Forgot to say this....

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I fotgot to tell you what gender the kids was!!!
There you go guys, i will make a biiiig time skip!
Fein, Xian and May is 18
Akidah, Simon and Inox is 17
Diana, Giselle, Chris and Lavi is 16
Kabaz is 15
Nixon is 14

Nixon woke up in the morning, he didn't sleep well that night.
He just thought of Kabaz...
Kabaz was his dream man, and he loved him.
He just remembered that it was ninja training that day, they had already started when he came out. Everyone looked at him.
"There you are kiddo" Xian said and messed his hair up.
Nixon slowly brushed it down with his fingers.
"Why are you late?" Cole said, he was leading the training that day.
"Uhm.. I was sleeping, and i forgot the time..." Nixon blushed.
"Well then you go first!" Nixon nodded, he got paired up with...
"Things can explode if water and lightning meets" Fein said.
"Start!" Cole screamed and they started.
Nixon shot Simon with water, Simon did the same with his lightning.
As Fein said it exploded and both of them were threwed into a wall.
Simon fainted and Nixon was the only one remaining, so he won.
Kabaz ran to him and gave him a hug, then he said: "Congratz!!"
Nixon blushed, Kabaz was so warm and Nixon didn't want the hug to end.
*Three hours later*
"Wanna play video games Nixon?" Kabaz asked and looked at him, Nixon nodded and they went to the living room.

Fein sat on his bed and read a book when he heard that Xian was going out that night.
With a girl? Fein thought.
No... He thought and continued reading his book about flowers.

Xian came home, he was probably drunk, Fein was waiting for him, everyone else was sleeping.
He came in the door to Fein and his room and said: "Yo Fein!"
Fein waved slowly to him and he got pinned to the bed, Xian had locked the door.
Xian stripped himself and Fein, Fein blushed.
Xian started sucking on Fein's neck andn leaved many sucking marks, Fein moaned but Xian continued.
"Xian..." Fein said and pulled away.
"Stop, we can't do this..." Fein said, he putted on a pajama and went to sleep, Xian did the same. (Btw Xian pronounces with an S like Sian)

Kabaz and Nixon's room
They was sleeping peacefully until Kabaz jumped on Nixon and said: "I can't hold this back anymore Nixon!"
Nixon blushed as he rubbed his eyes.
"I love you Nixon!" "Do you love me?" Kabaz screamed.
"Y...yeah..." Nixon said and blushed harder, then Kabaz said: "Do you wanna be my boyfriend Nixon?"
Nixon blushed even harder again, hopefully Kabaz didn't see because it was dark in the room, Nixon said: "Can i think about it?" Kabaz nodded and both went back to sleep.

Sorry that this was so short, huehuehue almost a smut there xD
Xian x Fein smut huehuehue!!
Bye guys <3

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