Special: Hideo Turns Eight

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"Hey sis? How are ya?" I said as I picked up the phone. I had to use my shoulder to press it against my ear as I was stirring a bowl of corn dough with my right while using my left to hold the container itself.

"I'm doin' well. I won't occupy much of ya time, know ya likely busy," Anis said.

I laughed as I stared at the mess in the kitchen. Even with all the house cooks helping, today's task as a difficult one. "That's an understatement."

She laughed. "Sorry for making it worse."

"Nah, it's fine. You know me, I'm a great multi-tasker!"

Anis laughed nervously. "Yeah..."

I huffed. "What, you don't believe me?"

"Well, there was that one time you burned several dishes you tried making at the same time."

"They were toasty, not burned!" I protested.

"Well, if you think you can multi-task, fine by me, do it. I just wanted to let you know that I sent something to your oldest boy. I recall you mention it's his birthday. Hope that one day I can see him again. I haven't seen him since he was a baby. I've yet to meet your other kids besides Kiara and him. How many do you have now?"

I laughed. "Well, apart from Hide and Ki, I got Dan, Sy, Cami, and Amu," I said.

My sister broke into a coughing fit.

"You okay sis?" I asked, putting down the cake mix.

"I'm fine. I'm just... surprised is all. You're so young and already have twice as many kids as me."

"Well, you know me. I love kids. Watching them grow has certainly been something. It wasn't all that long ago that Hide was born."

"Yeah, time sure flies by quickly. That's why we have to enjoy every last moment we can. Soon they'll be flying out of the coop."

I nodded. "I certainly will. By the way, you didn't need to buy him a gift."

"I felt that I should. Eight's a very special birthday for a kid. Well, I better hang up, my minutes are about to run out."

"Oh, okay. I'll be sure to send something for your oldest too! He'll soon be sixteen, right?"

"Yeah, in a few months."

"Does he plan to go to college?"

"No. We..."

"Anis? Still there?"

"Ah, seems I got to go! I'm out of change. Buy, little sis!"

I smiled. "Okay. Take care, big sis."

"I will." After that, she hung up.

I put down my phone on the counter and sighed. "You tend to say that, but you rarely watch over your own well-being. I hope that you and your kids are doing well, sis," I whispered as if in prayer.

"Hey, Mom!" a voice called out. Hide came running into the kitchen with a soccer ball on hand. "Can Ki and I go out to the park? I got a new ball in the mail." He scratched his head. "Though, I got no idea who sent it." He smiled. "Wait, was it Dad and you who had it sent so that I wouldn't try to look throughout the house for my present."

I laughed. "No, and for your information, I made sure to hide your present somewhere you wouldn't think to look."

He stared at the soccer ball. "Then who sent it to me?" He dropped the ball and stepped back. "Wait, could it be those rebels who sent it? Mom, let's get out of here!"

I tapped the ball with my foot and shook my head. "Relax, Hide, it's not a bomb. I sense no metal inside."

My son furrowed his brow. "You can sense metal?"

"Yeah. I got some Mizu no Kin blood in me."

He smiled. "Then, can I do it too?"

"I'm not sure, but it's worth giving it a shot."

He smiled as he picked up his new ball. "I should! Then I'll be able to locate mines while on the battlefield."

I put a hand on my hip. "You're still thinking of joining the military when you're older?"

"Of course! I want to keep this region safe, just like Dad does!"

I smiled. "Well, your Dad and I hope that there would be no need for you to aid in that. Military-life can be pretty harsh. I know as my eldest sister experienced it first-hand."

"Eldest? I have another aunt apart from aunt Juniper?"

"Yup. I used to visit her often, but unfortunately, I haven't gotten the chance to do so." I smiled. "Anyway, I'm pretty sure that she's the one who sent you that ball."

My eldest son smiled. "I see. So, can I go to the park and try it out?"

I nodded. "Sure, go ahead."

He smiled. "Thanks, Mom! We'll be back by when dinner is ready!" he yelled as he turned around and ran off.

I laughed. I had no idea how long finishing today's dinner would take us.

"Hey, Mom!" a voice called out. I turned around and saw Dan and Sy making their way toward me.

"Hey, boys! Need something?" I asked as I picked up my bowl of cake-mix.

"Need help?" Dan and Sy asked in unison as if they were actual twins.

I smiled. "I would appreciate it. Let's see, how about you stir this?" I put down the bowl of cake-mix between the two and held out the spoon. "Think you'll be able to do it?"

"Sure, that's easy!" they said. The two sat down on a pair of stools and started moving the spoon together. It sort of reminded me of when I helped my mom mix butter back at the family farm.

"Alright then, I go and start working on the next thing. If you need help, ask me or any of the chefs."

The boys glanced up to look at the chefs. The cooks were too busy with their work to pay us a second thought.

"Hmm, maybe just ask me."

"Got it!" the two said.

I smiled and hugged the two from behind. "Thanks, you two! Together, we'll make your big brother the best birthday meal he's ever had!"

"Mom, he's only eight," Silas said.

I laughed. "Well, he has seven other meals to compare it too. Well, more like three or four depending on how far back he can remember."

"Don't worry, Mama. We'll make sure this cake turns out great! Right, Sy?" Dan asked.

Silas nodded.

I smiled. It was nice having the family working together to make a meal. It brought back memories of when my siblings and I would get together to decorate and cook our parents' birthday breakfasts.

I patted the heads of the boys. Hopefully, they would have similar fond memories which they can recall as they look at their own children do the same thing.


[Later that day]

I sat out the front porch, waiting for Hide and Ki to return from the parks.

"I'm so tired," Hideo mumbled as he and Kiara came within earshot. The two opened the silver gates of the house. Both children were covered in dirt.

I stood up and snickered. "Seems you had an intense match!" I said.

"Yeah! Though, I came out on top!" Kiara said, grinning.

Hideo pouted. "Only by a bit..."

"I made three goals, and you made only one!"

I giggled. "I guess a difference of two is a 'small' one."

"Not if one is using fractions! I got two-thirds more than him!"

Hideo grumbled. "Yeah, yeah. You won either way, who cares about the difference?"

Kiara grinned. "Oh, come on. Don't be mad!" She grabbed his arm and pulled him toward the house. "You got a birthday party waiting for you!"

He smiled. "Yeah." His eyes widened. "Wait, Ki! We can't go in like this! What will the guests think!"

I put my hands on my hips. "I got an idea! I can sneak you two in to get cleaned up, then have you head downstairs to greet our guests."

"Great thinking, Mom!" Hideo said as he flew up. "I'll enter through the window of my room!"

"Yeah. Just be sure not to get caught while I go open the windows to your rooms."

"Don't worry, I'm great at hide-and-seek!" Kiara said, grinning. He gripped Hideo arm, bringing him back down. "I'll make sure that he doesn't ruin it either."

Hideo pouted but didn't say another word.

"I'll try not to take too long!"


I rushed off back into the house. Once inside, I made slipped into the crowd, which mostly consisted of nobles around my husband's ranking or lower. It would be odd for a duke to go to the birthday of a Marquees' son.

Said husband of mine, though just to get in my way as he came down the stairs with Dan, Sy, Cami, and little Amu.

"Rene, where are Hideo and Kiara?" Hideaki asked, giving me a concerned look.

"D-did they get lost? It's already pretty dark," Dan said.

"I hope not," Cami said, clenching her hands together.

"Do not worry. They will be here in a bit," I said, smiling. "Now, if you excuse me, I got something to do upstairs."

My husband rubbed his chin. "I see. Tell the kids that they should avoid staying out until this late in the day."

I laughed. "Don't worry, I plan to."

He smiled. "Well, then, I won't distract you any longer."

"Bye!" I said, climbing upstairs. I felt several looks on me as I went up, but that was fine. Nobles could be very judgmental people. Unfortunately, my Hide appeared to be becoming one of those.


"Get in," I said as I opened the window of Hideo's room.

"Thanks, Mom! I'll be right out in a bit!"

"Okay. I'll try to think up some more excuses for why you and Ki are taking so long to appear," I said, waving.


As Hideo and Kiara got changed, I went over to grab his gift from the library. After that, I went to the kitchen and had the cake moved over to the dining room. The boys and I had done a rather good job with it. Now, hopefully, it tasted as good as it looked.

"Hey, Mom," Ki said as she snuck into the kitchen. She had changed into a pair of denim shorts and a black tank-top. Not the kind of clothes a noble like her should be wearing, but I had no regard for such things. Plus, I doubted Kiara would even listen to me if I forced her to dress 'fancy'.

"Hey, Ki. Is your brother done yet?" I asked as I sat down in a chair.

"Yeah. He's greeting the guests right now."

"Huh, he was a lot faster than I thought he would be." I smiled. "Hope he likes what I got him," I said, tapping the box in my hands.

"What is that?" Ki asked.

I smiled. "You'll see!"

Suddenly, the doors of the dining room swung open, and in came our various guests, plus my children and husband.

"Woah," Hideo said, staring at the three-story cake. "You made that?"

"Yup!" Sy said. "Dan and I did with the help of Mom!"

"I bet it's tasty too," Camila said as she averted her gaze.

I had wanted this to be a family-only occasion so that she wouldn't be so shy. Unfortunately, Hideaki's fellow nobles just had to catch wind of the news. They pressured him into having a big party for our son. Though, I could see why they felt one was needed. Like my sister said, the eighth birthday was one of the most important milestones in one's life. It was the half-way point toward being considered a legal adult.

I stood up and made my way over to Hideo and the others. "Here you go, son, your gift," I said, handing over the box.

Hideo took it and opened it rapidly. His eyes glistened as soon as he saw it. "It's a Gameshounen!" he yelled, lifting up the green handheld video game console I got him.

"Yup! I know that you've had your eyes on one for a while now, so I went ahead and got you a custom one."

My oldest son jumped up and hugged me. "Thanks, Mom!"

I patted his head. "You're welcome son. May you enjoy many more birthdays to come!"

**Solar Note: Thoughts on Hideo's birthday special? With this, each of the five knights has an a special focused on their families! Hope that you enjoyed them ^_^**

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