Chapter 3

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Khushi's POV

Me (upset) - No, no... we are fine... I also have to go home... my family must be waiting for me...

I could see the sadness in Aksharaji and Naitikji's faces when I say that.

Nanheji (upset) - No Khushiji, we are going to Australia...

Me (surprised) - What? Australia? Why?

Nanheji (upset) - I can't watch this happen to you... I have seen the way that the Raizadas are treating you... and I have seen the way that the Raizadas are treating Sheetal... they are treating their daughter in law as if she is some kind of slave and Sheetal as if she is their daughter in law... I can't let this happen to you... I have booked a flight us for today...I got your passport details with the help of HP and he is delivering the passport to me today...

Aksharaji (worried) - Khushi... Nk is right... go with him... I am sorry, I know I don't have a say in this but I couldn't stop myself... even me and Naitik are going to Australia... you both should leave with us (upset) ... we both are a lonely soul anyway... we haven't got anyone but each other and therefore if you both join us then it will make us happy...

Naitikji (smiling) - Akshara that's a great idea, please do join us...

Me (unsure) - I am not sure... Nanheji...

Nanheji (worried) - Khushiji... in Australia, I used to live with my friend in a flat and therefore, I would have to find a place for both of us to live parents, they live in America

Me (confused) - Then, there is no point going to overseas.... No offence Aksharaji and Naitikji but we hardly know each other... then why do you want to help us?

Aksharaji (upset) - because... I was in the same situation as you 26 years ago... I had an abusive husband and he would torture me ... mentally and physically... while I would say silent... even his whole family watched him torture me but they stayed silent... one day... I ran away... and I was also about to get hit by a car... but unlike you... I had no one... no one to support me... the car driver stopped the car before it could hit me and that driver... fell for me at first sight...

Naitikji (smiling) - yes, I fell for her innocent face... I helped her get a divorce from her abusive husband... and while doing that... we both fell in love... we got married... despite our families disapproval... and now... we have been married for 25 years... and we are happy...

I look at the couple smiling at their love, feeling a little jealous as I don't have my Arnavji beside me. I check my phone again to see a message from Amma... asking me where I am. Oh god, I totally forgot... I was supposed to go home after the basketball match. I am about to excuse myself to call them when Aksharaji and Naitikji both look at me waiting for my response.

Me (smiling) - Yes... I will come with both of you to Australia... but why are you going to Australia?

Naitikji (smiling) - My parents live there... after 25 years they are asking me to come back...they want to see us...

Me (confused) - Who are the people that are standing with you in that photo then...

Aksharaji (smiling) - They are my parents... they accepted us 10 years ago but then passed away a year after...

I apologise to Aksharaji for causing her pain and then I head outside to talk to Amma.


Me (upset) - Amma!

Amma - Khushi! Why haven't you come home yet? You told me you would be here 2 hours ago...

Me (smiling at her care) - Amma! I am leaving...

Buaji (shocked) - Haire Nandkishore where are you going titaliya?

Me (upset) - Far away from this country... Far away from the Raizadas...

Buaji (confused) - What are you saying?

Nanheji (shouting) - Khushiji, I need help with the packing...

Me (worried) - Bye Buaji, Amma and Bauji... I will miss you...

I cut the call and then I get rid of my sim card from my phone. I need to let go of my past and move on.

I go inside the house and looking at everyone I immediately start to laugh. Nanheji has got powder all over his face while Naitikji has makeup on his face, which is making Aksharaji laugh. Now, this is what a family is. A family that respects each other, cares for each other. The Raizadas were never my family, neither was Arnavji. He gave me so much pain... that my love is slowly getting reduced.

Aksharaji (smiling) - Khushi, thank god you are here... actually, Naitik opened my makeup set by accident and you can see the outcome while poor NK tried to use powder and you can see the outcomes. These guys shouldn't bother touching our things...

Before Aksharaji could finish her sentence, Naitikji comes towards her and he brushes his cheeks with hers making one side of her cheek have a bit of powder.

Aksharaji (frowning) - Naitik... you shouldn't have done that...

Aksharaji starts chasing Naitikji with some of her makeup while I and Nanheji watch the scene feeling happiness. Suddenly, Naitikji comes behind me and tries to use me as a shield, while I try to get away but Boom! The makeup stuff that Aksharaji had falls on me. I bet I look like a clown as everyone is laughing at me.

Nanheji (laughing) - You look like Manorma masi...

Me (frowning) - Do you want to look like her as well Nanheji?

Nanheji immediately stops laughing and gulps while I laugh seeing him so scared.

Aksharaji (smiling) - Why don't we all get changed? The flight is at night... and we have to leave in 2 hours...

Me (frowning) - But I haven't got any clothes...

Aksharaji (smiling) - You can have some of my clothes come I will help you...and Nk you can borrow Naitik's clothes...

I nod and Aksharaji takes me to her room and gives me a dress to wear.

Akshara (upset) - I am sorry Khushi, I actually don't have any pants...

Me (smiling) - It's fine Aksharaji... I don't wear pants anyway...

After 30 minutes

I get out of the shower feeling fresh and as soon as I get outside, Aksharaji comes near me and looks at me with love.

Aksharaji (pecking me) - You look beautiful Khushi...

Me (smiling) - Thank you

Precap - 6 months leap

Note: This is an Arshi ff guys, so Nk will only be a friend to Khushi and those who aren't liking the idea where Arnav marries Sheetal then I am sorry but this is a new concept, and I thought to try it out. One more thing, Khushi has never divorced Arnav so Sheetal & Arnav's marriage doesn't count.

Next Update:  Monday

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