Chapter 14

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Astrid's POV

I woke up with a raging headache. I opened my eyes and looked at my surroundings. It was a dimly lit prison cell with one toch by the door. Ok think Astrid what do you do when you're in a mysterious place, while shackled to he ground? Well I guess I could see how far I can get with these shackles. I stood up and walked to the door. I could walk around the entire cell. But this really isn't that big so I'm really not surprised.

"Let me go you blubbering oaf!" I heard a girl shout. I ran to the door and looked out the square with bars over it. What I saw made my die inside. I saw Mercy, being held captive in the cage diagnally across from mine.

"Mercy oh my gos did they hurt you?" I questioned with a worried tone.

"Mom I'm fine but they won't be when I'm finfished with them." She said.

"Oh no you don't you're going to get yourself hurt if you do that. We don't even know who put us in here." She sighed and plopped down on the floor.

"Then what are we suppsoed to do?"

"We wait and figure out a way to escape."

Hiccup's POV

"Can everyone please be quiet?!" I shouted. A hush fell over the crowd and I took a deep breath. "Astrid and Mercy are missing now we need any hints on where they could be or if anyone saw anything suspicious around the island." I said. Everyone started to murmur. "Search parties will be sent out starting this afternoon."

"Any clues yet chief?" Someone shouted from the back of the crowd.

"I counted the number of boats so they didn't sail out, and Stomfly is still on the island so they indeed, have been kidnapped." I said with a pain in my chest. "Now split up and check everywhere on the island. Riders, get your dragons and search the nearby islands. Ask arpund and see if they've seen any ships pass by." Everyone cleared out and I walked over to the chiefs seat and sat down.

"Are you okay?" Mom asked as she sat next to me, where Astrid would normally be.

"Not even close. I'm stressed, I'm nervous, I'm angry, I'm sad he list never ends!" I put my head in my hands and sighed. "This is the worst experience of my life."

"Hiccup you know they'll come back. By the way, Trader Johann is at the docks, and he's curuous on where everyone is." Mom said. I jumped up and ran out towards the docks. Maybe he's seen something.

"Ah Master Hiccup. Glad to see one of you Berkians." He said.

"Nice to see you to Johann. EVeryone is out on search expoditions right now."

"Well what happened?" He said.

"Astrid and Mercy have been kidnapped."

"Oh dear. Well can I do anything to help?"

"There is one thing, on your trip towards Berk did you see any ships that belong to our enimies? You know Alvin, Drago, Dagur?"

"Well I did pass by one ship but their sail was blank. It did have a few soldiers on it and there were two men guarding the entryway to the lower deck, but I couldn't tell who they were."

"What did the armor on the soldiers look like?" I asked quickly.

"Ah well it was black, and had a lot of metal studs. You know, dull spikes. They looked very intimidating." He said. with a shiver.

"Where do you go before this island?" I asked.

"Ah that would be the Berserker tribe. I really hate that place. Although this time I didn't see that lunatic chief. What was his name?"

"Dagur." I whispered.

"Ah yes that's him!"

"Anything else Johann?"

"Not that I can think of off the tip of my tounge Master Hiccup. But I hope I helped." He said nicely.

"Oh you helped tremendously. Feel free to stay in one of the open houses if you need a place to sleep." I said and ran to moms house.

After about 5 minutes, I was at the front door. I knocked loudly and didn't stop knocking until she opened the door.

"You know knocking once or twice works just as well."

"Sorry but I think I have an idea on where Astrid and Mercy are." I said. She motioned for me to come in. I walked to the table and sat down.

"What's your idea?"

"Dagur has them for some reason. Johann saw a ship with Berserkers soldiers on t and didn't see Dagur when he was at their island." I explained.

"Well that sounds reasonable but what would he want with the girls?"

"It must be a way to get me there. He's probably using them as bait so he can capture Toothless and I."

"He's done this before hasn't he." Mom said blankly.

"Yep only the bait wasn't Astrid." I asid.

"Okay well you need rest you've been up for a long time and you're stressed and need to relax. And I'm sure Toothless is freaking out. You know he hates when you're gone all day without him."

"Yeah. I'll see you tomorrow." I said and walked out.

I walked at a leisurly pace back to the house. Mom was right, yes I should be worried but I need to keep my stress leven down or else I'm going to completely loose my mind. I got to the house and sat down at the kitchen table. Toothless sat next to me and kept nudging my arm.

"I'm okay bud. Just a little worried." I sighed. "You hungry?" He jumped up and gave me a wide, gummy grin. I smiled. "Apparently. I'll go get your fish. Stay here." I said and walked to the kitchen. I grabbed a barrel full of fish and took it to the living room. I saw Toothless in the exact same position as before.

I placed the barrel in front of him and he dove right in. I took a barrel of chicken to Stormfly since she was still here. I could tell she was worried about Astrid. She just seemed upset and sad.

"I know you're worried girl but it'll all be okay." I said and rubbed her nose. She purred quietly then ate her chicken. 

"HICCUP!" I heard someone shout at me when I was opening my front door.

"AH! Oh Fishlegs for the love of Thor! How many times have I told you not to do that?" I yelled.

"Sorry but I was training at the academy, which you missed by the way, and this came for you. It was tied to the back of a Terrible Terror." He saidn and handed me a letter.

"Do I even dare read it." I said sarcastically as I unrolled it.

Dear Hiccup,

We have your precious wife and adorable daughter. The're both chained right now in my dungeon and for each day you do not bring that Skrill to my island, I will tighten their chains. And if that Skrill isn't here in 7 days, theey both go over the cliff.

Your choice, Brother.

I crumpled the note and threw it on the ground. I felt anger bubbling inside me.

"What did it say?"

"Who spilled about the skrill that we have." I said angrily.

"I'm not sure. But what did the letter say?"

"We have 7 days or else they're going to kill them."


I'm actually having a lot of fun writing these chapters I just love how intense they are!

I hope you guys are liking these.

I hope they're a good length too.

So uh yeah.

Vote and Comment if you liked it and I will get started on an update right now!

Peace out peeps


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