1 : Under Pressure

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I sat looking in the mirror at my reflection. How did it all go so wrong? How did I end up here in Hawkins? With both my parents leaving permanently and going their separate ways, my life back in Montana ceased to exist as I know it.

Thank goodness for my aunt Claudia, I don't know where I would be without her. Literally nowhere. But thanks to her I have a roof over my head and a warm place to sleep. I couldn't be more grateful. Not to mention, Dustin has always been my favorite cousin.

Hearing dustin scream from the living room pulled me from my thoughts. I quickly threw my mid-back length hair up in a pony tail and stuck my head out of the door to make sure everything was ok.

"Can I please check under your cushions?" I heard Dustin pleading. I laughed lightly to myself. A short while later I heard him in his room talking before hearing his door fly open.

"D" I half yelled as he ran past me. He turned quickly anxious to get going I could tell.

"What's wrong Bri?" He almost looked concerned. I slipped him a small handful of quarters and motioned my finger over my mouth to not tell anyone. A smile grew on his face before he gave me a small quick hug and took off quickly out the door.

I finished unpacking the rest of my stuff as well as packing my stuff for the first day of school. I wasn't ready for this. But I had to be


I stood a good distance away from my new school. I still wasn't sure if I was ready for what this new school, new classmates and new encounters would would bring. I took a deep breath and prepared myself for whatever I was about to walk into. I walked past a car with Nancy sitting in the front seat she smiled ever so slightly as I passed and returned the smile. I knew I wouldn't know many people here Nancy was one I've seen in passing.

When my parents left prior I would always come out to visit for a few days. Nancy was the sister of a kid Dustin spent a lot of time with. I've only had a few encounters with her but it was nice to see at least a familiar face. A body slamming into mine threw me back into reality as my bag hit the ground.

'Rude' I thought as I went to pick it up but another hand beat me to it.

"Thanks..." I trailed off.

"Billy" he smirked.

"Billy." I stated as he winked.

I rolled my eyes and walked past him quickly. I didn't have time for these games on my first day.

Most of the day went by uneventfully. I stopped at my locker and got the stuff I needed for the rest of the day.

'Another familiar face' I smiled to myself as I walked away from my locker. Jonathan didn't look 100% like himself as he approached me. He reached out and handed me a paper as he kept walking past.

I looked down at the bright orange paper that was now in my hand.

'Original' I thought to myself as I saw the words 'come get sheet faced' sprawled across the paper. A few more steps and I was met with Nancy.

"Did you see Jonathan?" She asked with worry in her voice.

"Yeah, whats up with him?" I questioned holding up the paper Jonathan had just shoved to me.

"Wish I knew," Nancy breathed. "Are you going?" She motioned to the paper.

"Why would I? I would know absolutely no one." I trailed off with sadness rising inside of me.

"You should, it'll be fun." The male standing next to Nancy stated.

"Oh my...I'm sorry. Brielle Steve, Steve Brielle." Nancy motioned between the two of us. "Brielle is the cousin of one of my brothers friends"

"Well, Brielle. You should still come." Steve smiled.

"Definitely, we'll be there and hopefully Jonathan." Nancy beamed.

"I'll think about it...enjoy math." I laughed starting to walk away.

"How did you...?" Nancy started as I flicked her math book walking past. Earning a laugh. Hopefully this meant I would have at least one sort of friend at this school.

I stopped and thought to myself for a moment then knew exactly what I had to do. I turned myself completely around and made my way in the opposite direction of my next class. I wandered till I found the room I was looking for. I walked through the door and right up to Jonathan's desk. I slammed the paper he had just handed me minutes ago on his desk leaving my hand on top of it.

"Nice try, Byers. You're going." I said turning away.

"Bri" he said quickly.

"You should really go, trust me." And with that I walked out of the room with the hope he would go to the party. He needed it, needed to get out and have some fun. I didn't know him very well but I knew him well enough that I knew he needed to have some fun.


Most of my time here in Hawkins has been fairly unexciting. With Halloween looming in the air I was hoping that it would change. Do I go to the party? Do I not go to the party? Was I even really invited? Who's party was it? Would I have anyone to talk to? Sure Nancy was friendly but would she even look my way at the party? I didn't know her well enough to know how this party would go. Could be a great time, could end up with me sitting in the corner by myself. High school. It sucked.

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