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This is our very first work. It's still in progress and we'll try to update as soon as possible. If you have any suggestions for things you want to see in the story, let us know. Below are the characters in the story. Have fun reading our story! 

- A & E

Acelia Rogers (Ace)

Gender: female 

Hair: dark brown, red highlights 

Eyes: dark blue 

Height: 5'3

Age: 16 

Parents: James and Clara Anders (deceased), Steve Rogers  

Relationship to the Avengers: legal daughter of Steve Rogers, youngest Avenger 

Personality: kind, friendly, brave, loyal 

Clothing: shirts (especially Steve's) shorts, barefoot/tennis shoes, hoodies 

Hobbies: going on missions, stealing Steve's shirts, hacking to annoy Tony, reading, drawing, pulling pranks with/on Clint, training with Nat 

Favorite Weapon: gun (specifically a sniper rifle) 

Secret Identity: the Shifter 

Abilities: shifts into any animal (existent, existinct, or mythical), can change the color and size of her transformation, can communicate with animals, can sense when other superheros are near (doesn't know about this power though) 

Favorite Forms: dragon, griffin, panther 

Suit: dark grey with lighter accents, nano-tech, contained in an arrow necklace she wears, symbol on sleeve, eye mask

Robin Fareway 

Gender: female 

Hair: light brown, red and blonde highlights 

Eyes: green, blue flecks 

Height: 5'3 

Age: 16 

Parents: Isaac and Terry Fareway (rich, always gone) 

Relationship to the Avengers: knows some of them, allowed into the Tower if with Ace 

Personality: friendly, social, kind, outgoing, funny, can be a major blonde sometimes 

Clothing: shirts, jeans/sweat pants, boots/tennis shoes, hoodies 

Hobbies: drawing, singing, hanging with friends, great with cameras 

Note: There are more OCs in this story, but Acelia and Robin are the mains. If you have any questions as to how an OC looks, just let us know. 

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