Movie Night?

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"Why don't we all just head to the Tower and watch a movie? Tony's got some great speakers." Ace says. She and the group were trying to figure out what to do on the Friday night. Finally, they would have no school for the entire next week. Thank the Lord for Teacher's Convention. All the teachers were heading to Ohio for the week and won't come back until next Saturday. The entire school loved the free week.

"Sure, why not?" Robin says. The others agree. Suddenly, bot Ace's and Peter's phones light up. There was a situation on 5th and Brooklyn. The two look at each other in question. Robin sighs.

"For Pete's sake, just go! You can help each other!" The run off, but Ace doubles back.

"I'll text you when to start heading toward the Tower." Ace disappears once more. Robin turns to Ned, Georgia, Alyssa, and Shawn.

"Library anyone?" As they walk toward to school library, Michelle catches them.

"Hey, guys! Wait up!" Robin spots Seth following her. "I wanted to introduce you to Seth. Seth, this is Robin, Georgia, Ned, Alyssa, and Shawn." The boy smiles.

"Hey there." Michelle looks around.

"Where's Peter and Ace?" Robin coughs.

"They had a...thing they had to go do. They're meeting us at the Tower for a movie night. We're going to the library until Ace gives us the go-ahead. Wanna join?" Robin explains. Michelle looks at Seth, who nods.


~~ ~~ ~~


"No, it's Shawn!"

"Why would Shawn have claws?"

"I don't know."

"It's Ace!"

"Yes!" Shawn points at Robin. The group was playing charades, guessing who the player was acting out. Now, it was Robin's turn. Drawing a paper, she smiles at the name. This will be easy. Jumping onto a table, she starts pretending to shoot webs. 

"It's Peter!" Ned shouts immediately. Robin nod. A click fills the air and the group looks up in surprise. Emerson stood by the door, grinning as she looked at the photo. A dark-haired boy stood behind her.

"That's SO going into the yearbook." Emerson laughs.

"Hey, Em." Robin says, jumping down.

"I saw you guys were in here and wanted to see what's up. This is Carter, by the way." Emerson replies. Carter waves.


"I'm Robin and this is Ned, Shawn, Georgia, Alyssa, Michelle, and Seth. Peter and Ace had to go do something." Carter nods.

"Hey, we're having a movie night at Ace's place. You two want to join?" Michelle says.

"I don't see why not! Let's do it." Emerson says while Carter nods. Robin looks at her phone as it rings.

Ace: Just finished. Start heading over."

"Alright. Let's go, guys."

~~ ~~ ~~

"Hey, Robin, can I talk to you for a sec?" Georgia asks nervously.

"Sure." Robin says, dropping behind the group. "What is it?"

"I have a secret. I've got powers too. Had them since birth. I've told Ace and she said I should talk to Tony about training. I needed to talk to someone who wouldn't push me toward him, though. You know how Ace is." Robin nods at Georgia's explanation.

"Well, I would definitely talk to Tony, but only when you're ready. Ace probably thinks you should do it sooner, because it'll be easier. I say do it when you're ready. And if you ever want to talk about it, let me know." Georgia smiles.

"Thanks, Robin."

"Anytime, South."

~~ ~~ ~~ 

"You guys see them?" Robin looks around the room. Ace and Peter weren't back yet.

"Here." Robin turns. Ace and Peter, both still in suit, were coated in dust and rock grime. Ned grimaces.

"You guys look like crap." He says.

"Yeah, had a run-in with some explosions. My ears are still ringing." Ace says as Shawn swipes some dirt off her elbow.

"You might want to clean up. I could write 'Clean me!' on your foreheads." Emerson kids.

"Alright. Georgia, you set up the movie while Peter and I take a quick shower." Ace pulls the boy after her as Georgia walks to the TV setup. In 15 minutes, the movie was ready and Ace and Peter were back, clean and holding snacks.

"Which movie did you pick?" Ace asks, plopping next to Peter on the couch with Shawn and Robin.

"Star Wars: A New Hope." Seth replies.

"Ooo, good pick." They settle in as the movie starts. During the movie, Steve, Nat, and Thor come back from a mission.

"Hey, Ace." Ace is hugged from above.

"Hi, Nat." The girl replies. Nat whispers something in the girl's ear, which she laughs at, then nods.

"Thor, stop stealing all the Poptarts!" Georgia randomly shouts. The Asguardian pulls away from the box, Poptart in hand.

"Sorry, Lady Georgia, but I couldn't resist."

~~ ~~ ~~

Robin pokes Shawn.

"Look at them." She whispers, pointing to Peter and Ace. Both teens were asleep, Peter wrapped around Ace, holding her close. Ace's head rested on his chest, rising as the boy snored slightly.

"They're so cute together." Robin says. Shawn pulls her closer.

"Not any more than we are." 

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