I Found You!

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"Yeah, he's really great." Bucky listens through Robin's ears as he eavesdrops on Georgia's conversation with Ace.

"He definitely seems like it, considering he got you Belle." Ace says, looking over at the golden retriever puppy. She and Koda were playing keep-away, snatching a squeaky ball from each other.

"How's Robin?" Georgia asks. Ace looks back at the girl.

"We're trying to figure it out without making it obvious." She admits. She doesn't spot the puppies until Koda lands in her lap. Ace jumps, falling off the bench into the grass. She laughs as both Belle and Koda attack her playfully.

"Oh, so that's how it's gonna be." Ace shifts into a collie and starts playing with the puppies.

Bucky smiles behind his screen.

"I found you."

~~ ~~ ~~

"Ugh, we start school Monday." Ace scribbles down the last word on her project.

"At least we have that game on Friday. Look out, Eagles, because here we come!" Peter says enthusiastically. Ace laughs and pecks his cheek.

"I've got to go. I'll see you tomorrow."

"Oh, wait. Before you go, I have something for you." Peter takes Ace's hands and places them over her eyes. "No peeking before I say so. And no super-hearing."

"Okay, okay." Ace laughs. She hears Peter run off into the other room. She waits a full minute until she hears his voice in front of her.

"Look down." When Ace peels back her fingers, the first thing she sees is a heart balloon. Ace looks down. A German shepherd puppy stood before her, and barks excitedly upon seeing her face.

"Oh my gosh, he's so cute!" Ace picks up the puppy immediately. Peter smiles.

"I wasn't sure on a name, so I left it for you to decide." Peter says.

"Hmm. How about...Radar? That was the name of my first dog." Ace says. The puppy barks. Ace smiles and looks at Peter. Setting Radar down, she hugs him. "Thank you, Peter. I love you." 

"I love you, Ace."

~~ ~~ ~~

"Radar, could you grab that wrench?" Radar trots to Ace, wrench in mouth, and places it in her outstretched hand. Ace tightens the bolt and sits up, wiping sweat off her forehead. "How's that?"

Axl stretches his leg, then barks. Ace smiles. "Good. I thinks that's it for tonight. We'll have a practice run tomorrow. Get some rest." Axl joins his brother on the charging platform. Both robots could now function for several hours before having to recharge. All Ace had left was to get their power supplies to last longer, and any other kinks they might have. Other than that, Axl and Max were almost complete.

Ace shuts the lights off and leaves the dog robots in the lab. Yawning, she makes her way upstairs. It was only 9:00 on Saturday morning, but Ace had stayed up all night working on Axl. His leg had kept circuiting out, and the robot couldn't walk anywhere. Ace had finally figured out what was wrong and had fixed it. Now, she just wants a nice shower and some sleep.

Upon reaching her room, Ace flops on her bed. Radar jumps up next to her and lies down with a sigh.

"Some days aren't long enough." Ace says. Radar barks in agreement as sunlight fills the room. Ace closes her eyes as warmth spreads through her body.

~~ ~~ ~~

Barking reaches Ace's ears. She groggily opens her eyes. Radar stood on her stomach, tail wagging. Ace realizes that Radar held her phone, which he drops onto her chest.

"An alert?" Radar barks. "A text? From who?" Another bark. "Robin?" Ace sits up, opening her phone.

Robin: Found a cool shop to show u. Meet on 10th in 15. Peter and Shawn coming 2.

Ace looks at Radar.

"Guess I'm going shopping."

~~ ~~ ~~ 

"Robin?" Ace calls, looking around. She jumps as hands grab her shoulders. "Aah!"

"Your face!" Ace turns to find Robin dying of laughter.

"Don't do that! You know I hate that." Ace looks around. "Where's Peter and Shawn?"

"They're on their way. Come on, it's this way." Ace follows Robin. At first, Ace kept an eye out for anything sketchy, but after a while, she stops looking.

'It's just Robin. Pretty sure I can handle her.' Ace thinks. Robin randomly turns into an alley. "Robin?"

"It's down here. Come on." Ace walks after her, watching every movement in the alley.

"Robin, are you sure..." Hands grab her and a cloth is clasped over her mouth and nose. She immediately starts shifting into a battle form, but darkness envelopes Ace. The last thing Ace sees is Robin staring at her, stone-faced.

~~ ~~ ~~

'Ace! No!' Robin wants to scream, but she couldn't. The man who controlled her stood over the partially-transformed girl. Robin figures that Ace fell unconscious before her body could completely transform. Large dark wings limply stretch over Ace. Robin couldn't see any other obvious change, but Ace's insides could've already transformed as well. Bucky looks over at Robin.

"You're no longer needed." Robin's world tips and she passes out.

~~ ~~ ~~

Peter looks around. It was 30 minutes after the time Shawn and Peter were supposed to meet Robin and Ace.

"Maybe they got held up?" Shawn suggests.

"Robin's rarely late to anything. Something's up." Peter says. A moment later, Robin stumbles around the corner.

"Robin!" Shawn catches her as her legs give out. He eases Robin onto a bench. Peter crouches next to her.

"You okay?" 

"He's got her." Robin says, tears in her eyes.

"Who's got what?" Shawn asks.

"He does. The man that controlled me. He's got Ace." 

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