Chapter 16

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Hiccup's POV

This is one of the worst experiences of my life. Seeing a loved one, laying still in a bed. I've never seen it like this. It's always been Astrid who's seen this kind of stuff I'm always the one unconcious. I tried to be here as much as possible, but I did still ahve to run the island. It's hard though because all I'm thinking about is if my daughter is awake or okay. It was about noon right now and I was in the Great Hall talking with a few villagers. They had some questions about bringing in the fishng boats tomorrow and well, it's my job to answer them.

"Hiccup I need to talk to you." Gobber said from behind me.

"Yeah in a minute." I said and turned back to the villagers. Right in the middle o talking, I was being ragged out of the Great Hall by the back of my armor. "Gah Gobber can't you see that was important?" I asked as I was back on my feet.

"Well I said I had to talk to you. Gothi said she finished that medicine for Mercy. She wants to give it to her tonight."

"Why didn't you just say something?"  asked. He samcked me on the head. "Okay ow. You're just like Astrid."

"Don't be expecting a kiss." He said sarcastically. I think I just puked in my mouth.

"Gobber that's disgusting. Just meet at my house tonight when Gothi is ready. I'll be on my way there in about five minutes." I said and walked back in the Great Hall, only to find it empty. "Or I'll be heading home now." I said to myself and walked out. 

I kept a leisurely pace through the village. I got greeted by villagers, squaked at by dragons, the normal things. But it all felt wrong. It didn't make me smile like it normally does. All I could think about was Mercy. After about 10 minutes I was back home. I sighed and opened the door, and saw everyone sitting or standing near the table. Even the gang.

"Uh... what's going on?" I asked nervously, thinking something happened.

"We thought it would be a good idea to wait for you to get home to give Mercy the medicine." Allysa said. "Astrid's already upstairs. Now I really don't think all of us will be able to squeeze into the room so Gobber, Gothi, Astrid, Hiccup and I will be in the room. Everyone else wait at the stairs." She said.

"What about Uncle Snotlout?" Snotlout asked. Allysa raised her eyebrows then looked at me.

"If there's room you can come. But that's it. No one else." I said and walked upstairs, followed by the others. I saw Astrid sitting on a chair next to Mercy's head. I went next to her and wrapped my arms around her shoulders. I gave the nod telling Gothi to give her the medicine. She poured a weird green liquid into her mouth. Once she finished she stepped back and wrote something on the ground.

"Gobber what does it say?" Astrid asked.

"It says give the medicine until tomorrow morning to kick in. She should be awake by then."

"Well what do you mean by 'should'?" Allysa asked.

"It means that it should work by then there really isn't any other way to explain it." Gobber responded. "Just everyone go to sleep and we'll see how she is in the morning." Everyone agreed and left the house, leaving Astrid and I at the bedside.


I woke up before Astrid and noticed I had no blankets. I looked over and saw Astrid all bundled in the blankets. (lol burrito mode activated). I got up and checked on Mercy. She was turned onher side, which means she's regaining conciousness. I woke up Astrid and told her. She darted out of bed, making pillows and blankets fly everywhere. (burrito contents are no longer in tortilla). She tip-toed into Mercy's room and she was on her other side. Astrid's face was then overwhelmed with a grin.

"Let's go eat breakfast and check in after we're done." I whispered and quietly shut the door. I walked downstairs to see everyone at the table.

"AH!" Astrid and I shouted, only I stepped back and tripped over the last stair, landing right on my butt. "Ow." I said and stood up.

"Morning guys! How's everytjing going? Is the medicine working?" Allysa asked in a perky manner.

"OK before we answer any questions you guys are answering our question," Astrid started. "what are you doing here?" We finished at the same time. Astrid punched my arm.

"Well we came to see how it's going. Just to make sure everything is working." Gobber spoke.

"Okay well you couldn't have at least told us you'd be here in the morning." Astrid said with an annoyed tone. I put my hand on her shoulder and she seemed to calm down.

"Well she's regaining conciousness so we were going to let he wake up on her own." I said. "I'll go check on her." I said and walked upstairs. Astrid followed. I opened her door and saw her turning onto her back. She sat up and blinked her eyes open.

"MERCY!" Astrid yelled and tackled her ino a bear hug. She just sat there, like she was frozen. "You don't know how much we've worried about you you've been unconcious for days!!" Astrid said very fast.

"Hold on, I think there's something wrong." I said. Mercy gave me a confused look. "Are you alright?"

"Uh yeah I feel fine." She hesitated.

"Any headaches, pains anywhere?"

"No but I do have one question." She said.

"What is it?" Astrid asked with worry.

"Who are you guys?"



I feel mean.


Anyway, onto the interview!

Hiccup and Astrid are again preoccupied and we already interviewed Allysa so our next guest *reads list* is Valka!

Valka: Hello

me: okay I need to say this and I think I speak for the entire fandom here but you are freaking amazing.

Valka: well thank you

me: like everything you do with dragons and how nice you are and brave you're like a goddess!

Valka: well I wouldn't say goddess.

me: i'm getting carried away aren't I.

Jenna: *whispers* little bit.

me: oh hey when did you get here?! GUYS THIS IS MY BEST FRIEND JENNA (aka: @jenna_skye)




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