4 : Hard To Say I'm Sorry

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Walking into school the next day I had one mission, talk to Nancy and see if I could in any way figure out a way to get her and Steve back on good terms again. I kept my eyes open all day but multiple people told me she wasn't at school anymore. As I opened my locker to swap out books something fell to my feet. I squatted down to pick up the flower that had fallen to the floor. I looked around confused, seeing if the culprit was around. It was a gorgeous white flower, I didn't know what kind it was but I was in love with it. I smelled it slightly and realized there was a note attached to it.

'Thank you'

"That's it? That's all I get? What the heck?" I said to myself. I put the flower safely back in my locker and continued to my next class.

The day passed pretty uneventful until I ran into Steve in the hallway.

"Bri! I was looking for you." He looked serious.

"Is everything ok?"

"You tell me"

"what are you talking about?"

"Do you know where Nancy is?"

"No, I was looking for her too I've heard shes not here today"

"When was the last time you saw her?"

"Umm yesterday I think. Why? Is everything ok? Steve, you're scaring me."

"She's fine I...I was just told she left with...someone"


He looked at me with shock and hurt in his eyes. "Why would you say Jonathan?"

"Just...just because I saw them together yesterday and I know he took her home after the party."

"I'm an idiot, I'm such an idiot, I'm an idiot right?"

"No you're not an idiot. Things will work out just give it some time ok? Things will eventually all fall into place just take a breath, don't think about it and most importantly don't overthink about it"

"Thanks Bri, I'm glad we became friends."

"Me too, come here" I motioned my arms out for a hug. He wrapped his arms around me and held it for a little longer than I had originally thought.

"Your hair smells delicious, what kind of shampoo is that?"

"Get away from me" I laughed pushing him away from me slightly and out of the hug. I looked up just in time to see Billy pass us. He raised his eyebrows and gave me a look.

"Man, that dude does not like me" Steve laughing pulled me back to the conversation. I didn't feel like talking about it at the time.

"Because everyone loves you Steve, you're like a giant lovable...bear"

"Great, now I'm a animal" he laughed.

I rolled my eyes "I'm sure he doesn't hate you, threatened maybe."

"Bri, I think thats one thing you're wrong about"


I walked to my car after school and as I approached my eyes caught something on the windshield. The closer I got the more I could make out that it was more flowers, the same kind as before. Two of them sat on my windshield. I picked them up and checked all around where the flowers were placed.

'No note this time' I thought to myself.

I placed the other flower from my locker with the two that just came off the windshield and smiled at the flowers before getting in the car.

I had told Dustin I would pick him up from school that day so I decided to grab us a snack before going to wait for him outside the school. I figured a surprise snack after school would be a good way to not only say thank you for thinking of me with the candy on Halloween, but to also say I appreciate him and the way he opened his life to me without any hesitation.

I pulled up to the school and after parking my car decided to wait outside the car. After stepping out I realized I should have stayed in my car. I looked down the way and my eyes caught Billy's.

'At least he's not abandoning his sister today' I thought to myself.

I looked back up at him hesitantly. He waved me over slightly. I shook my head no and crossed my arms.

'Please' he mouthed to me.

I don't know why but I gave in. I slowly made may way towards him and stopped right in front of him.

"What?" I said trying not to add emotion to my voice.

"You're still mad at me?" He questioned lowering his eyes to mine.

"Yes, Billy, I'm mad. Not just because you left your little sister alone with no way home safe, but because I was right about you. You're a jerk. And I can't believe I actually thought there was a chance you were a decent guy and that you might like me, I can't believe I let myself believe there was a chance and you're just off running around with other girls. I'm so stupid. No. I'm the idiot, I'm the idiot that.."

"Whoa, whoa, whoa Brielle slow down" he slightly smirked.

I crossed my arms again lightly waiting for him to continue.

"So, you and Harrington, are you guys like together now?"

"No, why would you even say that? Again with Steve what do you have against him?"

"I saw that hug, I had to ask."

"Oh, because you just have to know all the gossip around Hawkins." I laughed under my breath.

"No, because I would be the idiot"

"You lost me Billy, I don't know what that means."

He opened his car door and pulled out a few more of the same flowers that were in my locker and on the windshield of my car.

"It was you?" I asked shocked. "So, what? Flowers are the way you try to give me mixed signals? Make me think there might be something here just to go with another girl again?"

"Flowers are just how I say I'm sorry. I'm sorry for being a jerk to you for being a jerk period."

"Oh..." I trailed off. Why did I seem so disappointed.

"Flowers are for saying I'm sorry." He handed me the rest of the flowers he was holding. "Now, chocolate," He started pulling out a package of M&M's "Chocolate is for saying you're the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. For saying that I like you, a lot. For saying that yeah I'm a jerk but I'm different when I'm around you. For saying you make me want to be a better person than I have been and for saying that I'm not afraid to tell you that I'm so into you it hurts and makes me do dumb things I've never done before. For asking for just a chance."

"Billy..." I started softly.

"You don't have to tell me no right away," he looked at me. " Take some time and think about it. I think we might actually have a chance at something good here but if..." He stopped when I reached my hand out and touched his cheek.

I looked into his eyes. I hope he wouldn't hate me for what I was about to do, I hope I didn't hate myself for what I was about to do.

"What?" He asked anxiously.

I tried to form my words, I couldn't. I ran my thumb across his cheek a few times before I pulled him to me and met his lips with mine. The kiss wasn't as aggressive as I thought it would be. It was sweet, gentle, caring. His arm around my waist made me feel safe, almost protected. I reluctantly pulled away anxious for his reaction.

His eyes had a look that I had never seen before and I couldn't put my finger on what it was.

"Was that ok?" I questioned my knees weak and my head dizzy.

"You're funny." He laughed breathlessly.

My stomach sunk, I'm an idiot I shouldn't have done that. I lowered my head and tried to put words together quickly to apologize. I felt Billy's hand under my chin bringing my eyes up to meet his.

"Baby girl, I've wanted you to do that from the minute I laid eyes on you." He smirked. I'll admit I was confused, what did this all mean?

"And I came over here to yell at you," I laughed.

"I like the way you yell at me" He smirked "Yell at me some more" he smiled motioning to his mouth.

I grabbed him by the shirt and brought him to me again. The genuine smile on his face before his lips touched mine melted me from the inside.

"I should get back to my car the kids should be out soon. Say hi to Max for me"

"Can I see you soon?" He looked at me hopeful.

"You know where I live," I smirked at him.

He raised his eyebrows and laughed a little. "Tonight?"

I shrugged and kept walking to my car. Everything in me kept screaming to myself to keep my eyes open, watch my back, and be wary.


There was a knock on my bedroom door. I opened it to Dustin. He didn't seem like himself, he seemed...nervous, anxious, upset.

"What's wrong D?" I asked quickly worried.

"I umm...I have to tell you something. I didn't want to tell you because I didn't want to get you involved but something happened and the only thing I can think of is that you're going to get involved and I'm really sorry and I wish this wasn't happening but I feel like you need to know...just in case."

"D, you're not making any sense, are you ok?"

"Yeah, yeah I mean for now I am..."

"What do you mean for now?"

"Well remember what happened to Will last year?"

"When he got lost in the woods? Yeah."

"Well...we need to talk and I need your help..."

I looked at him confused with wide eyes. "What is it D? You can tell me anything you know that."

And thats what he did. He told me. Everything.

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