The Final Trial

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[Name]'s P.O.V.

I was anxiously waiting at the checkpoint with Ann, Uncle Yohioloid, and Yuuma. As everyone was being evacuated, we were some of the last.

"Wow, scary, huh?" I asked, wanting to strike conversation.

"Yes it is. I'm shaking!" Aunt Ann laughed as she showed me her shaking hands. I waited for the perfect moment to run off and meet up with everyone else.

As the line grew shorter with people wanting to leave faster, panic erupted as a thunder storm struck without warning. Yuuma ran towards it causing alarm to my aunt and uncle.

"I'll be back! I'm going to get him!" I cried, nodding at my aunt and uncle without looking back. It was all going well, surprisingly because my life was in danger. The water slapped against my face, making it harder to run due to my eyesight, but I made it to the abandoned hospital where our base of operations was.

On the fifth floor, I slipped in front of the crew.

"Are we going to get Defoko back or not?" Len yelled at Meiko who was glaring at him.

"Yeah, I was just asking if it would be okay till the enemy strikes first." Meiko sneered.

"That would never be "okay". Now shut up and just do as you're told. Miki's exempt from this because she's pregnant, although not surprising, we have an ally joining us. Her name is Ruko. She's already starting this war between us. She has Ia and Miku with her to fan the flames of this." Len explained, "and [Name], you're late!"

This side of Len was cold, but I remembered that's how he was when I first met him. I then looked at everyone and evaluated their weapons.

"Some policemen and social workers were after me and Yuuma, so we may need to hurry this. Umm... Momo is in the emergency room, right?" I asked.

Gumi threw a walkie-talkie at me. I pressed the button and hoped she could hear me, "Momo, are you there?"

"Oh, [Name]?! Thank the Gods! Yeah, I'm here~" she hummed.

"Great. Hang tight, we'll all be fine and get Defoko back, I swear." I said. I heard her laugh and sniffle, "All right. I'm over here. Please, don't let your wounds fester, I'm here to patch you up!"

We all exited the lobby and ran to our respective locations.

"[Name], change in plans, let's make our way to the basement. Ruko spied out for me and told me that the damn Heartless were going to be entering as a surprise attack from the basement." Len explained. I followed him down. It was eerie and creepy. It made me uneasy because if the lobby becomes flooded, we'd drown down here in the basement. No, I mustn't think like that.

We rounded a corner and bumped straight into our enemy. Well; three... Yuuma and two females.

"Well, well, well. Hey there, Lenny boy and [Nickname]!"

I clenched onto Len without thought.

"Yu-Yuuma... How'd you get down here?" I asked him. He laughed at me.

"No need for that... The thing is, [Name], I'm here. That's all there will be. Oh- before I forget, girls, do your thing. See 'ya!" Yuuma scoffed, laughing harder as he turned around and walked back from wherever he and his henchmen came from. I groaned inwardly and clung to Len like a child who was in trouble.

"Oooh, Mayu! Look, the poor girl is shivering! I'll warm you up." a dyed redhead said, walking up to us. She pulled out a lighter and yanked on a container filled with something.

"Len! Move away!" I pulled Len along with me behind a shelf. The redheaded girl had thrown the substance, which I knew was gasoline, at us, barely missing us by the tips of Len's shoes.

"Ugh. See, Cul, you should have waited." the blond one said as she held onto some stuffed animal and a lighter.

"Shut up Mayu! If anything, you and your dumb pet can shov-"

"He's not a dumb pet, you bitch! He's got a name."

"If "he's" got a personality, why are you always strangling him?"

"Because he likes to backtalk me. And don't you dare-"

I shot both females with sleep darts.

"You know what? Let's keep going." I murmured to Len. He agreed and we headed deeper into the "catacombs" of the hospital. We made it to a clearing where shelves were stacked with bunches of records. Laughter was heard.

Female laughter...

"It sounds like..." I whispered, Len shushing me silently with his gloved hands. One of our shoes scuffed across the shiny white floor making the dreadful squeaking noise.

The laughter stopped and the woman I knew it to be stood up, high heels scraping with a heavy tension.

"Oh no. Intruder alert." she muttered, annoyed by the fact we bumped into her. It sounded only like us three in the room, praying to a nonexistent god that it was only us. Hoping it would be. If not, we'd be dead.

Len and I scooted further toward the left, the shuffling not so muffled now that it was quiet. We couldn't see her, only wishing she couldn't see us.

"Oh lo~ok! I found the en- Kagamine?! [Last name]?!"

All three pairs of eyes widened. Len and I?: Because we were caught.

Miss Merguine: Shocked to see it was us.

She bowed her head in shame,"I'm so sorry it had to be this way Len. You were one of my least favorite students, but my student no less. I can't allow you to leave alive. Not here. Not now." Miss Merguine shook her head out of disappointment and remorse, "and you, [Name], I apologize to you too."

She pointed her gun at us.

"It- maybe doesn't have to be this way. You can run away, [Name]. With only your life and perhaps a corpse, unless you run alone." she said.

I understood her perfectly clear. This meant I could run while I still possibly could; abandoning Len. On the other hand, I could watch Len's soul leave his body and drag his corpse with me up to a now possibly flooded lobby. Maybe I could reason with her? Me fighting her was not an option unless she shot at me first.

"I'll have your answer, my dear." she purred, eyes locked on Len as he desperately sweated to reach his revolver.

"Miss Merguine... Please reason with me. I know this is insane, but I ask of you to release your weapon and run with your life. We need to end this senseless violence now and forever." I said, placing the gun Len gave me back in its holster.

"My dear, there's no way I can do that. I have no choice. It's do this or the bomb on me will go off, killing us three. He's watching." she said remorsefully.

" "He"? Kaito? Yuuma? Who?"

As I sunk into my thoughts, I was harshly pulled back to this reality as I was shot in the shoulder. I didn't scream from the shock. In fact, I gasped lowly, clenching my arm and gritting my teeth. I watched in shock as Len lunged at Miss Merguine. I understood that the bullet was for him, but at he dodged to attack her, it strayed and punctured me.

I swiftly fumbled with the holster, retrieving the desert eagle. I wasn't about to be humiliated any longer. Now with this newfound courage, without the hesitation; I pulled the trigger. Landing my first shot on her gave me chills and sent a rattling terror throughout my body.

"Lucky shot, [Last name]. You will not be allowed to live! I gave you a chance to run!" Miss Megurine shouted.

"I gave you a chance! My life is bonded with Len's!" I yelled, pulling the chamber back and firing at her. Backing me up, of course, was Len and Len only.

We relied on strengths and finally...

"End my life! Or all three of us go down." she pleaded with a sincerity I didn't, "Take my life, pierce my chest with a bullet, and run out of here, to the left there's a staircase."

She shuddered,"I know Yuuma won't take a fair fight, so please bare with me and do as I ask... [Name]. I want to you to know I've always thought of you as a child... My child-..."

Len shot her in her chest, her eyes filled with tears that fell. Her eyes were also filled with dread and remorse. "She's been dead for a while."Len sighed as he shut her eyes,"She miscarried about four times till her husband left her." I sighed and yanked Len to the left a bit further behind her and opened a heavy door. A staircase that we assumed to tread upwards. We walked up a couple flights. I never bothered with my arm because I was more concerned about Len's healing body. It wasn't that long ago he'd gotten the crap kicked outta him.

We stopped at the emergency division to get our wounds healed just a bit before heading off to find Yuuma. Miss Megurine even said it was Yuuma we'd have to face... Not that it would be extremely easy for me since I've known him since childhood...

We ran to Momo and I lunged, cradling her. "[Name]!! Boss!!"she cried, embracing me back tightly. "I'm glad you're alive. I just got a signal from Miku saying that Ia is being chased by Kaito. And Ruko wanted me to get a hold of you to tell you Yuuma's heading to the roof right now!"Momo said worriedly. "It's fine. He won't be getting here. I just need you patch up [Name] so we can head out."Len ordered.

Oh right... My banged up shoulder...

"Oof! This bullet is stuck in her like... Oh I'm bad at making analogies. It's just really bad. I'm sorry [Name], but bite onto this rag."Momo's eyebrows furrowed and I did as I was told. "Sorry..."she whispered, pulling out a pair of tweezers and a flashlight. She plucked the bullet from deep within my shoulder. "Oh God... Hold still..."she frowned, pulling it out. I gripped onto Len and squeezed him. "Oh yay! Okay let me spray your wound with a disinfectant and give you a wrap..."Momo said, slipping off the right side of my shirt.

"Umm... Len. I think it would be best if you were to turn away for the time being."Momo suggested. In an orderly manner. "Ah! Right! So sorry."he blushed turning away and reloading his revolver. Momo rolled the bandage around my armpit and over my shoulder. "All good. Although it will sting and burn a bit. Sometimes movement may be stiff, but I'm sure you can do it."she winked as she set us off. "Thank you. We'll get you all out alive."Len nodded, running off with me.

We ran up and up and up until we came across the door to the roof. I had to calm myself down for a few minutes before I had a panic attack. Atop the roof, Yuuma swung around an unsheathed gleaming sword, smiling with malice. "Ah yes. My dearest 'baby sister' and brother-in-law... Hey it's quite a surprise to see you here!"exclaimed a sarcastic Yuuma. He leaned against his weapon, staring at us, as though reading our emotions, reading our weaknesses and wishing to exploit them.

"Dearest children, please pick up a practice sword and spar with me. No 'time-outs'. You see, you have two options here tonight which one you won't achieve to leave: You kill me. I kill you both. Maybe one survivor, who knows?!"the pink haired boy called out. I heaved out a forced sigh to and advanced forward, the sword alone on the ground in front of Len.

Although could have sworn he was calling my name... "[N--e]? What ex---ly are you d--ng?!"

With a dagger at my side, I pulled it out, my concentration absent. Yuuma taunted me from where he stood like a child. Mindless, I deeply grazed his left cheek with the dagger. He stared at me in shock. Here was [Name]. That quiet girl you could easily pick on and she wouldn't fight back. The one you could abuse and wouldn't snitch. Well today she wouldn't take your crap any further.

Yuuma gripped onto his sword and attempted to nick me there on the spot. He wouldn't take that. Where he swung, the dull tip of Len's blade didn't leave an indentation upon Yuuma's left arm. He was too nimble. But I knew my cousin better than that. "Above you, Len!"I shouted out, and sure enough, all this 'Yuuma' was, was nothing more than a magicians doll. I ran ahead to save Len before he pathetically lost to my cousin. I picked up the sword and as I ran, I dragged it across the buildings concrete top, sharpening and burning it at the same time.

When I took my swing at Yuuma, a cut appeared on his face, burning at it did so. "We mustn't fight, cousin."I said. "Oh yeah? And let your boyfriend here win so he could push you off and acquire a new girl as he pleases? To push you off and use his organization for evil?!"Yuuma screamed,"[Name], believe me. My organization was a gang that flowered to the mafia, man. If you had just joined us, dear cousin, you would be sitting pretty."

"You're further than false would apply, Yuuma. Len's a changed person. You? I could hardly tell the difference!"I screamed and continued slashing him up. It was like bloody murder. No time for him to react.

At the same time, I felt that revenge... Was everything..."

A/N: Okay, feedback!! No, by the way, this is NOT the final chapter. Tell me though, was this good?? I felt it needed more, yes, but I'm not ashamed. I'm glad it was (hopefully) liked. That's my satisfaction. The gratitude I love is usually when you all comment on things, so be my guest! Please!! Catch you later~

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