Wake Up

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Jungkook's POV-


This is it.

This is the moment.

This is the confirmation I've been waiting for that everything has just been an extremely vivid lucid dream.

Any second now my mom will walk in my room, telling me to get up because Jimin is on his way so we can leave Busan and head to Daegu to pick up Tae on our way to Seoul. I just need to wait this out. Yeah. It's fine. I'll be fine.

I try to relax my muscles and stay completely still despite being eager for my mother's wake up call. I start to hear distant noises, I think it's people talking, but they don't sound normal. Slowly the words become more clear though.


It still sounds a bit strange.

"Please .... up."

I can't fully make out the words, but I can tell the voice is deep. I appreciate the kindness in the tone, they sound much nicer than I expect my mother would. Who is this man in my house?

"Koo? Please..." I hear the plea a little more clearly this time while a slight weight is gently placed on my left arm.

This time I can make out the words. Tae. This is my sweet Tae. That is his name and his alone for me.

Feeling my lips tug up at the corners I slowly try to open my eyes, feeling so relieved to be awoken from that hellish nightmare.

Without lifting my head I peek through my lashes to my side and see a mop of blue hair rested there.

I can feel his soft cheek against my forearm and the slight dampness. Knowing Tae, it's from tears. He is our emotional tiger after all. But, why is he sad?

"Blue looks good on you." I mumble, not realizing my throat is so sore until trying to speak.

"Thanks Koo," he whispers absentmindedly before snapping his head up to look at me. Then the real tears come as he begins sobbing loudly and attempting to climb onto the bed to lay next to me. Well, more like on me.

I move my hands to grip the sheets to help me slide over a bit to make room for him, my eyes blurry and still barely open.

"You were passed out for so long. I didn't know what to do. There was nothing I could do. It was awful!" He continues to cry out. "I just... we broke you, Koo. We broke you from the minute I told Chim about Jin-Hyung and we-"

As soon as that name left his lips I couldn't hear anything else he said.

How would he know about my dream? I haven't spoken about Jin to him in years.

Oh no. Please no.

I open my eyes fully now, staring towards the  ceiling blinking rapidly to clear my vision. Once they are able to focus I try to look at my surroundings to see that I'm in a room I don't recognize.

There are posters and pictures stuck to the wall I've never seen before and a desk covered in papers and textbooks. Textbooks? Shit, I think this is a dorm.

It looks like the rooms from the brochures. A dorm room like mine, but this isn't mine.

If we are at the college that would mean Jimin already picked me up. Tae is here so we must have also stopped in Daegu. And he said he told Jimin about Jin... My heart drops as I piece the puzzle together. Today happened. It was real.

"Where are we?" I force out, flinching at the pain that shoots through my vocal chords.

"This is Chim's cousin's room. We brought you in here after you passed out." He says as he tries to dry his cheeks with my sleeve, "We were so scared. You were laughing like a maniac and then I think that made you hyperventilate because you started gasping for air before dropping to the ground."

All I could do was lay there, now even more confused. I don't remember there being anything to laugh at. The last thing I remember is hearing about a building on fire. That's not funny.

Just then the door opened slowly and I saw Jimin peak in, immediately throwing open the door when our eyes meet and barely stepping foot on the carpet as he basically dives onto the bad. Luckily most of his weight landed on Tae. Not that Jimin weighs much anyway.

I reach my right hand across my body to pat his arm to reassure him that I'm ok, knowing full well I'm not. Nothing that has happened today is ok.

"We were so worried!" He sniffles buries his head further into the blanket as he repeats over and over. "I'm so sorry."

I give his arm another pat as I lean my head against Tae's. I can't bring myself to say anything. I'm too exhausted.

I don't want to think anymore. To sit and analyze my life anymore. I can do that tomorrow but right now all I need is a hot shower and a good nights sleep.

A quiet knock is heard above the sound of my friends' sniffling. The three of us look over at the door and wait for it to open, but it doesn't.

We don't really know what to do. It's not even our room. We all take turns looking at each other, when another knock is heard.

Jimin slowly rolls off of Tae and tiptoes his way to the door. He opens it enough to see who is standing there before opening it fully, revealing Chanyeol.

"This is your room." Jimin stares up at him, brows furrowed. "Why didn't you just come in? Was the door locked?"

"I didn't want to interrupt anything..."

"Hyung don't be weird." Jimin says giving Chanyeol's arm a light smack.

"Wow, that just gave me major Déjà Vu. I never thought I'd be so happy to hear you say that Jimin-ssi." Chanyeol smiles back before turning his attention me.

"I brought you some water," he says raising the bottle I hadn't noticed he was carrying a little while stepping towards the bed holding it out to me.

I take the bottle and give a small nod as a thank you, still remembering how badly my throat hurt a minute ago when I tried to speak. Water will hopefully help soothe my throat so I can thank him properly.

I remove the lid and bring the bottle up to my lips and start gulping it down greedily as I hear Chanyeol clear his throat, drawing my attention back to him.

"I have some good news." He smiles proudly as he looks between the three of us. "I believe I know of a place for you to stay."

Oh yes. That's why we were talking about a building on fire. I no longer have a room because of it.

How is it that my room isn't mine anymore? It was paid for. How can it just be given away?

"I already paid the fees for that room. How can someone just take it?"

"You did make the payment, but unfortunately you hadn't signed the official contract yet..."

"Yeah, that's what I was supposed to do today. In fact it might have been you I was supposed to talk to in order to complete that last step." I say with a frown, my voice still coming out barely above a whisper.

"Truthfully, there wasn't anything I could do. The School Board held an emergency meeting along with a few other staff members after the fire and they went through nearly every student's file that would be staying in any dorms on the campus.

"They ruled out those that had housing included in their scholarships, then they took in a few other factors to get the students affected rehoused. Earlier in the week they started looking at the still empty rooms in this building floor by floor.

"It would have been fairly simple to argue that with your room specifically it was currently empty, yes, but you had already paid up front and all that was left was to finish the paperwork... but then it got more complicated." He trailed off a little before continuing.

"One of the students effected by the fire was the son of a member of the board. Apparently he has close friends that live not just in this building but on this floor as well. I'm not sure how the guy did it but he found out the room was empty, spoke with his father and told him he wanted it.

"His dad used the contract not being signed as the reason it qualified as an available dorm, but I think that was a bullshit excuse. I'm sure they wouldn't have even looked at your room if his son hadn't said anything."

I glared at the wall behind him as I mulled over what he has said.

"So what about his money? It's not like he broke the lease since there was technically no lease to break. I can't imagine they'll be keeping it all will they?" Tae asks, voice full of concern.

Tae knows how hard I worked to be able to afford that room. We had spent countless nights on the phone with me telling him about the various odd jobs I took in order to save up money.

I was able to get a pretty good scholarship, but it didn't cover room and board. And considering the surrounding areas from the campus were mostly snooty high rise apartment complexes, a dorm was the cheapest option within a reasonable distance. I worked my fucking ass off to be able to pay for the whole semester up front.

"Yes. You should be able to go to the finance office next week and pick up a check." Chanyeol nodded shortly.

I still couldn't bring myself to meet eyes with Chanyeol. He sounded quite annoyed, even mad when he was talking about that asshole that took my room.

From what he's just said it sounded like he tried to push back and keep it from happening, but I need someone to be mad at right now.

"Did you hear what I said though?" Chanyeol asked with a small smile, now gaining my attention.

Meeting his eyes with mine and seeing the obvious rage they still held, Chanyeol's smile drops before he's rushing to remind me of what he's referring to.

"I know a place, a much better place and it's yours if you want it." He says before letting out a small breath. "It's not far from campus and I can give you the details if you'd like or I can get you in direct contact with my friend who is the owner."

You know what they say, if it sounds too good to be true, it usually is.

"What's the catch?" I ask skeptically.

"Well, it's not really a catch per say, but as of right now it would be a short term situation. He recently purchased the place and before he could move in he had to leave town, so he's looking for someone to be there to keep an eye on it and let the movers in when they come and what not.

"It would be for a week or so which should give you time to possibly get another dorm or something lined up. Or, and I'm not guaranteeing anything, but if you did need more time I am fairly confident I can talk him into extending your stay a bit." He smiles a little wider, dimples reappearing.

I'm close, but I'm still not quite sold.

"And he is fine to let someone he's never met live in his brand new place?"

"He told me to find someone. He trusts my judge of character. Plus, with the things Jimin has told me about you, I don't think I could find a more suitable person to do this. Plus it will solve your housing situation."

I stare at him while chewing my bottom lip. If he knew just how shitty my day has been he would understand why I am so skeptical of something seemingly good coming up.

After a few more moments of thought and looking around at the hopeful faces in the room, I nod my head in agreement.

"Great!" Chanyeol exclaims. "Honestly you're doing me a huge favor. I've been scrambling to find someone to replace my other friend, Baekhyun, who was going to do it but had to back out." He says before turning to Jimin clapping his hands.

"Okay, since pretty much all of your stuff is ready to go, you guys sit tight while I make a quick call and then we can head to the elevator and get going."

"NO!" The three of us yell at once.

Chanyeol looks back at us eyebrows raised in surprise at the outburst.

"It's not that much, let's just take the stairs. Plus we'll be walking down instead of up so it won't be as bad." Tae says with a tight smile.

Tae really hated that elevator.

"Awe, so it's having one of it's bad days when it feels like a carnival ride huh? Okay no elevator then. Just hang tight for a few minutes." He says over his shoulder while opening the door and walking out into the hall.

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