Can't you let me sleep some more?" she said as she snuggled me.

I laughed. "Alright, but could you let me go. I need to go get things ready for Roa's birthday party."

My wife's eyes opened. 

"Roa's birthday!" she said as she jumped off the bed and put on a crimson robe. "Why didn't you say so earlier?"

I ran a hand through my white hair. "I didn't take that long to say it..."

"True, but every second counts. I trust that you sent out all of the invitations?"

I nodded. "Yup! This birdie delivered them all!"

She gave me a deadpan look. "Stop with the bird jokes, they aren't funny."

I rubbed the back of my neck and laughed. "Was aiming more for cute than funny."

Daiyu sighed. "You're cuter when you don't try too hard."

My face flushed a little. "I see..." I stood up and picked my white robe from the ground. "I'm going to go get cleaned up. Care to join me?"

She pulled out a piece of paper from the pocket of her robe and glanced over it slowly. "I'll take one later, got to go over the list while I still have time."

I snickered and walked up behind her, putting my arms around her waist. "You worry too much, dear. I already glanced over it last night. We got everything we need, it's all a matter of putting it together."

She cleared her throat. "Then, I better start on piecing everything before the kids wake up and start making things hectic."

"In that case, I'll help," I said, letting go of her. "That way, it'll be quicker, right?"

Daiyu smirked. "No, sir. Your job is to distract the kids."

"True, but if while they're still in bed, I can aid you as much as I can."

She scratched her head. "I appreciate it, but I rather do it on my own. If anything ends up being out of place, I would just end up blaming you."

Hmm, perhaps it is for the best that I let her do all of the decoration stuff.

"Plus, you've already helped enough by making the centerpieces of the party."

"Look at me!" we heard a familiar voice yell.

"Woah!" a couple of voices said collectively.

Suddenly, the sound of glass or ceramics clashing to the floor silenced the voices.

"I'll take care of that!" I yelled, running out of the room.

Daiyu sighed behind me.

My eyes widened as I arrived at the stairs where my four youngest kids looked down at their big brother in shock.

Roa rubbed his head as he pushed himself up the floor.

"Roa!" I yelled, leaping into the air and flying over to him.

My oldest son glanced at the broken vase. It was a wedding gift from my sister-in-law, Anis.

He gulped and said, "Sorry, Dad."

I wrapped my arms around him and held out my hand over his head, covering it in a golden aura. The aura spread throughout his body.

"The vase doesn't matter. Now hold still for a moment."

"I'm okay, Dad. My body can heal on its own."

"This is a precautionary measure. Plus, this will take away the stinging sensation." I smiled and removed my hand. "There, I think that should do it."

Roa returned his eyes to the vase. "Does it really not matter?"

I eyed it. "I appreciate the one who gave it to me, but in the end, it's just an item." I ruffled his hair. "Loved ones matter more than material things. Plus, I got other gifts from her and my big bro to remember them by. Plus, I can do this..." I snapped my fingers, causing the vase to return to normal, though there were cracks on the glaze. If I were a glass mana user, I could've fixed those too.

Roa smiled a little. "So, I'm not in trouble?"

I laughed. "Of course you are, silly!"

He lowered his head. "Darn it..."

I stood up. "Your punishment is coming with me to go shell searching!"

Roa looked up at me with his big round golden eyes. "Why do you need shells."

"I want to make a necklace out of them."

"Can we go too?" my oldest daughter said as she walked down with her younger siblings.

I smiled as I eyed the walls around the staircase. Someone had moved the picture frames, and I knew just who it was. "Of course, you four need to share in the punishment for letting Roa pull his stunt. Seriously, jumping back and forth between walls is fine, when you do it outside!"

"Ahh, why do we need to pay for Roa's clumsiness?" my second oldest son said, shaking his head.

"I'm not clumsy! My foot just slipped! Also, I much rather jump indoors than outdoors, it's more fun," Roa mumbled.

I sighed. Most kids would find doing that kind of stuff outside to be more entertaining. Part of me wondered if it was the risk of breaking something that made him say that. The kid did seem to live for adrenaline rushes.

I ruffled his raven-black hair. "Come on, we can invite Etsuo and Dine too if they aren't busy."

Roa beamed. "Really?"

I nodded.

"Yippee! Let's go, Ama, Dimi, Lili, Kuny!" Roa said as he raised his fist forward. "Time to find shells!"

Dimitry sighed. "Is this even punishment for him at this point?"

I snickered. "Your big bro is a pegasus, there's no prison nor punishment which can stop him."

"I have to agree with Dimi, you're too lenient," Daiyu said as she descended the stairs.

Roa gulped. "Mommy..."

She took a deep breath. "I'll overlook your actions today, but please be more careful. You can heal, but you aren't immortal."

"I agree with your mom, you got to take better care of yourself. Being a daredevil won't get you far in life."

Roa puffed his cheeks. "Isn't life meant to be fun?"

I turned around and made my way toward the front door. "Yes, but entertainment isn't everything. Life can be a lot of work," I said as I closed my eyes.

"Work? I hate work..." Roa said.

"Your father is right," Daiyu said. "Work is an essential part of living."

I opened my eyes and smiled. "Well, let's not linger here any longer! Time to find shells!"

Amalia snickered. "You copied big bro!"

Roa chuckled. "Of course, he did. I am awesome, after all!"

What a cocky kid... I'll have to make sure to cut him down a peg or two.


The kids and I walked from our two-story house over to the nearby beach. Though 'beach' was a loose way to refer to it. We only called it that as it was an area covered with sand at the edge of the island we inhabited. Unlike, the lakefront beach I'd been to in Zionia, this one had no waves lapping against its shores.

That said, going over the edge was far deadlier than any wave. As one would fall into the darkness below. A person could 'swim' back up, but the downward 'current' was far too strong even for us adults.

"Wonder if Etsuo and Dine here yet," Roa said, glancing around the black sand beach.

"I doubt it," I said, laughing.

Suddenly, a black blob bounced overhead, landing in front of us and covering us in black powder.

"Roa!" a voice called out.

Roa snickered as he rubbed the sand out of his eyes. "And they say I make flashy entrances."

"Who says that?" Dimi asked.

"You know, people," Roa said as he crossed his arms.

"Who are these people?"

My oldest son puffed his cheeks. "You ask too many questions, Dimi!"

Dimi stepped back. "Sorry," he said, lowering his head.

Roa sighed. "It's fine. You're a curious kid." Roa knelt down on the floor and started digging.

"How did the shells even get here?" Dimi asked, glancing at me.

"Good question," Etsuo said as he got off of Dine's back. "Do you know, uncle?"

I blinked. "I am not sure. I'll need to ask my dad about that."

Dine stared at the digging Roa with sad eyes.

"What's wrong?" Roa asked, glancing over at her.

"I can't dig," she said as she rolled side to side.

He gasped. "I forgot! You can just watch me. Once I'm done, we can go and do something more fun."

"Are these enough, daddy?" Amalia said as she came back with a literal handfuls of shells. Accompanying her were Lillie and Kunal who were also carrying their own.

"How did you get all of those?" Roa asked.

My oldest daughter smiled. "Simple, I shifted the sand away from them."

"Let's see what you got," I said as I sat down cross-legged on the floor.

Ama, Lily, and Kuny took a seat too and spread out the shells on the floor.

"This one looks pretty, daddy!" Lillie said as she picked up a wavy white shell with golden edges.

I reached over and took it. "Nice find, Lily! It's just like you!'

The five-year-old tilted her head at me. "I'm a shell?"

I laughed. "I mean, it resembles a lily, just like you."

She beamed. "Oh, I see!"

I turned to look at my three-year-old son as he crawled over to the shells and picked out a light blue one.

"Ohh, this one's cute," I said as I took it from him. I smiled. "Reminds me of you."

Kunal smiled as he looked down at his baby-blue onesie with a little duck in the center. Baby blue was his favorite color. I still wasn't sure what his abysmal form was, but if I had to take a guess, I would wager either a blue jay or a duck. He resembled a mix of the two when he was a blob during his early baby years.

"I like this one!" Roa said, picking up a black shell that looked like one half of a clam. The edges of the shell were electric blue.

"Why are shells so colorful?" Dimi asked.

"That's another good question. I'm not sure, but I'm sure it's tied to their origin. I know that shells back in my mom's world get their color from impurities that manage to get into the shell at the time they're produced." Though out of the shells I'd seen in Zionia, Lily's white one would be more akin to what one could expect to find.

"Let me pick one," Etsuo said. He reached out and picked up a half of a clamshell, but unlike Roa's, his was snow-white with fire-red edges.

"Do you have one you like, bouncy?" Roa asked as he patted Dine.

"That small one!" she said.

"This one?" I asked, picking up a tiny iridescent shell whose edges curled inward.

"Yeah!" she said as she spun around happily.

"Let's pick one too, Dimi, Papa!" Amalia said.

I eyed the remaining ones. There were so many to choose from, but if I had to pick only one, it would have to...

I reached out and grabbed an iridescent conch shell. "This one!"

Amalia and Dimitry had also gotten ones similar to mine, but smaller.

I laughed. "You two inherited your father's good taste. Well, I think that these are enough. I'm going to go back inside and work on my necklace. You're free to play."

Kuny pushed himself up and waddled over to me.

"You want to help me?" I asked.

He nodded.

"Alright, I have the cutest assistant in the world!"

"I want to help too!" Lily said.

"Even better! The three of us will make the best shell necklace ever!"

Roa sighed.

"What's wrong?" Dine asked.

"I thought it would take longer."

I laughed. "If you want, you can stay here and continue looking for shells with your friends."

Roa smiled. "Nah, I'll go and play."

This kid is fickle one...


[Hours Later]

"Everything looks great," I said as I glanced around the house. Daiyu had decorated the house in black and blue string and balloons. While the kitchen had a vast array of juices and snacks for our guests to choose from.

She had also hung up the saddle piñata I'd made last night outside. Though, maybe that was a bad idea as some of the kids were staring at it and pretending to whack it from various angles.

"Hey, big bro!" a voice called out. I spun around and saw Woolsey walk in through the front door with Papa who was carrying our piglet sister in his arms.

"Hey, Wool!" I said, waving.

"Where's the little rascal?" he asked, glancing around.

"I'm here!" Roa yelled as he leaped at him.

My brother grinned and held out his hand, catching my son's foot. "You gave yourself away, kid."

Roa smirked as he discharged electricity, but it did nothing to my brother but make his hair glisten.

"Huh? Why won't it work?"

Woolsey snickered. "Because you're too weak," he said as he let go of Roa, causing him to land on his butt.

My son grumbled as he pushed himself up. "I'm going to go play with the others!" he yelled before running off.

"Roa..." I said.

"Don't worry, the kid won't won't give up like that. He's always seeking to get stronger."

I smiled. "Yeah, he certainly takes after his uncle in that regard."

Woolsey chuckled. "Yeah, but not like I'll lose to the tyke." He glanced at our little sister. "Hey, Piggy, want to go get some food?"

"Oinky!" she said, raising her hooves into the air.

For some reason, she rarely ever transformed out of her bestial form. Maybe she just liked it better, or perhaps, she couldn't control her transformation.

"Oinky?" she said, staring at me.

I smiled. "You stay here, I'm going to go and get something of each. I'm sure you'll love it all, Daiyu has exquisite taste after all."

My wife smiled as proudly as our oldest son. "In that case, allow me to serve Plum. You stay here." She left with my siblings, leaving me with my dad.

"Hey, Skah."

I forced a smile. "Hey, Dad." I hadn't really talked to him since he'd remarried a few years ago.

"You got a nice party going on. Not too wild, but not dull either," Dad said as he watched the kids run around as they were being chased by Daisaru, who was pretending to be a monster.

"Did Rocio not come?"

"She's outside with the rest of the guests."

"I'll go talk to her. It was nice talking," Dad said, patting my shoulder.

I stood still until he was gone.

I sighed. Why couldn't I talk to my dad like before? Unlike Woolsey, I was beyond the age to be mad at Dad for remarrying.

"You okay, Dad?" Roa asked as he emerged from the corner of the wall behind me.

"Huh? I thought you left."

He snickered. "I merely retreated. But I'm back now, ready with my next move!"

I smiled for real. "Is that so? Then do you mind some advice?"

His ears twitched. "Yeah, of course!"

I knelt down. "Alright, listen carefully. The real reason that your attacks don't work on your uncle is that-"

I winced as I was struck by a karate chop on the head.

"Oi, don't give away my secrets!" Woolsey yelled.

I rubbed my head. "That hurts!"

My little bro grinned. "Then how about you try to get payback?"

I put my hands against my hips as I raised to my full height. "Wool, you know I don't like fighting."

"Come on, just a small spar!"

"I already said no. Plus, I don't want to ruin my suit."

Woolsey stared at my pristine white suit and then at the cup of punch in his hands.

I jumped up the stairs. "Wait, Wool, halt that thought!"

He grinned and leaped after me like a wolf about to pounce on its prey.

I clenched my hands into fists and delivered a flying kick to his chest, sending him falling to the bottom of the stairs.

"Wool!" I yelled.

My brother groaned. "You sure hit hard for a lanky guy..."

I held out a hand toward him. "I told you that I don't like fighting."

"Why, when you're so strong?" Roa asked.

I scratched my head. "I'm not strong. I only hurt Wool this hard as he was coming at my suit with punch."

Roa leered at me. "Dad, you got some weird priorities."

"Yeah, he does. But at least I now know for sure how to get him to attack me," Wool said, smirking.

I jumped back. "Hey, don't try that again, or I might hit harder!" I said, raising my fists in front of me.

Wool sent a rolling kick my way but I blocked.

He chuckled as the wild look in his eyes remained. "You didn't even budge. I'll force you to bring out your true power, big bro!"

I gritted my teeth. "Fine, but we should take this outside!"


"Time for cake!" Daiyu yelled, causing all of the kids to halt what they were doing to rush back inside.

"It's cake time, little bro," I said, turning my back to him.

"One day, I'll... defeat you," Wool said as he clung to his side.

"Why do I have such odd siblings?" Rocio said as she stood up from her seat.

"You're odd yourself," Wool yelled.

Our dad snickered as he stood up. "I think you got it from your mom."

"Mom was pretty normal compared to them," Rocio said.

I leered at her. Why did she continue pretending she was the normal one?

Dad covered his mouth. "You didn't know her as well as I did then. Well, let's go inside and get some cake, before your little sister eats it all."

"Wait, Roa's going to blow out the candle!" I yelled as I rushed back indoors. I rushed to the kitchen whose table was now cleared of the drinks and snacks. Instead, a large three-tier buttercream cake took up most of the space as eager kids pressed their elbows against the table.

"You're here!" Roa said, smiling. He took a deep breath and blew out the ten candles.

"Oinky!" Plum said as she squirmed in my wife's arms.

"Hold on, sis, you'll get your cake," Wool said as he rushed in and swiped the knife from an unsuspecting Roa.

"Hey! That piece is mine!"

Dad turned around. He seemed like he was going to burst into laughter.

I turned aside and covered my mouth as Roa tried to take the knife back from his uncle.


Roa collapsed into the sofa.

"You alright, kid?" Daiyu asked as she and I wiped the coffee table. Our guests had made a considerable mess before departing back to their homes.

He nodded. "That was the most fun I've had!"

"It was fun," Amalia said as she raised her head from the floor. Both she and Dimi had collapsed there some time ago.

"It was tiresome, though," Dimi said, laughing as he stared at the ceiling.

"I brought blankies," Lily said. Her entry body was covered up by blankets. Even little Kuny had gotten in on the act. "I figured you are too tired to move."

"I'm surprised you can move after keeping up with the monkeys," Dimi said.

"Yeah, those triplets really move fast," Amelia said as she pushed herself.

"As am I," I said in awe of Lily's vigor. Kuny had mostly watched and cheered the big kids in their events, so that was likely why he still had the energy to spare.

Lily smiled. "I've gotten used to it."

"You're incredible. I don't think I could ever get used to that kind of energy," Dimi said.

"Etsuo isn't as wild as them," Roa said, laughing.

I glanced up at the lights overhead. "They even swung around like monkeys in a forest..."

"I should've had Rocio stay back and clean up for her kids," Daiyu mumbled as she tried to wipe away what might've been a scratch on the table's surface.

I laughed nervously. "Well, our kids did make one at Etsuo's last year, so we're kind of even."

"But her own kids and husband were responsible for most it!"

"Guess that's what happens when someone invites monkeys to a party," Amalia said, snickering.

I nodded. "Yeah, we should've expected this."

Daiyu glanced up at her torn decorations and sighed. "I should think up of a different arrangement for Dimi's party..."

"I know! We can go to a desolate island and make a camp there!" Roa said.

"Cool idea!" Dimi said.

Daiyu smiled. "Hmm, maybe I should leave the early planning to your rugrats."

"We should probably monitor them, else they might come up with something too crazy."


Kuny waddled over to me. "Gi-gi," he whispered.

I gasped. "Thanks for reminding me, Kuny!" I said, patting his head. I reached into the pocket of my suit and took out a box.

"What's that?" Dimi asked.

"It's a gift."

Roa leaned forward and picked up the lip of the box, revealing a shell necklace.

"Wait, why did you-"

I snickered as I stood up and made my way toward him. "I'm sorry, Ro. I made you help me make your own gift."

Roa grabbed the necklace and put it on. "It's fine. I love it! Thanks for the necklace, Dad!"

I chuckled. "No need to thank me. I'm just glad you like it." I wrapped my arms around him. "Happy birthday, my pegagus!"

**Solar Note: Hope that you enjoyed the birthday special :).**

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