Chapter 1

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-1 year later-

Hiccup's POV

I woke up to Toothless breathing about 5 inches from my face.

"Gah Toothless ew." I said and fanned my hand over my nose, trying to get the smell of rotten fish away. "Yes we can go for a flight." I said. He jumped up and down, making the entire house shake.

"Hiccup you're going to wake Mercy up." Astrid said and rolled over.

"Hey it's Toothless not me." I accused.

"Just quiet down its early." She said.

I walked across the hallway to check on Mercy. I can't believe that in 1 month she's gonna be a year old. December 20th. Astrid and I call her our 'Snoggletog miracle' since she was born during the holiday. I smiled and closed her door quietly. I then went downstairs and exited my house.

"Alright ready bud?" I said and began to mount Toothless.

"Morning Hiccup!" I heard my mom shout at me from our house. Astrid and I live really close to my parents house, but far enough so we both have privacy.

"Morning mom!" I shouted back.

"By the way your father wants to see you!" She said.

"Alright I'm coming." I said and walked to their house. I opened the door and saw mom and dad sitting at the kitchen table. "Did I do something?" I asked. They both had serious faces so I thought I did something.

"Not this time Hiccup. But I'm sure you know what I want to talk to you about." Dad said and stood in front of me.

"Oh come on dad really?" I said.

"It's time Hiccup." He said.

"Dad how many times have I told you I'm not ready to be chief! My daughter isn't even a year old yet!" I raised my voice. "Can't it wait just a little bit longer?" I said and lowered my voice again.

"I've postponed this long enough. I've made my decision and you can't change my mind." He said and turned around to sit down. But by the time he turned back around, I was gone.

-que beginning flight scene of httyd 2-

-spoilers ahead-

I flew with Toothless over the water. We went under and over a Thunderdrum wings. Then we went straight up into the sky, so high that all we could see was clouds. Above us and below us. I couldn't stop thinking about Dad and i's talk. He just doesn't understand I'm not ready for those responsibilities yet. Right now I'm more worried about my family. Toothless and I did twirls, flips and all sorts of dives.

"Alright bud let's give this another shot." I said. He grumbled. "It'll be fine." I pulled the lever that makes his tail go into automatic, and then, I slid to the right.

Toothless and I plummeted towards the ground or ocean, I wasn't quite sure until I saw blue. I then deployed my wings and back fin. Toothless and I glided through the air. I saw an island ahead of us. I adjusted my suit and landed on the ground, but lost my balance and quickly rolled down a small hill.

"Alright that's better then last time!" I shouted. I looked around and took out my map. I unfolded all of the pages and took out a new one. I pasted it onto the map and looked at the forest in front of me. "So what should we name it?" I looked over at Toothless who was itching his armpit. "Itchy armpit it is." I said and began drawing the mountains and trees. "Alright let's head back I'm sure Astrid is worried sick about where I am." I said and mounted Toothless.

We flew calmly all the way back to Berk. I enjoyed the time just to think. I knew dad was only doing this for his village but why won't he listen? I've told him so many times I'm not ready yet but he's forcing me into it. I let out a heavy sigh and looked forward. I saw the shadow of Berk. I decided to land behind my house so I could avoid contact with my dad. I opened the back door and snuck into the kitchen.

"Hiccup where have you been I've been worried!" Astrid shouted.

"I was avoiding my dad." I said and grabbed a piece of bread from the counter.

"More about being chief huh?" She asked and leaned against the counter.

"Yeah. He just doesn't listen." I said and grabbed more bread.

"I know you don't want to be chief but you can't just break tradition and not be chief." She said calmly.

"I broke tradition and trained a dragon." I said.

"True. But you can't just run around and break the rules." Astrid said and sat on the counter. Then someone knocked on the door.

"I got it." I walked to the door. I opened it and saw my mom. "Oh hey mom." I said and finished my bread.

"Are you ok Hiccup?" She asked. She was there when dad and I had our conversation.

"I think I'll be alright." I said and motioned for her to come in.

We sat down at the kitchen table and talked about the whole chief thing and that my father was only doing what he thinks is best for the village. Let's just say it's not the best conversation I've had with my mom.

"Hiccup guess who's awake!" Astrid said and came down stairs with Mercy in her hands.

"Aw there's my little angel!" I said and grabbed her.

She had short hair that was a mixture of blonde and auburn. Almost like a dirty blonde color. She had my eyes and Astrid's head shape. She is truly a miracle.

"Can you believe she's a month away from being a year old?" I asked Astrid who was just smiling.

"No I can't she's grown up so fast." She said and gave her the stuffed dragon that she loves. Toothless nudged the door open and walked over to us slowly. He peeked at Mercy, who put her hand on his nose. She started playing with Toothless by patting his nose with her hands. He didn't mind at all.

"Reminds me of the time I saw you with a dragon. You were just holing its claw and playing with it." Mom said.

"I never really thought of dragons as innocent until I met Toothless. I believed everything my father said." I said and scratched the top of Toothless's head.

"They truly are mysteries." Astrid said and grabbed Mercy and placed her in her special eating chair.

I went outside to check on Stormfly and Toothless and looked at the village. I looked at all the houses and suddenly, there was an explosion coming from the academy. I sighed and went back inside.

"I'm gonna go check something in the academy really quickly Astrid I'll be back." I said.

"What's wrong?"

"There was an explosion. I'm thinking the twins." I said and shut the door and climbed on toothless.

Once we got to the academy it was completely black. There were ashes everywhere and wood crates burned to splinters. Once the black cloud cleared I noticed the twins and Snotlout, with their dragons.

"Oh come on guys really? Can't you go anywhere without burning something?" I said and brushed the ashes out of my hair.

"We were training by firing at that statue. But Tuffnut and I were on the wrong heads of our dragon so it went wrong." Ruffnut explained.

"When does it not go wrong with you two?" Snotlout asked.

"When does it go right." I mumbled. "Get this place cleaned up before today's training session or else all three of you are in trouble." I said and walked out.

"Everything alright? I saw an explosion." Mom asked when she landed in front of me with Cloudjumper.


"Those two are really a handful aren't they?"

"Oh more then a handful." I said and started walking. She joined me.

"Have they always been like that?"

"No they started out by just watching explosions and fires and destruction but now they cause it." I said. "We've all done damage to this village though. On Snoggletog a few years ago Astrid put Gronkle eggs in all the houses, not knowing they explode, and destroyed almost the entire village."

"Those are eggs that should not be layed here. Unless they're in pools of water." She said.

"That's why we've dug holes with water in the woods and on the beach for the dragons."

"Smart. Well I've gotta go. I promised Gobber I would help out at the forge since he figured you would be with Astrid and Mercy. I'll see you later son." She said and flew off. I gave her a happy wave and continued my walk home.



Why did I spell it like that



Sorry it took so long I thought it was too short so I took a lot of time brainstorming and writing.


I need spot stop saying anyway

I realized I say that a lot

I'll update as soon as possible!


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