Sleepover 🔥

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Jungkook's POV-

The sea of Christmas lights that make up the Seoul skyline are the only thing illuminating the dark apartment. It looks magical.

The three of us are laying in the middle of the living room, staring at the ceiling as the lights dance across it.

It's been over a year since the three of us were able to have a sleepover and even though there's no furniture, it has still been a perfect TaeJiKook venue.

We used to have sleepovers all throughout the year at different times, but we have had an annual sleepover every year since sixth grade on the last weekend before school started.

We tried to keep the tradition up after Tae moved, and he was able to come back to Busan for the weekend before Junior year, but it was kind of a hassle for him.

We didn't end up having it the summer before Senior year so we had a lot of time to make up for.

We did a lot of fun things tonight. We played the charades game I had played with Hoseok as well as a board game Jimin had brought, but we mostly talked.

We talked about what we think classes will be like, stories or rumors we had heard about different teachers, as well as went over our schedules and mapped out as best we could a place for us to meet at if we had time between classes and after school.

The three of us are in very different classes due to our differences in Majors, which kind of sucks.

Jimin is going to be a Visual and Performing Arts Major, Tae will be a Liberal Arts Major and I am going to be a Design and Applied Arts Major. Besides the general required classes, we don't have many opportunities for overlapping courses.

There's one more tradition involving all three of us that is a favorite. Getting drunk.

I don't condone underage drinking, there are plenty of other things we could have done to have fun, but we were and are idiots. So we did it anyway.

We ended up having some a few bottles of wine, per Tae's request, delivered earlier and drank a pretty good amount of it. Jimin always sneaks sips though and ends up drunk and passed out first.

He's pretty close now. In fact any minute I'd say-

"Hooooly jeeze you guys. School starts in nine and a quarter hours! What the f-fuck?!"

Yep, he's gone.

"Are you like, excited or nervous or scared or ready to go to parties or to study for tests or to fail tests so you have to flirt with your professor to raise your grade ooor-"

"Chim, I think it's time you lay down on Jungkookie's bed for a while so you can sober up." Tae chuckles while helping Jimin off the floor.

"But I'm so- not even tired. I can still hang out and go to the store with you to make the rice for dinner."

"We didn't even say anything about the store. Or rice. You get some rest and I'll get a car requested." He laughs while he basically carries Jimin to my room, tucking him into bed before tip toeing out of the room and shutting the door behind him.

I have been following behind at a little bit of a distance to make sure Jimin makes into my room. Tae stays by my door to listen for snoring.

Once he hears the soft sound he gives me an excited smile as he walks back towards me.

When he is in front of me I run my hands up his sides, fingers grazing his skin softly as I lift his shirt over his head to reveal his beautiful slightly golden skin.

I slide my finger tips over his chest and swirl my thumbs over and around his nipples. He sighs in satisfaction as he watches my hands run over his body before he steps towards me, putting his arm around my waist while his other hand cups my cheek.

He pulls me as close as he can and gives me a short but lustful kiss before pulling back.

We stare at each other like the other's a meal we've been craving for as he says, hot breath fanning my lips "I missed this Koo" before we reconnect our lips for a much more rough kiss.

He nibbles my bottom lip and I gladly part my lips to let his tongue massage mine.

This is another activity, a tradition, that's become synonymous with the first weekend before school starts.

Jimin doesn't know about this one.

It's been Tae and I's secret since Sophomore year started.

*Flashback- Beginning of Sophomore Year Sleepover*

There's always someone in a friend group that notoriously passes out first when they get drunk.

For us, that person is Jimin.

Tae and I are the more nocturnal friends in our little trio naturally. We don't sleep as easily as he does when sober and have the same trouble when we're tipsy too.

This sleepover was going the same as always, we weren't tired because we hadn't had more than a few sips of one of the Soju Jimin stole from his fridge at home, but Jimin drank most of the alcohol he'd brought and passed out long ago.

Tae and I started talking and when we're tipsy like this, just the two of us, our talks can get serious. It's usually the case when we're stone cold sober as well.

Contrary to most people's impressions of him, Tae has a very complex way of thinking and enjoys deep conversations. You just have to be interested enough to engage him in one.

At one point we were talking about our crushes and I told him that I was really unsure because I didn't know who I should like.

With much hesitation I told him I was having trouble choosing between two people.

That I didn't know if I should go along with most of the other boys in school and say I liked Joy, the effortlessly pretty, over achieving Junior, or tell the truth and admit that I liked the mysterious, hot senior, Woozi.

I thought Tae would judge me for liking a boy but instead he said that he was having that problem as well. He couldn't pick just one crush, one of his candidates also being a boy.

Then that brought us to talking about how we even knew if we liked boys. We had both kissed girls before and I thought it was okay, nothing special, but neither of us had kissed a boy before.

I guess I had technically kissed Jin, but I didn't really consider it to be anything besides an awful, embarrassing experience as a whole.

I couldn't even recall how it felt really because I didn't have time to think about the kiss afterwards. Only the emotional trauma.

So when Tae made the comment that there was no way to compare one to the other if you haven't experienced both, I agreed with him.

I didn't have a comparable kiss with a boy to use to determine if it was better or fell short of the ones I'd had with girls.

He suggested that we could be each other's first boy kiss.

"For research purposes" as he put it, and I wanted it. I wanted a real kiss.

"Okay." I agreed, blushing wildly and he nearly jumped for joy.

We sat side by side on the couch awkwardly at first. I didn't really know how to start, but Tae has always been a bit more forward in situations than me so thankfully he took the lead.

He turned in his seat and moved to straddle my lap, one leg on either side of mine.

As I looked at my gorgeous (at the time half pink and half blonde haired) friend I realized just how much I wanted to kiss him.

Our breathing started to pick up at the close proximity and the complete look of want as we stared into each other's eyes.

I started running my hands up his thighs and around his back, digging my nails in a little while Tae brought both hands to grasp my shoulders.

I watched as his eyes moved to stare at my lips before mine drifted down to his. I watched closely as his tongue glided across his bottom lip, leaving an enticing sheen across it.

That was the last straw for me. I couldn't take the anticipation anymore so I leaned in, slotting my lips with his.

The kiss felt amazing. Much different from any other kiss I'd had before. We moved our lips together as if it wasn't the first time we've done this with each other. It felt so natural.

In that moment no other kiss I'd experienced felt like it had even happened. They paled in comparison to this.

Right then I declared Tae as being my first kiss.

What was even more surprising though was that just us kissing was getting me so turned on. I had never felt this sort of physical reaction to someone before.

He must have felt it too as he started moving his hips down into mine and I start moving mine to meet his.

He gasped at the movement of my hips colliding with his and I took the opportunity to meet my tongue with his.

Our kissing quickened it's pace, tongues exploring every inch of each others mouths, all the while letting out quiet moans of satisfaction as we continued to grind together at a satisfying pace.

This went on for quite a few minutes before the grinding stopped being enough. Impatience apparently makes me more bold, because I reached down to undo his belt along with the button on his pants to reach in and get my hand around his hardening dick without much hesitation.

I ran my thumb over the tip, feeling the wet pre-cum there. I grinned proudly when he pulled away from the kiss and I was able to see him close his eyes at my touch while letting out a satisfied whine that was for my ears only.

I started moving my hand slowly and he tilted his head back at the sensation. Seeing his newly exposed neck was far too tempting so I started kissing and sucking his neck while slowly stroking him.

He started trying to buck his hips so that he could move faster in my hand but I continued to stroke slowly. I was having fun teasing him. He was so attractive and his moans were so erotic and beautiful sounding.

Suddenly Tae flipped us so I was on my back and he hovered over me as he palmed me through my pants and asked, looking up at me with heavy lids, "Are you sure you want this Koo?"

I nodded my head eagerly. "Please."

It came out as a desperate plea and he obliged.

Our hormones had carried us much further than we had planned but we had no desire to slow our actions.

He pulled my pants and underwear down quickly and my fully hard dick sprang out of my restrictive underwear.

He took it by the base and brought the tip to his lips. He blew a light stream of air on the head and the sudden cold sensation caused me to immediately arch my back.

He then swirled his tongue over my tip before closing his lips around it to give it a few hard sucks. It was heavenly but I wanted more.

As if hearing my thoughts he did just that and brought his mouth about half way down my shaft while his hand was pumping up and down in unison with his mouth at an excruciatingly slow pace. Fuck he is good at this. How is he so good at this.

When he put me deeper inside his mouth I had to take a big gasp of air in as he started sucking enthusiastically.

It didn't take too long for me to signal to him that I was about to cum and tried to push him off me so he wouldn't have to swallow but he stayed put.

I came and he swallowed it all and gave a few more sucks before completely licking me clean.

When I came back to my senses I realized Tae was placing sloppy kisses up my abdomen towards my chest.

Completely overtaken by lust I pushed his shoulders so he was in a kneeling position on  the couch before directing him to sit down with both his feet on the ground.

He helped me remove his pants and underwear from him and I spread his legs a bit so I could kneel between them as I proceeded to treat him just as nicely as he treated me.

That night we decided we both liked boys. More specifically, the boy in front of us.

Tae came to the conclusion later that girls aren't that bad to sleep with either, so for him it depends on if he "vibes" with the person or not.

No girls for me though. Not in a romantic or physical way at least.

*Present Time- Sleepover*

Tae and I lay on the couch, me on my back and him with his head on my chest.

We've both gotten cleaned up, have our underwear on and are extremely tired.

Who knew that a year or so off would have so much pent up excitation for us to take out on each other. But we still aren't ready for a relationship... right?

"Tae?" I say in a soft voice.

"Hmm?" He hums in response.

"Has anything changed?" I ask slowly.

He doesn't even need to ask what I'm referring to before he answers back. "We're still best friends Koo. It'll be the same as it was before."

He flashes me a supposedly reassuring smile up at me, but I notice that the sentiment doesn't quite make it to his eyes.

I decide to ignore that as well as the slightly disappointed feeling that's come on. It's for the best anyway, so I nod with a smile in return.

Tae reaches over for his phone that's on the ground to look at the time. It is well past midnight and he opens his mouth to say something, I'm sure regarding how much time we just spent on this couch, as his phone vibrates.

"I better get Chim up. I just got a text that our ride will be here soon."

"Ok, let's find your clothes shall we?" I say with a mischievous grin as I sit up.

"If you weren't so eager to undress me this wouldn't be such a difficult task to complete." He grumbles as he climbs over me to get on his feet before he reaches his hand over to help me up.

"Oh Taetae, you have no idea how much I love to rip your clothes off of you. Just be glad they're not in shreds. Oh, and you're lucky I didn't punish you more for what you tried to pull earlier with Jimin! You always try to start shit between us." I whisper yell to him, only half teasing now.

I pull on my sweatpants that were on the ground by the couch before grabbing the shirt that was bunched on the floor before I move to step around him to go to the kitchen for a bottle of water.

"But I like your punishments." I hear him say lowly as I pass by him.

It was enough to make me want to throw him on the counter and repeat our night all over again, but I force myself to continue on to my room with the bottle in hand to wake Jimin up while Tae finishes scavenging for the rest of his outfit.

When I open the door I am surprised to see Jimin sitting up, swaying back and forth slightly as he rubs his eyes.

"Hey Jimin-ssi, I'm glad to see you up and at 'em!" I say a little too loudly, knowing he won't like it.

"For fuck sakes, why are you yelling?! And is that water for me?"

I nod and hand it over to him.

"My head is killing me. You know tipsy me likes to steal extra sips. Why didn't you watch me closer? You could have prevented me from feeling like this." Jimin scolds as I feel someone come up behind me.

Tae steps around me into the room and walks to Jimin.

"Okay Chim, the car should be in front waiting for us by the time we get down to the lobby so let's get a move on." He says, hoisting Jimin up off the bed.

Jimin seems to be able to walk on his own much easier than he could earlier. He still has to lean on Tae, but at least he's a little more sure footed.

Normally Tae and Jimin would have slept over the whole night, but this time we opted for more of a half sleepover.

I walk them to the door and give a short "See you tomorrow" as I yawn.

After I shut and locked the door I go right back to my room.

My head isn't pounding as of now, I actually feel pretty okay. I'll probably have a headache tomorrow, but it'll most likely be manageable.

Jimin on the other hand... he's going to have another rough first day of school.

Now that I think about it, Jimin has his own tradition Tae and I don't usually share with him. Starting the school year hungover and annoyed.

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