Chapter 32

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Hiccup's POV

I looked around this island we were stopped on. It looked friendly, small houses, little areas for farming, and one huge Great Hall. Or at least that's what I hope it is. The gang and I all got odd looks for being on the backs of dragons, but everyone would just turn and whisper to someone they knew, then continue their business with Johann. Typical.

"These dragons won't be looked at positively anywhere we go Master Hiccup. I'm afraid no one around here has heard about ehat you did. Well except the destroyers." Johann said as he walked up to us.

"It's no big deal. This happens all the time when we visit new places." I explained with a smile.

"Yeah usually we try to stay on Berk but this one." Astrid said and pointed her thumb at me. "Doesn't really like staying home."

"You can't tellme that those flights I took you on weren't amazing." I said.

"I'll admit they're amazing." Astrid admitted with a small smile.

Mercy's POV

"Just tell me who you are!" I demanded.

"You're not getting anything out of me little girl." He croaked. He suddenly became really still, then tipped forward, landing with a thud. When he landed I saw Cody with an iron rod, standing behind the unconcious person.

"RUN!" He shouted as he dropped the pipe and ran forward. He grabbed my arm and pulled me along with him, down farther into the dark tunnel.

"Where are we going?" I asked him as we continued our running.

"Away from that man." He responded blankely without turning around. We stooped at a dead end. "Oh no we're stuck!" I tapped the walls around us. Some made solid sounds while one echoed. 

"Cody find me something to break this with!" I told him and kept feeling for soft spots in the stone walls.

"Does a huge rock work?"

"Yes anything solid now come on give it to me!" I said and he struggeld to lift the rock. "Help me slam it into the wall." He grabbed the opposite side on the rock and we heaved it into the wall. It all crumbled a little bit, leaving a small crawl space to get through.

"You go first." He said and pushed my feet through the small space. Once I was through I stood up.

"Come on we don't know how long it'll be before that guy wakes up!" I said and pulled him through the wall. Once he was through we both stumbled onto the floor. We were standing in a room, with a desk and a shelf of weapons. On the other end in the ceiling was a trap door. "Look right there!" I said and ran over to it. I grabbed the chair from the desk and pushed the door open. "Oh gods Cody it's daylight!"

"Really? Where does it lead out to?"

"It looks like a forest." I said and pulled myself up and through the door. I layed in the soft grass that surrounded the area. Cody emerged from the door about 30 seconds later and handed me 2 knives and a sword.

"I figured we could use this stuff in case we have to defend ourselves." He said and put his sword on his back. He shut the trap door and covered it with a large rock, almost the size of a small boulder.

"I wonder if there are wild dragons here." I said and sprung up. He just stared at me. "What?"

"Wild dragons? Mercy I think that head wound is messing you up." He said and stood up while giving me a skeptical look.

"Oh come on you've heard of Berk. Training dragons is basically all we're known for."

"Yes but remember they're WILD dragons." He said.

"Every trained dragon starts out as a wild dragon Cody." He only gave me a concerned look. "I'm gonna look for dragons, like it or not." I said and started walking deeper into the forest."

"I don't like it but I won't stop you."

"Stopping me is impossible. My mom tells me I'm a lot like my dad." 

"How is Berk? Is it a nice place?" He asked.

"Oh it's amazing. My dad once said it was 'located solidly on the meridian of misery'. Of course he changed his mind now."

"What do you guys do for fun?"

"Most islands have hobbies like widiling or kneedle point, we Berkians enjoy a little something called dragon racing." I said excitedly. I looked back at Cody who had a smile plastered on his face. "When we get out of here you'll have to visit. We can watch races and train dragons at the academy."

"Sounds like a lot of fun." He said and walked up to my left side. "Is it true your dad lost his foot when the Night Fury savedhim in an explosion?"

"Yes it is."

"Woah. Harsh." He said and looked at his feet.

"Dad says it's not that bad. He just had to get used to waking up and seeing a little nub instead of a foot." We both laughed. We looked up at the sky and noticed it was sunset. "We should start a small fire. So we don't freeze."

"You're right. I'll go gather some sticks and logs." He said and walked away.

Hiccup's POV

"How many more islands until we are on our way to the destroyers?" I asked Johann.

"That was the last one. Their island is about an hour away now sir." He responded with his hands on his hips.

"Okay, I'll go ahead and fly to the island, the others will stay near your ship." I said. He nodded and I flew up to where the others were. "Okay guys I'm going ahead to their island. Stay near Johann's ship and when you're at the island, get the soldiers ready." I said. Everyone gave me an approving nod that told me they understood. I flew off towards their island.

I would keep looking down at the ocean in case Mercy found a boat or something and sailed off the island. It was now night time so I could fly at a normal level without being seen. I hadn't seen anything yet and I'm getting close to the island. I started to think she was still there when the island came into my view. It was bigger then I expected, and it had one large mountain with a sharp peak. and a vast forest at the base of the mountain. I glided above the forest when I saw a small stream of smoke. It was in a small clearing. I pat Toothless's head and he flew down, then landed in the clearing. We landed next to the fire and didn't see anyone. The fire was dying out, so someone must've abandoned or they're asleep somewhere around here. I took out my inferno and lit it up. I walked around slowly when I saw someone sleeping at the base of a tree. It was a boy who looked Mercy's age. I shook him and he jumped awake.

"Woah calm down." I said and put my hands up. "I won't hurt you. But I have a question." I said.

"You scared me sir. What's your question?"

"Well have you seen a girl around here? She's 10 and has brown-ish blonde-ish hair." I asked. As soon as I finished, Toothless started roaring at the tree. "Toothless would you keep quiet!" I said and looked at him. He looked at me and roared, then signaled towards the tree.

"Wait, that's a night fury." The boy said and pointed to Toothless.

"Uh yeah that's Toothless."

"Are you Hiccup? From Berk?" He asked and stood up.

"Yeah hw do you know me?"

"You're a legned! My aunt told me stories about how you trained the dragons! Oh my gods this is such an honor!" He said and jumped around. Toothless came over an grabbed the back of my aromor, picking me up and dragiing me to the tree.

"Toothless what has gotten into you bud?" I asked as he made me look into the branch, seeing a person sleeping upside down with their back facing me. There's only one persosn that I know that sleeps like that. "Toothless get me up there!" I said as he flung my onto his back and we flew to the branch. He grabbed her in his claws and we flew down to the ground. He laid her down, face up. "Mercy oh my gods you're okay!" I said and huged her, even if she was asleep.

"Well, sorta." The by said. His clothes were covered with rubble, dust and dirt, just like Mercy. I noticed a piece of cloth around her head. "She busted through a stone wall and hit her head hard. I'm surprised she wasn't knocked out." The boy said.

"What's your name?" I asked.

"My name is Cody sir. I was imprisoned shortly after your daughter and we helped each other escape."

"Thank you Cody. You don't know how glad I am that you were here to help her."

"My honor sir I can tell she's one special lady." He said and put his hand behind his back and stood straight.

"You really don't have to be formal around me." I said. I heard a squack from the sky. I looked up and saw the others hovering above, then landing in the clearing. I was sitting next to my sleeping daughter in the middle of the clearing neat the fire.

"Hiccup we didn't see any signals but we saw some smoke and came towards. it." Allysa said.

"I guess I was right again." Fishlegs said and placed his hands on his hips.

"Don't fill up wth hot air or you'll end up like Snotlout." Tuffnut said and motioned to Snotlout with his arm.

"Oh that's it Thorston!" Snotlout said and turned to Tuffnut as he ran away. 

"Ignore them they're being-" Astrid bgan but then stopped when she processed who I was sitting by. "Mercy oh my gods is she okay what happened why is there cloth around her head is that a blood stain someone fill me in!" She shouted in a frenzy. I grabbed her shoulders and looked into her eyes.

"Mercy is fine. She's just sleeping. She hit her head on a rock and this boy here, gave her a piece of his sleeve to stop the bleeding." I told her in my most calm voice.

"Oh gods that scared me I thought she was seriously hurt!" Astrid replied.

"She's okay ma'am. We've helped each other get out." Cody said and adjusted his posture. Huh, I like this kid. He's respectful.

"Who are you?" Astrid said and stood up, facing the boy.

"I'm Cody. I was imprisoned shortly after your daughter and we helped each other escape, along with another that we lost during the escape."

"Who did you loose?" I asked.

"Ah a poor stubborn boy named Lennie. Didn't listen to the help we triend to offer, so Mercy just told him either listen to her or go, and he decided to go." Cody explained. 

"Where did he end up?" I asked.

"Neither of us know. He just went the opposite way of us." He said. I looked back down at Mercy, who was now laying on her side. My thoughts were interrupted when a horn blew. 

"Allysa fly up and see waht's happening." I said. He flew directly up, then came back.

"Just blowing the horn signaling Johann is here." She replied.

"Go tell the soldiers that they don't need to come out. And hurry." I said. She nodded and flew off. "Alright I'll fly Mercy home on Toothless, you guys stay close. Especially you Astrid." I said and lifted the sleeping ten year old onto the front of Toothless's saddle.

"Uh sir?" Cody spoke.

"Yeah and come on i told you, no need for formalities."

"Sorry but I need a ride back home." He said.

"Where do you live?" Astrid asked.

"Funny thing is, I don't know what it's called. My aunt never told me."

"He'll have to come to Berk then." I said. "You can ride with Allysa when she gets back." I told him. He gave me an approving nod and started putting out the fire. We heard the roar of Violet come from the night sky, followed by the thud of them landing. "Allysa Cody has to ride with you back to Berk."

"That's cool with me." She said then faced Cody. "Let's go little man." She said and walked back over to Violet. He followed excitedly.

"Alright guys, time to go home." I said.



So this is late i know dont kill me

But I had a lot of archery stuff going on an homework pilled up so it got really crazy really fast.

So it's 11 at night and I need to do my homewrok.

I'm gonna go do that.

Peace out.


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