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As they pull up to the house, Jungkook notices some movement from the downstairs window.

It looks like maybe the curtain is suddenly closed, but the movement is so quick he can't be sure.

Before he can fully assess what he just saw, the front door is swung open and a smiling Taehyung is bounding down the front steps and across the yard.

Nothing but pure excitement radiates from his being as he approaches the passenger window, palms first, and presses his face to the window in order to finally see his friends after so long.

Only... this isn't Jimin's car he just slammed his body against.

Jungkook and Jimin, still seated in Jimin's car, stare at the scene unfolding in front of them feeling a mix of hilarity and disbelief.

Taehyung just ran full speed up to the side of a mini van (how he got Jimin's Four-Door Sedan confused with a minivan is inexplicable in itself) parked about seven meters in front of where Jimin and Jungkook are.

The smile on Taehyung's face slowly morphs into confusion as the passenger window rolls down, his eyes meeting with a horrified woman and an angry man peering around her from the driver's seat.

Nope, this is not Jimin and Jungkook. This is his neighbors; the Choi family.

To confirm this fact Taehyung takes a small step back, hands still on the car, to look through the back window.

He has to squint a bit but he is able to make out the twin girls buckled safely into the back seats of the vehicle with equally shocked faces.

For a second Taehyung makes an observation that the girls in this moment have never looked more like their mother, which is contrary to his long standing opinion that they are basically clones of their father, but that's not a pressing matter right now.

Jimin and Jungkook can no longer contain their laughter as they break into hysterics while stumbling their way out of the vehicle, Jimin not being able to stand up straight and Jungkook with tears streaming down his face.

Taehung on the other hand is mortified and has moved back to facing the open passenger window, apologizing profusely to his neighbors for scaring them by rambling on incoherently, trying to explain how and why this mistake was made as the couple simply stare at him with blank faces.

Finally, the discomfort of the occurrence seems to have reached its breaking point for the woman because she raises her small hand as a gesture for Taehyung to stop talking, offers him an uncomfortable smile before finally (without a single word uttered) rolling up the window as her husband pulls away from the curb.

Still shocked, Taehyung turns to his friends with strawberry red cheeks and wide eyes, but quickly breaks into laughter along with them.

Jimin finds his way over to Taehyung, taxing him with supporting his weight while he continues to be doubled over holding his stomach laughing loudly.

The laughing continues for a few minutes until a voice is heard from behind them.

Taehyung and Jimin are the first to notice the figure standing on Taehyung's porch and immediately share one of their telepathic looks before turning their attention to Jungkook, who is still coming down from his laughing fit.

It isn't until the person repeats themselves that Jungkook realizes someone is over his shoulder.

Wiping his eyes to rid them of the tears, he turns to look over his shoulder. Upon seeing the person his smile instantly drops.

"Tae? Did you hear me?" The question is repeated.

Peeling his eyes from where they had been fixed on Jungkook over to the porch with a satisfied smirk Taehyung replies, "Oh yeah, sorry. We're coming Hyung."

After registering that Jin had gone back into the house, Jungkook slowly turns his body back to where his two friends.

Eyes wide, mouth shutting and opening quickly as he struggles to find words to even begin to figure out what the hell just happened.

He didn't know what Jin was doing here and he didn't understand why he didn't get some kind of warning.

Judging by the looks on both Taehyung and Jimin's faces, Jin being here is a surprise to no one but himself.

All of his suppressed teen angst and insecurities come bubbling up all at once and he feels like he is going to be sick.

His hands are clenched into tight fists at his sides while his body is shaking due to the amount of emotions all hitting him at once.

He was about to open his mouth to ask his friends just how the fuck they could do this to him, but stops as a realization hits him.

"They don't know..." Jungkook whispers to himself as he blinks away the tears brimming in his eyes.

He can't be mad at his friends' betrayal, because they aren't even aware that they have done it.

They probably just remember Jungkook hanging around Taehyung's house whenever he knew Jin was there as well as him interjecting himself into many Kim family dinners and game nights just to have a chance to get closer to Jin.

They probably thought it would be fun to get him flustered like they usually try to do to each other.

No big deal in their minds.

If it was any other person from his past Jungkook would have been flustered but laughed it off quickly. Not this time. Not when it came to Jin. 

What they had observed as a boy with an admiration for the older was actually much different. Much stronger.

Jungkook was so deeply infatuated with him.

He didn't fully understand it at first and absolutely denied having a crush to anyone that commented on his admiration for the older being anything beyond just that, excusing it away as Jin sharing an interest with himself and wanting to learn more about it from him.

To Jimin and Taehyung, he was a lovesick kid who had an innocent little crush for an older guy.

For Jungkook however, Jin flipped his world upside down and left it in ruins for Jungkook to put back together.

All that work has just been undone.

Jungkook is brought back to the present situation when he heard Taehyung say with a feigned innocent smile, "Oh yeah, Jin-Hyung is here to help me get moved. You guys remember him right?"

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