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Homecoming was in three days and Acelia wasn't looking forward to it. Sure, she wanted to hang out with Robin, but she has to wear a dress. It's not like Ace hates dresses, but she just didn't like how women were always trying to make her wear one. It gets annoying when people try to shove you down a dress's throat. The only person that could get her to wear a dress without complaint was Steve.

Sighing, Ace opens her locker. She catches a note as it falls out of her locker. The front says: Acelia Rogers. Confused, she opens it. Inside, the note reads:


Roses are red,

Violets are blue.

Homecoming sounds fun,

But only with you.

Go with me?


Ace smiles at the note. She heads into homeroom looking forward to homecoming more than ever.

~~ ~~ ~~

"You knew, didn't you?" Robin holds up her hands in defense.

"Okay, maybe I did." Ace smiles at the girl's response.

"Thanks for helping me get ready." Robin nods.

"Anything for you, girlfriend." Robin says. A shadow passes over the two. Robin looks up to see Flash.

"Hey, Acelia. I was wondering...would you go to homecoming with me?" Robin looks over at the girl. Ace seemed surprisingly chill, not surprised by the question.

"Flash, I would love to, but...I'm already going with someone." Ace says calmly. Flash, on the other hand, was starting to turn red.

"Hey, Flash, let's talk outside." Robin quickly pulls the boy outside the room. "Hey, calm down." 

"I am calm. I'm totally calm." Flash was the opposite of calm. Robin places a hand on his.

"Flash, you don't need Ace to go to homecoming. You're one of the most popular guys in school, and I know of several girls who would love to go with you." Flash takes a breath.

"You're right. Thanks, Robin." Robin hugs Flash, who rests his chin on her shoulder. Just then, Shawn rounds the corner. Robin had her back turned to him, but Shawn knew that figure anywhere. Flash spots the boy, then smirks at him. Shawn turns red, then runs out.

~~ ~~ ~~

"Have you seen Shawn at all today?" Ace asks.

"No, haven't seen him." Robin says. She and Ace were walking home after school.

"That's weird. Oh, what did you and Flash talk about this morning?" Ace turns to the girl.

"I was just telling him that he could ask any other girl and she'd go with him. He agreed, then we hugged." Ace gasps.

"You hugged?" Robin tilts her head in confusion.

"Yeah, why?"

"Are you sure Shawn wasn't there when you were talking?" Robin thinks for a second.

"Not that I know of. Why, is something wrong...?" Ace was already gone, barreling toward Central Park.

~~ ~~ ~~

"Shawn? Shawn, are you up there?" Ace looks up into the tallest tree in Central Park. There was no reply. Sighing, she begins to climb. She passes the carving that claimed the tree as Ace and Shawn's. The initials AR and SM were engraved in the first spot Shawn and Ace had liked. Farther up was their newest spot. Ace could hear sniffling as she neared the spot.

"Shawn?" Ace pokes her head through the leaves. Shawn sat on a branch next to her. He turns his bloodshot eyes toward her.

"Hi, Ace." Ace climbs up.

"What's wrong? Tell me please." Shawn sighs.

"Flash asked Robin to homecoming." 

"Are you sure?" Shawn nods.

"I...I saw them hugging this morning."

"Shawn, Flash never asked her. Robin was calming him down from asking me." Shawn looks at Ace. She begins to explain what happened and what Shawn saw. When she finished, Shawn nods.

"Thanks for telling me, Ace. I don't know what I'd do without you." Ace leans over.

"Now go get your girl, tiger. I know you can do it." 

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