9 : Sweet Dreams

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"Bri...what happened to my car?" Billy looked at me suspiciously.

"Well" I started.

"Brielle, my car, what happened?" he said a little more sternly.

"Well you see" I said nervously "it got a little bit...taken"

"Taken?" He questioned with wide eyes. "If you're here, who drove? If you say Harrington I..."

"No, no Steve wasn't driving. Umm...Max was"

"Max?" He raised an eyebrow. "Are we talking about the same Max?"

"Yes but I'd just like to point out that I never touched your car and the girl has driven before...in a parking lot"

"Bri, that's so dangerous" he lightly laughed.

"Everyone's fine" I started, my mind wandering to Steve. "Well for the most part you know, Steve" I said motioning to my face.

"Yeah...sorry about that"

I slightly smiled not knowing what to say

"Let's just walk, it's nice out. We can go to my house and get my car" I smiled making my way outside.

"So, what are you hungry for?" He asked reaching for my hand.

"I'm not really hungry anymore" I said honestly. The worry and panic were still in the back of my mind. I just wanted everyone home safe.

"Everything ok?" He seemed genuinely concerned.

"Yeah, it was just a long day" I was being honest. It had felt like the longest day that ever existed.

"Do you need me to drive? Or I can just walk you home" he said running his thumb along the back of my hand.

"I'll never be able to sleep" this realization hit me like a ton of bricks. I never should have left Dustin. Until I knew he was safe there was no way I was sleeping. "I have to wait for Dustin" was all I could muster up to say.

"Hey" he said fully turning to me. "If your worried, being out isn't going to help that at all. Maybe you should just go home to a comfortable place and try to relax"

"Maybe you're right" I said slightly shaking my head. "Will you stay with me, just for a little bit?" The words came out of my mouth before I even had the chance to think about them.

He nodded with a sympathetic smile on his face. As we slowly walked, hand in hand, my emotions started creeping up on me. Right now what I needed was a distraction and Billy seemed like the best distraction I could ask for.


We walked into the house into complete silence.

"My aunt must be asleep" I said looking back at Billy who was trailing behind me.

"Relax, I'll make you something to help" he placed both his hands on my arms and rubbed gently.

I was skeptical about that statement and apparently the look on my face showed it.

"Just trust me" he laughed wrapping his arms around my waist from behind and kissing my temple.

I smiled and squeezed him slightly before I sat on the couch for a minute or two. I couldn't relax so I decided to get up and change. I'd grown to hate the clothes I was wearing. I threw on the baggiest clothes I owned and made my way back to the kitchen to see what Billy was up to.

"What are you doing in here?" I laughed placing my hand on his back.

"I made you tea" he smiled turning towards me. He gave me a quick kiss and handed out a cup.

"Really, really good tea" I beamed after taking a sip.

"I'm good at some things" he smirked while cleaning up

"Good to know"

"Oh my god" he seemed surprised, and after everything that had just happened I was terrified that he sounded surprised.

"What, what happened?" I questioned anxiously, my fear tearing me apart.

"You are beautiful" he finally smiled.

"Are you trying to make fun of my clothes? Because I'm tired and it's been a long day and I just want to be comfortable and it's..."

"Hey" he cut me off "I was being serious. You're undeniably, breathtakingly beautiful"

I paused for a moment.

"Even like this?" I motioned to my current state.

"Especially like this" he smirked grabbing my hand and pulling me to him again. I wrapped my arms around his middle and felt him kiss the top of my head.

"Why are you like this?" I questioned without even thinking.

"What do you mean?" Neither of us moved.

I didn't want to offend him, but it was a question I was genuinely interested to know the answer to.

"You're so much different with me than well...anyone else. You're so kind, considerate, gentle. But then the whole thing with Steve tonight and how you are with Max I'm just...genuinely curious why you're so different with me"

I felt him sigh against me before opening his mouth to speak.

"Things are...complicated I guess. I almost got used to having to hold in everything I was feeling at home sometimes it just spills out. With you it was never complicated. I knew what I was feeling and I never held it back from you. Being with you is just easy"

"Complicated because of...your dad?"

"Among other things"

It was silent for a few minutes before either of us spoke again.

"It's easy being with you too" I finally said gripping him a little tighter.

It wasn't a lie. It's so easy being around Billy, that's what scared me. Part of me wanted to throw myself all in this, whatever we had. And the other part of me kept thinking about Steve, how caring and protective he was and how it could be really good.

Each of them had their good and bad points for being with them. It wasn't fair that it was all up to me to decide which one is worth taking the risk on. I was terrified of making the wrong decision.


I let Billy take my car to get home and figured we could switch later at some point. After he had left Dustin still wasn't home. He's really good at calling if he was going to stay the night somewhere other than home and at this point I was starting to get worried.

When I heard a car pull up I almost jumped out of my seat. I threw the front door open to see Dustin and Steve getting out of the car.

"Thank God" I yelled throwing my arms open for a running Dustin to jump into. "I was so worried, I'm so sorry, I'm a terrible cousin I shouldn't have left you. I'm so sorry" I was overjoyed to see them both.

"You're the best cousin ever, I'm the worst for getting you involved in the first place" he said looking up at me.

"You're the best cousin anyone could ever ask for, trust me I'm so glad you're safe" I smiled at him and kissed his head.

I turned to Steve who was keeping a distance but smiling at us.

"You going to come hug me or what" I laughed.

He ran over to me and hugged me with force.

"I'm so glad you're safe, I was terrified" I explained clutching onto him.

"I shouldn't have let you leave" he said softly squeezing me harder.

"Is everything ok?" I asked pulling away from him.

"I was just so worried about you" he explained, his hands on either side of my face.

"You were worried? Why do you think I'm not asleep?!" I laughed

"Everything's over now Bri" Dustin smiled brightly.

"You guys did it? You're  amazing" I gushed turning to Dustin.

"You look absolutely gorgeous by the way" Steve said pulling me to him and resting his arms around my waist from behind.

"There's no need to flatter me Harrington, you already know I like you" I laughed

"I'm serious. I've never found you more beautiful" he said slowly kissing my cheek.

"I'm gonna leave you two alone" Dustin gave us a look while walking away.

"I'm trying my best to be a good boy and not kiss you to be considerate since you're confused but I'm failing here sweetheart" Steve said with his forehead against the side of my head. I turned to look at him so we were forehead to forehead.

"I'm not going to stop you, maybe I want to be confused"

His smile grew wide on his face before he put a hand on either side of my face again and pulled me into a soft and gentle kiss.

"You confuse me in the best way possible Steve Harrington" I chuckled.

"I will be here to confuse you for as long as you let me" he said kissing the tip of my nose lightly. "You should sleep my darling" he stated taking both my hands with his.

"Yeah I probably should" I muttered. Before I could even think about what I was doing I pulled his hands with mine leading him to my bedroom.

"Bri," he started stopping at the doorway. "What are you doing?"

"We'll just sleep. I promise. I just don't want to be without you tonight. You know after everything"

"You're going to confuse yourself even more" he pointed out taking a step closer to me.

"I might be fine with that" I shrugged.

"Of course I will stay with you sweetheart" he said pulling me into a hug and kissing the top of my head.

I knocked lightly on Dustin's door whispering a good night.

I went to get settled in the bed and noticed Steve was on the floor.

"What are you doing?" I questioned with a laugh.

"Looking for a comfy spot"

"You're up here with me handsome, come on"

"Are you sure?" He asked stunned.

"Get up here, you goof" I laughed.

There was a sense of comfort that washed over me as Steve climbed into bed. I laid my body against his and I felt his arms wrap around my middle.

"Your bottom arm is going to fall asleep" I noted turning myself around to face him.

"I don't even slightly care" he laughed kissing my forehead.

I reached my hand into his hair and rubbed his head as he closed his eyes. This felt different than being here with Billy, I couldn't put my finger on how but it was definitely different. I should be all wrapped up in this amazing man who seemingly would try to comfort me in any way possible, but looking at his peaceful face and the injuries it had sustained brought up two very real reality jerking thoughts. Billy and Nancy.

Billy had told me he loved me, granted it was very fast and out of nowhere. Add to that the fact that he was just waking up from being basically drugged because he was fighting with Steve. But, for some strange reason I believed him and it felt real when he talked.

When Steve had woken up he called out for Nancy. Again he was just waking up and maybe it had no weight behind it at all. Mike and Nancy were siblings, it could be possible he thought mike actually looked like Nancy and he was confused to see her. I knew I couldn't talk to Dustin about it, or Nancy, or Jonathan, anyone for that matter. I was on my own with this and for the first time since being here in Hawkins I felt truly alone in something.

I felt Steve's breathing level out signaling he was fully asleep. I continued running my hands through his hair. I pressed a light kiss to his forehead before cuddling into him and drifting off into my own sleep.


When I woke up I was alone.

'Again' I thought to myself dragging myself out of bed.

I went to the kitchen looking for anything to eat, my hunger finally getting the best of me.

"Mom went out to run some errands she should be back soon" Dustin stated from the table.

"Sounds good" I yawned as a knock came from the front door. "Sit relax I got it" I waved Dustin down.

I opened the door to Billy with a smile on his face. "Billy?" I was confused again.

"Good morning baby girl, I brought you breakfast and your car" he said the smile never leaving his face.

"You did?" I asked shocked.

"Don't act so shocked sweetheart" he laughed giving me a quick kiss.

Just as I was going to ask him to come in the sight of Steve approaching the house brought both a sense of fear and excitement upon me. I was excited to see him but scared something might happen between the two of them again.

"What are you doing here, Harrington?" Billy asked in a stern voice.

"I brought breakfast" he smiled at me.

"She's already got breakfast" Billy smirked proudly. Steve looked between the two of us before Billy spoke again. "Thanks for stopping by though"

"Billy" I started.

"No it's ok" Steve smiled at me "As always, the decision is yours" he said holding out the food he brought. Billy chuckled which seemed to make Steve a little angry. "Something funny there, Hargrove?"

Billy half shook his head before he spoke.

"No, nothing at all" he said with another chuckle. I could see Steve's anger level rise.

"Come on man, it's not the time or place" Steve stated.

"Time or place for what exactly?" Billy looked at him questioningly.

Steve started lowly "I know you're just trying to get under my skin, but I'm not backing down" he inched his way closer to him.

"I'm not either and I would never do such a thing" Billy smirked again taking on a sarcastic tone. "We don't need to make this harder on her"

"Alright listen" Steve started as Dustin walked out the door. At this point the pair were too close for comfort.

"Guys, stop it. Bri you're gonna have to put an end to this. You're going to have to pick" Dustin looked at me seriously.

"You make it sound so easy D" I said sadly. My insides were tearing apart.

"New rule, one date each then she makes her decision. No cheating, no funny business and most importantly no hurting my cousin. You hurt her and I can make anything look like an accident" Dustin said sternly.

"Whoa" I was in shock.

"Was that...a threat?" Billy said in a joking matter.

"Dustin's taking charge, way to go buddy" Steve patted him on the back.

"How did this all start anyway?" Dustin asked confused

"They both brought breakfast" I shrugged.

"Wait, so there's an extra one then?" Dustin smiled holding his hand out.

If I could count on anyone it would be Dustin. He had grown to be my best friend, he always had my back. I couldn't help but think of his plan, could that actually even work though?

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