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Len woke up way earlier than his usual time.

5:22 AM.

He tossed and turned but couldn't but couldn't get comfortable in bed. He couldn't go back to sleep. Len kicked off his sheets and dressed, exiting the apartment quietly. The sun had yet to rise still and both Miki and Rin were heavy sleepers. They still wouldn't be up by the time he got back. The young man walked to the grocery store and picked up enough for brunch. As he wandered down the aisles, he couldn't shake the horrible image from a few nights prior.

Neru and Kaito?


Oh, but not only together. They had to have been together for a reason. Len felt the twinging pain deep in his chest but their relationship had grown unhealthy. He had to break up with her. It was for their best interests mentally and physically. It hadn't been that long since Neru left Demon Fang. And Kaito belonged to a rival gang.

Though the two gangs were on neutral terms to one another, they could easily see one another as an enemy in such a dog eat dog competition for areas. For Neru and Kaito to be in a relationship... The probabilities were high,

but almost unlikely.

It's a shot in the dark, but what if she's switched sides?

Len's P.O.V.

By the time noon came around, I texted [_____] to meet me out front. I had the goofiest smile on my face and I couldn't help but chuckle. She had sent me a message that she was still getting ready,

but she'd be down shortly. Her uncle Yohio walked out of the house when he saw me leaning against the porch rail. I tucked my phone away and gave him a polite nod. He took a step back to look me over.

"Ann," he called over his shoulder. I could see he himself had a goofy smile, "come check this out."

He stepped out of the doorway as his wife came into view. She wore a former expression of worry which changed to something akin to excitement.

"This isn't happening... our little [____] on a date?!" she squealed. Her husband wrapped an arm around his wife and nodded his head, "Sure looks that way. Look at his boy all dressed up, Ann. He's even got lunch and a bouquet of flowers." 

"I've got to get my camera! Our little [_____]..." Her aunt's expressions kept alternating as she took a step towards me, "Oh, Len. Are you really doing this for her? I don't mind of you're here for Yuuma, but if you really want to take out [_____] you can't toy with her heart, you hear me?"

I bowed my head deeply and nodded my head. When I stood up, I stared at her guardians in their eyes.

"Know that I will treat her with utmost respect. I actually wanted all of this to be a bit of a surprise, but..." I nudged my head to the front door where [_____] stood, her jaw on the floor.

"Oh, my God." she gasped, eyes wide, darting between me and her aunt and uncle. She quickly shooed them away.

"Uncle Yohio, your lunch break is over, go back to work! Aunt Ann, don't burn the cookies in the oven!"

Her guardians scurried away with wide smiles, her uncle throwing me a playful wink before adding a serious glare. Her aunt waved and closed the screen door, but kept watching us from the window. [_____] approached me with bemusement dancing in her eyes. I couldn't help but redden with her eyes piercing me like that. I handed the bouquet over, "I wasn't sure which ones you liked, but I got you some marigolds. At least I think they're marigolds. I thought that's what I read."

She accepted the arrangement, looking anywhere but my eyes. Look at her all coy... cute! I held out my hand for her and she softly took it.

"What's going on? Where are you taking me?" she laughed as I walked her down the small roads.

"Ah, no more questions till we arrive. I wouldn't want to spoil the surprise."

[_____] nodded, murmuring a mocking "Okay," and allowed me to whisk her off down each path. I teased her albeit only a little bit. I didn't want her to feel patronized. We were technically walking out of town again, but not towards the base. I wanted to take her back down to the riverbanks. We swung our hands as we walked, but I made sure I had a good hold on the cooler I was carrying. It held the lunch I'd packed. Yeah, I made food!... with Miki's guidance so I wouldn't mess anything up. I wanted everything to go smoothly.

By the time we made it to the banks, [_____] was a little tired, but I pulled a beach towel from the top of the cooler and laid it on the ground for her. She took the cooler from me and set it down just behind us.

"Okay, spill." she said to me. I nodded my head and took a seat beside her. I stared out into the water, watching the current flow downstream. It was a beautiful day with minimal clouds, the calm breeze, and lots of sun not burning us. The day felt... so right. I could feel her gaze on me again. God, I loved having her eyes on me, even while she's trying to figure me out. I turned to look at her and gave her a soft smile. She smiled back and tilted her head forward, coercing my master plan to come out.

"This is going to be long. Are you prepared for me to talk about this?" I asked. She nodded ever-so-ready to fully listen. I thanked her and steeled myself before turning to face her.

"[_____], nothing is going to ever make up for the way I treated you. The words I've said, the harm that I've caused. I'm not looking for your forgiveness because you have every right to be mad at me or at least harbor anger, maybe even some resentment, but please... I really want you to know how much I've grown even within such a short time. I want this change of my character to be something that will stand by me for the rest of my life.

I'm not the best person in the world and you've really opened my eyes to see how much of a jackass I once was. It's been a radical change, but none of it has ever been faked. I can feel the real me whenever I'm with you and I enjoy your company, so thank you for trusting me despite everything that I've ever done. You're so kind and I can't believe I stifled you all those years before. I was horrible and rude and your shine dulled because of me. That's why I'm not looking for you to accept my words, but at least know that I'm owning up for my past mistakes.

But you're shining again. And it's blinding. And because of your blinding kindness, I've got such a crush on you. And it's real bad. You don't have to say anything because I know it's so out of the blue, but I just knew I had to get it out sometime soon. It's been eating me for a while now."

[_____] stared at me for what felt like hours. I didn't want to rush another subject, so I waited and turned my attention back out to the waters. Out of my peripheral, I could tell she was still processing. It takes different intervals to digest and that's okay. I wasn't expecting any kind of response. I just wanted to get it off my chest.

"Len," [_____] whispered. I regarded her with my attention. Tears welled in her eyes and were close to spilling. Once they did, I lifted my hand to wipe a few away. She almost leaned into my touch, but she pulled away at the last second.

"Thank you for owning up to your past transgressions. I'm very touched, but all of this is difficult to take in at once." she let out a small laugh, "And I'm flattered to hear you have a crush on me, but nothing could ever happen between us. Neru would have my head."

"Oh God, that's right! I'd been so caught up in making sure you were okay during the time you'd lost your memory that I genuinely forgot she'd hit you. I'm surprised you didn't lose your faith in me then... I swore up and down I wouldn't allow anybody to hurt you and she did. Then the whole thing with the Eros, but I won't get into that. I'm really sorry my promises haven't held much water, [_____]."

She shook her head and placed her hand on mine, "You'll protect me next time. We just have to keep going from there, right?"

I smiled and nodded.

"Wait. Can I ask you something?"

[_____] motioned her free hand for me to continue.

"It may have just been me, but did you ever feel a connection? Maybe it was heightened to me due to my crush, but there were so many moments where I felt a pull between us. Did you ever have a crush on me?"

She bit her cheeks and turned away, pulling her hand back as she hid her face.

"Maybe... a little," she whispered, though it did sound muffled. My mouth gaped open, a small guffaw escaping me.

"Well, even if nothing could happen between us, I'm glad to know that you at least liked me at some point. To clarify about the whole me and Neru thing though, I had to break up with her. We weren't right for one another. And she's got a new boyfriend now."

There was a silence hanging in the balance for quite some time, but I left it there. [_____] looked at me with a delicate expression and pursed her lips and shook her head more to herself than towards me. I felt her warm hand on mine and looked over at her again. She leaned in and kissed my cheek. My checks burned and I couldn't help my dumb smile.

"If we both still feel this way in a month, I'll allow you to ask me out and see what goes from there."

I agreed and busted out the food. Our lunch was rather decent and she gave me 4.5 stars out of 5, so my cooking abilities weren't as shoddy as I'd originally believed. After a while, [_____] got a little cold and I handed her my jacket.

[_____]'s P.O.V.

The revelations divulged today were bigger than I'd imagined. As Len was walking me home, I just knew I had to say this here and now. We were holding each others hands already, so pulled him off to the side with a gentle smile.

"I've been thinking about this for a long time and... I want to join Demon Fang."

His eyes widened like saucers and I thought he was going to have a panic attack with how frightened he looked.

"Oh man. Are you sure? The initiation is really tough. Would you be able to stomach the events to unfold?"

I tensed up. A gang initiation... wow... What would such an initiation entail? Would I rob a drug store? Would I have to steal from someone's home? God, would I have to kill somebody?! Len pulled me out of my thoughts as he gripped my upper arm.

"Whoa, earth to [_____]! I'm just trying to freak you out! Sorry I made you flip... If you truly want in, you got it. No worries, I'm not gonna make you do anything you don't wanna do. You just have to pledge and promise you're not gonna go against our rules. If you break them, you're toast. But I know you wouldn't dare."

"Ohh, okay. What are the rules?" I asked. Len pulled out his phone and pulled up a picture of a screenshot that Gumi had messaged him a year before.

"Our gang rules have consequences if broken. Doesn't matter who it is, it doesn't matter how cute you are. The punishment ranges on how severe your offense was, but that's for Gumi and I to decide. The rules:
1. No turning your back on other members.
2. No turning your back on the gang.
3. Everybody supports one another.
4. Speak nothing but the truth.
5. Don't ever sexually assault.
6. Don't ever do any kind of hardcore drug.
7. Don't steal from the sick or poor.
8. Don't ever discriminate.
9. Honor your commitments to the gang."

I listened intently and nodded my head. Len put his phone away and cocked his head.

"Our gang hasn't ever been too hardcore, but there have been times when self defense is needed. We're mostly turf and connections people, but we don't hold back on our threats. I'll contact everyone to lend a hand in your training, but I'll let you know when we have a free moment and announce to everyone you're an honorary official member."

Once Len walked me up to the front door, I was a little disappointed our day had come to an end. The sun was already setting and I'd have hated to make my aunt and uncle worry again.

"This is where I take my leave," Len said, ready to turn his back. My hand instinctively reached out for him, but I gathered myself.

"No, wait! Your jacket," I scrambled to take off his jacket, but he put his hand up and stopped me.

"You hold onto it for now, [_____]. I'll ask you if you wanna borrow another one in a month." he said with a wink. I watched him as he walked off, a jump in his step. I couldn't believe how incredibly smooth that was... I walked into the house where my aunt excitedly squealed about me wearing his jacket. Had to admit, it gave me a sense of calm and resolve. I'd grown rather fond of Len and if giving me his jacket was going to grow that bond, I'd take it.

I pranced up to my room, ready to hit my diary when Kaito came out of Yuuma's room. He looked me up and down and took a step forward. 

"Why waste your time with Demon Fang, [_____]?" brushing my left cheek with the backside of his right hand, "They're nothing but washed-up has-beens. You should forget about their weak asses and join my side. You can be part of the World's Fallen Angels."

Yuuma had exited the bathroom and glanced down at me wearing Len's jacket, his faint cologne clinging to it. My cousin held a menacing and wicked grin. One that made my stomach churn. Something wasn't right... I passed right by the two and walked into my room, shutting the door behind me.

With Yuuma's previous obsession of getting me to stop contact with Len to knowing now that I'm wearing his clothes... he had to have been planning something. I pulled out my phone and quickly texted Len that if anything were to happen, he should investigate Yuuma and Kaito.

Those two are not what they seem to be up to...

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