Just A Regular Day (Pt. 2)

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Reader's P.O.V.

I must admit, when I arrived to my art class, I wasn't expecting to find the two room covered in acrylic paint. Ms. Megurine welcomed us in after muttering "Good grief..." to the room.

"Hey there, [_____]. How's it going?" she inquired as she ran a hand through her dyed hair.

"It's been too long of a day. If you don't mind me asking, what exactly happened?" I asked her.

She frowned, "Too long a day? I feel ya. Some kid from my last period thought it'd be funny to fling the paint across the walls. He also thought that I'd be a great canvas to paint after terrorising a few students. It's so stupid to even explain."

More students came flooding in at the last few minutes. The students began murmuring and asking questions, but Miss Megurine shook her head and kept repeating, "Just don't do what this kid did."

Everyone else settled into their seats and the bell rang to signal we should all be in our classes.

"Okay y'all, I will need you to come up here and grab a ruler and a pen." she told us. We each went up to receive our supplies.

"Great. And because I'd like you all focused, I'll be regrouping you all!"

I dreaded who'd I end up with. I wasn't the most sociable and I was skeptical about who was genuine but I always came across rudely and so I hoped I never had to be partnered up with anyone, but alas...

"Len and [_____]—table eight, please. All right, now one of you, take both of the rulers and angle them at 90° on the paper." she ordered. My heart sank.

Len took both of the rulers from me harshly. I was taken aback slightly, but I decided to let that go. With my pen, I traced the rulers length like Miss Megurine said. After I made two straight rectangles with the rulers on the paper, Len coughed violently, moving my arm, and resulted in me making a big mistake in my rectangle.

Len announced the mistake I made a little too loudly and the embarrassment and shame came flooding back. A few classmates of ours glanced over their shoulders and murmured incredulously, others stifling little snickers. They weren't malicious, but no matter how you spun this thread; it was pure embarrassment. Although Miss Megurine had flipped her wrist in an "unimportant" way, validating that "Happy little accidents happen," it didn't bring me any comfort. Stewing in my own humiliation, I lowered my head down to keep the tears at bay behind my lids. I would just add fuel to the fire if I showed any weakness. I knew Kagamine would play off of that like he always would.

Ms. Megurine handed us a new paper and Kagamine was the one to do all the work, but it's not like he minded. I didn't understand him, but I knew I wasn't gonna allow this to slide. After art, I had my free class period. I made my way to the old courtyard (which was just a concrete slab with a couple of benches and dying flowerbeds) and took a seat. Since they remodeled a newer courtyard out by the cafeteria, this area was more secluded and the odds of having anybody around at this hour was low. There were a few stragglers, but nobody really paid attention around this area. Students often forgot about it.

With that being said, I pulled out my phone and sang to my heart's content. I was frustrated and this was the only moment I felt like I had to myself. I could spend my time crying, but I decided I'd do what I'd want to. So I pulled out my favorite hobby as I sang along to my favorite songs.

Len's P.O.V.

Skipping out on my classes while walking around the school yards in search of my friends was something I'd do more than often. The stuffy classrooms could confine my body all it wanted, but it couldn't contain my spirit and will to break out and so that's what I'd usually do. I texted my girlfriend and two of my other friends to meet up with me but my girlfriend had a test to retake and one of the two was stuck in a student council meeting. I was strolling around by myself when I heard a girl's voice. She sounded so pretty. I wasn't sure what she was singing, but it was coming along great!

She had her back turned to me, but I decided to listen for a while longer before she stopped. Whatever song she was singing ended and she was onto another, so I took the opportunity and clapped. She turned around in confusion and when our gazes met... I could see her expression and how it fell to the depths of hell. I must admit, I was shocked. She harbored musical talent and extreme hatred towards me and I could feel it all at once.

"Wh—?" she put whatever she was doing away and stood up angrily, "What are you doing here?"

"Take it easy, [_____]. I was just walking around!" I called back to her. We weren't that far apart, maybe only a couple of feet from one another, but the resentment and anguish was strong. I kept a cautionary watch on her with steeled eyes.

"Bullshit, Kagamine. I know how you are. You're a coward who would rather see others in pain and shame than deal with the emotional turmoil of what you face. I know your little games and I'm done with the humiliation. So back off or God help you—I'll physically rip you apart if you so much as breathe in my vicinity."

I took a step back from her and glowered, shoving my hands in my pocket, "Whatever. That's a lotta big talk for a little girl. You sounded nice before flipping out by the way. Later."

I walked off, but once I made it to the boys bathroom, I was stunned. That was the first time I'd ever seen her grow a spine to step up to anyone. Her threats felt raw and far too real... she really scared me for a moment. Truthfully, I wanna see more of that side. [_____], you're something else, aren't you?

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